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Posts posted by Stealth

  1. he had been trying to tackle less with his head this year and was far less effective not using illegal tactics. with 2 more games played, his stats are worse this year than last...


    70 tackles 6 sacks and 2 ff in 13 games. When's the last time a Bills lb had those kind of stats? Had more tackles this year than last but 3 less sacks. Stop making it out like he had awful numbers lol

  2. No. Bad player for 90% of his career, and then made a name for himself with dirty, unsafe hitting. Too much attitude and not enough value.


    huh? Care to explain that? An undrafted player who came on in his 4th year in the league and has averaged 10 sacks a year since 07. I like to know how a guy who gets sacks and forces fumbles is a "bad player"? What you define as "dirty unsafe hitting" was perfectally clean up until the rule changes. I swear it's like people forget football isnt a pleasant sport. It's a collision sport

  3. THUG


    how is he a thug? Does he sell drugs? Is he in a gang? Does he break the law? What classifies him as a thug? If you mean he plays defense with a mean streak the way defensive players should play football than yeah sign me up for 11 players who have the tenacity of James Harrison, but I suggest learning what a "thug" actually is before spouting off that nonsense

  4. Denver over Balt. Peyton has pretty much torched the Ravens defense his entire career I dont see that changing. I get the emotional high the Ravens may be on for Ray Lewis but it will be fleeting. Denver wins going away.


    Gb over SF The Packers offense is humming Aaron Rodgers hasn't thrown a int since week 13. The Niners best bet will be to hit gb with a heavy dose of their run game and control the clock. Close until GB pulls away late.


    Seattle over Atlanta- I'm not a believer in Atlanta. I see the Sehawks defense giving Matt Ryan and the falcons inability to run the ball a lot of problems. Seattle wont have a great game offensively but they'll force Ryan into mistakes that costs the game for the Falcons setting up the "Revenge Game" NFC Championship between the Packers and Sehawks


    Houston at NE- I don't put any stock into how bad NE beat Houston the first time around. If Houston plays their game meaning they give the ball to Arian Foster and don't shoot themselves in the foot they keep it close. If I was betting no way Ne covers the spread. The problem for the Texans is their secondary is exploitable and will have problems dealing with the spread offense the Pats run. Brady was pinpoint the first game and avoided the Texans dline's penchant for knocking around passes he's going to have to be just as accurate again. I've been flip flopping on this game, as I feel it's going to be a lot closer than people think. I picked Houston to win the SB before the season starterd so I'll stick with that. Houston wins late.

  5. There's been enough examples over the years in multiple sports that brain damage has to be looked at as a real issue when it comes to violent/suicidal behavoir. There was also a serious look into how traumatic brain injury could trigger the onset of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) Once a real link is recognized by the NFL hopefully they'll do more to financially support the medical care of retired players.

  6. This has become, far and away, my biggest pet peeve on the board since the hiring of Marrone. IT DOES NOT MATTER -- we need a DC who has knowledge of DEFENSES, period, and can adapt his schemes, fronts, and strategies to fit the team's personnel.


    /off soapbox


    I hear ya, but honestly I'd rather deal with this than the constant "OMG WE NEED A QB....OMG THERES NO QB.....OMG FITZ SUCKS..." threads that seem to dominate pretty much everything else


    Well said. I asked because it very well could dictate our 1st pick if they plan on going LB rd 1 and QB in rd 2. It looks as if there's more talent at 3-4 OLB than any other LB spot. I agree though, ideally, it would be nice to grab guys that can adapt to both. Can't wait for the draft already.


    There's quite a bit of talented players at de/olb that will go high. I've always been a big proponent of the "you don't draft lb's high unless they're pass rushers" mantra. Granted there are exceptions to the rule on occasion. Doesn't look like that's the case in this draft. The Bills could use help at all linebacker spots regardless of the scheme they ultimately end up playing although someone like Bradham I think would be a monster in a 3-4 defense as a rush backer. Can never have enough quality linebackers either way.

  7. Honestly I dont care what scheme we play as I feel in order to really be a good defense you have to be versatile. 3-4/4-3 all that is is a base alighnment. You can run so many different coverage schemes/blitzes then you get into your nickle/dime defenses. in a base 3-4 you can run more blitz packages, however you can also run similiar blitz schemes in a 4-3. Honestly my favorite defense is the 4-3 defense that was coached by Jim Johnson (for more modern variations Spags 07 Giants defense a Johnson disiciple Ron Rivera uses elements of it as well) when it comes down to it there where no better d coordinators over the last 20 years than Johnson and Lebeau. I like any kind of attacking defense that while you may sacrifice yards on the ground if ran right you're going to dictate play from multiple alignments and blitz schemes. It's the most fun thing to watch in football. I believe in order to be a successful defense today you have to be versatile. So much of todays game is played with defenses having to line up in the nickle and other coverage alighnments you can't throw around simplistic terms like 3-4 vs 4-3. You should have players that can adapt to both. However for the sake of your question, I'm going to say I would prefer a 4-3 base alignment.

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