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Posts posted by 3putt

  1. The mistake you are making in assessing this draft is viewing it in isolation. Assuming that this year's draft class proves to be productive (at this point no one can say that for sure) you have to consider the body of draft selections for a string of at least 3 year. I have some conderns with Nix's first draft but the last two drafts appear to give the team an infusion of good talent. Add in this year's free agent acquisitions then one should be able to fairly conclude that the Bills are moving in a positive direction.


    It is interesting that you cite the Steelers as an example of the right way to run a franchise. They do it for the most part by simply drafting well. There is nothing glitzy about their draft approach. They don't pursue upper tier big named free agents. They re-stock their roster with solid drafts picks. They rarely maneuver around in the draft; they simply make quality picks when their turn comes up. The Steeler method is the same method that Nix is applying here.


    One of the main reasons that the Bills have been mired in mediocrity for so long is that they have run their operation in an ad hoc, short term time frame manner. Being frustrated and impatient and reacting to those frustrations is a recipe for continued futility. How many times has the exasperated owner made changes to the front office and coaching staff? The only way to get on to a path of success is to establish a sound organization and consistently operate in competent manner.


    When Nix took over the reigns of the football operation the organization and roster were in a shambles. There was never a quick fix to what ailed this dismal franchise. If you do things the right way things will eventually get turned around. In general, the organization is at the point of establishing a sound foundation. Now they are at a stage where they should be able to compete with most teams. Are they are championship caliber team? Absolutely not. But at least now there is some hope----compare that to where we were for the past generation? Even a downtrodded pessimist would have to acknowledge that the franchise is moving in the right direction.


    Yes the Steelers do that. But having lived there and seen how the Ownership is or at least was intertwined in the operations, it was a more a situation of drafting Steeler type players. Because there FO did not change much over the years the same philosophy applied year to year. Buddy and co. is changing the organization in a similarly methodical manner. I feel that the organization is more stable but are we any closer to winning the division? With Brady still playing I say no. We did not add enough immediate impact to close the gap. Depth sure. eventual starters probably. Starters and upgrades over last year maybe. I did not buy into the "need" at LT. It was more of a desire on the part of the media. Fitz is not a pcoket passer even if he had all day to throw, he lacks arm strength and accuracy. The quick strike offense we run is as much due to his limitations as it is lack of time. So if we did not "need" a starter depth could have been added later. David, was available, Kendricks was there too. Yes we did well in FA but there are no guarantees there either. Anderson is a scheme player, he disappeared in Chicago when he wasn't in an obvious pass rush down.

  2. When you say New England did well to address needs and there weren't many, what exactly do you mean? They gave up over 400 yards per game on a defense ranked next to dead last in the league. They have no running game and the offensive line is average. They have many needs like any team, it's just that they have an amazing qb that helps mask some of their weaknesses. God I can't wait til that guy retires.


    Any draft evaluation now is obviously a complete guess. The team that you think did the worst in the draft may have had the best draft of anyone when time tells the real story. In our case, we have a decent shot to have three guys that will be in our starting rotation this year in Glenn Graham and Gilmore (the REAL G3)


    If one more rookie pans out, then it could be a great draft. Nobody knows until the games are played.


    If I recall they were playing in the last game of the year. we did not not earn that chance. If you score like that yards is meaningless.

  3. Can't please everyone. Thankfully this Bills draft has pleased most of us. Hope you're ready to jump on the bandwagon in a few months.


    I am not a band wagon kinda person. More the religiously devoted type with the occasional crises of faith.

  4. Just put down the draft guides and back away from the Internet.


    Then go and watch some video of the guys (actual games rather than highlight clips), if possible...


    Touche. Perhaps you can let me borrow your tape library. It is complete I assume?

  5. Oh is that all? I would have liked to date a supermodel.


    I also would have liked to see the return of our Toronto home game, the Pats draft all kickers and the Jets to mix up the dates of the draft. And the supermodel would be nice too but let's be reasonable. I will concede a nickel cb and ST regular fits my definition, but I guess just thought we could have done more. There is obviously a formula for the players they want. I guess I am just not disciplined enough.

  6. The Bengals drafted a DB who by all accounts had to be baby sat to be kept out of trouble, a guard who's neither athletic or strong, and a lazy DT. This is what you're pining away for? Really? Seriously?


    If you only want to read the bottom half of the reports:


    Wr- Great speed, inconsistent, sloppy route runner, drops too many balls

    OL- Huge, poor feet, more f a guard than tackle, right tackle.

    DB- CB Elite speed, poor ball skills, hesitant, elite receivers turn him around easily.

    LB - Physical freak, does not fight through traffic, gets lost at the line of scrimmage, hesitant reading plays.

  7. This is almost as bad as the guy who will inevitably post "This is greatest draft class EVER by the Bills!"


    You've made far too many assumptions in your original post. How do you know Gillmore will struggle? Because every single rookie CB in league history has??? (Not true, btw) How do you know Glenn won't win the LT job by the start of the season?? How do you know our WR is a huge question mark and can't make an immediate impact? Because Mayock says so?


    Just because the Bengals had 2 first round picks and drafted guys you heard of doesn't mean they'll work out great.


    As to assumptions, CHIX thinks Hairston is their guy. I do not think there is enough data to say he is not. No OTA's, No Minicamps, injury etc. The point is then Glenn, a talent, no argument develops as a OL usually does and is rotated in. Immediate impact maybe, game changing don't know. 2 first rounders is a luxury, but we certainly could have leveraged some of our picks for an extra 2 or 3 and increase the probability that those guys play right away.


    I think you are missing the point of my thread or I articulated it poorly, we got loads of talent, I guess I am impatient to see this team not only winning but contending with the top tier now.

  8. I would suggest that your problem is ...expecting more starters from the draft.


    We got a couple solid defensive line starters in FA. Outside of the first round (which I think we got a starter there), and maybe 2nd, you should only expect day 1 starters if your current roster blows. I would contend that our roster going into the draft, did not completely blow.


    And finally, who would you have liked seen drafted that would be these multiple day 1 starters?


    I am not suggesting we are the Pirates of the NFL, but consensus here at TBD was Morrison should bagging at Wegmans and we should start the 13th caller to WGR opposite Johnson. I do not see Opening day starters in those slots. It's not just names I know, I am in Big ten country and if you don't have good internet access you wouldn't know they play football south of the Mason Dixon. But I do follow it and know there are good players out there. What I did not hear or read often in the commentary to our draft was "day one starter." Rather, "solid pick, will be there for ten years." Great but stating when?

  9. So what players do you think we should have drafted keeping in mind that this does not like to give up picks to move up


    That's the point. Hoarding picks like they are gold is no longer realistic under the new cba. Missess don't set you back as much and trading up isn't as much of a cap hit. I would have liked to seen 3 starters and a significant contribution from a situational player. That comes from trading up and down judiciously. I just do not see the immediate impact. Maybe the thought all along was 2013 who knows.

  10. We got a lot of bodies. The overall character is outstanding. The Bills did their homework on that front. An eagle scout for christmas sake. But with ten picks and a high position in each round, we got maybe one starter on opening day, and maybe two by the end of the year. No one who jumps out as a HOF type. Solid ST depth and a crowded Practice Squad. I know we had holes, but with that type of ammo I would have expected a more immediate impact on the starting lineup recent FA acquisitions factored in. SO I think that while we got talent up and down the roster, I do not see a great step forward. I like what hte Bengals did, great value and probably two to three starters to a Playoff team. The steelers are retooled. New England did well to address immediate holes and there weren't many. So I guess I feel we wasted the opportunity accelerate the rebuilding process. This draft has a traditional feel to it like many in the past where we will see mid and late rounders get replaced by next years mid and late rounders. So while I commend OBD for not taking a step back, I am not sure we moved up in the overall hierarchy. I would love to have seen a more judicious use of picks, some movement and the addition of true starters this year. Glenn may not start, Gilmore will struggle, all DB's do while they learn. Our WR is a huge question mark and probably a project. I guess I expected a bigger leap.


    I know this will get ripped and I will get the wait three years response, but I am tired of waiting. I attended games at the Rockpile when I was in grade school so I have been drinking the Kool aid my whole life. I really thought that we would walk away from this weekend with more starters, on day 1 2012.

  11. I think a qb is a definite possibility with the last 2 picks. I love Moore and only time will tell if the bills do to.



    You hope we draft in the top 10 next year?!?!?!


    trade up...1 2 3 for a barkley or jones hell yeah


    I think a qb is a definite possibility with the last 2 picks. I love Moore and only time will tell if the bills do to.



    You hope we draft in the top 10 next year?!?!?!


    Also as the counterpoint to this draft, I do not think we helped ourselves immediately. Everyone in our division improved. the Bengals, Steelers and Ravens also improved. We will will be a cusp playoff team until we have a legitimate franchise qb. Neither Fitz or Moore is that guy.

  12. youtube.com/watch?v=qtUajtQCLwg



    I remember that play and thought he got a raw deal on the penalty and expulsion. Was watching the game with two asst coaches at Northwestern and they thought it was a "technically perfect neutering." THat receiver wouldn't have the balls to reach for an overhead pass the rest of the game.

  13. I don't get the Cousins hype. He reminds me of Drew Stanton (not just because they went to the same school) - a mediocre, caretaker-type career backup. If you're going to pick a QB, pick someone who can develop into a high-quality starter. You can find guys like Cousins in free agency (Josh Johnson, Travaris Jackson, etc.).


    saw cousins 20 or so times...he will drive you crazy with dumb decisions...the McFumblesof Qb's...think Losman v.2

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