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Posts posted by machinegun12

  1. What does this have to do with the question posted ??? Wasn't he asking about Fitz teaching Newton & the possibilities of that for the team ??? :doh:

    Someone had posted something racially charged about if Cam Newton was white he would be successful and used Akili Smith and JaMarcus Russell as examples of black QBs not having success in this league. My guess is the post was reported and removed from here. I had seen it yesterday and was quite offended to be honest. I'm pretty sure that's what he was responding to...

  2. IMO if the Bills follow this strategy, in 2013 they will still be looking for the teams first franchise QB since Kelly retired. :doh:

    I agree with you that a franchise QB is needed to win in this league, I just think he may already be on this roster, and I just don't like the QBs available for the taking this year with a #3 pick. I'm very excited to see what Fitzy does with an entire offseason and preseason to prepare as a starter. So if the FO likes what they see in Stanzi (which I have no opinion of him because I have rarely seen him play) and think he could be "the guy", and could get him in rounds 3 or 4, I say build the defense up (which was our MAJOR problem area last year, especially against the run) with the top 2 picks rather than gamble on a one year sensation who seemed to me to be a more effective running QB than passing one...or on a Big 12 spread QB. Unless the FO is totally sold on either guy I would not take that risk.

  3. Hey Bills fans!


    I just wanted to introduce myself. I have been a lifelong Packer fan but in the offseason I need more. I have always liked the Bills so I thought I would start up an account and talk some football!


    Little bit about me: I am 28, I have season tickets to Lambeau, I live in GB, and I travel to at least one away game per year with my buddies. I really want to come to RWS one of these days but looks like I won't be able to until 2014.


    So I guess I will just be sticking around for a bit to talk some football, like I said, I am a Packer fan but I like the Bills a lot and respect your tradition and fans. Now let's get this CBA done and move on with things!

    Welcome!! I'm a Bills fan living in Pittsburgh. I am the ULTIMATE Squealer hater and have long enjoyed the Packers, so no question I was thrilled when you guys won it.


    Sqealer fans seem to enjoy getting their rocks off by saying "Got 6?", so I've been saying that if I were a Pack fan I'd be shooting back "Got 13?".


    Aaron Rodgers is a stud, the WR corps is tremendous, the defense is fantastic, and if I heard right I think that GB has the 2nd youngest team in the NFL. They should be primed for contention for a few years now.


    Enjoy that SB winning feeling, it is something us Bills fan will shed tears over when it finally happens!!


    GO BILLS!!!

  4. Gotta go with my screen name Machine Gun Kelly and one that a friend of mine made up...


    "Drew Bledsoe much he needed a transfusion"...from when he played for the Patsies*


    Always liked "Golden Wheels" "the Juice" "Thurmanator" "SpiderMan"


    This would be the perfect question for Chris Berman to answer.

  5. The city was covered in black and yellow but it wasn't anything like 3 years ago when they won their 6th championship. As I watched the game in a Steelers bar on the "Southside" of Pittsburgh - I was thinking about the Bills in the Superbowl - how much TV press they would get - and the respect.


    Buffalo will do it better than Pittsburgh X 100. I know this for a fact.


    I cannot wait until the draft and offseason knowing Fitz will have a WHOLE offseason under his belt with Gailey.

    I live in the South Hills of Pittsburgh and the entire city was black and gold for much of the playoffs right up to the Super Bowl. The morning after the SB I went to the gym and they had already taken down all of the black and gold balloons and Steeler stuff that had decorated the front desk/entrance area. And while I proudly wore my Bills sweatshirt (as I do virtually every day the weather calls for one) I swear without exaggeration I did not see a SINGLE person with ANY Steeler apparel on whatsoever.


    Me personally, I would take great pride in the fact that my team had just played for the championship of the NFL and would have whole heartedly worn Buffalo Bill gear the day after the loss (hell...I wear it whole heartedly after ANY loss). It just showed me how fickle the fans here are. With all the "Stairway to Seven" and "Knockin on Seven's Door" crap going on and the way I heard the fans talking, it was a given to them they had it won.


    I deal with these fans here every day of my life. I know I'm in the minority here, but I hate the Steelers more than the Patsies*, and it is directly attributed to their obnoxious, ignorant fans. So when I stood on the front porch of my house after the game and let out a primal, inhuman roar that lasted an estimated 15-20 seconds (a lifetime in my mind) while the dejected Steeler fans left the SB party a few houses down the street, I thought to myself the only time I'll scream more euphorically is when the Bills finally bring it home.


    Until then I'll PROUDLY wear my Buffalo Bills gear.

  6. I do not get UA for this, it seems like too much..but... You can argue Cam has done nothing in the NFL, but so what? His Q rating is sky high and he can obviously attract that in the market value of his image. I do not care Cam Newton got paid so much, I care that this is just more hype for the machine and that UA is out of their mind for doing this. I do not know his background, other then what I have seen in the news, etc, but I hope they checked him out and vetted him some. They don't need him to go Tiger Woods or Mike Vick on him.


    I do not get the articles argument that the NCAA makes millions off of these guys, either. Didn't anyone see what UTennessee is building? You think that the colleges just squander that money they get from the athletes? Tons of that money goes to paying for other sports and supporting the joke that is TitleIX. To say colleges make millions off the players is right, but the NCAA Student athlete is king. And, unless you have been an NCAA athlete, specifically DivI, you cannot dispute that. Sorry.


    Also, I was a huge UA fan when it first came out, I was wearing that stuff in HS back in 98 and 99 when no one had heard of it and people laughed at you for it. I do not even remember whereI heard of it, maybe it was Sports Illustrated. Eventually, I found it at Dick's, too.


    Then, in about 2007 I noticed it was everywhere. It is frustrating. I see kids wearing this stuff at stores as regular clothing, the tight stuff, too. UA is now just like Adidas, Reebok, and Nike, you see fat people who are obviously not athletes wearing it. Frack, I barely wear it anymore because I am not in the shape I was, but UA sold out. I do not blame them, they're making billions, but it is disgusting.

    I don't think clothing lines are like indie rock bands. It's sportswear...so yes, you're probably gonna find it at Dick's because the goal of a business is profit. They didn't sellout, they became successful. I really hope you get the help you need and find a way to bury this hatchet with "UA", which I guess was the pet name you gave to your obsession. :lol:

  7. What I would give to see the Bills passing around that Lombardi trophy. Just one taste of that moment is all I want. Sure hope Merriman returns to form and can help deliver what us Bills fans would treasure forever.

  8. +1


    Reed does not have the stats that Carter has, but he played on better teams, and was a huge part of why they were better.

    Mr Weo argues that the only edge Reed has over Brown & Carter is that he has 4 Super Bowl appearences (Carter & Brown have one between them), but never was on a winning team. Truth is, though, the Bills, including their other HOF'ers didn't fare well either.


    To show how meainingless stats are, Reed didn't have any great Super Bowls, but he was, at one time, the leading receiver in Super Bowl history, and currently ranks at #2, behind only Jerry Rice. See the conundrum? Carter racked up stats on teams that were far less successful than the Bills, and only sporadically had a running game.


    Not to mention, Mr Weo's argument ignores the fact that Reed had some huge playoff games over those years (again, where are Carter and Brown in that argument?) and had an amazing game, in, perhaps, the most memorable playoff game in NFL history...the comeback against the Oilers.


    Again, not saying that Carter and Brown don't belong, but to say that Reed doesn't belong is just silly....






    Interesting. Someone else in this thread says that Steve Tasker belongs in the HOF before Andre Reed.

    So, let me ask, if you put Andre and Tasker in the HOF, how would you rank our 6 HOF'ers from that era?


    I would say: Bruce, Thurman, Marv, Jimbo, Andre, then Tasker...

    Totally agree with Bruce Smith as our greatest HOFer from that era. To me, it is very simple...he is the only guy on that list that ranks in the top 10 all time at his position (aside from Tasker, but I don't think he'll make it, and I don't think that special-teamer is technically a "position").

    My order goes like this... Bruce, Thurman, Jim Kelly, Marv, then Reed.

  9. Reed deserves to make it but he won't. ESPN and others are doing their best to push so many others I think it will cost reed his birth. I will hate it if Curtis "i run for 3.2 a carry" Martin makes it over him.

    Curtis Martin had a career 4.0 yards/carry while AVERAGING nearly 21 carries a game. He was a tremendous and productive workhorse who, I think, deserves the Hall tenfold over Bettis.

  10. Are you kidding? Deion was one of the all-time great CBs (teams routinely IGNORED the side of the field he covered) and Marshall Faulk is the best all-purpose back the game has seen. Those 2 guys are locks as far as I'm concerned.

    It seems to me the Hall has a knack for letting one WR in at a time, so if Cris Carter gets in, I certainly don't see Reed getting in this year. And vice versa, if Reed is in, then Carter waits another year.


    I don't know if I'm in the minority here or not, but I have never really thought of Jerome Bettis as a hall of famer. He was a big, fat battering ram who in 13 pro seasons averaged over 4.0 yards a carry a whooping total of 4 times. The game that defines his career, to me, was the first game in 2004 vs the Raiders...5 carries, 1 yard, 3 TDs. He was a bona-fide FB who was fed the ball in a run first offense for a long period of time.

  11. No, that's not quite right.


    Maybe because Vick is a lefty his blind side is on the right. Not much for Peters to do I guess. Put him in the Pro Bowl.


    Anyway, I think it's going to be tough for Reed to get in before Carter and, maybe, Brown. The numbers clearly favor those two. Reed's SB performances (except the first Cowboy blowout--and he wans't a factor in the second half) are mediocre at best.

    How do Reed's SB numbers stack up against Cris Carter's? :oops:

  12. I really think it's gonna come down to Cris Carter or Andre Reed. Whichever doesn't get in this year I think is in next year. I think Shannon Sharpe is the wildcard. I'm not sure if the voters consider WR and TE in the same group, but my theory is they're only going to put in 1 reciver at a time, and Shannon Sharpe was an incredible TE and to me seems like a first ballot player. That may push Reed/Carter off one more year.


    Likely TO, but not for his Bills efforts..


    Rueben Brown -through his many PB's

    Jason Peters -through his many PB's

    Doug Flutie -through his many CFL titles/overall pro career

    Pat Williams- through his many PB's

    Antoine Winfield -through his many PB's


    All these guys had significant years w/ the Bills, but I don't think so..


    From the Bills SB era, I really thought Biscuit Bennett was on a HOF path here. He kinda fell off the map after leaving FA, though he did make another SB w/ Atlanta..


    To attempt to answer your question, I think Andre's is our true last chance -with a possibility of Old-Timers sending Sestak, Kemp or Saimes.

    The Hall would be a joke to me if Jason Peters ever got in. The guy is still making Pro Bowls?! What a flipping joke. Every single game I watch of the Eagles that fat schmuck gets blown by repeatedly. Hate how players continue making Pro Bowls based on their past reputations.

    I really think Flutie should make it based on his CFL days (it is the Pro Football Hall of Fame, not the NFL Hall of Fame), I think Winfield and Williams are very, very good players, but neither of them seem to shout Hall of Famer in my opinion.

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