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Sabre Bill

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Posts posted by Sabre Bill

  1. I'm inclined to think that we can't do any worse than our current unis, mainly because of that awkward and weak-looking bib-like border across the chest. But this again seems over-designed to me. Football uniforms should be understated, not attention-getting clown suits. I think the best uniforms are the ones that are simple. Like the Bears' unis. Simple, tough.





    There 5 five DIFFERENT sets of stripes on this uni. I like the helmet and I'd move the old-school Standing Buffalo to the shoulders/upper arms. Other than that -- SIMPLIFY!

  2. This would be a bigger story if anyone outside this region cared about CJ Spiller. He's completely irrelevant in the NFL, so no one cares.


    No one cares on this board because it is filled with racists and bigots, but then again most Bills fans are a little bigoted in some way.



    Not to paint with too broad of a brush . . .


    It's nearly as offensive as you calling a young black man, "our boy."




    This seems to be stretching it a bit. "Boy" has some hateful history so I see where you're going, but "our boy" is a term of endearment and family. It's a phrase of community not divisiveness.


    I think the "PC Police" Police are going to to have thoughts for this.

  3. Like many PC thughs you need to expand your world view. There are many words with many meanings and different contexts. jboy's was combining a South Park episode with Big Ben's well documented enjoyment of motorcycles


    South Park Season 13 Episode 12The F Word

    ESPN Article from 2006 regarding Big Ben's motorcycle accident



    What's a PC thugh?


    In any case, official sign that the Apocalypse is upon us --- using "South Park" to justify our behavior!!!



    However, you defend it, or South Park parodies it, hate speech is hate speech. It puts people down and keeps them down. It rationalizes and justifies our hurtful behaviors.


    I'm pretty sure CJ and jboy won't melt because I speak out against their use of words. I'm also pretty sure that speaking up doesn't make me a thugh . . .




    Well played! We all make mistakes. I appreciate it when these guys get it, fix it, and move on.

  4. Maybe it was CJ's way of saying that when they play in the NFL, CJ will smoke him



    I'm sure that's all it was, but the problem is the way he chose to do it.


    Can you imagine the uproar if two white NFLers busted each others chops by one saying he was going to make the other his "n-word"!!!??!! He knows better, as do most of us. There are thousands of words he could choose -- he's smart enough to make better choices.


    And putting it in print???? Even my 10 year old is wiser than that . . . most days!!!!!

  5. The post was fine the way it was. I'm so sick of all these cliches that braindead commentators and fans use to justify their love affair with Vick.

    "He's served his time." "Everyone deserves a second chance." "He's paid his debt."

    That's crap. Vick electrocuted puppies. He stole household beagles from his neighborhood, using them as bait dogs and duct-taping their jaws together while putting them in a ring against pit bulls. He drowned dogs whose only sin was being too friendly to fight. Anyone who could perform these heinous acts doesn't have a decent bone in his body. He possesses an innate evil that cannot be cured by incarceration. There is no rehabilitating wicked. Vick is human garbage. May he burn in hell.



    Try reading the post again. What I fixed was the part about time being a "great" QB. A couple of great games doesn't make him a GREAT QB.


    Again, I'M NOT A FAN OF VICK.


    Blaming Vick because his sentence was too light is like blaming Maybin for being a #1 pick. Players don't make the rules. GMs make picks, and judges and juries define punishment for criminals.


    Because people disagree with you or resist the urge to be anonymously "brave" (obnoxious) doesn't make them braindead or immoral.


    You're welcome to your opinion about VIck --- You can shove your opinion about me.


    Then you are dumb for not wanting to improve the Bills on the most important postion for which we have sucked for the last ten years. People need to take thier personal feeling out of the equation





    Win at all costs? Not everyone has to believe that's the best way to do business.

  6. I do believe Vick has certainly made an unbelievable transformation... he is now a great quarterback having a great year.

    He is still a worthless human being.


    I wouldn't even trade Chris Kelsey for him, tempting as that may be. :)







    Not a fan. I think it's time to move past his past -- he's "paid his debt".


    Not a fan of Kelsay, but he doesn't deserve the hate either.



    VicK isn't anyone's future, he's the Eagles present. Let him celebrate his great year, but let's not get carried away with thinking of him as some team's savior. The Eagles are a good team with or without him. We aren't there yet. He's not the missing piece to our puzzle.

  7. I don't see/hear most of the stuff that many of you do, so maybe I'm way off base on this. I'll throw it out there anyway. I can't help but get the feeling from stuff like this that Johnson is the kind of character who was meant to be in a bigger market. Am I just imagining things here?



    Right now, just see that the glass is have full.


  8. It's easy for the team to rally behind a QB with heart and guts. Great down field block fitz.



    Loved that!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


    Its funny how you say "the only thing" when that is sort of the most important thing a QB has to do.


    I'm gonna hate it if this guy gets the Bills a few more meaningless wins and knocks us out of the Andrew Luck sweepstakes.



    You can't criticize fitz for missing at the end of games like Balt and KC unless you give him credit for being the sole reason they were anywhere near having a chance at victory in those games.

  9. I watched Inside the NFL and Cutler was miked up. He talked avout our defense saying that we were legit, the secondary was good, and we had playmakers. He said our front four was essentially a joke and if we actually had a puss rusher we'd be pretty good. WE NEED A PASS RUSHER. F Maybin!!! I'm sick of our putrid drafting. Anyone else see this?



    lack of a pass rush aside . . .


    It worries me that you would listen to anything J Cutler would ever say.





    Broken clocks are right . . . .

  10. I get all the LUCK love, and I understand talk of "QB-driven league". But, would you rather have Fitz on the bench behind Luck, or Kelsay on the bench behind some stud-rookie OLB AND the extra picks you get with trading down?? Which gets you more wins? Yes, it takes two to trade, but if you've got the #1 pick, that's ownership - that's a chance to see how badly others want Luck. It's not the end of the world if you take a probable-franchise QB -- really, who could complain (other than Luck as he picks himself off the turf for the 4th time every game, because we're obviously throwing because we're constantly behind because we can't stop anyone!) that you've drafted the next PManning? BUT, I'd be listening eagerly to trade offers in hopes of scoring several studly defensive types.




    The Fitz haters who point out his INT need to stop. If he lost the game, then it's only because he (almost single-handedly) is the reason you were in the game and had a chance of winning. Sure, we all wish he didn't throw that pick, but did you see the rest of his game?? And you're gonna complain about him being the reason we lost?????

  11. What do u consider a winning season? I ask this question because it refers to Merriman! Personally, if u don't get to the bowl and win your season is a wash! I don't care if you're above 500, 11-5, whatever! If u don't get that chip, it just seems like a wash to me! Especially, If that is your goal as an individual and a team! That means you failed!

    So in looking at SM, and wondering what his views are, I hope he stays beyond this season! Sure the chargers are in the playoffs every year, but every year the loose! So yes, in my opionion, your season was a wash!

    I'm hoping he stays and becomes a part of our rebuilding process! Cause the bills will be back and better than ever! I truly believe that! So although he has been on a team that has been in the playoffs every year, they never won the chip! And although we haven't sniffed the playoffs in 10 years, on that same token we haven't gotten the chip either!

    So hopefully he will take that view and stay next season! And when we get in, WE ARE GOING ALL THE WAY!

    Take it light on me people! This is my second post, but pls tell me your views!



    You seem to have a chip on your shoulder! With your definition of winning, it must make it hard to get through the day. What do you call a winning day, a winning career, a winning family, etc.??

    The OP gives us 1 Winner and 31 "washed out" losers. It makes little sense. If the only way to win is to be "King of the Hill" than failure is something we all ought to learn to enjoy. Sure, everyone wants to win the Superbowl, but if that's the only Win that matters, most of us don't even get in the game.

  12. I understand the value of a "franchise QB", but a winning TEAM is more important. Fitz isn't Manning and maybe not Luck, but he isn't the biggest problem in town. Surround Fitz with bewtte players -- especially on defense -- and the playoff drought ends. Fitz take ya to the Super Bowl? OK, maybe not all by himself, so let's focus on the other leaks in the roof.

  13. You're hilarious . . . and brilliant in a wacked sort of way!!


    You're absolutely right about the annoyance factor -- it doesn't phase the players, but is truly ridiculous in the eyes of the fans. It's almost embarrassing - as if the coach pulling the stunt (calling the timeout) has little respect for the game - or the fans.


    The only problem is the raft of grief an HC is gonna catch when his kicker hits the one that doesn't count, then blows the second one.

  14. What was wrong with him, why hasn't he played?





    Is he supposed to be any good now--anything objective on this?



    Yeah, I know there are a lot of posts, but too lazy to sift through them for these answers.



    Not a student of the game. Late to team discussions. Proud of your laziness. This team's gonna cut your @$$!!


    And I'm not worried about your kickball on my lawn, cuz you're apparently too lazy to get it there!

  15. Merriman ignites Maybin and we have Lb corps of Merriman Poz and Moats, Fitz keeps up the good offense , Spiller has a big half, and we dont lose another game this season, ! LETS GOOO BUFFALO!



    Let's" goo" Buffalo? Ick! Is this some tradition that's sprung up in the 30 years since I moved away?

    :sick: :sick:

  16. Correction Kelsay will lay down 2 key blocks on his own teammates allowing for Forte to rush for two 30 yard TDs.



    Without question that avatar is the scariest Rookie photo . . . E-V-E-R!


    You got me rolling...with (sad) laughter.



    not surprising . . .






  17. It's easy to understand everyone's appreciation of Luck. And then Mallett and then others, BUT . . . Mallet and the others are not that far behind, and certainly won't be seen as crap on draft day. A MINIMUM of 4 QBs go in the first round.


    I'm not in a rush for the Bills to take a QB - even Luck - though it'd be near impossible to be critical of that pick.


    And since when is WGR listened to with anything less than total derision??????

  18. If we can somehow keep the Bears from rushing for more than 250 yards, then maybe.


    The terrible thing about that statement is that it's not an exaggeration.


    M. Martz will keep them from running that much!!



    No way. They are desperate for a win, and after watching extensive film of the bills "defense", they may just settle for grinding out over 300 yards rushing, keep the ball for around 42 minutes and win 10-3. Cutler may throw 5 passes the enire game, and the Bills' "defenders" cannot catch the ball this season even if it thrown right into their open arms.




    That's Bear fan wishful thinking. Chicago sports media are all over this game with FEAR! They're afraid Cutler will blow up - again. They're afraid Martz won't know enough to run the ball - again. They think the Bear Oline is worse than ours. They would rather play the 'Boys this week!! The Bills win this game and Lovie could be looking for a new OC, and then a job!!



    Win #1 this week and the roll begins!!

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