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Everything posted by DaveinElma

  1. Its not like we have a multi-trillion dollar deficit or anything. Whats a few million spent on investigating facebook accounts? http://news.yahoo.com/senators-ask-feds-probe-requests-111503832.html
  2. It doesnt match the MSM's narrative so it must be tossed down the memory hole.
  3. Its funny how the only picture of george zimmerman the media will show you is his scowling mugshot and not this picture of him smiling and dressed professionally. http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2012-03-23/news/os-trayvon-martin-george-zimmerman-job-20120323_1_robert-zimmerman-source-new-details
  4. If Decastro is rated at a 9.0 by Buddy and the next highest player is a 7.8 or something then they definitely should take him regardless of Urbik/Reinhart.
  5. If you google "trayvon martin" and "al sharpton" you get 8.5 million hits. If you google "derrion albert" and "al sharpton" you get 35,800 hits. No hay to be made there, right Al? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Derrion_Albert
  6. I know you did, Im just commenting on the sanitized version of a 5 foot 8 trayvon martin in a hollister t-shirt that the media keeps shoving down our throats when in fact he was 6-3 and glorified the thug lifestyle on his face book page. http://suxorz.com/i5/1332569412.jpg
  7. http://www.myfoxtampabay.com/dpp/news/state/witness-martin-attacked-zimmerman-03232012 FTW.
  8. A 17 year old? Thats strange because the media keeps showing a picture of a 14 year old?
  9. So wheres the outrage over this case? http://www.newson6.com/story/17178698/family-of-tulsa-couple-victimised-in-home-invasion-speak-out?clienttype=printable I'm sure Al and Jesse will be on the case.
  10. Well what do you know, little Trayvon wasn't so innocent in this. http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2012-03-15/news/os-trayvon-martin-shooting-zimmerman-letter-20120315_1_robert-zimmerman-letter-unarmed-black-teenager
  11. Players in their 30's are more likely to get hurt and take longer to recover when they are hurt. Smart GMs recognize this when players like Lee are on the downward slope and get as much as they can for him. Lee was bad in 2010, looked bad in 2011 training camp and Buddy was smart enough to cash him in while he still had some value. Impressive in a preseason game? How did he look in the AFC championship game? It seems the NFL has written him off, no teams have brought him in for a visit yet.
  12. So how did Lee Evans do this year in Baltimore?
  13. What do you expect with libs like Obama and Panetta running the show.
  14. Because his "advocacy" is telling black people that nothing is ever their fault and that they're entitled to everything. And he acts like Don Imus is the biggest threat to black people in the world. He's a scam artist.
  15. Hundreds of blacks are killed by fellow blacks everyday and yet Al Sharpton doesn't have rallies at those killings.
  16. What good are mid-level free agents if you have no difference makers? Does Kraft really think the Bills are a better team with Meachem and Mincey than they are with Mario?
  17. He was talking about how you need a good pass rusher when your playing good quarterbacks twice a year "Like Brady and uhh uhhhhhh whoever Miami's quarterback will be"
  18. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/envoy/kony-2012-filmmaker-arrested-san-diego-205649394.html Disingenuous liberal shows his true colors.
  19. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2113134/ANOTHER-child-left-Chuck-E-Cheese--parents-notice-morning.html
  20. Vote out every Democrat at every level of government.
  21. All the commenters on his diary seem to think like him.
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