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Posts posted by machinegun12

  1. Who knows?? What a silly topic this is! The better question after a 10 year playoff drought is: What year will we get back into the playoffs? I would think that would be the pressing question at this point. You have to put the cart before the horse and right now we don't have a cart or a horse! We're about to shift to the 3-4 defense and typically teams that switch to that defense have a horrific year the year they switch into it! We may take a step back before taking two steps forward. I think the playoffs are at least two years away if we (pay) to retain the solid performers, pickup a few solid free agents, and have a successful draft including a QB, OT, DT, and LB. We have to hit big on this draft or we're two years away from possibly making the playoffs!! But Superbowl??? Isn't really worth discussing...we have way too many holes to fill to even

    think it's possible. :lol:


    PLAYOFFS!!??!! PLAYOFFS!!??!? Don't TALK about PLAYOFFS!!! You kidding me?? PLAYOFFS??!!! -Jim Mora

  2. Kelly had just retired, man it would have been the perfect year for imperfection. We never would have traded the Jags our draft pick for Rob Johnson, instead would have had a Peyton Manning run team for the last 12 seasons...that's assuming we would not have taken Ryan Leaf (which we all know what assuming does). Man it's fun to dream.

  3. I agree about Kelly, I watched him play an awful lot (like I'm sure most have on this webpage!) so I do think it is biased, but people always seem so quick to put Marino ahead of him, and his numbers were superior to Kelly's, but I just remember Kelly having his number whenever they played (especially in the playoffs).... and wow...did I forget about Brady?!?! His Super Bowls speak for themselves...it's just physically impossible for me to type his name associated with anything labeled "great"....just cause I HATE THE GUY...but speaking without any prejudice, he would have to knock Kelly off the top 5....

  4. I think with building any team, you need to start with the O-Line and D-Line first...then a franchise QB can then take you to the promised land. But what good is a great QB if he is laying on his back all game long? Imagine if Jim Kelly had no time to get rid of the ball like you've seen from the Bills the last decade? He certainly wouldn't have been a first ballot hall of famer. Football is the ultimate team game and you need so many things to happen right in order to achieve long term success. A good O-Line and D-Line would definitely be a start!!

  5. An interesting question, especially considering they could meet in the SB this year. Some other classic SB QB matchups....


    SB 32 (Favre, Elway)

    SBs 27 and 28 (Kelly, Aikman)

    SB 24 (Montana, Elway)

    SB 19 (Montana, Marino)

    SBs 10 and 13 (Staubach, Bradshaw)


    It's actually pretty amazing how few Super Bowls have legendary QB matchups, and how even fewer of them were competitive ballgames.


    My top 5 QBs all time (I've been watching football since 1988...when I was 11... so forgive my omissions of great QBs of the past...I'm ranking guys that I've actually seen play....I think it would be pathetic to put guys on that I've never seen perform other than on a few highlight reels):


    1.John Elway (lost 1st 3 SBs despite the fact he virtually singlehandedly got them there)

    2.Joe Montana (4 SB wins, made up for lack of physical skills by being a brilliant mind)

    3.Peyton Manning (for being a priveleged kid growing up, is the hardest working QB you'll find)

    4.Brett Favre (this season, at age 40, cemented his place as all time great, if he hadn't already)

    5.Jim Kelly (over Dan Marino, 4 straight SB apps, was like having an off. coordinator on the field)


    right up there for me...Marino, Aikman, S.Young

  6. Who wants high priced free agents anyways? It seems to me most of the guys who sign long term, big money deals (whether it be with their original club or a new one) become complacent and don't work nearly as hard as they did when they were trying to get that huge contract (one example that quickly comes to mind is James Harrison of the Steelers, who, despite having OK stats this year, was not nearly the disruptive force he was the previous 2 seasons)... I would much rather have a GM who can draft guys who will work their butts off and feel the need to prove themselves than have guys who feel they no longer need to prove a thing. And of course we're not gonna be able to fill evey single hole on our team in this year's draft, so you need to sign some mid-level FAs who can contribute the next couple of seasons while we can hopefully stock this team with some serious young talent in the next couple of drafts....I don't think there are any quick fixes and it's going to take a little time to get back to being serious contenders. I am just choosing to be an optimist instead of continuously trashing this team...anyone who feels that the Bills are a lost cause should just move on to another team or at least quit watching....we don't need fickle fans.

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