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Posts posted by BigBuff423

  1. I've had mixed feelings on the Bye Week in the first round of the playoffs for years, even back when the 90's Bills' teams had them. KC last year was slow coming out of their Bye week and had to overcome a pretty big deficit to get past Houston. I know of course they did and they had the Offensive fire power to do so, but some teams (not saying the Bills) would have been drowning in their own lethargy and unable to get their feet underneath them again. I think there is something to be said for letting a hot team stay hot and let them play.


    Plus, in this COVID crazy year there several players who were on IR for a few weeks or took a couple games off because of minor injuries that allowed them a little extra rest or in Mongo's case the first several weeks of the season. I'm not saying that having an extra week of rest wouldn't be beneficial for many of the players but I don't know that it is as much of an advantage as fans and media make it out to be....


    Last year the Titans beat the #1 rated Offense, Ravens, and the #1 rated Defense, the Patriots, to advance to meet the Chiefs. Now, we know how that ended and obviously the Super Bowl win is the goal, but given just last year's success - and keep in mind the Titans had to go on the road for both of those games, I don't know how *much* it matters anymore. 

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  2. This is a penned letter worth all the reading and worth all the moments spent talking about his opus to Buffalo Bills fans and the Bills Mafia. Dion demonstrated particularly terrific insight into the team chemistry, paid homage to the drought years and all of the men who paid the price to pave the way for players like himself, expressed true comprehension of the Buffalo mind-set and the struggle that has been real for Bills' fans for more than two decades, all the while opening eyes and hearts to the nuances of the culture and familial ties that bind for this team and global geography of Bills fans in all parts of the world. Dion was transparent in his reservations while also showing he's willing to be wrong about assumptions and hopeful about new found reasons for the future. This was well done by Dion and a revelation of his inner thinking and fundamental beliefs in people, the community and the team. His authenticity has never been in question, but this provides another layer which only endears him even more to fans and the community.

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  3. Two or more years ago I would have said "Yes", but given the state of the franchise and what has been accomplished by this team, I have to answer "No". It will be difficult to predict what my perception of success will be for anything short of a Super Bowl win. That's not to say that if the Bills were to lose anywhere between the Divisional Round and the Super Bowl that I would consider it a "failure", but I just can't anticipate that thought process until after the season is fully complete for the Bills. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, Crayola64 said:


    I do not think this is true at all...


    9 minutes ago, wjag said:


    Highest seed always get the worst seed left.


    9 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    That is incorrect. They re-seed.


    6 minutes ago, RoyBatty is alive said:


    KC will play in KC  the lowest surviving seed after the first wild card round.  The Bills if they will will play the other one.  If the Bills lose to the Colts then KC plays the Colts.




    Honestly, it's been a while since I've paid this close attention....is that a good excuse? Yeah, that's it...that one. Let's go with that....







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  5. 1 hour ago, Doc said:


    I disagree about Feliciano and Williams.  The most important player is Josh and they protect him.


    Fair enough, and obviously none of us know the inner workings of the Beane's plan. Please don't mistake my belief that they make different value moves for financial reasons as an indictment against their play or fit within the team construct. Williams has been every bit as good as they believed he could be before his injury while he took a one year hiatus to recover. He's been nothing short of terrific. Feliciano is a good player and I love what he brings to the team.  But IMO, it's not just do they like a player or think he's a good player, but is the value there? I can't answer that, but it seems to me Beane and this FO will value Offensive Line depth in some capacity, but looking at how they did it the last two years, I think that's their blue print. Find under the radar guys to fill the need in FA, Draft the ones you hope to have around for the long-term and then manage all of that money wisely. Feliciano and Williams will deserve to get paid, but given the flux in Cap and the fact that as stated Milano and Edmunds will need to be first in line (IMO), I just don't know if there's enough of the space to go around. 


    IMO, they look for next year's version of Feliciano and Williams, Draft a RT high, put Ford back at LG and maybe ask Boetteger (sp?) to move to RG or vice-versa in terms of line placement. But, thankfully we have some really good games to look forward to before we really need to think about the Off-season. 

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  6. 55 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    Yeah, we have too many of our own FAs to worry about over giving our #2 CB big money.



    D Williams



    And the extension for Josh


    All come first.


    Milano and Edmunds yes, I don't think Williams or Feliciano get the money bag. Just because of limitations and that I think the Bills want to get Cody Ford on that line, along with drafting more of their guys to keep the cost down and spread it out elsewhere. Now that Josh has begun to mature in the NFL, he'll be able to help the line play beginning next year, ala Brady, Brees, Manning, Rodgers, etc. He'll be able to cover up some warts on Offense with his own brilliance and allow younger guys to grow into their respective positions, IMHO. 


    As for Josh, the Bills will have their 5th year option which I presume they'll exercise giving them two more years on the Rookie contract. Meaning, front-loading FA contracts the next two years will be crucial and of course for them to keep doing what they've been doing which is nailing the Draft on the whole. 


    As for #2 CB, to me the Bills have shown they know how to Draft them and develop them - I don't think big money goes out to CB now that Tre is locked up. Defense got the money last year, Milano or Edmunds probably gets it this year but maybe not both - again Edmunds will have a 5th year option and good GMs use that to their advantage. I would think Offense gets 60% of the FA money this year, but where that goes, only Beane and company can pick that out. All of that said, it's great to not have to worry about it and know all of these decisions are in good hands and most importantly, the Bills are strongly heading into the playoffs with terrific team chemistry. Let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 

  7. 11 hours ago, Big Turk said:


    You are off base. Goodell repeatedly has said a new stadium isn't a requirement but they need to at least update the current stadium to remain competitive.


    Huh? It wasn't cold or blustery. The players were standing on the sidelines in short sleeves most of the game. Maybe towards the end they put on the coats but most of the game wasn't cold at all. Temps were near 50 and it was sunny.

    I know Goodell has back-pedaled a bit, but his truest intentions were stated in 2014 and has had overtures of this message since then:



  8. 5 minutes ago, RoyBatty is alive said:


    Can we give up the dome pipe dream already?    Another pipe dream, a Buffalo Super Bowl.  Dont have the infrastructure, not enough hotel rooms and other venues for the attendees.  Lets not even talk about the weather possibilities.


    The Era of these great domed stadium imo has already peaked.  Covid  and technology has positioned domed stadiums to be the future  shopping malls....they will be an anachronism.  


    And you sure as hell dont base a billion dollar investment like a stadium based on one player.


    We shall agree to disagree. One, it's not a pipe dream when you consider Minnesota and Indy both hosted and even Met Life Stadium hosted as it's an open venue. Second, COVID is not going to stop progress on the whole, IMO, it's just the next hurdle in a line of hurdles the Bills have had to handle over the last 10 years. The ripple effect of a new stadium, specifically a dome, would have on the infrastructure you reference would be significant because any new stadium - dome or otherwise - is going to require that investment. And yes, it is going to happen at some point and I presume sooner rather than later. It's just the cost of business in the NFL. Third, it's not based on "one player", it's based on the long-term trend toward Offenses in the NFL. It also based on the changing generation and being responsive to the fan experience. 


    None of us know what the Pegulas will do, but such a huge investment in a stadium without a dome is nonsensical IMHO because the ability to utilize that stadium is impacted tremendously when it remains an outdoor stadium vs. a dome. But, until there is a clear message as to their path, none of us can be sure of anything - that said, I do hope a dome is built for all the reasons previously stated. 

    1 hour ago, YoloinOhio said:

    It was cold and snowing for the Steelers game, vs the #1 D. The reason I brought up the wind game was because most people agree wind is the weather factor that most affects QBs. Not rain, snow or cold. It’s the wind. While 2 of his 3 worst games this year came in “weather” they also came in weeks 5-8 which was the exact window of time he was playing through the shoulder injury. So I just don’t know if it was the weather, the injury, the opponents or a combination of all. 


    I'm not saying you were insinuating this, but my statement wasn't about doubt - it was about Josh still yet to prove it and not because he hasn't when given the opportunity - but the exact point is that he hasn't been given the opportunity YET. 


    That changes in a few weeks, and as I said I'm confident he can and will show his superior arm and handling in these conditions, but until he actually does it - the question remains unanswered. That's all. 

  9. 1 minute ago, aristocrat said:


    didnt they study this and find that the bills dont have the worst weather in the league?


    I'm not sure, but just for clarity - I wasn't insinuating that either. Just that weather plays a role in the Offensive production and fan experience and with that in mind, plus the pressure from the NFL, a new stadium is a near guarantee at some point. If a stadium is to be built, then it would only make sense to me that it would be a dome for the aforementioned reasons. JMO of course.

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  10. 1 minute ago, Kwai San said:


    Sadly I don't see it being done in time to allow JA to thrive in it......OH SO much $$$ and it isn't in the city of Buffalo that PSA's will sell like wildfire.  That is a tough sell.  Pegs and the city would have to shoulder a HUGE burden for a venue that will sit empty more often than not.  Altho I put nothing past the Peg's and the marketing genius that is Kim.....there may be hope - albeit small but hope.


    I understand that, however, if I recall correctly - and I could be way off base here - but I believe when Goodell and the other owners approved the Pegula's purchase of the Bills, one of the caveats was that a new stadium needed to be built within the leasing time frame. Yes, COVID has altered the financing options, but I don't think they'll lose any of the leverage from the NFL owners or Goodell. To that end, I don't think the domed stadium is soooo significantly different from an open air stadium that it would be cost prohibitive.


    And, yes it sits empty - but like other domes, there are other uses of the dome during the Off-season and if they do it right, they can have a portion of it open to fans year round with stores and fan venues to bring people in....so, it's not a total waste of space. 

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  11. 2 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    It was really windy for the Rams game 


    True, but also warm and sunny....also, please don't take my comment as doubt or throwing water on the parade, it's just one *more* hurdle Josh will need jump to show he's come full circle in terms of managing conditions, Offense, and himself while continuing to score at least to some degree. Of course I hope they post 41 points of Offense every game, but obviously that wouldn't be fair...however, I don't think 27ish, is outside the realm of reasonable on the average in those types of games, barring a Snow-pocalypse like that of three years ago. 

  12. The accolade is well due and I have all the faith in Josh and this team that such production, in some measure, will continue. That said, these next two games and the playoffs are "supposed to be" one of the reasons Beane et. al. Drafted Josh Allen. The strong arm and big hands to handle the Buffalo weather.


    In his 2+ seasons, although especially this one, we've seen Josh perform better in controlled climates, i.e. domes, or in warm weather stadiums. I, along with many others, have been saying it for at least five years now. With the glut of NFL Offenses now the norm and with all the rule changes intended to aid Offenses in scoring and become stricter on Defenses, building a dome for Josh and this Offense to play in for the next 12-15 years only makes more sense. Not to mention the likelihood of getting a Super Bowl in Buffalo. That was a little off the topic, but IMHO - somewhat related because it seems to directly effect Josh's production. 

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  13. What strikes me about this interview is that Josh regularly references the hard work he puts in, to showcase his dedication and that he's committed to continuing to be the best version of himself he can become, but also how everyone works toward the same goal. It's almost as if he gives us a peek at his chip on his shoulder, and then quickly throws a cloak over it as he praises his teammates and Daboll. I love the confidence, and yet the humility to realize he can't do it alone and won't accomplish anything without the contributions of everyone else, from WRs, to RBs, to TEs, to coaches to trainers, etc. 


    I love how he says he plays to prove himself right, not everyone else wrong....it's a different perspective with a common theme: demonstrate the ability by winning and nothing else will matter. I really appreciate how he puts King on his heels by that first question about what he said about Josh coming out of college and to Josh's credit when King called him "raw", Josh admitted it was fair.


    Most of us have never disagreed with, in fact often championed, the term of "raw" but have only taken issue with those pundits that determined before he ever played a game he would be terrible. Or even more that refused to accept that Josh could and would get better. Josh has shown remarkable improvement and as he said it took "a small army" to make him better.


    Let's hope Allen stays confident yet humble and continues to build the team chemistry. #BillsMafia 

  14. There have been times over the last few years that I've debated with folks over things like culture and the psychology of momentum, but this summarizes the significance of culture. McDermott and Beane have built a culture that can be sustained, absorb difficult times (COVID, Josh's grandmother's death, etc.), support the team's players in their humanity while expecting performance, and make it all seem like a "professional family". 


    McD has not gotten nearly the credit he deserves, including from some people on this very board, as recently as just a few weeks ago when a select few were saying McD wasn't up for the job. Much like Virgil, I was in a hotel room in Saratoga Springs when I watched 2018 Draft Night and Josh Allen's name was called and immediately felt disappointment. Only to rebound a minute later and remind myself of the GM and what he'd done in a short time and actually felt trust. Something I hadn't felt in 20 years with the Bills' GM. I remember Josh's response on air during the interview that he was going to make Buffalo look like the smartest team in the Draft for drafting him. 


    Josh and Daboll have been brilliant working together and scheming and executing together, Frazier and McD have gotten the Defense to be humming at a Championship caliber as they've gotten healthier while Beane assembled key pieces in FA and the Draft, Special Teams re-tooling has made them a strong unit (just look at Bass' development and Roberts - his gaffe notwithstanding this weekend) and on the whole, this team has really bonded like brothers. That's also McD and his Coordinators and all the other coaches and Beane and his team. Just remarkable what's been accomplished in 3 seasons, four years, as a team. 


    Not to mention all of the individual effort by players, namely Josh Allen, but Tre, Edmunds, Milano, Diggs, etc. Great, great thing to watch unfold and now - it's time to be ready for Pats week, and take them to the shed. 

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  15. The entire TE conversation is infuriating because all too often someone says, " Get a Kelce / Gates / Ertz" via the Draft, but fail to do their research on what it took to produce those TEs and follow up the "get em'" statement by saying the Bills should use a high draft pick on a TE. Yet, an extremely high rate of successful and very productive TEs do NOT, I repeat do NOT, come from high draft picks! Kelce, Gronk and Ertz all 2nd rounders, but so, so many others are mid to late round Draft picks. 


    TE is a position that requires so many skills from understanding the entire Offense, not just a receiving route tree for himself but all of them, he needs to know when to pass block and when and how to run block, he needs to be able to run, catch, be strong against LBers and Safeties but nimble enough to get around a Corner and he needs to stay healthy in one of the more physical positions to play in the NFL. It is arguably, in terms of the total construct of the position - physical and mental - maybe the hardest position to be really good at outside of QB. A great TE is actively involved in every single play, no matter a pass or rush and no matter what side of the field - and they need great athleticism to be able to produce the actual Offensive yards we're all looking for....in short, Knox was RAW coming out of college and has had some COVID and injury issues this year, be patient. 


    I don't think that means the Bills don't get a Vet TE or Draft another, but taking one too high would seem like fools gold given the history of the position. Give Knox time, let Sweeney come back, and make a move for a 3rd - just don't overpay in FA and don't "over-draft" one to meet the perceived demand of a high volume TE. Keep in mind in KC, it's Hill, then Kelce and everyone else plays runner-up to those two mouths which need to be fed...think about what that means on this Bills team. 

  16. As I've said the last two Off-seasons and will reiterate, as a fan I have my "opinion" and defend it passionately as many on this board do, but it is beyond amazingly refreshing to KNOW, unequivocally and unwavering, I TRUST Beane to make these decisions.


    There is just so much less stress of fan anxiety to feel supremely confident in the GM and the front office to make these decisions as they evaluate current players, prospective FAs and Draft eligible players. Beane has earned every penny of his extension and knowing he's leading the ship, even with what is sure to be departures by his subordinates to other teams, is a feeling I am thankful for as a Bills fan and know it might not make sense to me at the time, but I trust I will see the dividends in time. 

  17. In my opinion, Steelers are NOT the team you want to play in the playoffs. Steelers are missing Dupree and Spillane and Haden, with just one done for the season. Vince Williams, their leading run stopping LBer was out due to COVID, he'll be back. They had situational injuries throughout the Offensive Line. The Bills did a great job and I'm not taking anything away from them because Pitt still had great players in the game and the biggest difference was the Bills' Defense. 


    But all of that said, Ben's long history of playoff and Super Bowl experience, the #1 Defense in the NFL, players getting healthy at the end of the year, depth at key positions and basically a fully operational Offense (only one major injury early in the year) with 4 high quality NFL WRs and Big Ben - is NOT the smoke you ask for, it's the one you deal with. 


    As for which team the Bills would "prefer" to face on Wildcard weekend, I just don't have a preference. I think at this point all of the teams have ways of beating / overcoming the Bills depending on how that team prepares for the Bills and how the Bills prepare for that team.


    Tenn has a beast in Henry, and him getting moving in a cold weather game could be lights out for the Bills if the Defense misses some tackles and Josh is forced to sling it 50 times. 

    Indy has a very underrated Defense as they create turnovers, sacks, and disruption for momentum plus an improved running game and experienced QB in Rivers, although lost some zip on his arm.

    Ravens - well, when healthy, a very good Defense and the running game is everything.

    Browns - strong running game, Defense is a bit of a roller coaster ride - but when they're "high", they're tough to get through.

    Miami - Divisional opponent and IF, that's still a big IF, the Bills beat them to end the season, it's usually difficult to beat a Divisional opponent 3 times in a year, let alone in back to back weeks. Plus, they've got an opportunistic Defense and a pretty solid running game.


    All are difficult, but I'd rather avoid the Steelers in the opening round.

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  18. Like beating my head against the wall, as this seems to be a topic of discussion every single year. Please, for the love of God, review and research TEs over the last 20 years. There is ONE, just ONE exception that had an amazing start to their career: Hall of Famer Tony Gonzalez. While we'd all LOVE for that to be the norm for the Bills, there's a reason why it's taken a HOF to show the rare contribution from a TE in their first two years.


    Of the great recent TEs, Kelce, Ertz and Gronk were drafted in the 2nd Round. The rest, including Witten, Gates, J. Graham, and others were all drafted in the mid to late rounds and they all took three years or more to fully realize their value in the Offense. Vernon Davis was taken 8th overall and a BUST until Harbaugh went to San Fran and resurrected Alex Smith's career. 

    Kittle: 5th Round

    Waller: 6th Round and bounced around teams and had personal struggles before his campaign with the Raiders

    Andrews: 3rd Round


    Much like people who wanted to cut Bass after one week, for Pete's sake people - be patient with raw / Rookie NFL players. Knox was quite raw coming into the NFL, didn't even catch a TD in college but like others Beane has Drafted, they saw the potential - so let's give it time to mature. Knox has gotten better in some ways, and still needs improvement in others. But, honestly, with his speed and toughness, and the ability to run routes and be used as he has in different situations, give Daboll and McD time to develop him. Just be patient, and allow the coaching staff to do their job. 

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