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Gabe Northern

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Posts posted by Gabe Northern

  1. If u were at games there were many a time when receivers were wide open and trent would either not throw it downfield or completely miss the window altogether. he was wayyyyy too hesitant to be an nfl QB. the probowlers are gunslingers not check down types


    I understand. I think the guy lost all confidence. He just wanted to get the ball out before he got his ass-kicked by oncoming defenders. Lots of plays there was no rush and guys were open, but he was still in that shell-shocked mindset. Other guys would have perfomed much better under these circumstances.


    My point is simply that he was more focused on getting rid of the ball than going through his progressions. Give the guy time and rebuild his confidence and I honestly think there's a future for him.

  2. Time to face facts, Fanning-Fan Fanboys - Trent is done in the NFL. He and his Stanford roomie can now go back to waxing their bodies and watching Dakota Fanning films.


    Trent could definitely pull off a Rich Gannon-like career resurgence. Gannon was probably more athletic, but did not have as strong an arm. Release and intelligence are comparable.


    All we know for sure about Trent Edwards is that he can't hack it behind a line that consists of rookies and cast-offs. What if he were given time and the confidence to go through his reads and find a rhythm? No one really knows.

  3. Git er done Russ Buddy.




    Crazy person with diminishing skills and of advanced age seeking lucrative contract with large signing bonus. Will only entertain offers to be a full-time starter.


    Yeah...that can't miss. Check out some choice quotes below. Dude is Whacked.





    ``I don't have time to play childish games,'' Porter said on Crowder's show, referring to the way coaches used him as a role player instead of a starter. ``If you want to put [linebacker] Cameron Wake in the game, go ahead and good luck to you.


    ``Let me go find me a job somewhere else.''


    Porter attempted to clarify one aspect of his rant from ESPN on Monday, stating that he doesn't want to be traded. Instead, he wants to be waived, seemingly so he can choose where he plays. Of course, that decision is out of his hands.


    ``I didn't even ask for a trade,'' Porter said. ``I never asked for a trade. I just asked the coach, `If that's the situation you plan on using me, just let me leave.' ''

  4. ESPN, even Tim Graham, has developed a sudden case of amnesia about how Ralph Wilson tried to warn the other owners this was a bad deal. After all how can an old coot like Ralph, a guy helped make the NFL what it is today, teach anything to whiz-kids like Kraft, Snyder and Jones?


    I think the decision to disregard Ralph had a lot to do with him "talking his own book." He knew (or was told by Littman) the percentages allocated to players were such that he'd have no hope of ever reaching the cap based on the non-shared revenue he could generate in Buffalo. Their response was more of "why don't you move out of a poor area?" rather than questioning his santity.


    You are right that the keys to this are KC, Cincy, Pittsburgh, and other cities whose economies are more than 2X as large as WNY but still much to small to accomodate the insane money-making schemes of Jones, Synder, etc.

  5. good....


    let the Rams move to Toronto... that mean the Bills won't be going there


    I would rather the Bills go to LA and change their name then try to tell us "it's still out team" when they become the Toronto Bills or something similarly stupid


    I still think the Bills are staying put right here, but I would like to see the Toronto threat go bye bye.


    Certainly, I would never support the "Toronto Bills" and if they move to Toronto full-time it's no different for me than if they moved to LA. In fact, it would probably be worse. The point is simply that if a team moves to Toronto, the Bills are gone. Period.


    To remain in Western NY, the Bills need to cultivate the Southern Ontario fanbase. Toronto is one of the richest 20 cities in the world and is the only source of corporate support available in the region for the suites and premium tickets sales that generate non-shared revenue. Take that away and there is no business plan that can keep the team in WNY.

  6. In fact - while we are at it - why don't we trade up - and get that DT from Nebraska -Suh?- he will be a game changer. Have the Bills ever traded UP?


    One of the biggest problems with recent drafts has been the decision to trade up to take inferior players. Had we waited, we could have had David Harris and a 3rd rounder instead of Poz. We could have had Matt Schaub and a 2005 1st rounder instead of Losman. They likely good have taken McCargo with their 2nd round pick. When you're scouts don't have a high success rate, you can't afford to sacrifice extra picks to move up and take a guy who has a reasonable likelihood of being worse anyway.


    Say what you will about Modrak being overruled, but if he has had ANY input on the draft his record is horrible. In addition to Poz and Losman think about 2008 when our needs were CB/WR and we passed on Pro Bowlers in both spots (Rodgers-Cromartie/DeSean Jackson).

  7. Not only that, but the NFC LT pool is the shallowest it's been in decades, what with Walter Jones and Jammal Brown not playing this year, Chris Samuels and Jordan Gross getting injured early, and Chad Clifton and Flozell Adams in decline.


    This is a great point. McKinnie might, in fact, have merited the selection. Sometimes it's about having guys that suck less than their peers at the position.

  8. So we offered 10 mill per to Shanahan and maybe Cowher and they both said no, so now what? Who is out there you would pay 10 mill for?


    So you are saying we should have paid Chan 10 mill or should we be happy a quality coach took the job when we have assistants turning us down for interviews?


    What if Chan turns this thing around? You guys gonna B word because he is JUST making 3 mill per?


    Bottom line you girls are gonna B word and whine no matter what. There will always be something about the team etc that you guys will B word about. Had Shanahan or Cowher taken the job you would B word they got paid too much, their assistants suck etc.


    I hope Chan works out. There are lots of reasons to have realistic hope that he will. But I think the point is that there really was never any intention of paying anyone $10 million per season. For all we know that number was planted by Shanny's agent. I just find it very hard to believe people turn down an incremental $15 million over 5 years (as would be the case with Shanny).

  9. If I recall, we offered Pickett more money and he turned us down.


    Funny how that always seems to happen. Almost makes one wonder if we offered LESS money but suggested otherwise after the fact in an attempt to keep the fan base happy.


    Weird that he came to Buffalo for a workout after Green Bay if he intended to sign there anyway, isn't it? Refuse to sign a contract with Green Bay, go to Buffalo where you're offered more money, and then return to Green Bay to sign their offer?


    And no one is picking northern Wisconsin over WNY on lifestyle grounds either.

  10. Let's ignore the fact that buffalo tried to get Pickett, but he turned down our offer and chose green bay instead.


    Look guys, I love the fealty to the talking points of the front office, but the fact was that Pickett liked Kollar (surprisingly) and actually wanted to come to the Bills if we matched the Packers' offer. Marv/Guy/Whomever chose not to because Tripplett was also available. My guess is that it was because Tripplett better fit the scheme (for Dick Jauron) and cost about $1 M less per year (for Overdorf/Littmann).


    Free-agent nose tackle Ryan Pickett flew out of Green Bay on Monday afternoon knowing how much the Packers want him but without signing a contract. Pickett was headed for Buffalo and a meeting with the Bills, whose new defensive line coach, Bill Kollar, served as Pickett's position coach throughout his five-year career in St. Louis. The Rams reportedly have a strong offer on the table for Pickett.

    -- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, March 14, 2006

  11. Underappreciated in the pantheon of boneheaded moves over the past few years was the decision to pick Larry Tripplett over Ryan Pickett in 2006 offseason. How many fans believed a 285 lber made sense at DT? Why did our pro personnel dept?


    Pickett and Ngata in the middle would have gone a long way to masking all of the other absurd personnel decisions that were made over the past few years.


    Also, a reminder that good players are available every offseason and it might not take as long as some expect to reshape this woeful roster.




    Thompson's offseason agenda starts with Pickett


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