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Posts posted by ReturnoftheBuffaloBeast23

  1. Sometimes I think Im in another dimension on the board. Are you guys really saying Andy Dalton is Fitz junior? I mean seriously have any of you seen Fitz play? Have you seen Dalton play? He's been in the league 2 years and went to the playoffs both times. Fitz been in the league what 8 times 4 different teams and how playoff games he been too? Don't worry i'll wait... Its gonna be a good excuse I can tell...

  2. i believe you have to roll the dice on someone at some point this year. especially if the best alternative is to get a guy off the street and throw him in there with the hopes of drafting in the top spot next year. take the guy you like the most and do the best you can with him.


    I understand the rolling the dice philosophy but in order to do that you have to have trust and I just don't trust any of the and obviously since there is so much back and forth instead of a clear idea about one. Until then we just get a vet till the agreement is unanimous that this is the one.



    Not knocking your idea at all, but I find it amusing/depressing that we said the exact same thing last year about Barkley. 'Since we can't get Luck or RG3, let's wait and hope we win the Barkley lottery next year.'. Obviously I'm paraphrasing, but wow, what a difference a year makes!


    I was never on his bandwagon. Only USC fan boys like USC quarterbacks cuz they just flat out suck in the league. lol...

  3. None of these guys have that "IT" factor this year. Its funny even you guys can't seem to pic which one its been alot of "think" and "maybe" being put into those quotes. All that means is we shouldn't draft a QB in the first hell I say at all. If we can wait another year and get Manzel that would do it for me. I know he's the real deal and so does everybody else. Get a Vet and wait on him...

  4. Hello everyone. This is my first Topic Post, second post ever. Been reading on the site for about a year now. I apologize if this is a repeat thread. I know I've seen stuff about each of these people individually, but not together.


    I am hoping we land Mike McCoy as our next HC. What he was able to do with Tebow and Manning changing the offence from 1 yr to the next to best suit the QB is nothing short of miraculous. I would love for him to be the Bills next HC because he could easily build an Offence to work with whatever our QB situation is next yr. With that said I would like to move onto the other 2 names.


    Vick and Alex Smith. Both can be viewed as non-elite but at least above average QBs in the league A. Smith won't wow anyone with his numbers, but last year and this year prior to his injury, he was efficient. I feel like he would be an excellent pick up in the off season as a slight upgrade to Fitz while we draft a QB at some point.


    As for Vick. I have read a ton of posts here that say he is a turn over machine and yes he does seem to be 1 concussion away from thinking he's back in grade school. But from what I saw all season, while he was playing the majority of those hits came from being sacked due to extremely poor O-line play not from his scrambling. The Bills o-line, while not the best ( their stats are somewhat the product of the scheme Gaily was using), can easily be considered better than Philly's line. I think, given just an extra 2 seconds to make throws and not be scared for his life, Vick would easily be a serviceable QB for us while we groom a successor that we pick up in the Draft.


    McCoy took Tebow to and won a playoff game, you have to imagine he could do better with either Smith or Vick. I also, and i'm sure i might be blasted for this, don't think we should get a QB in the first round. The quality is simply not there. If Russell Wilson was in this years draft, i have no doubt he would be a first rounder, with a stupid note about his size next to his name being his questionable downsize. I would be all for a QB in the second or third, with some trading around, perhaps, trading back in the third, forth and fifth to get a really late second? The talent level at other positions are simply way to good. If we could get away with a LB in the first and then a WR/LB/(D anything) in the second and a QB in the third, I could not be happier.


    Little bored at work today, so I hope we can have a good discussion about this and any other point someone might bring up.




    As President of the MV7 to the Bills fan club I welcome you. Now thats out the way all MV7 ideas or thoughts will be taken out of context and will bring out illogical ideas from people with baseless opinions that aren't really opinions just racial, anger and hate over something that happened years ago. There are few people on this board with actual facts that actually make sense as to why MV7 shouldn't be on the Bills those people are rare. Example: Ryan Fitzpatrick is an upgrade or even par with MV7. If anybody says that to you just ignore them they obviously have no idea what a football or what a quarterback is. Just a heads up on anything MV7 oriented..


    Thanks Management,

  5. Well looking at their records, Chip Kelly, Andy Reid, and Lovie Look pretty good. Gruden ended just above .500, but has an SB to his name.


    Lovie Smith

    Season Team Record

    2012 Chicago Bears 10-6

    2011 Chicago Bears 8-8

    2010 Chicago Bears 11-5

    2009 Chicago Bears 7-9

    2008 Chicago Bears 9-7

    2007 Chicago Bears 7-9

    2006 Chicago Bears 13-3

    2005 Chicago Bears 11-5

    2004 Chicago Bears 5-11


    Chip Kelly

    Season Team Record

    2012 Oregon Ducks 11-1

    2011 Oregon Ducks 12-2

    2010 Oregon Ducks 12-1

    2009 Oregon Ducks 10-3


    Doug Marrone

    Season Team Record

    2012 Syracuse Orange 8-5

    2011 Syracuse Orange 5-7

    2010 Syracuse Orange 8-5

    2009 Syracuse Orange 4-8


    Ken Whisenhunt

    Season Team Record

    2012 Arizona Cardinals 5-11

    2011 Arizona Cardinals 8-8

    2010 Arizona Cardinals 5-11

    2009 Arizona Cardinals 10-6

    2008 Arizona Cardinals 9-7

    2007 Arizona Cardinals 8-8


    Andy Reid

    Season Team Record

    2012 Philadelphia Eagles 4-12

    2011 Philadelphia Eagles 8-8

    2010 Philadelphia Eagles 10-6

    2009 Philadelphia Eagles 11-5

    2008 Philadelphia Eagles 9-6-1

    2007 Philadelphia Eagles 8-8

    2006 Philadelphia Eagles 10-6

    2005 Philadelphia Eagles 6-10

    2004 Philadelphia Eagles 13-3

    2003 Philadelphia Eagles 12-4

    2002 Philadelphia Eagles 12-4

    2001 Philadelphia Eagles 11-5

    2000 Philadelphia Eagles 11-5

    1999 Philadelphia Eagles 5-11


    Jon Gruden

    Season Team Record

    2008 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 9-7

    2007 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 9-7

    2006 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 4-12

    2005 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 11-5

    2004 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 5-11

    2003 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 7-9

    2002 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 12-4

    2001 Oakland Raiders 10-6

    2000 Oakland Raiders 12-4

    1999 Oakland Raiders 8-8

    1998 Oakland Raiders 8-8


    Hue Jackson

    Season Team Record

    2011 Oakland Raiders 8-8


    Grudens Superbowl should be voided that was Tony Dungy's team he just tagged along after Dungy left and got that ring. Think about it what exactly did he do after that Super Bowl? Don't worry i'll wait...

  6. If he comes here its gonna be a bigger divide in Bills Nation than The Union (Pro-Vick) and The Confederate (Anti-Vick). Theres more reasons people want him or don't want him than just football if you admit it or not. It would be a great documentary (win or lose). But to be honest long as Shitz isn't here I don't really care...

  7. Seriously? I mean, I'm done with Fitzpatrick, but this is idiotic.


    Yes Seriously, What has Shitz done? How many playoffs games has he played in compared to Sanchez? But i guess thats Idiotic to huh?


    Over the course of his career, Mark Sanchez has averaged 6.5 yards per pass attempt. That's the same career average as Trent Edwards. Sanchez has typically had better supporting casts than the chopped liver they stuck Trent Edwards with. After adjusting for strength of supporting cast, Trent Edwards is a better quarterback than Sanchez--at least statistically. Over the last few seasons, Fitzpatrick has typically produced better yards per attempt stats than the career averages for Edwards or Sanchez. I'm not saying Fitz has a huge advantage over the other two; but I still feel he's the best of the three. Edwards is probably #2 on that list, and Sanchez #3.


    Im not sayin Sanchez is Montana but compared to Fitz he's atleast Trent Dilfer lol... Edwards was good until Rolle killed his hopes and dreams.. I'd go Trent, Sanchez, Fitz.. Trent never had and interception problem like the others he was just scared to throw down field...


    The diffference.....Bills quit...the Jets actually were trying.




    Hasselback is the better QB now but they used a first on Locker so he needs to play to see what he has. Had buffalo faced Locker instead of hasselback they likely win that game.


    Your right difference is the Bills did quit because they knew the were already out but the Jets knew the still had a chance down 4. The Bills were down a decade what you expect?

  8. More just trash talk.. You forget they were teammates briefly but Spiller talks hella crap after he makes a play (nobody says anything about that tho) so beast mode just returned the favor... Nothing wrong with trash talking or faking a punt up a million. I mean if you cant stop me F**k it... *shrugs*


    I bet it went something like this...


    Marshawn: They said you were better than me...HAHA!


    CJ: I bet if I popped a couple skittles Id be better than you


    Marshawn: If you popped some skittles maybe, but you need to share with that shi**y QB


    CJ: He maybe sh**ty but he can drive HAHAHA!


    Marshawn: Obviously he can't if the score is 50-17 HAHAHA!!!

  9. It's bad but I don't think it compares to '68-'71 or '84-'85.....yet.


    Sad thing is I wasn't even alive in '68-71 and was months old in '84-85. So to me this is like swimming in a pool of gas in the dark with a lighter, I think im in water but I cant see let me spark a light... SMH....

  10. Brady ran a QB sneak on first and 10 last night and gained 5 yards. He saw the middle of the field open and took the easy yards. With all the things wrong with this team I hardly see this call as an example of what's wrong. It seems like a good heads up call to prevent a sure loss.


    When Brady did it that's smart cuz he audible to it because their was no DT and the LBs where split wide with safety deep leaving middle of the field open he got like 8 yards I think.. When Fitz did it THAT WAS THE ORIGINAL PLAY and got 2 yards... I get what your saying I do and I understand it but theres two different reasons that the QB sneak was ran..

  11. Ok I ain't never tell no lie but.. That pass to Chandler down the middle was the most beautiful pass Shitzpatrick has ever thrown. I literally stood up in disbelief he threw that. Then the next pass to Stevie was perfect.. But after that it was back to normal so I just sat back down in disgust... That said if you think two passes makes an outstanding QB then Ryan Leaf must have been the man for a decade...


    Oh and I didn't think he would have that dreaded 4th quarter int my heart didn't think he would win it but It didn't think he would blow it.. My brain definitely thought it would happen and I should have went with my brain because guess what he did...SMH... :doh:

  12. He's also had the 3rd most turnovers in the last 2 seasons.




    Its an article about Sanchez but the stat is in there.


    Fitz is better then Edwards who was better then Losman who was better then Rob Johnson. None of which were as good as Kelly, Flutie, Bledsoe or even Frank Reich


    NICE! :thumbsup:

  13. Are you F&^*(king kidding me? He's a starting QB im supposed to feel bad for a guy he makes 50 Million? Why? He's the QB does Aaron Rogers, Peyton Manning, Tom Brady get sympathy when the blow? HELL NO! Do the blow it a lot? No. Does Fitz blow it a lot? Yes. He's the QB he's supposed to have the ball in his hands every play. He sucks face it stop crying and MAN UP! Can't believe he talmbout I feel bad WTF is this BS... :doh::wallbash::bag:

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