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Posts posted by 3putt

  1. I understand that and agree; just responding to the hypothetical. If the reports are accurate that the Bills went to EJ to make sure he was "on board" with them pursuing Freeman, then I don't think there's anything to worry about here. The best we can hope for is that we've found a very serviceable backup who isplanningle of winning a few games.

    If they consulted a rookie qb under contract and not going anywhere, who has yet to show he is a legitimate franchise qb, then that is a disturbing thought. The goal is to win by any means necessary. If Peyton miraculously landed in our laps by divine intercession, i hope they are running it by EJ. I like the kid, but hitching your wagon to only one horse is just bad planning until you know what you got.

  2. Another factor that Marrone needs to consider. He has preached that all jobs are open to competition. If whomever they bring in does a serviceable job, he cannot simply turn the reigns back to EJ, especially if they somehow are in playoff contention. To do so would remove all doubt that he is wedded to a personnel decision and not winning now. With free agents to be in Wood and Spiller, that could be problematic. The fo will tell us alot about there "new attitude" with how they approach the remainder of the season.


    Go Bills

  3. I guess that is my point. His strength and atleticism allowed him to overcome mechanical deficiencies at every level. But when the walls start falling around anyone they default to muscle memory. We can only hope that he gets enough reps to build new muscle memory. EJ reminds me of both VY and David Carr. Neither ever overcame those footwork issues to a franchise level. Hoping for the best.

  4. I am curious why it is assumed his mechanics, and in particular footwork is correctable? Numerous predraft reports focused on his inability to make basic throws and execute threw progressions. The defense was that his coach at FSU didn't ask him him to do much. If you look at todays film you will see this same coach asking a freshman to throw outs, deep flies, posts screens. Maybe Jimbo knows something we don't. EJ is very athletic, and seems likable. But without mechanics teams will catch up, see: Kapaernick, Colin.


    The slowing down of the game, I will agree will happen. When it does it wont matter if the mechanics are flawed.


    Oh and nice workto the OP , great analysis.

  5. I mean c'mon, even if Glenn doesn't end up at LT but contributes to the upgrade of the line, how can he be a bust? And I heard a lot of predraft talk that Gilmore is a technician and lacks instincts, but even if he is not a shutdown but gives us coverage options for 2 TE sets, how can the "league sources" think he is a potential bust? Unless that source is BB.

  6. Agree on all accounts. Hback was trying to steer his arguement away from the main questions regarding Vilma and to the process of the NFLPA and the league. The players signed the CBA stating Goodell was the judge and jury, end of story. You cannot argue any further. You know what you signed, deal with it for 9 more years. The players make the league go round and get paid handsomely to do so, Hoge mad a great point regarding how quick they are to complain about being in pads but wouldn't stick their necks out for their "fellow players" nean while the first guy to take a dirty shot and gets injured will point to the bounty scandle and sue the league eventually. That is why they had to come down so hard.


    The players did not sign away due process pertaining to work related claims. That is the foundation of the taft-hartley act that governs collective bargaining. You can't sign it away. The players, may be wrong, but it is up to the finder of fact to present a case and the opportunity for redress before passing judgement. The police investigate all the time, then they indict, then prosecutors try, and Judges and or juries adjudicate. In collective bargaining you can streamline process but not subvert. Goodell is a lawyer he knows this. His ego allows him to ignore it.


    You wear a tinfoil hat too don't you?


    no just a copper kettle.

  7. They had an independent lawyer look at the facts and she basically said the NFL was correct to suspend these guys and they were as involved as the coaches.


    Yeah I have a lawyer that says it is okay to sue my neighbor because he is Jag. Please. The minute she was retained, she became biased. She came up with a justification for what the League wanted to do. It is what we, i.e. lawyers, do. I hope the NFLPA stomps them and Goodell gets canned. He is a pantywaist with a fetish for male college athletes in the 20-22 yo range. Hence all the hugging.

  8. Interesting Note: Hub Arkush who owns PFW was on the local radio talking about the Bears draft ( he hated the first two picks) and said that talking to Bear and Packers scouts, the best pure cover corner in the draft was Jenkins. He said Jenkins projects to a Revis type player but faster. He rated Gilmore third best corner in the draft. FWIW

  9. Don't forget RON BROOKS!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!


    I think you hit it on the head. I think Buddy said that is what we need to do against our division, i.e. have a BIG cover guy and a tenacious nickel to play near the line and cover shorter routes. Claiborne was responsible for long coverage while Brooks was seemingly always the guy covering h backs and blitzing. I was able to attend the LSU WVA game and the USC Vandy games last year (work is great isn't). I can say that Claiborne is a true shutdown guy in that you do not even notice the guy he is covering because he is blanketed. Gilmore didn't jump out at me but i do seem to recall his name alot on the PA system. Brooks was everywhere on ST's.

  10. Dear Buddy,


    I have been a fan and a season ticket holder since 1987. My passion for this team has never wavered. I became a Buffalo Bills fan after years of growing up as a Giant fan. In 1987, I moved to Buffalo and needed to root for a team I thought I could more identify with. At that time Ronnie Harmon had dropped the pass that would have changed the Buffalo Bills franchise around and in spite of that I saw great things happening for the Bills so I made the commitment emotionally and financially. I am saying this with all honesty. If you sign Vince Young I will take my business else were. That is a promise.


    Commitment issues all the way around.

  11. Next years draft class will have as many as 6 potential first rounders. Barkley T Wilson, Logan Thomas et al. Our Franchise QB will be on board next year at this time. This year, Play like the Pre Cutler Bears, Stifling D, Defensive and Special Teams Scoring. It can be done for a season or two. But even they saw the light and went and got a guy to throw the rock.

  12. The Bills will be 12-0 en route to a perfect season when the millenarian lunatics prove right and the world abruptly ends, thus squashing our hopes for finally winning a Super Bowl.


    Less drastic but equally disappointing is that Goodell's secretary, mishearing her boss cancels the lease for the superbowl stadium which is subsequently booked for a monster truck rally and the season is deemed a tie, and...the Pro Bowl goes on as scheduled.

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