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Posts posted by RealityCheck

  1. I am curious what you guys think of our secondary going into this season. Last year every team that we played, especially in the division, new that running the ball was going to be their top priority in beating us. Also, we play soft zone and played off the receivers all the time. My question is if we can indeed stop the run and teams focus more on passing against us, will our secondary look as good? Can our guys successfully play press coverage when we blitz? I personally have no idea. It could be good, or it could get ugly.

  2. Another factor with not drafting a QB early is that perhaps the coaching staff feels the way we do about the previous regime's offensive coaches. If our team was in fact severely under coached, implemented poor schemes, and called plays poorly, it stands to reason that the new guys, Gailey in particular, would want to audition these guys under fire to see what we truly have. I must say that when it comes to pass protection Hangartner and our RBs were the primary culprits on 3rd down. Don't get me wrong, that is what I think I observed more so than our tackles just straight giving it up. It seemed like Jackson and Lynch missed a lot of assignments against the blitz.

  3. Hey guys and girls,


    Some of you may know me, and some not. My name is Nick Mendola. I used to work at WGR, but recently left to work at WECK. One of my new duties will be hosting a night show when the Yankees aren't on. I'm extremely fired up about this. In fact, I wish I could've made the switch earlier to a Day Two of the draft show.


    Anyway, I know you folks have a lot of strong opinions about talk radio. I'm dedicated to doing my show right, so I wanted to ask what you think is missing when it comes to sports radio. The good, the bad, the ugly... give it to me. I'm a big Bills fan but also try hard to be an unbiased reporter (which is near impossible. Probably makes me TOO hard on them, as Steve Tasker once opined about doing color commentary during Bills games).


    Finally, if you're interested at all in what inspired my job switch, I've posted an entry at http://www.nickmendola.com


    At the site, you can also read my thoughts on all the draft shenanigans. Love some of the picks, worried about some of the others (Very intrigued by Arthur Moats!).


    Thanks for the space,

    Nick Mendola


    It's really simple. If you don't understand the game fully or have very little personal experience in sports it will show and aggravate a lot of listeners. There is an overload of talking heads that don't have to be accountable for all there ideas or face losing there job for being dead wrong in their assumptions. Talk radio personalities are no different than weathermen in that regard.

  4. In the 1980s the Bills spent 1st round picks on Greg Bell in 1984, Ronnie Harmon in 1986 & their 1st pick (2nd round) in 1988 on Thurman Thomas. So that was 3 in 5 years. You do it until you get it right.

    My man, thanks for that statement. People don't realize that goes for all positions.

  5. The Bills rebuild will take as long as it takes. Anyone who really knows anything will tell you that building a team never ends, and that you are never set at a position no matter how much talent you think you have. Injuries, contracts, and schemes constantly threaten all the factors that lead to wins and losses.

  6. Okay so on offense...you're looking at OLine...here's what I think it will look like, and everyone will disagree, but here goes.... Levitre LT, Wood LG, Hangartner C, Calloway RG, Meredith RT....just what I think until Wang is ready to step in then, we move out Hangartner and Wood to C and then Levitre back inside...


    Then for WR's I think we are good...

    Nelson will be an impact TE this year...

    Backfield is the Best in football with Spiller in the mix...

    QB I like Trent Edwards to start and Levi for the future possibility IF Edwards doesn't work out...


    Defense I think we're weak on the edges but VERY strong on the DLine, Middle LB's, and Secondary...and on the edges you got the Maybin deal going on, and Shobel or not...Kelsay supposedly...and those rooks...allllllll question marks as far as I'm concerned, but I think they will at least be mediocre and with the blitz packages I think they will do alright...I believe we have an above average defense...


    Our Special Teams will be very good as well...


    I say 11-5 this season

    I think you wasted quite a bit of time dreaming this stuff up.

  7. Only Jacksonville was worse with a C-. Outside of Cory Chavous I've seen no above average grades for the Bills so far.


    I have to agree with them. I see nothing special with this draft except Spiller. I might say that Levi Brown was a good value pick in the seventh. Other than that nothing really stands out as a coup.


    I still don't understand why we didn't trade Lynch to Seattle. They apparently really tried to get him. What is Nix thinking?

    Can you define "really trying"? And what bearing does a C grade have anything to do with reality come September? Right now we are in the realm of perceptions, not reality. Reality is a few months away.

  8. God, I still cannot believe we spent 4 years dealing with his piss poor coaching and the number of people that actually defended him.



    No s*@t! I was actually pissed at Ralph for firing him last year- if you're stubborn (or stupid) enough to bring that clown back again, let him finish out the season and get a great draft position. Without the temporary lift the team got from Fewell, I think it's possible they could have gone 3-13, or at best 4-12. And Ralph could have saved a few bucks

    We would have gotten our LT then.

  9. We've seen a lot of anti-Fitzpatrick posts in the year he's been here, but of all the QBs, Fitzpatrick is the only one who is a sure thing to be on the opening day roster. Let's review each QBs competition & what each has to do to make the team.


    Fitzpatrick-He's competing for 2 jobs, starter & #2. If he loses the starting job to either Edwards or Brohm, he's a lock for #2 and a roster spot. The reasons are: He has proven he can come in and win games when called upon. Last season, with no O-line and not much other talent around him, he was the QB who played the most in 5 of the team's 6 wins. He may not be the most accurate QB around, but he's smart & has guts (remember the Fewell comment after a win). He's also the perfect #2 as he can not only come in to win games, but he can be content on the sidelines and not be a distraction as he waits his turn. On a talented team he'd be as valuable as Frank Reich was in the Super Bowl era. Finally, he's the only QB from last season who is signed beyond 2010.


    Edwards-His best chance is to win the starting job, otherwise he's in jeopardy of getting jettisoned. He has to battle both Fitzpatrick & Brohm for the #1 job. If he loses to Fitzpatrick, he has a decent shot of making the team as #2, since he has starting experience & will not be a total unknown if forced to start for a few weeks. If he loses the starting job to Brohm, then Edwards will not be on the team. He's not going to be #2 behind Brohm-Fitzpatrick is much better suited for that job since the Bills know Fitzpatrick can win games with virtually no O-line in front of him, something Edwards hasn't done. He's not in competition for the 3rd spot, for a rebuilding team, that's designed for a developmental QB who is not eligible for free agency at the end of the season.


    Brohm-Like Edwards, Brohm's best shot is to win the #1 spot, otherwise he's in big trouble. Obviously he's on the roster if he grabs the starter's job, but he has to beat out both Edwards & Fitzpatrick, easier said than done. Both Edwards & Fitzpatrick have shown ability in real NFL games, something Brohm does not have on his resume. Now let's say he can't win the top spot, then he's probably toast. Your #2 is typically a veteran who has started in the past, or a relatively new high draft choice who you chose as your QB of the future. It is not usually a guy in his 3rd year who has started 1 game and the team has no idea what he can do in season. The reason he can win the starter's job but not #2 is because the Bills can gamble on giving him the starter's job, knowing if he fails they can put the guy who was at the helm 5 of 6 wins in 2009 back in there. They're not going into the fall with Fitzpatrick starting & two guys with one NFL start as his backups. Now lets say he isn't #1 or #2, then he's in the battle of his life against Levi Brown, that does not bode well for Brohm. Brohm has to be good enough to start, otherwise he's going up against Buddy's draft pick for the developmental job, a battle he's likely to lose.


    Brown-After Fitzpatrick, he's the most likely to be on the roster next September. 1st off he's the Nix/Gailey pick and will be given every chance to make the team as a developmental player. His battle is either against nobody if Brohm is the starter or against Brohm for 3rd string if Brohm can't beat out both Fitzpatrick & Edwards for #1. Just like the Brohm supporters use the excuse that he wasn't picked up on waivers when GB cut him because the other teams liked their late round rookies after a full camp, that same situation works in Brown's potential battle with Brohm. If the Bills have a whole camp into Brown & he shows anything, they're not going to waive the guy. Some people think you can just put a late rounder on the practice squad. It's not that simple, you have to be willing to waive him 1st and if the Bills are as high on Brown as it appears they are, they're not waiving him. Now if comes to camp & shows nothing, then he's a wasted pick & will be waived anyway.

    I can see you put alot of thought into being wrong.

  10. Edwards is a kitty and isn't what Nix and Gailey said they wanted in a QB. He will end up being the one cut.


    They know what they have in Fitz, solid #2/#3.


    They drafted Brown to develop him, watch the post draft presser. You can tell by how they talk about him they expect good things.


    That leaves Brohm. I still have a really tough time putting any faith in someone that can't even make a roster and who wasn't brought onto a team from Green Bay's practice squad except Russ Friggin Brandon.


    That said...as much as I don't like Brohm, I am more than willing to see what happens in the competition between him and Brown and will back whomever of the two Gailey picks.


    but someone please give me something besides friggin college stats to make me feel better about Brohm.

    If you want someone to hold at night and tell you that it'll all be better in the morning you came to the wrong place. Wow, football players are expected to run through walls and here you are all sad about who our qb is gonna be. Man up kid, do your homework, say your prayers, take your vitamins, and stay away from drugs.

  11. Is Jamarcus any worse than the three we currently have on our roster at QB? Ideally, I wish we could get Brady Quinn in here. Right now, I think Fitzpatrick is the starter next season - he is the best of our three. All three of our guys need major work, just like Jamarcus does. If you don't want to trade Lynch, I can understand why. However, if Jamarcus is cut by the Raiders, would you sign him? I say YES.

    Apparently God gave your sense to someone else. You haven't reproduced yet have you?

  12. http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/04/25/1030...ng-project.html


    The disapproval of Jerry Sullivan is well documented on this board. I have generally supported his point-of-view because over the past ten years, he has been proven correct more often than not. This time I believe Jerry's negativity is unjustified. His main complaint is that we didn't draft a franchise QB. Well Jerry, outside of Sam Bradford who was drafted, um let me see, oh yeah, #1 overall, the consensus opinion was that all of the other prospects were surrounded with question marks.


    Unfortunately we are a team with several holes to fill. Way too many to address in one draft. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that Troup was the right choice over Cody, but other than that, I think it was an excellent draft considering our needs.


    Jerry complains about not picking a top qb prospect... while not committing to who or when his selection would have been. Way to leave your second-guessing options open Jerry!


    You've got to love this, It's the end of April and Jerry's rooting for a top draft pick. Sweet! :unsure:

    Anyone can be a sports writer. Have you ever seen these guys in person? I guarantee that 99% of these guys didn't even play a sport in high school. They no zero about a life based on physical and mental competition or even accountability for what they print.

  13. I think many people underestimated the ramifications of switching to a 3-4 defense this year. The Bills picked a true NT (hopefully) for a 3-4 scheme, a big DE, and two defensive players that will be making the switch to outside LB. With our only real free agent investments made at inside LB (Davis has experience in the 3-4) and Edwards (a DE), it is clear that moving to a 3-4 required the Bills to use a good chunk of available resources (i.e., draft picks and money for free agents) for the switch.


    Not sure what this means for Kelsay, Ellis, Stroud, Williams, Johnson and Maybin.


    It is clear that the rebuild of this roster is going to take a long time. The offense is probably in worse shape now than at the start of last season (no Owens, no Reed, Wood still recovering from a broken leg, and Butler retired).

    I am excited to see some of these guys go. Our offense has been tragically under coached. I hope this new regime has what it takes.

  14. ANd the sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll probably be willing to give Buddy Nix the benefit of the doubt on this draft.


    Jauron and Levy left this team void of talent. Our 2006 first round draft pick has been rumored to be on the trade block, our other one can't get on the field. Our 2007 first round draft pick is now 3rd string, and rumored to be on the trade block.


    McKelvin looks promising when healthy, and Maybin too early to tell.


    But the point remains, Levy and Jauron tried to base this team around smaller speedy guys, and now Nix and Gailey are forced to retool this entire roster with adequate sized players.


    I think Nix and Gailey understand this team is probably not going to be in the mix this year, and they need to fix whats wrong under the hood before they worry about the paint job. They had a top 10 pick, and instead of doing what Levy did EVERYTIME, picking a player who fit the number 1 need, Nix took the absolute best player available. How can you fault him for that?


    If this team is built up in 2 years, Spiller will still be here. So, drafting for your primary need in 2010 made very little sense when 2010 is most likely a throw away year . You can't overcome a decade of mediocrity in one off-season. Hopefully RW is patient enough with Nix, and hopefully Gailey turns out to be the right coach for this team.

    Only fools try to predict the future, and only bigger fools try to convince others that they're predictions are already a part of history.

  15. And for the record I was in favor of the Mabyin pick but a couple of notes


    - HAD we taken Michael Oher last year instead of Aaron Mabin......we would not be having questions about our LT


    - We picked up so much defensive talent in THIS draft that we would probably be better off had that happened.


    I blame this on Ralph Wilson......we should have canned DJ at the end of the prevous season......promoted Nix......and started this rebuild one year earlier.



    Maybin had better light it up this year

    More crying over spilled milk? Get to work on that resume.

  16. I have come to the conclusion that some of you guys have been so traumatized by poor Bills football that you can't see talent any more. Spiller is special. He is the definition of playmaker. You don't wait till the stars align and get the perfect o-line before getting offensive weapons. Spiller will be around long enough for those issues to work themselves out. So much talk and speculation about NOTHING. Come September, all this mindless chatter won't add up to anything.

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