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Sabre Bill

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Posts posted by Sabre Bill

  1. Hope he had fun. Probably get a slap on the wrist. SWI seems dumb and dangerous, but he wasn't in the water when the cops talked with him - so it's not like his celebrating put anyone else at risk. I guess you could say the woman was at risk when she ran the red light, but I'm not sure you could blame McAfee for that.


    Seems like a non-story. I hope the NFL and the Colts don't get all pious and feel the need to hammer the guy. If so, they should probably stop beer commercials during their games - Don't want to damage the image of the game!!

  2. OR . . . we could trade down (yes, assuming someone wants to trade up!) and still pick up a franchise-quality QB - several of which, at the moment, are getting less press.


    I dont know that there is anyone better at it right now. The system that Petrino has him running is very Pro, and when he comes to the line he is making reads and adjustments on a regular basis.


    It's a shame that youve only seen the Alabama game (which I thought he started very strongly in). Everyone wants to write him off for that game, but he was trying to make stuff happen and come from behind against (one of) the best defenses in the land. Frankly, I'll take a couple INTs if he is trying to deliver the ball. Kelly was always good for a few INTs each game. It happens to real QBs who dont checkdown every play :thumbsup:



    But until he threw the picks, wasn't he playing with a lead? :unsure:

  3. Merriman might be useful to the Bills - folks have already commented that he might be able to teach our guys something or contribute because our LB corps is weak. That's all true, but Merriman is done. That's the whole ROID trade-off. He bought some Pro-Bowl years for a quick, ugly decline. Do you think Merriman can beat the Roid Curse? His body will continue to fall apart as he ages. I don't wish him anything bad, but he made a deal with the devil and now he's paying the bill.


    If he can help in any way, I say great. Let's give him a try. But realize the Shawn Merriman people are thinking of is not the SM that will show up at our door.

  4. Forget watching trent! That's either sado- or maso-, just not sure which!



    Anyway, this weekend will be the 3rd week in a row the BCS leader gets smacked! And, the "Draft Blaine Gabbert" threads will start in earnest.


    Just thought I'd get a head start!


    People don't know him as well as some of the others, but he'll be part of the "first round QBs" chat after this weekend!

  5. Save your Beck hate for PPP, dildo.



    Nice!!! Name callling . . . Very strong move, ITG!


    I had already apologized for the comment to the OP. Get past yourself!!

    All the hate-posts floating around here and you're going to jump on that one -- as if I've crossed over some line??? P-L-E-A-S-E!!!

    :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

  6. After 4 weeks Nix puked out his first Jauronism "...It makes it hard. It's not easy to just plug somebody in there and expect the same... "


    No, no, no, no, no, god no....


    Read here



    Over 20 years of fandom and that's where you want to take us? WIth sound bites taken out of context and set up against preconceived judgements? Thanks, Mr. Beck, I didn't realize you were a Bills fan!




    Sorry, didn't catch your smirk as your were typing and didn't see your second post till after I had the above to share . . . :oops:

  7. The downside to bringing in dopes you don't really want on your team is wasting time that is better spent on your own guys. Whatever you think of Fitz, Brohm and Brown, giving any dope off the street even a single snap - hoping to catch lightning in a bottle - is one less snap for the guys you have. RF, BB and LB have the rest of the season to get better or get out. It's better to give them all the snaps and all the coaching rather than wasting your time on someone else's bust.

  8. There will be several. It always feels like a crap shoot -- because it is. No matter who they pick, people will be able to argue about it and show college videos both good and bad to PROVE their pre-conceived point.


    The question is: Will the team and coaches be able to help the one we pick be the Pro stud we want him to be?


    Savior? Not until they let the kids from Kryton State and Bethlehem U. enter the draft.

  9. you do understand that he can be cut, and not paid the majority of that contract, right?



    If Green gets demoted, he gets cut.


    Brohm starts by Thanksgiving. I thought right after the bye, but there's no rush and we don't need to get all the way to Brown, though that might happen as well.

    Season-long job interview for every player.

  10. great post. its almost harder having to listen to Bills fans, than it is watching the Bills play at this point.


    everyone knew (or shouldve known) this was going to be a waste of a season. Nix said it himself, both directly and indirectly.



    It's like watching your kids work through the teen years. It's hard, but not a waste. There will many moments where you wonder if there's anything left in there that you once knew and appreciated. Just be patient, what comes out the other side is worth it!



    Yeah, yeah, it's been a decade and puberty shouldn't take so long -- we just have a late blooming, slow learner of a teenage football organization!

  11. Name calling doesn't make you right, and doesn't make Chan less of a joke. You know that Chan will be gone in a few years and never get another NFL head coaching job, even if you won't admit it. Where will be all those people that respect him, then? Where were all the respected people lining up to give him a job over the last decade?


    Maybe you should give Kelsay more than 4 games as an OLB to state his case. Gailey and Nix love Kelsay. Does than make them good or bad football guys?


    You need to keep it simpler. You're confusing yourself.

    If you don't like Gailey, you can say that in one sentence.

    All the rest of the goo you've been spewing is filled with just ranting opinion and select, isolated "facts" that argue against each other.


    It has not been four weeks. It has been a draft, OTA's a preseason and four games. Chan should be showing us something by now. He isn't.


    With that attitude, we'd still have to be putting up with TE as our QB. He was clearly the best option from April through August.



    I have seen much fewer penalties this year than I did under Jauron. I have seen the coaching staff send a message to the guys in the locker room. Perform or get cut, even if you are a captain, your job is not safe here. I have seen good adjustments by the coaching staff, but lousy execution. I have seen defenses have to adjust to what we are doing offensively...hence our offense keeping teams a bit more honest, especially with crowding the box.


    These are small things, but they are important. I think right now the coaching is pretty good. The execution and talent is terrible.


    As far as the draft is concerned, it is waaaaay to early to tell how that will play out. What I do know is we have had Moats, Coleman, Nelson all contributing last week. Wang has been injured, Batten has been injured. Troup and Carrington both play postions where we have established players at (Williams and Stroud) So it is hard for them to get on the field and contribute at this point. And Spiller will be a stud moving forward. SO I think the draft will be a productive one long term. Do we have any hall of famers? Probably not, but I think we will get 5 or 6 very good players out of it. That is good talent evaluation.


    I will say I am very concerned about the Kelsay signing. That troubles me. But once again, I am not a football expert.



    I wish they got someone younger and more in touch with today’s game. I look at Jim Harbaugh at Stanford as an example of one guy who will be a darn good NFL coach and wish the bills went after him. I was hoping for a younger coach with fire and something to prove like John Harbaugh, Sean Payton, or a Rex Ryan, not the same old list of usual suspects. Shannahan, Cowher and Grueden were all a pipe dream.


    That said, Gailey has managed to take a dismal hand and orchestrate some point scoring and his press conferences at least demonstrate his desire to win. Is he any better at drawing up a plan to get somewhere? Who knows and who can tell 4 games into his first season after playing 4 playoff contenders with a scout team squad.


    Don't mistake flash for heat. Ryan isn't good because he's a blustery windbag. He's good because he's lived NFL football all his life. People listen to him in spite of his obnoxious demeanor. Granted Gailey is not the newest generation or the shiniest star in the sky, but if you think the players' attention is elsewhere while Gailey's in the room talking, I think you should ask around.




    First off, the players said the same things with Jauron. They constantly deflected the blame from Jauron until they couldn't hide the fact that he ran a loose ship.


    Second, you're all wrong.


    Chan is just a good OC who does not make a good HC.


    It happens. He is like an older version of Cam Cameron. Cameron is an outstanding OC at the NFL level. He was a failure as a HC at the University of Indiana, and not surprisingly a failure when he got a shot at a much bigger job with the Dolphins. Both Cameron and Gailey were succeeded at their colleges by coaches who were able to come in and do much more with what were perceived to be difficult jobs. Some guys just don't have what it takes to be the HC despite being a good football coach. We are seeing that with Gailey. In terms of doing what it takes to win with the talent at hand, he is actually worse than Jauron and he is headed for a Cameron-like season in Buffalo.


    Why is he not as good as a HC as he is an OC?


    I think for one thing, he is stubborn about doing it his way. The talent on this team calls for a coach who will run the hell out of the ball and shorten the game for their suspect defense. The Bills instead are trying to trade punches with better teams. Chan trusts in himself, and the offensive results don't look that bad on paper. But this defense can't hold up against 35-40 minutes of opposition offense. As a result, games that are competitive early are getting out of hand and turning into blowouts. That's not excellent head coaching. It also is denying the team the only identity it is fit to wear, which is as a run first team. People would be screaming about not giving our QBs a chance, about being bad and BORING, about letting the Ds constantly stuff the box, about it being a QB driven league, pass first ..., You're advocating a run identity as if it's a moral victory. We'd still be 0 - 4, but the scores would be lower?


    Second, I think Chan lacks the belief factor. He has done some good things in his career, but the reality is that his track record is having been fired at 3 of his last 4 stops and never really finding success despite almost a decade as a head coach in Dallas and then GT. Head coaches get fired all the time, good players get traded and released all the time. Being fired by some of these ego-maniacal owners is a badge of honor. Once the first whistle blows, no one cares what happened at your last job.


    Players FANS buy into coaches who have won in the past. They might buy into a young prodigy coach, or a coach like Sparano who is hand picked by perceived greatness with a vested interst like Parcells or the Rooney family(Bill Cowher from his seat at CBS does not apply). You can't have it both ways. Players buy into the guy with the whistle. If he makes sense, they listen. If they as individuals want to lead and win , they listen well. They only tune out coaches who don't make sense.


    They aren't going to easily buy into an old retread, never won anything, like Gailey. He has to earn it by providing results. Even Jauron knew that, and he did that by employing his play-not-to-lose gameplans. Thus far Gailey has not earned any respect and it shows on the field by the lack of effort and concentration these guys are showing when they get behind. In one series in the second half, the Bills threw passes on first, second and third down and all were catchable and all were dropped. The focus is not there, and if the players believed in what they were doing they would be playing to the whistle. They aren't. Or, maybe the receivers were so amazed that the ball went across the line of scrimmage and hit them in the hands that they were momentarily distracted. Let's not take a single series and let it stand for 8 mos. of work. Granted, they need to execute better, but how is execution the coaches fault? In that series, apparently, the right formation, and play were called and one player didn't do his job. I'd rather watch the Gailey Bills than the Jauron Bills any day of the week. I'm NOT happy with the present results and I'm not Gailey's boy, but let's not blame over 10 years of frustration on the guy who's been here less than 10 months.



    Definitely Gailey. I don't mean to praise Jaurons' coaching by any means. His approach wasn't really about adapting to the type of team he had, playing not to lose was just how he played regardless.


    But right now Gailey is trying to pound the square peg into the round hole and the players aren't buying into it. All Gailey had to do this year was come out and do a replay of the first season under Jauron. Run it, run it, run it and punt it. Please, God, NO. Cover up for the defense. The talent isn't there and the assistant coaching isn't there to throw down with the rest of the AFC East. I'm not saying they win any of those games, but at least they would have started to develop an identity and played to their strengths, which on paper are running back and pass defense. When you run the ball, you shorten the game. Less clock to work with means less offensive snaps and hopefully the loss of offensive patience and the abandonment of the running game.



    The NFL is a what have you done for me lately league, it doesn't suffer old has-beens. This man wasn't even a good OC in his last job at KC, he was fired after a 2-14 season.

    Either you know what your doing or you fail, most every newspaper article about the old Chan Gailey stated he built a strong running game with all his past teams. So I patiently waited all off season to see if this guy would upgrade the O line, through the draft and free agency. Not his job. When he didn't upgrade the O line I waited to see if he could coach them up, he didn't.


    My main question was why keep Trent Edwards if your not going to upgrade that line, we already saw last season that he can't perform behind a poor line. Because it's hard to win in this league - with only 10 players. Of the 4 choices, TE showed himself to be the best option -- until September. This offense is actually worse then last seasons offense, and that is saying a lot about a head coach that was primarily brought in solely to improve the offense. You'll have to revisit this post by the end of the season. You'll believe differently by then . . .


    Gotta stop using that multiquote button!!! It's impossible to manage well and just makes for these long winded -- read this before posts. So much for trying to catch up on a conversation!

  12. So game film is extensively? evaluated and the decision is made in the offseason to waive Incognito and keep Jamon Meredith. So Icognito is a starter on a very good Dolphin O Line, and Meredith, being entirely useless through trainig camp and into the season, is finally, finally cut.


    Who is making these talent evaluations? (its a rhetoric question)


    Incognito (G, right?) was brought in because Wood was hurt, Wood's playing. If you were a bad-rep journeyman player like Incognito, would you rather be a starter in Miami or a second stringer in Buffalo?


    You write as if these two things are part of the same deal. Meredith (T, right?) hasn't even been dressing -- what's the loss??


    Besides, I never liked Meredith as a Cowboy! He was a good goofy sidekick for Howard C, though!!

  13. I'm not convinced they do. They have had several opportunities to make something happen within the last year, and nothing has happened. In this era of the NFL, you need to be able to execute a trade in order to run a franchise. You can't sit back and wait for draft picks and free agents to land in your lap.



    The price goes up for your players if you have the patience to wait till the other team feels a need to come callin. . .


    If Lynch goes now he brings in more than he would have 4 months ago . . .

  14. Myth 1: Buddy Nix Knows How To Build A Football Team.


    Buddy Nix is a professional scout. His entire career has consisted of, to paraphrase Bill Parcells, picking the groceries. He has never, as far as we know, designed the menu or the recipes. There is a difference. It is one thing to be able to identify talented players; it is quite another thing to construct a franchise. For the latter, you need to understand so many more things, including coaching (and coach selection), scheme, the competitive landscape, the salary cap, and player development. Why folks just assume Nix can do all of those things has always eluded me - he has never done it before. Just because some scouts have done it successfully (Polian, Butler) doesn't mean all of them can. And so far in Nix's GM tenure, it appears that he cannot team-build. His coaching selections, the ill-advised switch to a 3-4, and the failure to acquire a capable starting offensive line are all evidence that he fails in this department.


    Myth 2: The Chargers Are A Model NFL Franchise.


    This one is more controversial, but IMO it's a myth. The Chargers have been somewhat lucky, in part due to their weak division and in part because they have hit on some quality draft picks (that, you CAN thank Nix for). However, in terms of team-building, they have been somewhat dysfunctional. While they've achieved success relative to the Bills, if you look at the path that has gotten them here there have been numerous curious decisions. To name some examples: firing Schotty after his success; drafting 3 elite running backs in a short timespan (LT, Turner, Matthews) - and then paying Sproles $8 million; playing chicken with their best players and clubhouse leaders; jettisoning Brees and drafting Rivers in his place, draft "misses" on WRs, etc. Again, this one is open to debate. The reason I raise it is because one of the most popular refrains we hear at TSW is that Nix is the architect of a great team. I take issue with both of those points - I think Nix was not the architect, and that San Diego has succeeded despite serious dysfunction.


    Myth 3: Nix and Gailey Are On The Same Page.


    This is another popular one. But it got tosses out of the window down 53 flights yesterday, when the announcers during the game relayed Gailey's comment to them before the game to the effect that, "Our offensive line just isn't big or physical enough for us to do what we want to do on offense." Oh realllllly? And what was done this offseason to fix that critical problem? You'd think that if Nix and Gailey were truly together on everything, at a minimum Gailey would've pushed for (and gotten) more help with the key foundation of the offense he was hired to implement. Similarly, do you think that if Nix understood how little Spiller was going to be used in this offense, he would've burned a high draft pick on him? I tend to doubt it.


    Myth 4: The Bills' Problem Is Poor Drafting.


    Sorry, this is a myth. The Bills have had decent success in the draft over the past decade. The problem, unfortunately, has been horrible player development and horrible coaching. There are players on this team who would be very solid, productive role players - if not stars - for other teams in this league, had they been drafted into quality organizations with experienced, coherent coaching and schemes, as well as strength and conditioning. As much as folks here beat up on Lynch, Whitner, Poz, and even Kelsay, these are players who can play in this League. Their careers have been ruined by this cesspool of an organization.


    Myth 5: The Bills Are Rebuilding.


    This is the saddest myth of all of them. Folks, there is just no evidence that the Bills are "building" anything here. If you want to see an organization that is successfully rebuilding, take a look at Pioli's Chiefs. Specifically, look how many of his 2010 draft picks are playing key roles. By contrast, none of our 2010 draft picks are even playing, let alone playing a roll. This team continues to get beat at the point of attack, wear down late in games, and make mental mistakes. The key foundation of any NFL team - the offensive and defensive lines - continues to be a trainwreck. There is no NFL-caliber QB on the roster. This team is not rebuilding - it is re-doing. Sorry to say it, but it's just the truth.



    With all due respect . . . you don't want me to buy into these "myths", but you seem to want me to accept a lot of your view of the situation. I don't even disagree with all your thoughts, but why would I not expect the best from Nix/Gailey, et al. and instead swallow what you're cooking?

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