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hondo in seattle

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Posts posted by hondo in seattle

  1. "Will the Bills be able to continue the success of last week's win at Kansas City? The Oakland Raiders bring their punishing running game to town Sunday. News Sports Reporters Rodney McKissic, Mark Gaughan and Jerry Sullivan take a look at the matchup."



  2. Tough choices - I like Fitzmagic a lot but don't think it'll catch-on beyond BuffTown; also like Fitzgibbons - makes me think of ZZ Top - but also won't stick. All the nicknames that play on the media's ignorance of the guy's real name are amusing to only us Bills fans, I think.


    In the end, gotta go with 'The Amish Rifle' - for me, it invokes thoughts of a certain likeable, foul-mouthed Polish kid that used to chuck the ball from Lackawanna all the way to the Peace Bridge...Na Zdrowie!!!! :beer:



    I suppose it's just my warped brain but "Fitzgibbons" reminds me of Edward Gibbons who wrote the classic "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" which in turn makes me think of "The Decline and Fall of the Bills Empire" and all the misery we suffered since the SB years.


    So I don't like "Fitzgibbons."

  3. So with a little rounding 52% of week one winners make the playoffs


    and 23% of week one losers make the playoffs.


    That is only 75%. Maybe they are talking about some weak teams not really having a chance once they get there but weren't the Packers a #6 seed last year? There goes that theory.


    The article doesn't even discuss teams missing the playoffs so you seem to be barking up the wrong tree.


    Remember only 12 teams make the playoffs. That's about 38%.


    Roughly 8 of the 16 teams that started 1-0 will make the playoffs (50%)


    Roughly 4 of the 16 teams starting 0-1 will make the playoffs (25%).


    The Bills started the season with a 38% chance of making the playoffs. We've now increased it to roughly 50%. That's progress!

  4. It starts with attitude imo!! F*ck the raiders and honestly that's how I feel! We kick ass and take names. Ill say the same thing about DMC that I said about JC....go get him! I got something for your ass today! And that goes for anyone else on the raiders team who is considered good!


    I've never been one to shun from the best in my lifetime and I hope the bills feel the same. you come to the Ralph and get punched right in your mouth. However, we don't stop. We continue to play smash mouth ball.


    A&E! Attitude and execution is the key. Its not that I discredit the raiders for the things they do well. Its just that I think were a better team! And if you're not the Bills then....... F*ck you! I know its early fellas, but that's how I feel!


    Every game is taken serious. Teams like oakland, you take their heart out of their chest from the kickoff. Just like we did KC.





    love the enthusiasm! you could play for my team!

  5. I'm still nervous about the Raiders rushing attack. Charles averaged 5.6 yards per carry against the Bills. The KC rushing total was low because they just didn't run much against us, partly because Haley is too clever for his own good and partly because the score forced them to throw.


    If I see McFadden and Bush getting stuffed at/near the LOS early in the game, I will start to feel confident about the final score.

  6. Very interesting read! One thing is definitely true; if Buffalo finds a way to get past Oakland on Sunday and doesn't suffer any significant injuries, the game on 9/24 vs. NE* will have an unbelievable atmosphere for a September football game.


    The Pats in Orchard Park with the Bills sitting at 2-0? Yeah, that would be the most exciting kickoff at the Ralph in a long time. Let's hope!

  7. People really need to get a grip when it comes to the sour grapes bashing of Jerry Sullivan and the rest of the national sports media. Thread after thread bashes him, ESPN, various radio personalities, etc. all because they disparage the Buffalo Bills.


    What the heck do you expect people to say about a team that has been just about the worst team in the entire NFL over the span of an ENTIRE DECADE?


    Do you honestly believe that any journalist would have a job (save Chris Brown, perhaps) if they wrote positive things about such a historically impotent team?


    Seriously - what do you expect folks to say about a team that hasn't been to the playoffs in a decade?


    You have a point, I suppose.


    But Jerry just seems negative about everything. We've had some wins over the years, some good coaches and good players... It's not as if there has been NOTHING good to talk about this past decade. But Jerry's focus is almost universally on the bad, which he often exaggerates.

  8. At the risk of starting another conflagration, I really want to know what the Buffalo sports media does when they are supposedly covering the team? Maybe John Wawrow could tell us.


    I can understand the national media has 31 other teams to cover and the Bills have been such an afterthought that few if any would bother to take a close look at us. But how do reporters, who's job it is to cover camp and practices, talk to players and coaches, etc, be so dead wrong on this team's prospects going into the season? Seriously, if all of you are so "shocked" by what you saw, what the f**k do you do all day?


    I do have a theory. Things have been so bad with the Bills the last 11 years that most of the press, thinking they are being unbiased, dismiss any good signs out of hand as being a mirage. And with the head gremlin Jerry Sullivan leading the charge, all the other reporters fall in line behind him.


    This is the only scenario I can imagine because the Bills didn't just expose the KC Chiefs today, they exposed the Buffalo News and WGR for short-changing local sports fans.





    PTR, I agree with you. Both Peter King and Mike Florio (national writers) opined before the season that they wouldn't be surprised to see the Bills make a playoff run. They, at least, were aware of the work Nix/Gailey were getting done with our Bills. Yet our own local writers mostly predicted another year of futility, seemingly oblivious to the important changes to the team.


    It shameful that national writers have a better hand on the pulse of the Bills than our own local ones.

  9. Oh I absolutely wasn't comfortable with a 13 points lead! :)


    I'm not ready to annoint the Bills as a playoff contender. I think they'll beat the Raiders next week but the true test for me will be how they play against the Patriots. The Pats are the measuring stick in the division and will be a good gauage of where we are as a team. If the Bills can make a statement in that game then I will begin to believe we've turned the corner.


    My biggest issue with Sully isn't that he's critical of the team, it's that he very rarely has ANYTHING positive to say. Even the moderately knowledgable Bills fan could see that the team made huge improvements in the offseason. To not acknowledge that is disingenuous.


    Does anyone really believe that if the Bills won 12 games this year that Sully would admit he doesn't know WTF he's talking about.





    I get the sense that Sully uses negativity as his schtick. He knows he'll rile people up by being a Negative Nancy. It's kind of like those political talk show hosts. They're either absurdly right wing or absurdly left wing because moderates aren't interesting.


    If negativity is his schtick, I don't like it. Furthermore, his excessively critical attitude prevents him from developing relationships at OBD and so he doesn't have any sources. Usually beat writers will have access to inside information, but not Sully.


    I have to give him credit, though. Today he admitted he might have underestimated the Bills. Today's article was good.

  10. I'm a huge fan of Freddie and perhaps not the most objective viewer, but I think he's easily a top 10 back in the league and maybe even top 5. He just has such a unique way of playing. He never seems to make a mistake. I think breakaway speed is a bit overrated for a running back. Those 60+ yard runs are too rare. It's the 1-2 yard runs that he get 5-6 on that matter and he does that often and as good as anyone.


    I'm not right about many things but I've liked Freddie since he's been on the team. He plays hard. He runs, blocks, catches. And except for that recent outburst, he doesn't complain.


    His yards after contact have been amongst the very best in the league for the past couple years. And he's piled up some huge all-purpose yards too. Even though few people outside Buffalo seem to know him very well, you could make an argument that he's Top 10. I was happy when we got rid of Lynch because I thought that would mean more playing time for Freddy who's a better back.

  11. Thanks Zulu/Hondo - I got a little over-optimistic on total yardage, but nailed the 4 Fitz TDs, and wasn't too far off on time of possession and Bills takeways...




    One down, eighteen to go...


    GO BILLSSS!!!!


    19 and 0 baby!!!!! :beer:


    I laughed at your silly optimism when I saw your prediction... but you were closer to the final score than just about anyone

  12. The Defense, Offense and Special Teams played pretty much like I expected them to. The Wildcat was perhaps a little less effective than I expected though it did pick up some key first downs.


    The most encouraging thing for me was the play of the offensive line. Bell, in particular, played up to my hopes instead of down to my fears. The solid performance of the OL makes me more optimistic about 2011 than I already was.


    What was the most encouraging thing about this win to you?

  13. stop making threads about him. This is what is keeping him around




    Sorry! This is a good point!


    I would enjoy, though, listening to some of the Negative Nancy's eat some humble pie right about now.


    It's too early to talk playoffs but I think we're seeing clear evidence that Nix/Gailey are building a credible team.

  14. He looked pretty solid. Definitely the best first round pick probably since Lee Evans (Lee was a first rounder, right?).


    What impressed me more was the open-field tackling by the D as a whole. That seemed like a HUGE improvement over last year.


    I agree - tackling was MUCH better than last year! The Chiefs didn't get a lot of yards after contact.

  15. Not too crazy about the long bomb into double coverage, but the man got FIRST DOWNS!!! The Wildcat was gloriously successful today and I hope we can keep bringing it back as an ace in the hole.


    I liked the long pass. It shows future opponents that we aren't afraid to let Smith throw. Parrish had his man beat and the throw would have been complete if not for another DB (I didn't see who) racing back and getting the pick.


    Overall, though, I feel the Wildcat was only so-so against KC. It did produce a couple first downs, but not a lot of yards. Conventional running plays with Freddie were the way to go.


    I'm still optimistic about Smith, however.

  16. I admit I was one of those who disliked the Evans trade. I thought Evans still had good speed and that we needed him to stretch the D.


    Maybe I was wrong. Chandler had more catches than Evans today! Receivers were apparently getting open without Lee to draw away coverage - Fitz threw 4 TDs.


    My faith in Nix/Gailey continues to grow.

  17. I thought Barnett had a nice game today, he looked quick in pass coverage and just had a nice game overall. I saw a couple pursuit plays to the sideline where I thought to myself, Poz never would have got there. Giddy up!


    I thought the same thing about Barnett versus Poz - and Barnett in general.

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