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Posts posted by RealityCheck

  1. *sigh*


    Field position is not a minor consideration, of course. Jesus. But it can be achieved later on in the draft, and you don't generally put your blue chip RB back there to return punts or kicks. That's why you have grunts. Fast grunts, but grunts. Devin Hester is one of the best returners of all time. He was taken 57th overall. Roscoe Parrish was taken 55th overall. Dante Hall was picked 153rd. Brian Mitchell was picked 130th. If you put Spiller back there and get tears an ACL a la Jason Sehorn **** will hit the !@#$ing fan, I guarantee you that much.


    Ted Ginn Jr. was drafted at #9 overall, but wasn't a consummate #1 WR, yet still had a ton of value as a returner. They got a fifth round pick for him. Enough said.

    **sigh** Perhaps your right. Not every aspect of the game should be maximised with your best available talent based on the fear of injury. That's how championships are won I guess. Good post, I guess I was wrong.

  2. We didnt draft either. We didnt have a need a kick returner, and kick returners should not be drafted in the top 10. Spiller is not a three down NFL running back - he is a gimmick player. Out of the 22 field players, only FB is less important that tailback. We just drafted a guy whos primary role is kick returner and whose position holds littel value on a football team.


    The Bills made their pick in like 1 minute. They didnt try to trade back - which they could have down seeing all the trading that went on - and they could have gotten Spiller later on. Then they try to trade up later in the draft... with what? We dont have any extra picks as ammo. Of Coarse Denver is going to win out when they actually have picks to draft. Dummer than a bag of hammers.


    I am speechless.

    Don't be so hard on yourself.

  3. Mark Gaughn's article had this:


    'They could have taken the third tackle in the draft — either Iowa's Bryan Bulaga or Rutgers' Anthony Davis. They could have taken nose tackle Dan Williams of Tennessee or pass rusher Derrick Morgan of Georgia Tech.


    "I told you guys the last time we met that need was important, but it had to be a guy who we felt could start immediately, not that those other guys couldn't," Nix said.'


    What a great quote, " it had to be a guy who we felt could start immediately, not that those other guys couldn't" Totally illogical, but entertaining.


    I guess he wasn't kidding when he said he wasn't the smartest guy.


    They took Spiller to sell tickets and create some buzz. How about that shot at Lee Evans that the team had no game breakers? I think he was right about that unfortunately.


    Now I wouldn't be surprised if they took a QB or WR.


    Speaking of need, they will probably be shopping for starting OT's in round 7.

    This post reminds me of Damon Wayans on Living Color when he played the inmate who read everything he could get his hands on understood nada. Very funny stuff, thanks for the flashback.

  4. Yeah. It's an unorthodox approach.


    The two JJ's in Dallas really popularized the hoarding of draft picks (J. Johnson, btw also pioneered the draft trade value chart) but Belichick has taken it to almost an absurd level.


    It's nice that they can trade them in packages to move up when they want...but the odd thing is that they haven't drafted very well in recent years. Didn't they take Patrick Chung before we took his teammmate, Jairus Byrd?


    They've missed on a lot of picks lately. That might be in part due to the fact that you can only turn over so much of your roster in any one year. A lot of those picks end up fighting an uphill battle just to make the roster and when they don't, they are nothing more than high-priced camp fodder.


    Far be it for me to second guess the great Belichick but he might be taking this concept a bit too far.

    Their strategy on stockpiling picks for value is sound, but don't confuse it with actually picking the right players at those spots. It really is apples and oranges in terms of the types of moves. The strategy can validly be faulted, but not for the reason that they picked players that were unable to develop. They simply chose the wrong players, and I love it!

  5. *sigh*


    I need to get off this board. Logic is lost on so many.


    A great kick returner scores 2 TD's a season in the return game. Devin Hester, in his prime, had six in one season. A great RB scores 20 rushing TD's. LT in his prime had 28. You're considerably more likely to get injured in the return game than on offense.


    You don't draft a returner 9th overall. Ask the Miami Dolphins. Returners can be found late in the draft. If Spiller is Reggie Bush, he was a reach. If he was Chris Johnson, he's a great pick.

    Logic? Lets examine your logic. Spillers talents as a return man absolutely enhance his value as a number nine pick. How can you assume it is not part of his evaluation? Football is an impact sport. All positions at all times is high risk for injury. Don't act like field position after a kick is a minor consideration, it's the essence of the game in all situations.

  6. I don't understand what all this "is Nix lying? telling the truth?" garbage. He is the GM and just like on the field, deception, leverage, the execution of a strategy that you keep secret until the time comes to implement it, and professional courtesy to other GMs that behind closed doors need to remain mum on critical personel moves is key to attempting to dramaticly improve his team. All everybody does on these boards is complain about the FO and how they do business but it is apparent to me that some of you have no clue what is required to pull alot of these moves off. If everybody is playing chess then why do you guys keep superimposing a checkers mindset on events, especially when we have 8 picks left and their is alot of dealing to be done yet. Silence of true motivations to people who can only hurt you is critical in any business setting. What would be gained by revealing who they were really after at the bottom of the first? Who cares? The end result is all that matters. There is only one way to know if this draft was a success. Do all 9 picks end up becoming great contributers to winning? That is the goal. Unrealistic? Of course. But you must always strive for that perfection. The moment you lower your expectations you don't deserve to be the GM of a multimillion dollar operation in charge of bringing in talent. I don't care what Nix says, his results are the only thing that concerns me, and who am I? I am just a beer and shot drinker that can't help but pull for my team.

  7. Upcoming play by play for most of the season...


    Hand off to Spiller for three yards

    Hand off to Spiller for two yards

    Short pass to whoever for three yards



    With no O line this pick is wasted. With no O line Joe Montana in his prime couldn't make this team work.


    It's a really dumb pick unless they do something about the O line. The draft alone wont do it. We're still in plenty of trouble. This pick does nothing for us.

    Your post does something for me at least. I was constipated up until now. I'll be back in 20.

  8. I could be wrong but don't the Jets have way bigger positions of need? They take a CB with their first pick? Isn't Cromartie and Revis enough? I know everyone thinks its great, Mike and Mike love it saying its a great Rex Ryan pick and guy. That's fine but he might be getting a little cocky? I am sure they have bigger needs than just a corner. Kinda struck me as interesting...anyone else think this?

    Whats with with all this needs nonsense? No team can have to many good players at any position. Besides, without blitz pressure Revis is very good but not great.

  9. IIRC, many on here were saying the same things about TO last year.


    TO was going to relieve the double team off of Evans, can't cover both, make the whole team better, give Edwards another weapon, etc ...


    and IIRC, that move failed miserably. (Come on, anybody really expect 1, ONE, player to have that kind of impact?)

    Of course, just as I can expect you to be cynical. Cheer up, it's sunny today.
  10. I love this pick. He is the most dangerous offensive player in the draft in my book. C'ya Lynch. By the way, anyone that thinks we were set at RB already is entitled to their opinion, but Lynch and Jackson are just not that good. They are both liabilities on 3rd, between dropped swing passes and whiffing too often on the blitz pickup. The haters are welcome to respond but I am outa here. Go Bills!

  11. Hey idiots at One Blow Drive, wake the hell up! Are you going to sign anybody with any talent? Anybody who's not a relative of someone who "may" be good in the league or offensive linemen who nobody's ever heard or cared to hear of?


    Are you really that pathetic that Bill Cowher would rather hit buzzers with Shannon Sharpe and Dan Marino on a pre-game show, rather than coach your awful, no-talent having rotten franchise?! Now, you may be saying "Hey, T.O. signed up to play for us last year!" Again, wake the hell up! Owens signed here because nobody wanted him! "Oh, but he said we were his first choice to go to." Listen, if you buy that then you need some serious psychological attention. What did you want him to say, "Nah, I kinda was hopin to go to the Giants, or the Dolphins or the Pats, this was really my 32nd choice on the list." How big of an idiot would you have to be to believe T.O. actually wanted to be here? We should be thanking him for allowing us to have him here. His half hearted routes that he ran were better than any other guys at full-speed all year. Did T.O. honestly think he was the "missing piece" to our puzzle to get to the playoffs? If I were him, the very first day I showed up for workouts I would've looked around at the (throat clear) talent we had and vomited everywhere, that is, if he actually cared. Fact is last year was an audition for him to get with another team.


    The guy was notorious for his on-and-off the field implosions and, in a year when he had every opportunity and every right to do just that, he didn't. I mean, half the reason I was excited when he signed here was because I wanted him to clothesline Jauron's melon off! Instead, he came...he got his 6 and a half mill, and left. Good for him. Good for every single NFL player who's played here in the last "decade of disaster" here in Buffalo. You know, there really is no good way to say this and I've came down hard on people who've danced around this subject, and I'm going to put this as respectfully as I can...Until Mr. Wilson passes on to a better place and/or the team is moved to who-the-hell-cares, this team will continue to be a joke, as will its "brass". Stop comparing us to the Raiders, that organization has a few championships under its belt...SUPERBOWL championships, not the 4 consecutive consolation prizes that always get tagged to our name out of pity. And in closing, I've said it before and I'll say it again, until this team proves it WANTS to win, this coming year will be 6 years and counting, that the Buffalo Bills get ZERO dollars from me for any tickets!


    So excited tonight is the night we pick which 7 games we will win this year! YEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...(BITE ME, BILLS!)

    Try decaf., it's just as good as the real thing.

  12. Um, did you read what I wrote? Because that is exactly what I said in regards to the no one knows who the FO ranks as their best player available...


    And I will make any wager you want that if Joe Haden is there at 9 that we WONT take him...we dont need him at all and it would be fan base suicide by the FO...


    And your last statement makes no sense...you doubt the whole team until they show you the baby? So you are saying you blatantly ignore talent and circumstance and favor stat sheets...another Madden junkie

    What's with your fixation on Joe Haden? Or is it a man crush? My original response had absolutely nothing to do with Haden. You response is littered with one massive assumption after another. As far as wagers go you missed that one too. Stake your job on it, that's what I'm referring to. If not you are just another voice that influences 0% of reality. Madden junkie? Your just another frustrated fan that takes this stuff too seriously. My one and only point is that I would like to see the FO stick to best player available. Apparently this idea offends you. If you disagree I respect that, but your assumptions in my mind paint more of a picture consistent with Alphapup. I have a feeling your response will further demonstrate how seriously you take yourself. We are Bills fans after all. Buy the ticket, and take the ride. Sooner or later that ticket will be a winner.

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