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Posts posted by DreReed83

  1. Nope! The team needs a spark I liked it...can't control and missed offside kick




    Stevie is responsible for what he does and that's score TDs. He's OWNING Revis right now. He's done a great job the last 2 games against him. Blame the kicker.


    Great job by Searcy just letting Plax go on that post pattern. Why aren't people blaming him?


    So Rayner fcks up a kick and Searcy botches coverage, but Stevie's celebration is the reason we're losing the game.


    OK GUYS.

  2. Don't be hiding now. I've been saying that he's not our franchise QB and NEVER WAS. I feel sorry for the people in this forum that actually thought he was good enough to carry this franchise. Way to earn that contract Fitz !!!


    So we give Fitz, a career backup QB the big contract but we're going to let a guy like Stevie Johnson walk?


    F U Bills front office. F. U.

  3. That's someone messing around. According to wikis own write up SARS "As of today, the spread of SARS has been fully contained, with the last infected human case seen in June 2003 (disregarding a laboratory induced infection case in 2004)."


    Wiki's guess is good as any of yours.

  4. i'm not a homer, whatsoever. go ahead and look at my posts. but i can sure as hell recognize a stupid point when i see one. trying to say "spiller sucks because he can't overtake a DII RB in Fred Jackson" is on another level of ridiculous.


    as for the topic of this thread - the answer is jahvid best for now. but spiller is no where near as worthless as you're making him out to be.


    Spiller sucks. Period. The fact that he can't overtake Jacksn or not, he hasn't produced. It's not even about taking over the starting RB position. He doesn't see the field because he sucks. End of story. Just like i said Poz wasn't good. Just like i said Demetrius Bell wasn't good. Just like I said Whitner wasn't good. If a player is good, I'll say he's good but I don't see what everyones obsession is with Spiller. Give me a break. Maybe if the defense played with 6 players on the field, he'll produce.


    He is worthless. Compared to our recent run of RBs from Travis Henry, Willis McGahee, Fred Jackson, Marshawn Lynch, Spiller is by far our worst RB since... I don't even know. I'd take Antowain Smith over him RIGHT NOW. I'd take Cookie Gilchrist in his current state over Spiller.


    The easiest way to reach Drereed's level of thinking is to don a tupperware bowl for a helmet and run straight into a brick wall.


    I'm guessing you've tried this a bunch of times. :thumbsup:


    bring it :lol:

  5. If Spiller were any good, he would get playing time and carries. He is Gailey's hand picked boy. Gailey wants him to succeed but so far he has not shown the ability to play in the NFL, thus he is not getting carries. Best has been getting carries because he has made plays when he was given the chance. If he did not, Detroir would have picked up someone else who could. We have Freddy who is decent. He will continue to get the carries until Spiller outplays him. I personally don't expect that to happen anytime soon. In my opinion Spiller would not have the success in Detroit that Best has had. Best appears to be a better runner. But that is simply my opinion.


    People have a tough time understanding LOGIC. According to everyone here, Bills players are the best players in the NFL. I'll just leave it at that. Bunch of homers. :nana:

  6. Exactly. In 2005, you were saying Alex Smith is 200x the qb Aaron Rodgers was. Thurman Thomas is obviously a better back than Barry Sanders. He started over him in college. Look at their stats thurmans last year of college.


    QB's are whole different story. The learning curve is different from a RB and QB. QB is the hardest position to play in this sport so I'd understand if he was a QB.


    College football is run a bit differently than pro's. Hate to tell u.


    Alex Smith threw more passes than Aaron Rodgers (who was sitting on the bench btw). Your thought process is clogged. With troll hair


    QB has a bigger learning curve so I understand if he rides the bench. I thought someone like u would understand that. :rolleyes:


    RBs and LBs should be making IMMEDIATE impacts if you're taken top 10. no excuses about it because they're the most instinct driven positions. QB, there are so many things to learn so it'll take longer.


    But obviously Johnny Hemet isn't going to read this part due to his ignorance.


    And you really comparing Alex Smith to Rodgers? Ignorance.

  7. That's SOOOOO untrue rock. Haven't you read DreReed83s posts? They are littered with facts and stats that most definitely prove that best is better than spiller. Actually he's 4x's the back spiller is. The problem is, you have to wear special glasses in order to decode the knowledge he is bestowing on us. The bigger problem is, DreRees83 has the only pair. And he lives in a cave.


    Interesting bit of information, thanks for sharing troll. lol.


    It's all in the playing time and stats that Best is a better back than Spiller. If a RB rushes for 200 yds in a season, is he better than a RB that rushes for 1600? Yes. Makes sense. :rolleyes:


    EDITED: Forgot to include my face..

  8. Actually....I find your posts to be beyond pathetic and almost borderline on trolling....at no point have you ever made a case about anything you are just a venom spewer on this board.


    When teams draft.....bring in free agents......bring in undrafted guys.....however they are brought in....draft status and where they came from go completely out the window. I present to you that Jackson could be a starting running back on several teams in the league and has outplayed EVERY running back that we have brought in to compete with him....instead of bitching about Spiller commend Fred for being the player he is.


    They are totally different players anyway....and Spiller is going to prove his worth this year.


    Actually I've made plenty of points. You just need to open your eyes and read what I say which you probably refuse to do. But thats your ignorance and not my fault that you pick and choose to read what I write.


    So untrue. You do realize that players who are drafted earlier get paid more money right? Not sure if you realized that. If you're putting in all that money into a player, then you're going to do everything in your power to get the most out of that player. Meaning give him every opportunity to get on the field and make an impact. You're argument makes sense if he was drafted later in the 1st round, 2nd rond or mid rounds but not the case for someone who's making that much dough.

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