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Gabe Northern

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Posts posted by Gabe Northern

  1. He is a rookie and will have his ups and downs, ups vs. Carolina and NY Jets, downs vs. Pittsburgh and Tampa. Typical over reacting fan responses. The reason for the loss yesterday falls mostly on the offensive line that could not block and the famed pass rush that registered one sack. Again hes a rookie.


    He is playing like a crappy QB who happens to be a rookie. He has hit on some nice down field throws. He looks good running, but they don't take advantage of his ability. Everything else -- field vision, accuracy, quick decisions -- looks bad and generally improves modestly.

  2. Maybe.... Juuuuuust maybe.... our front office was very smart in not over paying for a guard, even if we didn't have a better alternative to replace him. sometimes you have to let a guy walk, especially one who isn't blowing it up on his new team.


    This sentiment is totally idiotic. If you decide not to pay someone, you better sure as sh*t figure out a Plan B.


    They literally replaced Levitre with the worst player in the NFL (Profootballfocus). How could anyone describe this as a smart move?

  3. Why do you people defend the organization's refusal to sign free agents like Antoine Winfield or Kerry Rhodes, or some other guys out of work who could provide some depth, even if just for a few weeks?


    It's pathetic. You like getting jerked around by a front office that doesn't give a crap about fielding a competitive team?

  4. The Bills are free to offer an insulting low-ball offer to an All-Pro safety and then tag him when he refuses to accept it.


    Byrd is free to react to the insulting low-ball offer by refusing to play until he's 100%.


    The franchise tag allows teams to retain player's services. It does not provide a right to have a happy player, eager to suit up and play for a team that basically said "EFF YOU" during negotiations.


    The decision on Levitre or Byrd should have been made before the 2011 season concluded. And if, at that point they decided against retaining the player, they should have have a player in mind to step in or how to address the position in UFA or the draft.


    This is exactly right.


    Every time a guy leaves it somehow comes as a huge friggin surprise and the team has to scramble to fill the position.


    Everyone was focused on debating whether or not to pay Jason Peters, but if you knew in 2008 that you weren't going to pay him, why no Plan B in 2009? That same situation played out with Levitre, as we now have two borderline NFL players battling it out for the position. Poz's departure necessitated the drafting of Sheppard...

  6. If the Bills were serious about building a winner, they would use their $20 M of 2013 cap space to extend Wood and/or Spiller. Roster bonuses only count against the cap in their year they are paid so they could spend up to $20 M in roster bonuses as part of multi-year extensions with no effect on the cap in 2014 and beyond.


    The Bills had sufficient cap room to sign both Levitre and Byrd. If they elected to use that cap space for other purposes, that would be one thing. But instead they just simply squandered it and got "atta boys" from plenty of people on this Board for doing so. They even moved $1.6 M of Anderson's dead money into 2014 when they could have eaten it all in 2013 and kept more money for next year.


    Also, i people think that Levitre and Byrd were too expensive, you have to realize that was partly because they did not extend these players before their contracts expired. You can get concessions from the player if you don't make them risk injury in a contract year and increase guarantees.

  7. The Bills won't meet the contract demands of a top-5 guard because they don't value the position.


    The Bills won't meet the contract dmands of a top-3 safety because they don't value the position.


    The Bills will pay $8.1 million for one season to a crappy/one-year wonder DE because they DO value edge pass rushers.


    Does anyone else see a problem here?!?!?

  8. The team sucks at drafting and lacks a well-devised strategy for building a team. The under-25 category is largely players between 2010 and 2012. They hit on Spiller in 2010 and everything else is either total garbage or marginal NFL talent. Maybe Dareus salvages his career, but are there any genuine stars likely to emerge from the rest of the 2011 class? Maybe Gilmore and Glenn work out, but did either of them show the flashes of a genuine stars like Richard Sherman Trent Williams in their rookie years?


    Of course, given the success of the 2009 draft, maybe the Bills are better off when they miss in the draft since they are unwilling to meet the contract demands of excellent players and are then forced to use draft picks to plug holes created when those players leave.

  9. Chris Brown reporting on what the Ryan Clady contract means for Jarius Byrd is highly deceptive.


    First, Brown misstates the size of the contract. Clady's base is $52.5 M, or $10.5 M per year, not $11.5 M.


    Second, since $11.5 million is $1.7 million greater than the $9.8 million franchise tag, Brown assumes that Byrd must likewise seek $1.7 million more than his $6.9 million franchise tag. This makes no sense to use gross dollar figures to make a comparison across positions with very different cap figures.


    It is far more logical to use the percentage difference between the per-year average and the tag. Clady's $10.5 million annual salary is 7% more than the $9.8 million franchise tag for offensive linemen. A 7% premium to Byrd's $6.9 million tag would be an annual average of $7.4 million. An annual average of $7.4 million would be a great contract from the Bills' perspective.


    The bottom line: The Bills are not willing to budge from their sub-market offer. As a result, Byrd will sign a one-year contract for the $6.9 million in exchange for contractual language that the Bills cannot use the tag in 2014. The Bills will gladly accept this condition since they have no intention of tagging him again at $8.3 million next year. Byrd will then sign elsewhere at market rates (about an $8 million per year average with $25 million guaranteed).


    Chris Brown is now desperately trying to distort the facts of the situation by making it appear that the problem is Byrd's exorbitant contract demands or the premium agents demand to the franchise tag. It is really pathetic to watch, but not nearly as pathetic as watching many people on this message board fall for his B.S.

  10. A lot of optimists here defending troupe. The fact of the matter is he looked awful last year (the main reason why he stopped getting playing time). I hope as much as anyone that Troupe magically turns things around (yes, I know he was just a rookie). Let's not forget that the Bills drafted him WAY too early. I remember watching ESPN and watching the announcers scramble through their papers trying to figure out who he was (after all, he played for UCF). This was a guy that probably could have been had in the 4th round or later.


    If they had drafted him then, there wouldn't be these expectations of an "instant starter". But when you draft a guy with what is almost a 1st round draft pick (41st overall), a starter is what you should have.


    So far McCargo has shown a lot more than Troupe unfortunately...


    Nice post. He was a 3rd rounder taken at the top of the 2nd, he came in too small for a NT and Low-and-friggin' behold got pushed around all season, and his college body of work does not provide any reason to believe he can hack it in the pros.

  11. Ah well, Pasquarelli will be reporting from a pro-Modrak stance shortly.


    Exactly right. People I've spoken to have emphasized that much of Pasquarelli's pre draft "insider" columns were basically Tom Modrak scouting reports. Modrak was an expert at prostituting himself to reports in exchange for favorable coverage, as some stories actually linked him to GM jobs that were pipe dreams at best.


    Pasquarelli's famous "John McCargo could be a 1st rounder" and "JP Losman has talent to go #1 overall" stories were all Modrak.


    No way, dude. Tom Modrak had great success in Philadelphia and is widely respected around the league.


    Oh -- it was the last five years? We can just blame on Dick Jauron then and save the tired Modrak defense for another day.


    Modrak still in office is one of the all time crazy personal moves in any business.

    It'd be like a buss driver crashing a bus every year for a decade or so, killing a few people every time, then somehow surviving all the crashes and asked to drive another bus.

    When will someone stop this man.


    True, but even crazier is the fact that people come to this board to defend this guy!


    These posters would look at the scene of every one of these bus crashes and figure out a way to blame it on someone else.


    If you are not related to or employed by Tom Modrak and you actively defend him, you need to see a therapist.

  13. pretty impressive considering the talent coming out in that positions in this yrs draft...gotta love the confidence buddy is displaying. Now I just hope troupe proves that on the field this year


    What's impressive? That a GM is talking up the guy he drafted last year?


    Why is that impressive?


    Troup wouldn't be 1 or 2 at NT in anyone else's mind.

  14. the Cornell Green reach was understandable at the time


    Sure, dude.


    Just like the Tutan Reyes and Bennie Andersen signings, right?


    Yeah, those guys were pretty good too until they all of a sudden hit the wall.


    Either that or they sucked and everyone else knew it but our pro personnel staff.

  15. Here's the deal:


    Stroud can give you a solid 15-20 snaps per game.


    Is that worth $7 million? No.


    So the Bills should have cut him since they were contractually obligated to pay him that sum. But once you cut him loose, he's free to renegotiate with anyone.


    Bottom line: The Bills and Pats front office could have the EXACT SAME grade on Stroud at this point in his career.

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