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Posts posted by tennesseeboy

  1. What is your point.... 14,000 French troops dropped behind enemy lines were surrounded by 50,000+ Viet Mihn troops fighting for soveriegnty....



    A political entity that grossly underestimated the will and fighting capacity of the enemy and paid for it dearly.

  2. You brought the word "choice" into the thread, not me.


    My post really doesn't have much to do with the overall abortion argument.  My point is that the term "choice" is misused.  In the vast majority of cases it has nothing to do with choice. I'm not too good at predicting things in general, but it was pretty easy to predict you'd say "what about rape?".



    Easy prediciction isn't it? If we argue the woman makes the choices it stands to reason I'd bring up cases where she doesn't. In MY religious world, rape or incest wouldn't even factor into the equation. Abortion would be a mortal sin regardless. In my political world I think it is the right of the woman to call the shots about her own body, within the well-reasoned parameters set forth in Roe v. Wade. And daddy doesn't have any particular legal right in the matter at all.

  3. Exactly...You've identified a problem Mickey, so what's the solution? I don't want to be a wisea*s, but you seem to be trolling into Tenny's territory.


    The sooner the American public opens up their eyes and sees that we're in the early stages of WWIII, the better off we'll be. We may need a draft before this whole thing is over...only time will tell.


    The sad truth is that if Iran is left to aquire nukes, we're in a big stevestojan sandwich. So it's basically either us or Isreal who takes action.



    hey..I agree with you. We are in the early stages of World War III. I think we probably disagree on whose fault it is though.

  4. Interesting thought JSP.  I was talking to a fellow fan during the Raiders game, and I made the comment that although we have guys who can make some bigtime plays on both sides of the ball, it almost seems like they're playing "small."


    Too many missed opportunities, but I gotta' believe that all of these guys haven't forgotten how to play their position.  I'm thinking (hoping) that they'll breakout against the Pats, and the confidence will spread throughout the team.  It seems to me that the players lack that right now.



    I think this group has to actually win a game before we can say that they "forgot" how to win. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

  5. I'm sure that GWB has done a miserable job and probably cost more American lives in unnecessary adventures (Iraq) than Osama Bin Laden. I'm sure he has screwed up the peace process even more than he screwed up the war process. I'm sure all hell is going to break loose if he wins the election.


    That being said, I'm not hearing much from Kerry. I expect to get a better sense of his plans for dealing with terrorism and Bush's mess in Iraq at the debate. I think if he wants to win this election he had better explain his position, his plans and his foreign policy verrrrrry specifically in this first debate. Otherwise he'll have the distinction of losing to the worst president in American history, and we'll be stuck with a war that will make Vietnam seem like the invasion of Grenada.

  6. I shouldn't do this but here I go.  My question is actually an honest one about your opinion.  I will admit that I'm only writing it because I get annoyed by the phrases "a woman's right to choose" and/or "a right to her own body".  Here's why and here are my questions:


    If a woman chooses not to:


    Be on the pill and/or

    use another type of contraceptive and/or

    make herself aware of the failure rates of said contraceptives and/or

    withhold sex from her partner until a condom is used and/or

    refrain from sex altogether because of its potential consequences, does it not


    establish a pattern of choices the woman has already made?


    All choices big or small, determine the future.  This is true whether we want it to be or not. 


    In general pro-life people are pro-life because they believe the baby is a separate person.  This separate person would not have been created in the first place had not several choices already been made by the mother (and father).  Once it has been created, if you believe it is a person, then the "choice" argument is ridiculous (IMO).  If you do not believe it is a person, then there is an argument to be made for abortion I guess, but it isn't really an argument about choice, is it?



    I think the issue of the thread was the father's "right" in the decision to abort (or, for that matter, to give birth.). The right to decide whether to give birth is still a right. Would it make a difference if the woman were raped, or was incapable of choice in an abortion situation? That is, the woman didn't participate in a "pattern of choices?" Assuming arguendo that in any case the fetus is a person the choices if any that the woman made would be irrelevant.


    I think as a legal matter the choice in any case is still that of the woman.

  7. Just a thought.  We know we need to get real serious in certain places like Falugia.  But we're not doing it.  Letting things be turned into a "stand off."  Come on!  I suspect that a bloody large scale decisive military action would cost American lives, and would politically play right into the hands of the Kerry people, when we are very close to what will likely be a close election.  I hate the way politics may be affecting the way we are executing this situation.  If on Nov. 3rd, we start to get some kahunas, I guess that's what it will have ment.


    We haven't taken "decisive military action" since Bush declared "mission accomplished". Why would a "looming election" have anything to do with it? If Bush wins we will take "decisive military action" with a lot more unnecessary American Soldiers dead and wounded and nothing accomplished. But at least we can say we took "decisive military action". To what end we would have taken that action we can only guess.

  8. There could even be a written contract. The court would certainly not grant what we call "specific performance" (making her go through with the birth.) The courts would probably reason that enforcing such a provision would be unconstitutional or even against public policy. Might the father get money damages? Much more complex question, although I doubt he would get even that.

  9. Interesting idea. Of course taxing all transactions might have a negative effect on American Enterprise since we would be taxing transactions that add cost to the transactions. I want to buy jet aircraft from the USA company at x million dollars plus the tax of y. I can buy the jet aircraft from France at a price of merely x million dollars. I suppose it is worth looking at, as it puts a significant price tag on consumerism. I suspect that in the details we'd run across the same problems we have with the existing tax code. Pharmaceuticals become exempt, special interests corrupt pretty much whatever system we put in.

  10. Not that I know of. Think of it though. If the father had a say in the abortion decision it would be a two way street. Can a father decide to have an abortion if the mother decides not to have one? Of course not. And he shouldn't. The mother has a right to her body, and a right to make bad choices with it. The state has some legal interest at a point. (Roe v. Wade). The father doesn't, at least not until the child's birth. How would you enforce a right given to the father? Imprison the mother and force her to go through childbirth? Frankly I'm from the school of thought that a person does in fact have a right over their own body.

  11. in his response to Dr. Allawi's speech.


    Here is an IRAQI. Not an american official, and IRAQI who's putting his life on the line in order that 80-90% of the Iraqi population can enjoy a free society. He has nothing to gain by backing Bush in this race, and yet he does.


    And what's Kerry's response?




    What an idiot this Taxachusetts Dummycrat is. So out of touch.



    Its nice to see an Iraqi "putting his life on the line" for the nation of Iraq. My problem is I can't see Americans "putting their life on the line" for same dam thing. In fact over 1000 of them put their lives over the line for this nonsense.

  12. I would think if the US was ruled by an oppressive government we would rise up and overthrow him, without someone else needing to come in and do it for us. 


    Oh thats right, we already did, 230 years ago.



    And hopefully we'll dump our oppressive regime again on November 2. Ain't America wonderful :devil:

  13. Why is Bobby Shaw getting more playing time then our 13th pick in the draft?


    It's Lee Evans time! Don't waste this #1 pick.



    yeah. Instead of Drew Bledsoe not being able to get the ball to Bobby Shaw he should be not getting the ball to Lee Evans. Memo to staff: If he's getting sacked it doesn't matter who the receivers are.

  14. According to HS, the NFL will be notifying the Bills that 3 calls were blown on Sunday.


    1.  Travis Henry's TD was a TD

    2.  Nate Clements Return, should not have been a holding call

    3.  Takeo Spikes should have gotten a safety call for the holding in the endzone.

    Dammit, how can Bledsoe have blown that call!!!!



    Look..the bills LOST. We gotta accept that, get over it, and move on. You gotta decide about next week, not spend the time whining about last week. Win or lose we sucked, and we have to get a hell of a lot better in a very short period of time. Whining about refs is a sure sign that a team is a loser.

  15. IF we win against New England (and judging from the last two games believing that might happen would be a magnificent leap of faith) the season starts anew. That would be a HUGE win. Add wins against Miami and the Jets and we are very very in the hunt in the first third of the season. We sucked the last two weeks everywhere except the defense. Offense (line, running, coaching) and special teams (penalty city). We would have to give ourselves a good talking to, develop a very good game plan, and execute it. Given Belicheck we should also be able to be flexible while following the game plan. This will be MM's test. I've had my doubts about him to date, but I'll keep my mind open and see what he does against New England.

  16. Sounds similar to what happened to Minnesota last night.  Terrell Owens' TD reception looked like it hit the ground, but the Vikes' claimed to not have a replay video available (or enough time) to challenge it.  Philly was real quick to get the PAT off, and ABC was too busy showing TO act like a retard to show the replay ( that is how teams get their replay looks, from broadcast feeds, right? anyone?)



    Coulda woulda shoulda...A little more smash Mr. Mularkey...a little less mouth.

  17. This contractor stuff boggles my mind. The contractors are there because they WANT to be there. They have high paying contracts. They are told the risks before they go. A number of contractors have been killed in not very nice ways In case everyone forgets a number (1000 plus) Soldiers have been killed who are NOT highly paid. A number, over 7,000, American Soldiers have been gravely wounded in this useless war, who have not only not been well paid, but also are not receiving appropriate medical care. And you right wing whackos drone on and on about the poor contractors! Cut me a break! :D

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