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Posts posted by tennesseeboy

  1. McKelvin has played well, and of that there's no doubt. However, I think that there's a fundamental problem with reasoning as to why he's playing well. Very simply, when your defensive line gets pressure and gets it quickly, it makes QB's rush their throws. Any QB in the NFL that's given time is going to be able to pick you apart. Geno passed for 331 yards in week 3 and looked all world. The Bills really didn't get to him much that day. Not the case yesterday. McKelvin has always been aggressive. It suits him well when the front four are doing their job, but will be a liability when they don't.


    what he said. The name of the game is that serious teams build playoff teams from the trenches back. A great pass rushing defensive line makes a huge difference.

  2. Okay Okay..we're all quite p@ssed off about the Bills play last week, but this is a new day with a team that we hate and which is in our division and with a qb who is making sounds like he is THE qb of the last draft. Now is the time to place your flag in the dirt and make a statement about where we are headed in the AFC East. We've played some good games, won a few, and played one truly suck game last week. Now let's put it behind us and whup them Jets.

  3. Agreed. I don't think there's a GM out there stupid enough to bring him in. The only way I can maybe see it happening is if Goodell asks an owner for a big favor.

    Duh...assuming (big assumption by the way) that he is a quality left tackle...some team is going to take him. Frankly if Incognito is still any good and gets "rehab" and over whatever suspension there is...some team is going to take him. This isn't a friggin monastery..its the NFL. They hire and play wife-beaters, drug-dealers and users, repeat dui offenders...it boils down to money and money is made by winning..
  4. Really the issue isn't whether Flutie was good or Flutie was bad. The issue is that neither any team where Wade Phillips has coached nor the Buffalo Bills have been to the playoffs since that decision was made. God is punishing us, not because we didn't start the better qb (although many do say Flutie was the better one, and many disagree) but rather that he did not play against Tennessee. God liked Flutie and wanted him to play. Don't p@ss off the creator of the universe.

  5. Is there a special place for all of us "the Bills were stupid for not re-signing Incognito" posters to go? If so, please point me to that hiding spot...I should go there too. However I suspect the issue is whether we could have controlled him. I suspect we would have had brains enough not to give him much responsibility and certainly not to make him a captain. Managers are supposed to manage and he could have been managed. Marshawn Lynch could have been managed. Many of the players who left in free agency could have been managed.

  6. There is no way around it. This was a suck game and EJ sucked more than anyone else with Marrone and Gilmore in a tie for second place. That being said there have been good games this year and one suck game does not a season make. I say let them play the Jets and based on that we can begin to see what we have in the bouncebackability realm which is very important. The Jets game is a critical game in the rebuilding of this team.



    Absolutely true. One point about coats and carseats though: It's considered unsafe to put a little one in a carseat with a puffy coat on. So there may be times when you really do want to warm up the car before loading the kid because you have to take the thick coat off when you snap them into the carseat.

    Where can you buy a carseat with a puffy coat on?
  8. I work across from a VA facility and as a result there is a lot of negative talk about veterans (particularly viet nam vets). People often refer to veterans as alcoholics or drug addicts In the last few years I have taken to wearing a viet nam war veteran baseball hat from time to time as a viet nam vet to show that we are active members of the community and to show allegiance with the vets who are treated kind of like pariahs. I get a lot of surprise from people who didn't think I was the "type" to be a viet nam vet.


    Anyway I was at watching the Bills game last week and chatting with a younger guy at the bar through the game and he thanked me for my service. When I left the bartender advised me that the guy had paid for my lunch. Nice touch. I'm going to have to wear that hat more often.


    I always thank folks in uniform for their service, and sometimes point out I was a veteran myself. Pisses me off when they ask me which war though....

  9. "Flutie quarterbacked two playoff seasons in Buffalo."

    Actually no qb has qb'd two playoff seasons in Buffalo since Jim Kelly and before that Jack Kemp. Fergie got one, I believe. The most important stat in the game is this one...wins versus losses. Actually a lot of our failed coaches would have gotten the door a lot earlier if the organization realized this.

  10. A loss to the Jets at this point would be humiliating in the extreme. We would be relegated to the bottom of the NFL barrel for sure, Gino would be the better pick than EJ, Ryan the better coach than Marrone, and the world will spontaneously combust (at least in western new York). I am not going to my favorite bar to watch the game as it is just to bitter a pill to swallow that the JETS could beat us with Gino at qb. Unless they find something to make them play better than last week they should forfeit and leave us fans to find something else to do. The Bills had best find some gonads and get out there and play ball after Sunday's fiasco.

  11. The Curse of Flutie started when he LOST the playoff game he started against the Dolphins in 1999. <_< Oh yeah...he did lose that game. He lost it by fumbling the ball on the goal line. Funny how no one remembers. Kind of ruins the whole Flutie mania thing, I guess.



    actually Eric Moulds dropping the sure touchdown bomb that Flutie threw on the first possession didn't help. Flutie played a very good game in that playoff. Phillips has already stated that not starting Flutie was a huge mistake....God has punished us for nearly fifteen years...it is time we all confessed, put on our hairshirts....and atoned for our sin.
  12. Whoa...I'll be the first to say that EJ stunk up the place on Sunday, but I'm not sold on him as a bust at all, and would wait until the end of the season. Chances are if we are actually picking sixth he will have been a bust and we should go for one of the three or four nfl qb's coming out for this draft. I'm hearing comparisons of this class to the 1983 class...so if its even CLOSE to that we might go qb.In reality we will be picking (I think) in the 10-15 slot...making EJ hard to give up on and we'll be looking to shore up an area of weakness. (cornerback?) or go for a stud offensive lineman.

  13. Yeah, it's all about family and roots. My dad was raised a Bills fan growing up in Ckeektowaga. I'm a Bills fan, and I hope my son will be a Bills fan. I'm 34, not old, but old enough to have some really great memories of the team with my Dad and uncles during the 80s / 90s glory years. I also have some great friends with similar family links to the Bills, and it's nice to share that with them.


    Yesterday was the first time I can remember turning off the game in disgust. But I'll be back on Sunday.

    Wow..I was feeling guilty because I left after Dareus' offside penalty turned a field goal into a touchdown (Well..Gilmore helped). and I don't remember the last time I left a game out of disgust.
  14. No bones about it...EJ sucked yesterday. He didn't suck in earlier games and he is coming off an injury...but he did suck. He keeps that up and his career here will be short.Marrone sucked yesterday...he has to right this ship quickly and make sure there is not another game as bad as that one for the rest of the season.The team sucked yesterday....crappy penalties at the most costly of times...This was as lousy a football game as we have seen in a while....time for the whole team to shape up.By the way, I would also get Goodwin in more often and spend the season finding out who are the best number two receivers on the team. Let the Steeler game be a real wake up call.

  15. My dad took me to the parade when the Bills came to town. Warren Raab, Richie Lucas, and all that went with it. I saw Kemp/Lamonica Dubenion and Bass, Sestak, Dunaway McDole and Day, and then Dennis Shaw, Kaye Stephenson, Gary Marangi, Dan Darragh, ....Joe Ferguson and OJ, Smerlas and Haslett, the Bermuda Triangle....I rejoiced the superbowl years.....they are my team and always will be. The last fourteen years have been a mess...curse of Doug Flutie? Curse of Wade Phillips? I'm with the Bills for better or worse.

  16. I'm starting to wonder about him. In the final analysis my judgment of him will be a minimum of six wins this year. Less than that he should be out of here. More than that he will deserve a chance to take us to the playoffs next year. The Bills have lacked accountability the last fourteen years, keeping coaches well after they have proven they can't do the job. I'll put up with Marrone through the year with the yardstick being the only one that counts....winning. Six or out Doug.

  17. EJ is an unknown quantity. Let's let him get this season under his belt before we come to any conclusions. He stunk up the place yesterday...but he's had some good games before his injury. He ain't in the running for OROY but this is a "training" year for him. I can't imagine that we will finish in a position to be part of the Manziel sweepstakes, but we'll just have to see whether EJ is going to demonstrate skills enough to get us to the playoffs next year.

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