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Posts posted by Bronc24



    Do you ever look at the guy during a game with his dull exp<b></b>ressions and clueless demeanor? Compare that with the fire and passion that Schwartz exhibits. Marone is a MORON!!!


    ...who led us to our best season in 10 years with an inaccurate statue for a QB. I would be fine with Hackett going, but Marrone has done a pretty damn good job.


    I laugh at people who look at emotion on the sideline as an indicator of a good coach. Do you think Detroit wishes they had Schwartz back instead of poker face Caldwell?

  2. Although I like Darrell Bevell, Frank Reich or Todd Bowles as our possible new head coach, I wouldn't mind seeing Rex Ryan as our HC with Mark Trestman as OC. Bring in Mark Sanchez and then let him battle it out with EJ Manuel.


    If you hate Orton, you will really hate the Sanchise. At least Orton goes three and out, allowing us to punt and gain field position. The Sanchise is a walking turnover waiting to happen.

  3. If Beckham was on Bills instead of NY, you better believe he wouldn't be putting up the same numbers. There is no way our butthead of an offensive coordinator would know now to utilize his talent, just like they have wasted Sammy.


    Sammy does not get the same focus as Mike Williams and Beckham have gotten on their respective teams. I hate Hackett and hope that sob is gone for being such a terrible coach. Listening to interviews, he implies that his scheme works and blames bad luck and player execution


    The scheme doesn't include the simplest way to get the ball in the hands of your most exciting player. Yes, Nate. The scheme works.

  4. I'm not American, so I don't lie on either side of your partisan politics. When the news of this report came out, I had two reactions: it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know and who cares?


    I love the moral high grounders who repeatedly chastise the CIA for "stooping to the level of the enemy". But I liken it to the Bills playing the Patriots, except the Bills are bound by rules and the Patriots play without that restriction (which isn't far fetched). If the Patriots are allowed to play dirty, deliver cheap shot after cheap shot and commit PI at will, they will win. Sure, the Bills suffered 7 career ending injuries, but hey, at least the Bills played fair. I don't get that.


    If you want extremism to win, continue to play by the rules and display a naive attitude that extremists laugh about. But I'd prefer western leaders get in the gutter to win this war. It's not about being better than that. It's about winning.




  5. I'd really like to know what defenders of Marrone like about him. Some tangible examples. None of this "they play hard for him" crap. Not even sure how true it is, but in any case, that's such a low bar to set. Players played hard for Jauron also. I'll give him hiring two good defensive coaches and getting the hell out of the way. But what else is there?


    By all accounts, his specialty is offense. The offense has added better players, yet gotten worse. Everyone is quick to blame Hackett for the offense, yet also say the defense is run by Schwartz. If true, what is Marrone's actual function here?


    What I've seen in the time he's been here that can be directly attributed to him:


    - horrible clock management

    - gutless 4th down play calling

    - mismanaging the roster (sitting Urbik was borderline criminal...the line looks so much better with him in there, as even the average fan could have predicted)

    - bumbling press conferences where he tries to explain some of his bone-headed decisions


    Maybe he's a nice guy behind the scenes. Maybe he's not. But the guy is a complete meathead as a head coach and we'll never make the playoffs with him.


    Such a shame, as this is actually a pretty talented team and a coach's primary function should be to get the best out of the roster he is given. In that respect, I really think he's the worst coach the Bills have had in the 25 years I've been watching this team.


    This statement alone makes me ignore anything else you have said.

  6. Hmmm. I suppose we should archive this thread. (Oh don't worry, you know I will)

    This way, when and if we elect a president with balls, and said president does something ballsy, we can have it on standby. Why?


    Because IIRC, we have been lectured by many in Canada(I have been personally lectured largely at many, inappropriate times, even at work, by Canadians), and Europe, and anyone else who seeks to aggrandize themselves by randomly including us/our president in monologues/debates in their own country, about our reckless, "unenlightended" ways, (otherwise known as being "ballsy", in the very context of this thread). This has been going on my entire life.


    We'll remember the standard: It's Ok to say "I'll shake your hand only to say get out of Ukraine"....but it's not OK to say "We want OBL dead or alive". The first thing is "ballsy". The second is: "cowboy".


    The question that the rest of the world needs to ask itself is: "Why don't you like this American foreign policy approach?

    After all, Obama and his approach is precisely what you've been calling for for all of YOUR lives.


    Well, the rest of the world...minus Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Iraq(ahem, the Axis of Evil...how's that look now? More evil? Or more "grey"?), etc. OMG! The bad governments America has been fighting/opposing for decades at a significant cost in lives/$...do bad things when the American President implements Canada/Europe's "plan"(the French have a word for this: retreat) instead of carrying on the fight? :rolleyes: Shocker!


    And then? When the "American Imperium" has finally been abridged per the "plan", and it's time for Europe to start expending their lives/$ due to a problem that is happening a day's train ride away from them? Europe pussies out. We are left with Canada's and Austrailia's PMs doing their best Reagan impressions, as the only real, public resistance to evil, not grey, evil.


    Pussying out. That is the reality. That is the "plan". That is who these people are. Americans aren't these people, and never will be, that's precisely what makes us Americans, and by definition, exceptional. Well, normally. When we get rid of the Clown-in-Chief and his circus? Expect us.


    More reality: What are Canada and Austrailia going to do besides be "ballsy"? Best case? They will do what they can: send at most a brigade, slight chance of a division, of light infantry, and some medical supplies, food, etc. And while that is noble, WTF is that going to do against the 10 Russian divisions currently in theatre, that include armor, air and artillery support?


    Nothing, other than get them killed, which is why they won't be sent. And, btw, how will they get there? I know: Air Canada! It's not like the Russians haven't already shot down civlian transport or anything.


    Hey, sorry dudes, but don't look to America to do anything. After all, we're too busy deferring to the UN, gutting our military, and "building support amongst the nations of the world". We've been at it for 6 years, we'll let you know when we are done. :lol: Don't forget: we already reset the relations with Russia, and that was a quite an accomplishment for Hillary Clinton...see we have this button, and how it works is...well, it's just good old American ingenuity. The truth is: We're too stupid to know how it works. The Smarter People(the left) in Canada and Europe understand it perfectly however. :lol:


    Look: the European/Canadian/Austrailian left aren't the biggest fools here. That title goes to the Ukranians themselves. They listened to the "plan", and relinquished their nukes. Those nukes would have kept them safe. Instead, everybody in the world promised to keep them safe from Russia. Turns out we all lied.


    How about some bumper sticker logic? "Clinton/Obama lied. Ukranians died." Or, how about a T-shirt? "Europe: Losing the battle for freedom since 1938"


    As I said: remember this thread. Because I assure you all, I won't forget it.


    Wow. Snowed in and hammered?

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