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DC Grid

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Posts posted by DC Grid

  1. Acceptance....and somewhat shocked how numb I've gone. For the first time ever, I find myself not even caring about watching their games. I spent most of the Jets game at the mall waiting for my GF to finish shopping and was only worried about how my fantasy team was doing. I want to care...but I just really can't.

  2. I think what everyone is missing is the real issue here. Now that we've successfully extended Kelsay, we need to quickly extend Nix as all these great moves mean he's going to be in high demand when his contract is up two years from now. I say a reasonable amount to pay him would be $49,000,000 per season.


    I can take a lot, but Kelsay's signing is infuriating. Have the Bills reached the point as an organization where the only hope we have for a great transaction is when it's printed in the obituaries?

  3. As someone who has owned a AmStaff Terrior (aka Pit Bull) I think Vick is scum. I like the headline in the Daily News, I just wish it was about how he had worked his way to the top of the sociopath hierarchy in max security prision, and not that he was again a starting QB. Luckily, before long he will show why he was on his way out of the NFL as a QB even before the dog mutilation and murder charges he went away on.


    I would never condone fighting dogs, but don't find that to be the really scary part of what he was doing. Slamming a dog to death by hand and electrocuting them with a hose and lose wires for fun, which he personally took part in, is what makes me cheer for bad things to happen to him everytime he steps on the field. Maybe now that he's starting some NFL defender will sieze the opportunity to pick him up and slam him into the ground until he dies too.

  4. Need a three way trade with Green Bay, Buffalo and San Diego. Green Bay gets Lynch, Buffalo gets McNeil and San Diego gets some draft picks (Green Bay's conditional 3rd, Buffalo's 3rd). :)


    Looks like we have an NBA or MLB GM here. Kidding aside I think this would take a 2nd from buffalo, but would be completely worth it.


    Though after last night I think SD might be caving to McNeil's demands.

  5. Answered your own question I think. Jackson's more valuable to the Bills than the 5th or 6th rd pick that they'd receive in return.



    Exactly. Despite the Buffalove for Freddie, I'd be willing to bet the promise of a return to Beast Mode is a lot more inticing for the vast majority of NFL teams (even with his off field problems) than a hard working, undrafted, over-acheiver.


    FWIW I would much rather keep Lynch as well, but with the money the Bills have tied up in Spiller, resigning lynch after 2011 will never happen, so we should try to get something for him now.

  6. GB is cooked without Grant and they know it. With him out almost all year now (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5572144) they are desperate for a trade as Jackson cannot handle the load. The Bills need to eventually ditch one of their RBs and now would be a perfect time to get value for one. I'd be shocked if GB wouldn't give up what will be a low 3rd for Lynch, or if nothing else a 4th. Whatever we can get from GB now is as good as the Bills could ever hope for, and I for one would much rather have another pick in next years draft to spend on trying to solve some of the gapping holes we have on this team, than an extra RB who isn't part of the long term rebuilding plan.

  7. Jerry puts on his peter king hat and hands us another pile of BS. Here are some teams that seemed to build a winner without "completely bottoming out". Now a lot of them did have a Dick Juron type of era with fewer wins than losses, but you wont find a great deal of horrific seasons in this group.


    Minnesota Vikings

    New York Jets

    New England Patriots

    San Diego Chargers

    Green Bay Packers

    Pittsburgh Steelers

    Baltimore Ravens

  8. Tim has regularly explained in his ESPN chats that he does all his contract requires him to do chat wise, and basically not much more. As I figure it, that means he has to do about 20 a year which is what he does. And like he did on this site, he gets defensive when people challenge him about it. I'd wish he was like Matt Williamson who does around 40 plus a year, cause Tim's chats are pretty funny.

  9. It's hard to not see positives in finding good undrafted street free agents. Though i'd rather they kept bell to a couple on this list, these finds plus making the right call on spiller, and grabbing moats late make me think this regime is already off to a far better scouting / drafting start than any of the regimes that have followed butler.

  10. If I were to bring him in I think he'd replace Fitz - merely because Brohm is promising as a true pocket passer, and Troy seems more mobile, more along the lines of what Fitz gives us, but hopefully more accurate. So, I'd love to see us with Edwards, Smith, and Brohm.

    It's starting to look like the Bills are handing the team over to Edwards, though. If he regresses it doesn't look like they would look to keep either Brohm or Fitz at QB, but just go after a franchise QB in next year's draft.


    I really see more in Brohm than a lot of people on this board, it seems. He's looked pretty good to me, and I'd give him a chance as a starter if Edwards were to falter. But, if Brohm is close to being good enough, and Smith is very similar - they're both thinking they want and deserve starter jobs. Edwards, Smith, and Brohm would be a team with three guys thinking they're 1st string.

    So, I think our F.O., merely for that reason, might stay away from Smith and go with Edwards or next year's first round pick.


    I think this is dead on. Fitz is who he'd replace. And anything that gets fitz off the roster is good by me.

  11. I'd hope for us to go 7-9 or do as well as we possibly can then have the nerve in the offseason to make the moves necessary to take it to the next level. If that means trading up to get a top QB in the draft (which it might) so be it. As the Jets have shown you don't have to spend years at 1-15 etc to rebuid into a winner. I think it is far better to see a 7-9 team, realize Nix was right that this isn't as much of a rebuild as the Chargers were, and go from there, having to fill holes not rebuild an entire roster.



    Buffalo is a ghost town, use the stadium and new development to draw people back to the downtown. In almost every major city, save Detroit, people are flocking back into cities and redevelopment has helped to greatly improve stagnating downtown economies...you get young people out of the burbs and into the cities they pay taxes and pump money into the cities and help spur a cycle of growth. Give the next owner 20 square blocks, let them develop it using the modern stadium model of placing a stadium, retail, residential, and business complexes all together. Using smaller arenas and less development this formula has been used to perfection in cities like Milwaukee and on a larger scale in Indianapollis. In Cleveland their stadiums help to give development a rock to cling on and have led to larger redevlopment of the downtown than could have been expected with their shrinking population.


    Building it near the falls would be great, and make the stadium a spectacle, but Buffalo again would get little in the bargain. Put it downtown use the stadium and the team to Buffalo's best advantage.

  13. After watching the first three preseason games, I have been consistently disgusted with the play of Cornell Green at RT. The guy is possibly the worst run blocker I have ever seen, and he isn't much better at pass blocking. He gets pushed around like a little B word, and pass rushers run past him like he is standing still. He looks like a fool out there. Is this guy really going to be our starting RT come week one? I have a hard time believing that Chan really thinks that this is the best we can do at this position. I would rather see Meredith, or dare I say it, Chambers starting in his place. Something has to be done about this. SERENITY NOW!!!


    Serenity now, insanity later. Personally I plan on losing my mind after the talentless Mr green blows a block that winds up getting Edwards or Spiller injured.

  14. I think Brohm looks somewhat promising, but ill be buying his jersey if he can boot fitz off the roster. Fitz is worthless and at his best has only shown glimpses of being a below average backup. I'd love to see TE start and BB and LB behind him as they'll all get some time this year and the team will get to see if they actually have some potential at the position. I still think they need to take a Qb high next year, but I'd love to see the bills find some potential on the roster this year. Every game fitz starts is one more wasted chance to evaluate / develop a real Qb. In investment terms Brohm and Levi are lottery tickets, Trent is an awful mutual fund that is slowly losing money and fitz is the equivalent of giving your money to a homeless DC crackhead.

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