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Sabre Bill

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Posts posted by Sabre Bill

  1. What would you do if the Bills took Christian Ponder with the first pick in the draft and they didn't take Andrew Luck?


    If this happens and it is a real possibility, this reach pick would probably put me over the edge. Ponder just doesn't do anything for me. I wouldn't take him unless it was the third or fourth round and we were desperate at QB. But given Modrak and companies track record, I'm already scared to death that they are even considering him. There are several statements that say Nix likes Luck and Ponder at QB and Bills scouts are going to see him this week. I hope he flops so we don't consider him in the future.


    We must take Luck if he is available, if not we go with the best DE, DT, LB or OT available. Case closed.


    The sky is falling? Why are you inventing reasons to be disappointed in the Bills? I don't think you have to work so hard to worry . . .


    There will be 4 or more QBs taken before Ponder next Spring . . .

  2. Schlereth in general is just too much of a pansy to be an anouncer. Not necessarily just for this but his general dispostion is a little too gay for me. His sensitive vagi-man schtick is better suited for the view.



    :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:



    Hey, ITG, You are WRONG about your point and how you make it!



    Care to expound and provide reasoning, or maybe you just identify with my description and it hit a nerve. Too bad there's not a middle finger emoticon for me to insert here.


    I will say, on his espn show this week, they sandwiched him between an air-headed info babe, and some moron who tries real hard to be funny. Schlereth looked like a God by comparison. I've still seen him emote like a chick too often to have much respect for the man though.


    Schlereth is not my favorite guy, but he played the game long enough and well enough to make it to the NFL. He brings a perspective that most of us won't ever have. You don't even have anything to bring to the table about his comments, his "general disposition" doesn't make your top ten. So, instead of having something to talk about you throw out hate-speech and playground smack-talk against a guy who you'll never meet. Then you take a moment to throw a couple other people under the bus. Try bringing something to the table, then we can talk about it.


    I call you on your bully-child antics and you think using them against me is going to . . . what? . . . intimidate me? . . . ooooohhhh! And you want to flip me the finger! OUCH! . . . You're really not very good at this ITG thing, are you?


    I grew up in the 60s and 70s in WNY using a lot of ignorant hurtful words and actions. But then I grew up and paid attention to the world around me. Using "gay" and "pansy" and "vagi-man" is 7th grade playground bully crap that adults ought to leave behind. Check out the news- kids are dying over this junk. Responsible or not, your words and actions have meaning. Misogynist, and homophobic bullying is part of the problem, not part of the solution. It needs to stop everywhere - even in the sacred circle of competitive sports - - even on anonymous tough guy sports forums.

  3. Sorry for the over-emphasis, but I hate this conversation. I can't think of any football player or coach or anyone connected to a team that has or will agree with "It's better to lose . . ." -- even behind closed doors.


    You don't go from 0-16 to 16-0 in one big step. You GROW into a successful team. You learn to win. You walk, then you run, then you win. Going 2-14 means you're a better team than going 0-16. It means you're closer to going 11-5. Yes, you'll draft slightly lower, but the difference between the guy drafted #1 and the guy drafted #5 has more to do with the needs of the teams and their ability to make good use of their picks.


    You can argue till you're blue about draft choices and scouting - etc.


    On the field, it's win or lose. You guys know this. It's better to win. Winning breeds winning.

  4. Fitzpatrick is no playoff QB. It is just a matter of Gailey's offense. Sure, we could put together a terrific defense and win with a mediocre offense, but if we want a great offense, then we need a top Qb - and, I think that is the hardest position to fill, so if we get the chance to finally draft a franchise caliber Qb then we've got to do it. Spend the rest of the draft on defense, get a linemen in F.A. Sounds like a plan.



    That's a joke, right?

  5. So now Fitz is the answer? are you !@#$ing kidding me? some of you honest to God want to AGAIN bypass taking the chance to get a franchise QB in here? I also saw many really screaming and cheering for a win over the mighty Ravens. Thank God Cleveland and Carolina won or else we would have moved further away from getting a pick that could actually help turn this franchise around.


    Why the hell would Ralph Wilson bother doing anything when he can have his morons come right on here (yes they do read the boards) and see you guys are happy as hell with Fitz. 'I can live with fitz as QB for the next few years'. Yeah comments like that are going to be music to Ralphs ears. He can trade away the pick, let Nix, errr Braden, Err Marv, Errr Tom Donahoe, Errr..... draft a !@#$ing RB or DB with our first rounder. Hell I bet he goes WR because hey Fitz is the friggin answer.


    At one time Bills fans were considered one of the most knowledgeable in the NFL, now its nothing but moronic, pathetic blabbering. Its pathetic when a fanbase is so hard up for a couple wins they aren't willing to go through what it really takes to turn a franchise around. BTW I have been saying this for about 10 years now, and the Bills have done what all of you wanted, just plug in average players, bypass getting a franchise QB and pulling out wins putting us further away from getting a franchise QB in here with **** like 7-9 records. You guys have got exactly what you have asked for, this team is EXACTLY what you have asked for it to be.


    Could you just try making a point without being rude and childish?

    If you have a comment to make about someone else's post, why not make it in reply in that thread -- you know kind of like a conversation.

    Starting a new thread so you can rage against anonymous idiot fans who are causing the downfall of the Bills seems . . . I don't know . . . what are the words I'm looking for?


    People have put up with your junk for about 10 years?? That seems absurd to me.

  6. You honestly think that Fitz is THIS good of a QB? Or do you think it's because Chan is just a great mentor to QB's? Do you think that Fitz has been a hidden gem for the last couple years? I don't think so. This has been due to Chan's knowledge of the position and if he can take an AVERAGE QB and make him look decent. Then I can't imagine what he'd do with a potential franchise QB like Luck.


    We're most likely earning the number 1 draft pick this year. If not at least the 2 or 3. Spending a high number one with the intent to sit him for a couple years? That's how you develop a franchise QB junior. You ease him into the NFL. And if you take a QB like Luck and develop him slow with a mentor like Chan, then you're most likely going to end up with a franchise QB. Fitz is still a good stopgap QB but he's not a long time answer. Even if you have 2 good QBs on your roster, whats wrong with that?


    Lets say we earn the number 1 overall pick. What player do you suggest we take???


    I don't care why Fitz's production is where it is. It could be raw talent, or brains, or hard work, or good team play, or great coaching, or just dumb luck. The point is the offense is being RELATIVELY succeessful and Fitzpatrick is playing RELATIVELY great football.


    I'd rather see the team win than see what Gailey can do with a young phenom while the team continues to lose. It takes more than a Franchise QB to win and it gets proven time and again in the NFL - great teams win, not great players.


    There are so many HUGE needs for this team - especially on the defense - that to be focusing on drafting LUCK at this point is, . . . (What's the word?) . . . assinine.


    Playoff contenders have the luxury of grooming young talent. QBs drafted in the top 5 are rarely, if ever, given 2-3 years to watch and learn.


    I have no idea which player I'd draft in April, but I know which positions I'm spending most of my present time scouting, and it's not QB.

  7. PLEAAAAASEEEE. Fitz is not a long term answer for this franchise. He's nearly an effective stopgap, and if we do in fact get the number 1 overall pick, we're taking a QB. We're taking a QB. NOTHING wrong with taking a QB and having him sit for a year or 2



    Given the offensive production since Fitz took over this year, why would you remain focused on replacing him. Even if you draft an "upgrade" at QB it's goiing to be merely incremental until you fix several of the team's other issues. The production gap between what we have and what we need is infinitely larger on the other side of the ball. :unsure:


    Spending a high number one with the intent to let him sit for a couple of years???? And that fixes our decade of despair how??? :wallbash:

  8. So, . . . Like I was sayin' . . .



    I hope Bob in STL is wrong about BG stayin in school another year.


    He's good, makes fewer mistakes than most, and has all the physical tools -- including a brain!


    He solidified his spot in the "draftable QBs" conversation tonight. He's not Heisman-flashy like Newton, but he can do everything, make every throw and even use his legs.

  9. Schlereth in general is just too much of a pansy to be an anouncer. Not necessarily just for this but his general dispostion is a little too gay for me. His sensitive vagi-man schtick is better suited for the view.



    :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:



    Hey, ITG, You are WRONG about your point and how you make it!

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