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DC Grid

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Posts posted by DC Grid

  1. Completely agree. If they lose Sunday, the worst the lowest they draft is 4th, but if they win, they might be drafting as low as 12. Yes, no draft pick is a guarantee, and yes the Bills could draft another mike Williams, but playing the numbers game, there are a lot more impact players taken at 4 than 12.

  2. I like Mallet, and think that he could be a franchise Qb if he was allowed to learn behind Fitz for a year or so. But I don'treally want to see him taken this high (3) as like all qbs he has a high bust potential. I also get nervous that watching him a number of times this year, he's somewhat a product of his offense. In the Alabama or Lsu game (i forget which) he was knocked out and his backup came in and looked just as good, which is often a bad sign.


    Right now the Bills are drafting 6th and failing any upset wins by them or teams in the top 5 that's where they'll be come draft day. At 6th Mallet would be less of a reach as likely the top QB, DE, and DT would all be off the board and taking any of the OTs would be a big reach, and trading down is never really that easy to do. Additionally, the Bills couldn't trade too far down and still hope to get him as I don't see mallet, or whoever is deemed the 2nd best Qb in this class, lasting too far into the teens, given all the teams with Qb issues. Min, Sea, Cin, Ari, Was, Car, Cle?, Mia?, SF?.


    I'd also say if there was an OLB on the board with Clay Matthews potential they should just grab him and maybe go for a guy like Locker in the 2nd.

  3. Not to beat this horse to death, but...


    I won't speculate on whether Donte has driven drunk in the past. Possibly he has. But this is a unique situation, IMO. He wasn't leaving a bar/party/nightclub. He had residual alcohol in his bloodstream after waking up. How many people, even those who make damn sure they don't drive home drunk, might blow over a .08 in the morning? You don't have a buzz. The morning grogginess likely masks any left over alcohol effects. By the time you shower and leave the house you probably feel fine, and have no thought of last night's drinking. Unless you keep a breathalyzer in the house, how would you know what your blood alcohol level?


    Yes, Stallworth's blood alcohol was well above the legal limit (.08), but let's not pretend that everyone feels/acts the same given the same blood alcohol level. They may all be legally drunk, but some may exhibit few signs or not feel much different. Add the circumstances of waking up to the mix and I think you may have a guy who could be very careful not to drive drunk in typical situations, not even considering last night's consumption, here.


    Let's make something clear. I'm not excusing Donte because of this, but it adds context that should be used when evaluating the severity of the situation. In out current state of fear, people would blame Stallworth even if he were stopped at a red light and someone plowed into him, had his blood alcohol been found to be above the legal limit. Often alcohol plays the major role in an accident, sometimes it is a contributing factor and then there are times when it likely had no impact whatsoever in the situation. As I wasn't there, I can only speculate. But hitting a guy darting across a highway right before dawn, probably falls into one of the latter two categories.


    Finally, let's remember the reason he is "guilty" of vehicular manslaughter is because he choose to plead guilty. Most anyone else would likely not have that tag associated with them, as they would have fought these charges, and very possibly would have beaten them. The incident doesn't change, but the punishment and labels do.


    Wow, are you a PR guy for Donte?


    1. Bars in Mia close at 4am, accident was before 7am...not exactly getting up the morning after, just as likely to be driving home from an after party set up.


    2. Donte blew a .134, unless you're a tremendous alcoholic, you know your fighting off more than an innocent case of the sleepies.


    3. Donte's only residual test was positive for weed. Also illegal.


    4. Yes his friends and friendly reporters are how fast to point out he plead guilty as proof of how great he is, but strategically it made the most sense. Going to trial, won't only make the family "feel bad" it will make him look awful. Rich millionaire driving bentley home after a night of drinking kills immigrant worker running to catch his bus home, and had nearly twice the legal bac AND tested positive for weed. I know you and others talk about how he "would have won that case" but finding sympathetic jurors in a city with a jury pool made up largely of poor migrants might not go so hot. In fact I'd bet on a fairly quick guilty once it went to the jury, and a lot of liberal judges in Mia won't be any more sympathetic.


    Second, he has an NFL career he is nearing the end of. Fighting the case which would take over a year, during which time he wouldn't be allowed to play, and afterwards facing still more of a ban if he lost PLUS POSSIBLY 20 YEARS IN PRISON. Dude paid a family off and got a guaranteed 30 days and limited his suspension to only a single season by making this trade. So he's a great guy for "ownning up" to his crime by spending 30 days in jail to avoid the possibility of 20 years in prison. Is it too late to give him the Walter payton award?

  4. Yeah I know Wilson hade what 9 ints last year


    Byrd had a great year last year. But his stat line was a little deceiving. A lot of his picks were on gross over throws. In college he had a number of picks so I figured he just had a nose for the ball and that would continue this year. The reality is though he has 0 picks in 14 games this year, and when you watch him play he is taking horrible angles in pass defense and seems to only be looking for the tackle not the ball. Watch the next two games, you'll see how he doesn't keep his head up to locate the ball in the air. He also spends far too much time with his back to the Qb for a centerfield. This could be schematic, and if so DC Edwards is to blame, but right now Bryd is basically playing SS from the FS.


    And for what it's worth, Wilson is no slouch in the INT department. Last year Wilson had 4 ints and 2 sacks. In more limited playing time this year, Wilson has still managed 2 INTs.

  5. Here's my idea, get Hollywood involved. Right after the kickoff, on the jumbotrons, show a cgi video of Kyle Williams banging gisselle, make it dirty, make tom cry. Throw him off his game. Make him 16-2. Welcome to buffalo Tom.

  6. The front office needs to get their shxx together and draft an OT before the 5th round. Ralph couldn't smooth a silk sheet if he had a hot date...argh I lost me train of thought. On with the feats of strength.


    For my feat I offer sticking by the Bills for over 20 years in 7 states and on 3 different continents.

  7. You mean the free education, room and board they get? Are you kidding me? Do you realize what the cost of a four year degree at a college like Ohio State is ?? They are getting what they deserve. I agree with Chris Speilman!


    For an in state kid who spends four years there, the free stuff they give them totals around $80k. Now take a guy like Pryor, if he helps get his school to two BCS bowl games and two non bcs bowl games, he and his teammates help bring over $40,000,000 in money to the school. That's about $500k per player on the roster, or split up between the starters only that comes to about $2,000,000.


    I know who Ed is. Mentioned it to highlight how Scum shouldn't get the award as it craps on his name.


    Feel better now?


    First of all, Stallworth is the Raven's Ed Block winner. Every team has one and they are selected by the team's players. It has nothing to do with on-field performance. James Hardy was the 2009 Buffalo Bills recipient.


    Stallworth has handled this situation as well as anyone could ask for. Painting him as some random drunk who mowed down an innocent pedestrian is to ignore the facts of the case (at least from what I have read on this case). And contrary to your assessment I think most of us would have fared better with the legal system than Donte.


    Without a major public image issue, a good attorney would have likely had you plead Not Guilty. I think the chances are good the charges would have been reduced or thrown out entirely. If it had gone to trial, an acquittal is always a possibility.


    In Donte's case, he pleaded Guilty, completely cooperated with the prosecution and was immediately remorseful and respectful of the victim's family. That also worked to help reduce his sentence (the way it works for most cooperative defendants).


    Maybe all the NFL teams should send you the list of their proposed Ed Block awardee and you can let them know if it meets your satisfaction...maybe make a few changes.


    But, irrespective of your disdain for a some of the teams' choices for this award, you have no reason to bash the man for whom the award was named.



  9. Is.....Donte Stallworth. For the courage to rise above "haters" and just do his thing Donte is truly deserving. A lot of players would have had a difficult time coping with murdering someone while drunk and driving around south beach...heck non NFL players would still be in jail....but not Donte. He came back big time and showed tremendous "courage" on the pup list for 10 weeks then amazing 2 catches for 82 yards. He joins the illustrious Mike Vick who won last year's Ed Block award in Philly. So from what I gather from who receives this award, Ed Block must have been a real A-hole.

  10. It was Arizona and a lot of people have laughy face int their replies them too. Guess who beat a lot of NFC teams this year? KC. My guess is that there are not too many laughy faces in KC when thinking about the fact that they won too many games against the NFC.


    So your screen name isn't a joke I guess. If you are trying to say you're better off beating teams in your own conference, you're right. If you're trying to say losing games to the other conference does anything but help you draft position and compromise your playoff chances, you clearly have eaten so many crayons that one has lodged deep in your brain.

  11. I can't figure out why moving KW to DE isn't the obvious move to the Bills coaching staff. Troup was drafted to play NT, if he can't find someone wo can. Next year the front seven should be:


    LDE: K. Williams, D. Edwards

    NT: T. Troup, FA or Draft Pick

    RDE: N. Fairley (draft 6th overall), A. Carington


    OLB: A. Moats, A. Maybin

    ILB: P. Poz, R. Torbor

    ILB: A. Davis

    OLB: C. Kelsay


    With the LBs supplemented VIA draft and free agency. A dream scenario would be to be able to add an impact OLB in the second round and or a high impact starter like David Harris in FA, but I won't hold my breath. More likely a good DE from the Bills first pick is all we can count on in the form of an instant upgrade to this defense.

  12. I'd love to see Whitner back at a reasonable price, but this guy has been a fairly large disappointment up until this year, which surprise surprise, was his contract year. Good teams on tight budgets, like the steelers avoid overpaying for contract year players. I hope the Bills Pittsburgh-infused front office functions similarly.

  13. I'll state what i have been stating for years now; why are these guys not wearing the Mark Kelso Kazzoo helmet.


    It doesn't look cool enough for you?


    You'd rather have the concussions?


    Kelso went from 4-6 concussions in the first few years of his career to 1 in the remainder with the Kazzoo.


    This is ridiculous...they can stop this, they really can.



  14. I still think we'll finish 6-10, draft somewhere around the #10 position, and should take Wisconsin LT Gabe Carimi - who handled Kerrigan pretty well this year, along with Ohio's Cam Heyward and Iowa's Adrian Clayborn).


    (I'd keep an eye on Purdue's Ryan Isaac for 2014.)



    I think DE or OLB is the biggest need, but I would love to see them add a big OT and solidify the line once and for all. You add Carimi to levitre at LG, Wood at C, Ubrick at RG and whoever fills the other OT position from the tackles that are currently on the roster and a what has been a weak spot for years becomes a strength.


    A lot of people (and I fear the Bills FO) will look at how the line has improved this year and think it doesn't need to be addressed VIA a high draft pick. But using at least their 2nd round pick to shore up incredibly suspect OT play, especially in the run game, could really unleash this offense and help get Spiller on track. If that happens, the Bills could have the type of offense that allows them a chance to compete with the Pats and Jets.

  15. Did you expect him to rebuild a dysfunctional franchise in one year? Isn't it ironic that the HC in Buffalo decides to release his starting qb during the seasnon and hardly anyone notices? While the Skins' HC makes a determination that his starting qb is not suited for what he wants to do and basically cuts him from the team's future plans.


    There is little difference between what is going on in Washington and Buffalo. The roster is being turned over. Washingting is garnering a lot of attention because it is a high profile franchise. Buffalo is garnering a little attention because it is mostly an irrelevant and invisible franchise.


    Washington's record is 5-8. Buffalo's record is 3-10.



    Of course a big difference between Chan releasing Trent and Shanahan sitting Mcnabb is that Chan didn't trade multiple high draft picks for Trent this year and oversee him receiving a contract extension FOUR WEEKS AGO. I know the Skins structured the deal in a way they can still easily ditch him this off-season, but Shanahan, aka pocket napoleon, seems to be on tilt.


    He's getting a pass for now based on his previous success, but if they do about the same next year as they did this year, more people will start talking about how he never won a playoff game after Elway left.


    I first started questioning the genius of shanny when he shipped out Campbell. I wanted the Bills to trade for the guy, but figured once Shanahan got down there, there was no way he'd let him go. Seeing how he's done in Oak, I still wish the Bills had traded for Campbell as he was certainly worth the low future draft pick. And Shanahan is the worlds biggest moron if he is expecting to get more out of Rex gross.

  16. I usually never hinge my posts or thoughts centered around one specific player, especially when it comes to free agency with the Bills. However...


    Much of the chatter on the board has centered around the defense and the need to upgrade it at specific positions, mainly LB and DL. I know Nix said he wasn't going to use FA as the primary rebuilding tool, but, signing a guy like Harris fixes the Bills in a number of ways.


    1)Two ILB are set w/ him and Poz. Poz instantly becomes better. W/ Moats as a possible OLB, we only need one more starter. Those 3 form a young core w/ upside.

    2) Allows us to pick in 2nd, or trade back into the 1st for quality OT. This cannot be understated. We need another starting quality tackle.

    3) 1st pick can be DL w/o out worrying about reaching for OT or other position. Thus, we have a top 5 pick on DL and a new underrated/very good LB as starters going forward.


    This would be huge for the Bills. The Jets have allocated huge contracts to D'Brickshaw, Revis (plus more), and Mangold. They have publicly stated that Holmes and Edwards are high-priorities to sign this offseason. I suppose these can only be good things for the Bills. I've asked this before, does Rex think scheme > players. If so, make a push at this guy.


    Enjoy, debate, discuss, or hate.


    I'd love to see the Bills get a guy like this. They'd have to pay for it, but it isn't crazy to say the addition of a top FA like Harris, using the right first on a DE and a high second on an LB could help take a struggling 3-4 in to a solid unit that could become a strength.

  17. Id love to see a return to the 4-3 and don't believe the personnel would be wasted. I think Carington works as a DE. Kelsey plus a draft pick at DE fills the other side. Dwan backs up, and Kyle, Johnson and Troup run a three man rotation at the DTs. Stroud and others get bus fare. Personally id love that DL with a top 5 DE added to the mix. We'd have a good DL that could help set the tone for the rest of the defense.

  18. Dude. Stop making lame excuses for Spiller and how we're trying to put him in our offense like a Reggie Bush. Theres so many things wrong with this post its just embarassing.


    First, you say Chan didn't have time to develop Spiller because he was too busy spending time with his QB's? DUDE. He's a HC in the NFL. If he doesn't know how to multi-task and use his other coaches to develop his players, then he's not doing his job. So i HIGHLY doubt that was an issue. Stop saying Chan didnt have time or this and that. HE HAS OTHER COACHES IN HIS COACHING STAFF. THEY'RE CALLED RUNNING BACK COACHES, OFFENSIVE COORDINATORS, AND QB COACHES. You talk as if he's the only coach in this coaching STAFF


    You guys keep talking about how it takes TIME to incorporate a RB into an offense. So why is it that Belichick can take a 5'0" oompa loompa named Danny Woodhead and make him look 10000 times better than CJ Spiller? From what I've seen from Danny Woodhead, is that he's been a more physical RB than Spiller AND a better receiver than Spiller. It shouldnt take time for a RB to get that involved in an offense. ESPECIALLY for a top 10 pick. If Spiller was that good, then Chan would have NO PROBLEMS getting him into the lineup. Spiller's obviously struggling in all aspects of the game. From running the ball, to seeing holes, to pass blocking, to returning kicks. I havent seen him succeed in anything.


    You made a comment how you need OT's to run outside? Not always true. You can always run counter plays and pull our Guards to run around and our Guards I think are definately athletic and good enough to do that.


    You guys wanna talk about RB's taking time to develop with a crppy o-line? Explain Jahvid Best please with the Lions. As a rookie, he's been AWESOME at making things happen and receiving. He's shown PROMISE even though his numbers arent mindblowing. He's shown me and the NFL something. Spiller? What's he shown? Why did it take the Lions this short of a time to develop Best? They had QB problems too. You're to tell me that the Lions have a better o-line than we do? Why? I'll tell u why. Jahvid Best is legit and Spiller? Well. Not really.


    Jahvid Best 800 yds from scrimmage and 5 TDs. I'm not even gonna post Spillers sorry azz numbers cuz its just freakin EMBARASSING.


    Give me a break dude. Stop with these lame excuses that dont make sense


    Whoa there tuff guy. You didn't put Spiller's numbers up because they were embarassing, or because they undercut your rant? Spiller's per carry is almost a yard better. That would seem to indicate that opportunity IS an issue.


    As for your HC talk, if you have a micro manager such as Chan who does everything including designs and calls the plays, his lack of time really can become an issue. Despite him being a HC and having other coaches (whose roles and abilities are limited, because Chan is very hands on) there are only so many hours in a day that he can work. Go to any high pressure office and you will witness such dynamics play out. Powerful micro managers often lead to situations where talent languishes. I don't think this will be a long term problem, but in his first season Chan is a little over his head.


    But heck let's ignore all that, declare him a bust, and flame anyone who disagrees.

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