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Posts posted by tennesseeboy

  1. marrone will be under the gun next year to get to the playoffs and he needs Mario, Byrd, and Spiller if he's going to do that. He's probably going to get a tight end in the draft, so Chandler will be gone. I think Stevie may be gone as well. I suspect the offense will get a thorough going over and that he'll perhaps be looking for an outside linebacker or two. Marrone faced a situation this year where 4 or fewer wins would have been an F, four to six a D, six to ehight a C and eight to 9 a B. He's probably going into the next season with a D and major improvement expected.

  2. Thank you for the post Bill. Enjoyed the win today. We have lots of holes to fill on this team, and the O line needs some help. Why we can't stop the run on defense is a question that is hard to answer, but it's a lot of fun to watch this defense crush a QB and the passing game in obvious passing situations. Can you imagine this defense and how many sacks they would have if they ever had a two score lead in the fourth quarter on a regular basis?!

    Yup.. we need some help on the O-line, someone to help with the run stopping on defense, and a first rate tight end. I see us getting to the six win goal for what I would consider a satisfactory season, and a seven win total would be a big big plus (especially against the teams we wil be playing.) We didn't play all that well against a not very good team...but we won. And in the final analysis winning is the major statistic.
  3. 1. Curse of Flutie

    2. EJ needs time

    3. Marrone needs time

    4. Injuries (as if we are the only team that ever has them)

    5. Lost our guard to free agency (like it a freaking mortar attack out of nowhere)

    6. Byrd held out

    7. Front office needs time

    8. The Toronto experience was too much for the players.

    9. The front office needs more time

    10. Ralph is out of touch and out of date.

  4. The coaching staff this year has been a disappointment. At the least they should be told their work is unsatisfactory if they get fewer than eight wins, okay if they get six, and they are all on the hot seat with fewer than six. Next year's expectation is the playoffs and they had better sit down and give themselves a talking to as to whether they have the will or skill to make a run for it.

  5. Great teams are built from the trenches back. An OG, LT and the best tight end available. I think those should be the top three priorities. Of course there are a number of interesting qb's available if we want to double down on our ability to pick a franchise qb. I would think that would be a bit early in EJ's experience to give up on him and getting him offensive line and a tight end to complement him would be a great idea.

  6. Again...rookie QB, rookie *backup* QBs, rookie WR immediately expected to be #2, rookie ILB, lost the best OL (IMO) to free agency, and numerous injuries. Even through all of that, they've been in every game with the exception of two. Tough to can Marrone after this campaign, don't you think?


    I've seen this a million times...you CAN'T fire a coach after 1 season unless he's doing something completely illegal and immoral. Give the man a chance, please.

    You are right. Canning after one season would not be appropriate. Giving him a failing grade for the season would not be inappropriate (of course there are still games to be played that factor into the grade..but at the moment he ain't passing.) We didn't LOSE the best OL we let him slip away and we didn't get the Byrd situation wrapped up. Injuries happen to everyone...good and great coaches deal with them. His on the field performance has been reflected in the win loss record. If the performance isn't better in the remainder of the season I'd call him in and tell him we are less than impressed and we expect major improvement by next year or he's out.
  7. The risk there is that they might rip off a winning streak of 2 or 3 games and have to extend the incompetence with a shiny new contract. B-)

    I'm not sure the term of his existing contract, but renewal would be out of the question before he produced at least a winning season. The shiny new contract would be conditioned on making the playoffs...and with the expectation of eventually year 4 or 5 getting deep into the playoffs. He rips off three wins before the end of this season I'd be delighted to keep him...hell..even if he only wins six games.
  8. What if the stadium was right over the border, say in Niagara Falls? Half the Bills fans would stop going, mainly due to sobriety checks at the border, lol. But plenty would get a Nexus pass and just deal with it.


    Imagine if a new stadium were right near the Rainbow Bridge? People could park and tailgate on the US side and just walk or get shuttled over for the game.


    PTREven right over the border there would be one hell of a group of people trying to get across on game day. I just don't see it. If the stadium were on the American side of the border (Niagara Falls?) I suspect we would have a larger number of Canadians coming across than we have at present and would probably have even more people from the Rochester and Syracuse areas coming in for games. The more I see posts talking about a stadium in Niagara Falls New York the more intrigued I am.

  9. Really? Give up on a coach and staff after one year? C'mon...who knows if Marrone is going to be the guy, but this is a bit short-sighted. You probably would have fired Bill Belichick when he didn't win the Superbowl with Bledsoe.

    Actually I think you are right and he will deserve a failing grade with fewer than 6 wins and the expectation next year should be a playoff team or a winning season. Then will be the time to get rid of him. Unless of course we want to take the Dick Jauron/Chan Gailey route and wallow in incompetence for a few more years.
  10. I've got to go back to my position at the beginning of the season. 6 wins is a minimum for this team and if we don't get it...get rid of Marrone. 6 to 8 wins (8 being a stretch) he's welcome to come back and get us to the playoffs next year. More than 8 (ha ha)...We have to re-sign Byrd for sure and get a tight end and some offensive linemen. QB? I'll wait until the end of the season, but Bill's comments about EJ yesterday are well taken.

  11. he now has a coach that can motivate him and help him focus his life. Turk Schoenert??? Dick Jauron couldn't motivate himself. If he had stayed here he would have been Travis Henry II.

    Exactly. The Buffalo Bills strategy is to handle good to great players the coaches can't handle by giving them away rather than by finding coaches who can handle the players.
  12. Well if the team would move to Toronto there would be a Huge loss of the buffalo number one market and the Rochester number three market. Imagine that number of people at the border week after week. Would Toronto and southern Ontario buy into a listing team? A stadium in niagara falls new York would help increase the Rochester market an certainly not harm the buffalo market while still very accessible to canadians

  13. Toronto is a non-starter. I suspect that it would completely alienate the major Western New York fan base (going through customs every week?) and just wouldn't be that popular in big Canadian city with hooks into major Canadian sports (NHL and CFL). If we moved (and I'm not all that convinced that moving is in the cards) there will have to be a major American city to move to.



    Right now all that matters, the only thing, is beating ATL.

    What he said for sure. We don't control any of the other things. We have one game ahead of us and its our job to win it. We don't control our own destiny but we do control the ability to play out the rest of this season. If we win out and things break our way...fine..If not...eight wins would be a very good season.
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