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Posts posted by ReturnoftheBuffaloBeast23

  1. I cannot wait to start a big huge fat Michael Vick I told you so thread in the morning. Do you realize that the general consensus on this board was that they would rather have Trent Edwards as the Bills' QB than Michael Vick before the season started? Yes this is better than he ever was on Atlanta, BUT he was the MVP runner-up w/ Atlanta one year and he NEVER had close to this type of talent around him. People on here were insisting he was never very good. Look up my posts, I've called this all along (perhaps not to this extent). Right now, he is the FRONT-RUNNER for MVP and is easily a top 5 QB in the game. Behind Manning and Brady, right there with Brees and Rivers and definitely ahead or Rodgers, etc. And for any complete and utter clown who tries to invoke the dog thing, screw you, this is America, the dude did two hard years. We're supposed to be all about the rehabilitation process, aren't we? He obviously didn't have the same upbringing as you or me. I got the guy's back 100% Good for Vick, I'm pulling for the guy!


    Im with you...Co-Sign 100%

  2. I can point out the people on this site didn't want micheal they wanted Trent (sux) Fitz (not clutch) Brohm (WHO!) all i have to do is point out his stats and point out out record...LOL..you see what mike can do and you still don't want him? Some people are just ok with losing i see. He's gonna get MVP thats a lock...




    The funny thing about the falcons is they still never got farther than the NFC championchip game when Micheal vick was leading them...

  3. I mean gotttt damnnnn how many "I hate michael vick threads" can there be in a month? Does anybody stop and think "Me bloging isnt gonna stop him from being a good qb, getting money or getting his life back in order?" or does anybody think? He's done really foul things to dogs not humans. Which is very wrong yes but he didn't kill, rape or harm any HUMANS...Some of you need to do a 3D puzzle or something...



    If you reply to my comment I will NOT reply back do to sensativity on this issue of Michael Vick. To many cry babies, racial people and plain old suckz on this subject..



  4. You will NEVER get a straight football answer about michael vick on TBD sorry it's just not gonna happen. It's way too many cry babies, racial people and just plain old people who don't want to see a person make peace with society. You can tell who those people are because they pop up with the same sayings every time "Vick is a sick person" or "Vick is a scumbag he is not sorry for what he has done" blah blah blah how are you gonna say he's not sorry? Those people are just mad he is actually sorry and that he is trying to get his life back in order and succeeding. Football wise yes he'd make us a playoff team but with a great o-line in front of him dare I say maybe a superbowl? who knows? But you'll never get a football answer about mike. I do know one thing tho Micheal compared to trentative, fitzinmyballs or broom is not even a fair case all 3 of our qbs wouldn't be allowed to give Micheal a haircut let alone start in front of him in the NFL...


    "Please do not reply to me because I will not reply back, too many sensitive cry-babies on here they may get me deleted again sorry"


    Have a great night!

  5. HAHAHAHA! I KNEW IT...WHO TOLD YOU MICHEAL VICK WAS A GREAT QB...WHO TOLD YOU HE'D BE BACK TO FORM...I F*CKING TOLD ALL YOU...HAHAHAHA!... If it makes some of you lames ass*s feel better to say "aww he's a piece of trash" or "he's a sex offender" or "he's a dog killer" or "he's still a felon" please say whatever you need to because your perfect, you never did anything wrong your whole life...If you can't notice **** NEWS FLASH *** NOBODY GIVES A SH*T . Mike apologized, he did his time and lost everything after all that to comeback and still play at a higher level is awesome. What you say negative about him makes him a better player and person. So please keep saying that sh*t it only makes him better its great motivation. Damn only if he was a bill we wouldn't look so got damn sorry...id take him over every qb we have on the roster and freaking practice squad. Mike had something to prove to everyone and he's gonna piss all the haters off with his great play...MARK IT DOWN!



    Thank You to all the VICK bashers out there you guys are the bestest and I mean that! :thumbsup:

  6. Nope. I still think he sucks.


    Well if mike still sucks what does that make other 27 starting qbs he did better that?




    It's the only place that'll happen.


    Been there and It still didnt't happen... I'll try never never land tomorrow...


    HE's still garbage.


    Wouldn't want him if he leads the Eagles to the Super Bowl.


    Well your dumb if you still wouldn't take him and he took them to the Super Bowl... You can keep trent id rather have a qb that wins... Carry on!

  7. If we had Mike Vick we would atleast be 1-1 and have a shot but as it stands we don't have a shot next year either... None of the qbs on our team couldn't spit shine Mike's eagles helmet... t.checkwards sux, r.fiztpatmynuts sux, b.broom sucks... hell the front office sucks for not trying to get Vick. That means buddy dix and chan "fu*k*ng" gailey....

  8. What'd you expect?


    "Doritos are delicious"


    I mean, really, after that performance it's tough to say the "right" thing.


    HAHAHA! Good one


    Did any reporter ask him if he actually knew what a Hail Mary pass was?


    Are you kidding? I don't know what you saw but I saw what easily had to be the greatest Hail Mary checkdown i've ever seen "check" that or in the history of the NFL...


    He was too busy trying to check down to another question...


    HAHAHA! Another Good one...


    I think Trent is becoming a walking punchline...

  9. what you fail to grasp is the INTENT of both parties involved. vick intentionally set up a criminal enterprise that involved the cold blooded sociopathic type killing of animals. he financed rings that were painted black to conceal them from authorites. set up a business to hide the money. then he tried to fight the charges and denied them but eventually plead guilty. stallworth made one bad decision but then made all the right ones after that. vick's crimes were not accidental in any way and they were cold and calculating. stallworth was involved in an accident. people love to judge other people....they just absolutely love to do that. they love kicking people when they're down even if that person is doing all the right things to get their life in order. i am not convinced that mike vick's legal troubles are over. he doesnt seem to be making the right decisions in his life and seems to be on the same path he was before. stallworth seems to be on a path where i would bet he never has legal troubles from here on out.



    No I understand the INTENT of it, But for people to say "Mike's killings of dogs were worst than killing a human" is absurd. Yes mike had a thought out plan and dante's was mor accidental I get that. But you can't say with a straight face if somebody put a gun to your fathers head and your dogs head you'd pick your dog. They were both wrong yes nobody can denie that but to choose between a humans life and a dogs shouldn't even be debatable thats all im saying.


    It's not ok to drink and drive.


    It's also not ok to kill dogs. It's also not ok to cross a busy highway illegally. Where is your info coming from that it was not an expressway? Because every article I've read says it was a busy highway.


    So he was waitng for a bus at 7:15 AM after he gets off work and get smashed into by dante because he wasnt in the crosswalk. Does Expressways have crosswalks or bus stops? plus isnt a crosswalk where you cross the street?



  10. You guys have got to be kidding me? Since when was it ok to drive drunk and KILL A PERSON? You can't ever say that killing a dog is worst than killing a HUMAN. Im in shock that this is even debatable. You guys should have your heads examined as soon as possible. There are so many excuses (oh he said sorry, oh he wasnt really that drunk, he could have gotten off but he chose to go to jail and pay a fine *DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE?*). I really feel sorry for you guys. He killed him on the street not expressway..SMH...Not Saying what mike did wasnt completly dumb BECAUSE IT WAS FAR BEYOND DUMB! But making a debate over killing dogs and a human is retarded. Id rather have my father than cujo if I couldnt have both but thats just me. (WATCH SOME D*CKFACE TAKE THAT LAST LINE THE WRONG WAY)... 5,4,3,2,1....

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