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Posts posted by Stealth

  1. Still being in my 20's and not all that small I wouldn't have an issue with that. I think the mat on the field is retarded. Although having played football I know you're more likely to get hurt standing still expecting to get hurt. It's a situational drill but taking a free hit is an easy way to get injured.

  2. Yes Israeli women are some of the best looking women on the planet. The pictures themselves are a non story. The only reason its getting any play is we live in a culture where it's more acceptable to discuss war and killing people rather than the realization that people are sexual beings. Yep even military women have private parts :rolleyes:

  3. Tea Tree oil. Although I don't have KP I've had my share of skin issues over the years would definitely reccomend trying that. Also google in this instance can be your friend for a wide range of homeopathic remedies rather than wasting hundreds of dollars on steroid creams

  4. We read about players like Titus Young.....and a host of others in deep trouble with the law. Vince goes out and finishes his college degree....like a good man would do. And....you say something negative like this. You sir, are pathetic.


    Good on Vince for getting his degree. He done proud.


    Hard to know what ever happened to Vince's career. He showed a lot of promise early on. Appeared to have all the physical tools in the box. I wonder what the rest of the story is...... Getting cut by Philly and Buffalo and all.


    Whatever the case I wish him well.


    Seriously with all the negative stuff that gets passed around the media someone does something good for themselves and their future and people wanna invoke sarcasm to tear down their character. Ridiculous

  5. Welcome to 2013: the Bills have had a higher ranked defense than the Patriots for 3 years in a row.


    Stop living in the past.


    The Patriots have done one thing and one thing only in the last decade: beat the bills. They sure as hell aren't winning championships.


    I would highly encourage you to start watching games on sunday that a) don't involve the bills and b) don't involve your fantasy team.


    pay attention to who san francisco or pittsburgh releases if you want to pick up a player--not the patriots, who havent had a defense outside the bottom 10 for 4 years.


    what he said

  6. Since the onset of human civiliziations we have enjoyed gathering in large crowds to watch/talk about/enjoy sporting events. I don't see that changing ever. At it's core it's what people enjoy doing. Being entertained. Whether it's a concert/movie/sports etc etc. It gives us something to talk about be emotional about live and breathe for

  7. How about we keep them, and try to have a good wr core? We don't need to trade anyone we have cap room. Right now until proven otherwise the only legit wr we have is Stevie Johnson. I like the potential of Woods, and Da'Rick Rogers as much as the next guy, but it's mostly a bunch of "maybe, but" types behind SJ13

  8. I love Talley too, but he is a bit overrated by Bills fans because they loved his attitude. Cornelius Bennett was better than Talley. Takeo Spikes was better too. Bryce Paup had a great season.


    I think it's between Bennett and Spikes.


    Sam Cowart had the potential to be one of the best lbs in the game before his unfortunate injury. Spikes was also a monster before his injury. For as much crap as he wrongly got from Bills fans London Fletcher was/is a pretty damn good lb as well

  9. You're worried about a guy who had 151 yards last year and will battle it out to be the #2 back with Shane Vereen? For the record the pats were very balanced last year as they were the #4 passing offense and #7 rush offense. However Blount doesnt exactly strike fear into the hearts of any defensive coordinator

  10. Bold, yes. I don't know about ludicrous though. Stevie and Woods alone make a pretty darn good receiving tandem on their own. Rodgers has the potential, if he keeps his head on straight, to be an ELITE WR...better than both Stevie and Woods. To say "best WR in 3 years" may be a pretty big leap of faith, but I honestly think the potential is there.


    This is a big if. That tricky word potential. Although he does have the talent it's getting it out of him and keeping him out of trouble. If both him and Woods pan out wow we got something serious going

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