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Gabe Northern

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Posts posted by Gabe Northern

  1. The analytics guy in Seattle is not Pete Carroll's boss.


    Has no one ever had an employer that is always up in their business?


    THAT is what Russ Brandon does. He's all over every football decision.


    And the football decisions have been terrible.


    Classic: "Brandon and Bills senior vice president of football operations Jim Overdorf finally hammered out the deal late Friday night and Saturday morning with Eagles GM Howie Roseman."


    Response from Apologists: "he was just doing what Whaley wanted him to do."


    So we're left to believe the subordinate (Whaley) was directing the activity of his supervisor (Brandon).


    Riiiight. This is pure meddling by the "business side." It is working for a control freak, who is out there supervising every single decision made by his subordinates and likely pushing them to "make bold decisions."

  2. I've never once defended the performance of the organization...I've only ever drawn the line between where Russ' responsibility begins and ends. He is responsible for the current structure of the organization, starting from his appointment to Team President in January of 2013. Prior to that, he was President of Business Operations, and did a stint as GM where he left personnel decisions to Tom Modrak and John Guy, and served as the GM in title only.


    He can be taken to task for the structure of the organization as it stands today (i.e. the promotion of Whaley and supporting his revamping of the scouting department and pro personnel department), and he is ultimately responsible for the performance of Doug Whaley and (therefore) Doug Marrone.


    As to the topic at hand, I have no idea if France will be involved (I can only say I haven't heard that) or if he should be...I would find it odd if the Pegulas made a switch in their first year or so as owners, but then again, I don't know their approach to running the organization.


    Do you want him to have this level of involvement in future decisions? Should he have to OK all trades and UFA negotiations?


    Q: Why make this move and what do you think about Sammy Watkins?

    Doug Whaley: Dynamic playmaker. That's what this game is all about, making plays. This game is about making plays and surrounding our quarterback with playmakers. He's automatically going to make our quarterback better and us better as a team. I do want to start this by saying this all goes back to Russ Brandon. He allowed us to make this move and he okayed it and was willing to give up the resources and future picks to go up and get a guy that we think will help

  3. With new ownership, what role will Russ Brandon play in the new regime? A proven brilliant marketing guy, Ralph moved him into management. Under his watch for the past nearly ten years, Buffalo has consistently had losing seasons, due to poor management and poor coaching selections.


    If I own the team, I pay Russ Brandon very well to continue being the marketing guy. Then I bring in someone new to run the team and make football related decisions.


    FWIW I keep Whaley and Doug Marrone.


    Why does anyone care if Russ is good or bad at marketing? You are not a shareholder, you are a fan.


    Russ Brandon has done a terrible job as head of the organization if you are interested in winning.

  4. <sigh> Russ is already solely on the business side. This has been discussed over and over again. Russ isn't making football decisions.


    Please...Do you really believe he plays no role? We know he negotiated the Brown trade. We know he is actively involved in the draft room, offering input. We know that he threw down the marker to make a "bold" move. We know that our original GM search was as weak as it was precisely because he wanted to retain power over football decision. He has the same itch for football decisions as Jerry Jones. And he's not giving that authority up as long as he's employed at OBD. That's why he needs to be terminated.

  5. If thus France guy is worth his salt, he will fire Russ Brandon as the first order of business.


    FYI for all of those people who defend Brandon: you are not shareholders of the business. It should not matter to you what he does on the business side of things and whether those initiatives are successful or not. As a fan, what should matter is the product on the field. And it has sucked since 2009.


    He has headed an inept organization since 2009 that has placed profits above winning. He cares about keeping fans interested, not winning, hence the "bold moves" that no one else in the league would consider.


    He needs to be tossed out on his ear.

  6. For those who think winning will make the trade worth it:


    If I you put your paycheck on black on the roulette wheel and it comes up black, was it a smart move that showed confidence?


    I don't think so. The odds made it a bad move. I think that the odds from the (supposedly unbiased) ESPN rankings and other sources suggest the odds of a top-10 pick are pretty high. If Watkins isn't a superduperstar, that is a bad trade.

  7. Browns expected to draft 3rd and 4th next April. See: http://espn.go.com/nfl/powerrankings/_/year/2014/week/1


    For those people who liked the Watkins trade: Even if you think basically every prediction is wrong and biased against the Bills, don't you think it's at least a little crazy to trade #9 to move up to #4 if next year's selection has a reasonable chance of landing in the top 5?


    Virtually every preview I've seen has the Bills picking in the top 10 next year. Watkins would have to be Hall of Fame bound for this trade to make sense.

  8. Do you know how much of that $5 mill is guaranteed?


    That's not a lot of money as far as NFL QBs are concerned and the Bills can afford to pay for a good backup.


    All of it is guaranteed as of week 1.


    The Bills CAN pay for a good backup. But they don't ever pay for good backup. In fact, they refused to meet Orton's contract demands earlier in camp when he could have still come in and been ready for the opener. Only when EJ sh&t the bed against TB and DET did they realize they had no choice because EJ + Tuel = Browns drafting top 3 in 2015.

  9. Promo is right that the Cleveland pick is driving this. At $5 M per season, Orton is an expensive insurance policy that will most certainly be used as soon as week 4 if EJ sucks it up. The Bills do not pay for depth. This guy is coming here to make sure we get at least 6-8 wins and the Browns draft no higher than 10.


    After Tampa game, Brandon/Whaley had to know EJ was capable of posting 2-3 wins if he had a downward spiral and lost confidence.

  10. By not drafting another signal caller the current regime sent a strong message IMO, the Buffalo Bills bilieve in EJ manuel and intend on staying the course with EJ Manuel.


    Kyle Orton is brought in to back EJ Manuel up


    The Bills TRIED to send a message that they believed in EJ Manuel...right up until the point where that was no longer remotely tenable. Then they wised up and paid Orton starter's money to...wait for it...be prepared to start by week 4 if the first 4 weeks of the regular season are anything like the last four of the preseason.


    Root for Manuel? Hells yeah. Especially now that we have a legit alternative once EJ gets the hook.


    Actually I would disagree...there are many on here who I think would rather be right about him being a bust than see him succeed.



    I highly doubt that's true. I personally think EJ sucks, but would be lovin' life if he turned in a super-efficient season, with a 88 passer rating and we made the playoffs. I bet most other people down on him feel the same way. But how can anyone expect that after the turds he's laid in friggin' practice?

  11. Lots of posters seem to miss the larger point:


    Whether you prefer EJ or Terrelle as a prospect, our depth behind EJ is horrible and we could have fixed that by bringing in a dynamic athlete at little to no cost.


    Ironically, for all of those posters ridiculing Pryor, one reason they may have decided against bringing him in is because it may have eroded EJ's confidence by causing him to look over his shoulder at the superior athlete and college QB.

  12. Through two games, Terrelle Pryor has thrown 20 passes for 147 yards (7.35 per attempt) and run 3 times for 87 yards and a touchdown.


    By comparison, EJ Manuel has thrown 47 passes for 263 yards (5.6 yards per attempt) and only added 8 yards rushing.


    Maybe Manuel is the better prospect, but the difference is not as great as many on this board might suspect. EJ's unwillingness to run makes him one-dimensional. And that dimension is not good. Conversely, Pryor has a big arm and a nice throwing motion to develop with enough athleticism to win games as a back-up in the mean time.


    Leaving that more provocative discussion aside, why did Russ Brandon and Doug Whaley decide to enter 2014 with the worst QB depth chart in the NFL? Was it to boost EJ's confidence? Incompetence? Over estimation of Tuel and Lewis? Pryor is an athletic freak who was available as an unrestricted free agent at the league minimum.

  13. So is it inconceivable that if Terry Pegula does in fact buy the Bills that he keeps Brandon? Brandon has been so committed in keeping the franchise in this community. I like the way he looks out for the Bills' welfare and believe that his loyalty is unquestionable to the franchise and community. I also really like the job that he has been doing since the passing of Ralph Wilson. Here's a vote for retaining Brandon & Co after the new ownership takes over, whoever that may be.


    I just completely fail to see why ANYONE wants failure to be rewarded. Those of us who'd like to see the Bills be good again cannot wait to Brandon is selling insurance somewhere.


    Brandon is an assclown. The 2009 season when he was installed as GM was the most chaotic in memory. He then leads a search process to find a "football guy" to replace him as GM and it consists of John Guy (out of the NFL) and Buddy Nix. Brandon then hires (or okays) failed ACC head coach Chan Gailey (out of the NFL).


    Then in 2013, he pretends as though he is starting anew as head of the organization even though he'd been installed as CEO since Buddy Nix was hired.


    He is a con man. And the greatest con of all is having all of you on this board support him despite the terrible team and organizational disarray he's delivered for you.


    Logic of Guys on this board:


    Russ Brandon is good at keeping me interested in the Bills despite the fact that the team sucks.


    Therefore, he is good at his job and should be retained.

  14. I'm not saying it couldn't happen, because obviously it could, but if it were going to happen why wouldn't they have one of the other guys (Dixon, Brown) practicing/playing more time with the 1's? When Lynch was going to be traded, his 1st team reps were severely cut almost like the writing was on the wall.


    This couldn't be MORE WRONG. In fact, the light workload of Brown makes a Spiller trade more probable.


    Lynch was showcased and received the most carries until he was traded. You, my friend, have chosen to make up facts, have insulted out intelligence, and lost ALL CREDIBILITY






    I'm not saying it couldn't happen, because obviously it could, but if it were going to happen why wouldn't they have one of the other guys (Dixon, Brown) practicing/playing more time with the 1's? When Lynch was going to be traded, his 1st team reps were severely cut almost like the writing was on the wall.


    This couldn't be MORE WRONG. In fact, the light workload of Brown makes a Spiller trade more probable.


    Lynch was showcased and received the most carries until he was traded. You, my friend, have chosen to make up facts, have insulted our intelligence, and lost ALL CREDIBILITY





  15. We need to trade a 7th rounder for Terrelle Pryor or sign him as a UFA.


    My guess is an unbiased poll of talent evaluators would be evenly divided between him and EJ. He definitely has better wheels and seems to throw a better ball.


    At the very least, it would be a hell of a camp competition and would be preferable to any late-round QB available in May.

  16. The Bills should acquire Terrelle Pryor, either via 7th round pick on as a UFA after he's released.


    Kid has incredible wheels and throws a better ball than Manuel.


    My guess is that a poll of personnel people would suggest he might even be slightly preferred to EJ.


    Would be a great camp competition at least.

  17. 2006: Distrust bordering on paranoia following the Tom Donahoe experience leaves the Bills unable to interview qualified candidates from other teams. Bills settle on 80-year old Marv Levy, despite his never having served in personnel role in prior 60+ years in the NFL.


    2006: Unwilling to commit to Mike Mularkey as coach or breaking the team’s “no buyout” policy, Levy speculates openly about coaching the team again. Mularkey decides to return his clown nose to the big tent located next to the pachyderm trailer and leave quietly.


    2006: Understandably concerned about the success rate of first time coaches after the experience with Greggg Williams and Mike Mularkey, the team decides to go the retread route. Not surprisingly, the only former coaches interested in working for a first-time head coach salary are former coaches who’d never otherwise get another look for a job. The Bills narrow their choices to Mike Sherman and Dick Jauron and choose the later.


    2009: Despite a disastrous 2-8 close to the season, Dick Jauron is retained as head coach thanks to a hastily agreed in-season extension and the aforementioned “no buyout” policy.


    2009: Levy leaves his job as GM after confessing that he wanted to use the position to force his way back into coaching. The team decides to leave the position open and give the title to Russ Brandon, a former Florida Marlins employee credited with “regionalizing” the fan base following the team’s decision to move its training camp to his alma mater of St John’s Fisher.


    2009: Russ Brandon’s background in strategic communications and sports marketing proves invaluable, as Bills sign 35-year old Terrell Owens to one-year contract while allowing 26-year old All Pro Left Tackle Jason Peters to leave.


    2010: Bills promise to hire a “football man” as GM. Buffalo News reports decision as matter of fact without the slightest hint of irony.


    2010: After canvassing the globe for potential candidates, Bills settle on either Buddy Nix or John Guy. Winner gets to be real-life, NFL GM! Loser is out of NFL and needs to find new line of work to support himself. Nix declared victor; Guy finds work at insurance brokerage.


    2012: Bills realize they are under new salary cap floor and do not have a sufficient number of Chris Kelsays on roster to re-up. The decide to throw $50M at Mario Williams who quickly learns assignments in Dave Wannstedt’s 1987 Miami Hurricanes playbook: line up across from RT, rush passer.


    2013: Bills formally elevate Russ Brandon to #3 place in organization, following Jeffrey Littmann and James Overdorf. Brandon assumes total control of organization, except for areas related to staffing and budgets.


    2014: Ralph Wilson, icon owner and NFL Hall of Famer, passes away at 95. He is succeeded as owner by the executor of the Trust that assumed ownership of the team, Jeffrey Littmann.

  18. FACT: Andrew Luck was ranked 26th in total passer rating last year, behind Blaine Gabbert....


    That's why it's worth actually watching the QBs.


    If EJ through a bunch of picks because of aggressive downfield throws in anticipation of WR cuts, the stat sheet might look bad but I'd be encouraged about his future.


    Instead, he is a checkdown artist with horrific numbers. The only thing I like about his game is that he throws a nice deep ball on "go" routes like Losman did. I also like his athleticism but he refuses to run out of the read option, which is crazy. Dude is not making it in NFL if he's not adding 500-800 yds on the ground each season.


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