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Posts posted by 3putt

  1. I know we are all anticipating the big pick, but are there any scenarios that make sense to bolster our position to get one of the highly touted QB's coming out next year? It is a QB league and I have seen enough of Fitz to believe that Barkley et al would be a wise choice. I know there are people here who know the numbers game better than I do and was wondering if there was a value in trading to get a better position in round one next year or the ability to package picks like the Skins did, and still use our remaining picks to add depth to this squad this year. The reason I say this is our players from last year should show us more this year, i.e Searcy, Sheppard, etc. Fire away!

  2. Please educate me! How does getting rid of what little talent the Bills have in the case of Stroud and Evans make the team better? Evans has no one to throw him the ball or time to get 5 yds down field before the pocket collapses and the play is turned into a chinese fire drill. Stroud is getting older yes and may have slowed down or does not fit int othe system, but who are you going to get to replace him. Julius Peppers commented on a Chicago radio show that " yeah Buffalo made a better financial offer,but man it's Buffalo,NO ONE WANTS TO GO THERE." So we get rid of this board's choices for underachievers and replace them with what? FA? Not anyone in their prime. Rookies? How has that worked out since 1999.


    There is no quick fix. Only a slow torture while new players are drafted, mature and contribute while existing players mature and decline. The stars have to align with a historically stupid move aka the Saints Trading their draft picks for R Williams, the herschel Walker deal, letting Brees go or yes even the Cornelius Bennet move for a team to make enormous strides overnight. And before I get the falcons and dolphins examples as retorts, keep in mind they did not trade their core to do it. The birds added A QB behind a decent line and gave him Gonzalez and a rb to work with. The fins drafted LT, DE, G and LB after the WR debacle and used a "has been" at QB. There is little hope that a 90 something owner is in it for the long haul.

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