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DC Grid

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Posts posted by DC Grid

  1. Quoted for dexterity. I am so glad this group of deep thinkers do not work for the Bills. Perhaps try to know a little of what you're talking about before you just start immediately bashing. Dumbasses.



    Maybe I over reacted. Troup can play OL and block for our number one pick right?


    Oh he can't...well at least we have a great OL already and there were no decent OT values with higher grades from all the analysts left on the board.


    People also complained quickly about Whitner, Maybin, and McCargo. Bad picks are easy to spot...good ones are a little more subtle.

  2. Another problem could be if Fitz / Trent / Or Brian led the Bills to a 5-0 record with the schedule they have this year, none of us would be around to appreciate it because it would be a sure precursor to the apocalypse. I remain convinced after watching 2012 that that is what the Bills are building for, to be a SB team right before the world ends.

  3. What if the Bills went with the best player available in the first and selct Dez Bryant? Does he not fill a major need?

    Then they try to move up to get their 3/4 NT, Terrence Cody. Switch Bills' 2nd with Chargers' 1st by trading them Lynch?

    The Bills could then send their 3rd round pick plus next years 2nd to the Ravens for their LT, Gaither.

    4th rounder you use on a young QB with a very good arm like Brown or Skelton.

    5th round send to the Redskins for a one year experiment in Campbell, may take another pick next year 4th rounder maybe?


    So there you have it...


    WR BRYANT...check

    NT CODY...check

    LT GAITHER...check

    QB...question mark...but there's still three chances for success Campbell, 4th round rookie QB, QB in the 1st round of the 2011 draft.


    I know I'm going to get blasted for this one, but hey I'm not married to any one pick yet and I'm just trying to think out of the box here. I fear the Bills will not be able to get the top two LTs and if they will have to look at another position, why not the best guy which fills a need?



    I think this would be awesome and isn't that far out of the relm of possibility, but it seems like a little too much of a house of cards to happen. I'd say more likely would be the following: (Which I'd also be happy with)


    1-9. Dez Bryant (despite parker)

    2-41. Pick traded for Gaither, and Bal would do this as they aren't going to have two OTs making franchise $.

    3-72. NT Tourell Troup

    4-107. Pick traded for Jason Campbell.


    I'm not saying this will happen, but what I've come up with above is all well within the relm of posibility.

  4. Just wondering, with all of the backs the Bills have been signing, if they don't go after Spiller would Toby Gerhart look good in a Bills uni ?? HMMMM I wonder ?? :bag:


    He'd look as good as Tim Tindale use to. As long as the Bills don't take him before the 5th, I'd love to see him in buffalo blue.

  5. It stinks that the Raiders migth grab Clausen, because then he will be guaranteed to be a bust, as they can destroy anyone.


    Things I think people all too often forget about Clausen around here:


    1- He played in a high pressure environment and did pretty well.

    2- He is captain anti-checkdown and has the guts and arm to put the ball anywhere on the field.

    3- Early in the offseason many analysts had him ranked ahead of even Bradford, and Mel Kiper still has him there.



    Finally, we all pray at the alter of Jim Kelly on this board (and rightfully so) but people somehow don't like that JC might be an ego driven, gunslinging, a-hole. What was Kelly? He refused to play for Buffalo out of a desire for more money and a flashier setting. He was a prima donna QB from the U, who was never afraid to get in a receiver's face or above occaionally throwing someone under the bus. (Remember the bickering Bills) To boot, Jim Kelly was a drunk who would go out and get wasted even during super bowl week. That's not the profile of every great QB, but looking at a number of the great QBs who have been like this (Kelly, Bradshaw, Namath to name only a few) maybe taking a flyer on Clausen wouldn't be so bad.


    The comparissons to Kelly run even deeper, people talk about how Claussen got clocked at a restaurant when he was out with his family having dinner as if that is another reason not to like him. Remember when Kelly got clocked by Harbbaugh, who broke a bone in his hand off Kelly's dome after Kelly called him soft?

  6. I am a huge proponent of drafting Clausen at 9, and think that if the top 3 OTs are gone, which it looks like they will be, the Bills HAVE to go with Clausen, but I think that is incerdibly risky for the team. There are a lot of teams looking for tackles this year, and I wouldn't be surprised to see 5-6 minumum go in the first round and 2-3 go at the top of the second. If the Bills pass on an OT at 9, there is a good chance that when the 41st pick rolls around the Bills will be staring at the 10th best OT and value would necessitate that they draft a different position.


    If I were running things at OBD, I'd be looking to pick up an OT at 9 and trade the 72nd for Campbell, or take Clausen at 9 and trade the 41st for Gaither (and risk him being another Peters when it comes to work ethic).

  7. If you look at their accuracy in evaluating players, Lindy's has been the most accurate over the past 5 years. TSN use to be great, but after their merger with Street and Smith their evaluations have gone to crap. I tend to pick up all the mags, but I think this is the last year I will be spending money on TSN as it's sort of a laugher at this point.

  8. This was a steal, even with his legal troubles, but you almost have to wonder if the Jets are trying a little to hard to assemble a SB team without regard to chemistry. The new Jets seem a lot like the early 90s Mets and early 2000s Mets who tried to aquire everyone under the sun and wound up with a mess. I can't see LT doing much, and JT who they are going for now might be in a similar washed up category. Cromartie and his Travis Henry esq paternaty pursuits adds another hedache to that lockeroom as well. Throw in a loud mouth coach, and it seems like they're setting up one heck of a powder keg.


    This isn't sour grapes, as I fully recognize I'd trade teams with the Jets in a heartbeat at this point, I just think there's a chance the Jets might be sewing the seeds to their own destruction at this point.

  9. Cerrato was a recruiting director for Notre Damn he gets a small portion of credit for their National Championship. He is in the Golden Domer club. Plus he got booted out of DC after being one of the worst NFL executives (6/10 worst free agency signings in NFL history were during his reign)


    Not a great source.




    BTW you may way to rework your sign Julius Caesar would be the first JC in chronological order (remember the whole crucification by the Romans thing that kinda sealed Jesus' place in history) Not really sure what the 3 of those people have in common besides their initials when their names are translated into Engligh.




    Ryan Leaf

    Tim Couch

    Jimmy Clausen


    Have much more in common



    I was going in terms of literary or cultural importance as opposed to chronologically. Perhaps I should have added a footnote.

  10. Before you go around telling people you want Clausen, you may want to google image him. I would be mortified if they drafted him. This guy wouldn't even be cool enough to fit in on the Jersey Shore. Jim Kelly is right, I want a leader. I want Tim Tebow. Play the clip from after the Ole Miss game to hear what kind of a man Tebow is.



    What I see from the google photos, is a man who drinks his face off and isn't affraid of making a fool of himself. A brash outspoken guy, who on the field is strong armed and tough as nails. It's funny that Jim wants Tebow, when Clausen would be more like Jimbo than any QB the Bills have had since he left. Tell me you couldn't see Jim and Clausen tying one on, on Saturday night before JC drops 300 yards and 3 TDs on the Fins, just like Jimbo use to.

  11. I think McShay is full of it in general when it comes to Clausen, and I believe JC will be better than Bradford, but CerRATo also is a BSer and has strong motivation to talk up Clausen.*


    Down here in DC the local affiliates / reporters all say that the Skins don't want Clausen, so I believe they might be starting their propaganda / sales campaign to lure some team like CLE, BUF, etc to trade up to get him.


    I wouldn't trade up for Calusen, but I would love to see the Bills take him at 9.


    I already have my sign ready for when I come up to the Ralph:


    Jesus Christ

    Julius Caesar

    Jimmy Clausen




    *Word is Cerrato hopes to stay in the good graces to return to the organization in some capacity in the future...which people down here say is likely.

  12. Campbell is an excellent QB. If we were in a capped year Campbell was going to be a UFA and I was praying the Bills would be smart enough to sign him...as I knew the Skins were dumb enough to let him go. But now that Shanny is running things and Jason's a RFA there's zero chance he's leaving the Skins this offseason.


    On a personal note Campbell seems like a really good guy to boot. When I was living in Arlington a few years ago, my girlfriend was roomates with Jason's girlfriend, so we actually hung out a handful of times. He's pretty quiet, but very smart, and besides poor taste in cars / paint (he had a dark blue corvette that he put the #17 all over), he seemed to really have his head on straight.


    He's had to suffer through a new system each an every year and gobs of skins bs, but he remains professional and productive. If the Skins dont grab a QB with their 1st pick it will be because Shanny realizes he's already got his Franchise qb on the roster.

  13. If I were Goddel / parties interested in making more cash for the NFL while expanding into Canada, my strategy would be as follows.


    Facilitate a deal to get Buffalo to LA. LA doesnt support the NFL all that well, but that is why I would want the stadium in the godforsaken inland empire. Ie city of industry. The LA tv market pays the league off huge and the local team can find more than enough fan support from an inland empire that doesnt have as much going on as LA and will more than likely dedicate time and money to filling seats.


    Then I would wait a couple of years, and move a team to Toronto. For a team to suceed in Toronto, especially in the begining, they will need support from old nfl fans in Buffalo. It doesnt take a genius to realize that the nfl would have a nightmare on its hands and struggle to get such support if they moved the Bills across the border. But take away nfl football completely, then reintroduce a 'new' team, and a lot of people will likely support them. For those of you who doubt many in Buffalo would support the new team after being starved, you're likely dilluding yourself, but regardless it's easy to see how the nfl could believe this would work.


    I always figured the team in this double switch would be the Jags, but this Rams development...if it pans out...fits well enough.


    New ownership won't likely come into STL and immediately move the team, but it isnt hard to imagine their being willing to play along for a year or two to get nfl backing for a move that will get them to a far more valuable market.


    Having lived in STL I think if Goddell and crew wanted to do this double switch, the Jags would be a better team to do it with as STL does support that team well. And moving STL would be walking away from a solid nfl market, while remaining in an incredibly weak one in jacksonville. But i could see Goddell and crew deciding that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


    I guess this is just scary food for thought.




    Captain Obvious.

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