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Posts posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I saw the movie. Moore makes three salient points.


    Bush did little between taking office and 9/11 and was grossly unprepared for it.

    That has been backed up by everyone investigating the situation ever since. Did the people before Bush not do enough? for sure. But the critical nine months leading up to it were on Bush's watch and he failed, resulting in thousands of innocent civilian deaths.


    Bush and his family have had an unhealthy personal and professional relationship with the Saudi governments in general and the Bin Ladens in particular, resulting in his dereliction of responsibility both before and after 9/11 and to the present. The Al Qaeda opereation has been and continues to be financed by Saudi money.


    The war in Iraq is a mess. We all know that now. An unnecessary and counterproductive mess.


    There is lots of room to criticize Moore for injecting humor and unnecessary digs at Bush and his chickenhawk buddies. However I believe it will win another Academy Award. And deserves to.

  2. As long as we start Drew I'd shore up the offensive line, put in the best blocking tight end available and put in a blocking back. Further, I'd go more to the running game to increase time of possession and we seem to be a little better on the running game than the passing game. The nice thing is we have long bomb receivers in Evans and Moulds. Screen passes to try and keep open season on the qb a little more chanllenging. After Abraham's performance every defensive lineman in the league will be listening to his agent rather than his coacha and concentrating on sacking Bledsoe.

  3. I didn't really say what I said. It isn't really like it sounded. It is something else altogether. Everything is fine. We had TOO MANY troops at all times. God they were falling all over each other. I'm so sorry for what I said. But Ididn't say it. Well I didn't mean it anyway.

  4. Trial lawyers= scum sucking leeches.

    I have already seen ads on TV saying 'If you had a stroke or heart attack and were taking Vioxx". The poor people answering the ad will never see a penny in the class action suit.



    I love it...They are scum suckers...until one of us is in a car accident and we're asking for legal advise on the taxability of settlements! ;):lol:

  5. tenny you disgust me. As a former vet, how the hell can you refer to over 200 men who bravely served in Vietnam "weasels"? This is exactly what kerry did in effect when he returned, and it is because of that type of disrespect that they have exposed him.


    For you to disrespect these heros the way you have makes me puke. You may disagree with them politcally, but to call them weasels is beyond even someone like you.  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



    They were mostly pencil pushing geeks and doctors who pushed papers giving each other medals from what I've been reading. I think they are weasels to dis another vets service. Many of us who actually served in combat feel that way. OHHHHH....served in combat....guess you wouldn't have a clue about that richio.

  6. You failed to respond  ,so I,ll ask again. If this was the wrong war at the wrong time,with no WMD's found. Then is it safe to assume tha you and Kerry are in favor of restoring Saddam to power



    \Let me analogize boomer. You go into a bar with a friend. Your friend gets into an argument with a group of people (he's in the wrong). A fight starts. You and he are in the middle of it. Do you stop fighting and hope they don't hit you? I don't think so. Bush carelessly got us into this silly war (and killed a whole bunch of American soldiers doing it) and we are stuck with it. No need to put Saddam back in power. Finish the fight. Only one thing worse than being in a bad fight. And that is losing it. John Kerry at least knows how to win it. Bush hasn't a clue.

  7. For those of you into polling...this just in. I still maintain that the only poll that will count is on November 2. Guess the people were somewhat impressed seeing the two candidates side by side without handlers or swiftboat weasels to shore them up.



  8. Todd...I agree with you that there are positives on this team. However there are not enough positives to overcome the very significant negatives. The bottom line is they can't win. Can't win with that quarterback. Can't win with that line. Can't win with that coach. Can't win with that safety. Can't win with all of those stupid penalties. How do they fix that? Win. All the second guessing, whining, complaining, cheering and hooting and hollering will not effect anything until they get the discipline to play real football. They have the talent to go 500. The way they are playing they will not make that.

  9. Actually BadDad, I was vehemently opposed to the war before we went in, and in fact cited Augustine's principles for a just war as the basis for my opposition in some detail One poster specifically asked me (before we went in at all, mind you) whether I believed Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. My response, for which I was somewhat flamed) was "no". Turns out I was right. I also said that the key was not just to find wmd but also solid evidence of an intent to use them against us. I believed (as has been borne out) that the existing sanctions, including the no fly zone, were in fact working. We know that now. This war could have been avoided. If we would have worked with others, Saddam could have been overthrown by those who should overthrow him...the Iraqis.


    Wasteful and unnecessary war. Many of our finest have given their lives and come home wounded to satisfy the incompetent people we have in the white house.

  10. Sorry to hear of your troubles. GG gives good advice on this point. If the two of you can reach agreement amicably things can not be awfully messy. If there are kids you will almost certainly have a post divorce relationship, so try to build the best post divorce relationship you can. Counselling is a good idea. Too many people use their lawyer as their counsellor, resulting in tremendous financial expense and often very bad counselling. Best of luck.

  11. These 2 guys should look to be traded before the deadline....mostly for 2 reasons:

    1) Both have depth behind them  2) Both play dumb football

    Every team needs to take advantage of cheaper quality talent on their roster..right now the Bills have that in defensive backfield with the progress of Mcghee and Kevin Thomas and the surprising additions of Greer & Baker.

    Mcghee stepped in under Vincent last week and did just fine...


    umb players like henry & Clemens tease you with their talent...but in the end kill you with their mistakes....Clemens not batting the ball away in game 1...Henry missing assignments...

    Trade them while they still have value and  replace them with smart steady players


    Greenbay just traded mckenzie CB for a #2 and a backup QB

    Playoff teams that take an injury at CB or RB will be looking to trade before the deadline...



    Okay...let's assume you are right. What would anyone trade for two guys who play "dumb football?" I can't imagine we would even get a 6th or 7th round draft choice for both of them if that is the case.

  12. Moore Give College Students Clean Underwear and Ramen Noodles for Pledging to Vote


    Republics want prosecutors to charge Moore with bribing college students to vote! First, they sound petty and stupid. More importantly, they are playing into the stunt by giving Moore free press!


    Thank god for stupid Republicans (and clean underwear).



    Geez, after that first debate GWB could have used some clean underwear!

  13. You're joking, right?  :o



    Actually it says as much about Cheney's role in the Senate. Did you see Senator Leahy last night? He said Cheney comes in on Tuesdays and meets in private with the Republican Senators and only Republicans. Of course he never met Edwards in the Senate. He avoided ALL dem senators, except perhaps to swear at them. It is another example of the divisiveness that was alluded to later in the debate. It is why there is a perception of two Americas. I would like to see that change. For instance when BIB and KRC and Eryn buy me my grouper I'm going to take a photo of the four of us with our life size posters of Hillary and Bush in a veritable lovefest and will encourage Vice President Edwards to make a point of including Republican Senators in all discussions. Koom by yah..my lord..koom by yah... :w00t:

  14. Coalition casualties have been defined by news sources for some time.


    coalition casualties

    Cheney tried to get around the fact that we are losing more soldiers than we should, that we are sending home more wounded than we should and the the Iraqis should be suffering 80% or more of the casualties. IT ISTHEIR COUNTRY!!!

    They should be taking care of the insurgents and we should be pulling our soldiers out of there (not to mention that we shouldn't have been there in the first place.)

  15. Why would he use coalition figures only?  To make the percentage higher for the sake of using it in a debate?  In what universe does Iraqi effort not count in an Iraqi war?  His use of that figure was misleading and he inteded it to be.


    There is a total number of people that have died in the war.  Some of them were the good guys (US, coalition, Iraqi fighters, Iraqi bystanders).  Some of them were the bad guys.  The ultimate test of whether the war is worth it lies in whether their sacrifice has made the world a better place.  That determination remains to be seen, but anyone that expected it to be clear by now was clearly misguided. 


    Parsing up numbers to make someone look bad is a common tactic in a debate.  Edwards used it.  Cheney called him on it.  Pretty striaghtforward really.



    Come to think about it...why don't we include civilian casualties, women and children? That might be an idea and it might make us understand what misery we are exporting in this silly war.

  16. Tell me about Fannie Mae. I haven't seen anything in the news lately.  I need to be educated by you.


    I hear of potential exposure to US govt of $1.7 trillion.  Shady accounting, inside deals, cover ups.


    What gives?  Where's the outcry?  What's the chance that Raines will do a perp walk?



    He'll be doing a perp walk...right behind Cheney! :w00t::o

  17. Yeah and when the US said coalition they meant everyone fighting in Iraq. I guess you and your ilk misinterpreted it to mean everyone except the cockroach Muslim people.






    Ah...you are right. When someone says coalition I generally assume they mean coalition. I'm going to have to buy a right wing whacko dictionary!!! :w00t::o

  18. Your grip on subtlety is slipping.  My point was that Edwards clearly excluded people that had given their lives to make a percentage figure look higher for the purpose of the debate.  That is disrespectful to the people who've died.


    I started out typing something like the Americans have teaken 100% of the left handed, blue eyed men over six feet tall casualty figure, but changed when I realized caucasian sort of sounds like coalition. 


    There.  A two paragraph description of what should be obvious from the get-go.  I hope that's enough to help you.



    oh..I'm sorry. When you wrote caucasian...silly me...I thought you meant caucasian. I don't know what came over me! :w00t:

  19. Why do only coalition casualties count to begin with?


    Did Edwards really mean caucasian casualties?  A person is a person and the Iraqis that have died gave their lives just as much as anyone else.


    Back to the coalition.....The war was either right or it was not.  Argue about that all day.  The matter of whether it was right does not hinge on whether France, Germany or the UN think so.  Assuming it was right, we shouldn't have waited for France.  Assuming it was wrong, Edwards argument s/b it was wrong because x,y,z, not about how many French guys we should have had with us.  We're still waiting for John Kerry to join the coalition to get Saddam out of Kuwait.



    CAUCASIAN casualties? Are you assuming that American casualties are all caucasian. Get a grip. You've even lost contact with right wing whacko reality. There are non-caucasians in combat. Harry Truman integrated the military a looonnnngggggg time ago OGT!

  20. Not stupid.  I think you may be onto something there.  Rich Stadium games used to mean a loss for visiting teams, and now the Ralph seems like a guaranteed win for visitors.



    I tend to think our losses are a little more attributable to the fact that we are playing lousy football than to the number of seats in the stadium, but then, I'm kind of old fashioned.

  21. You think bitchslapping is a harsh word for what happened last night? You DID watch, didn't you?



    Sure did watch. And it seems many of the polls say Edwards won. But hey, use the word you think most appropriate. Bitchslapping sounds more like GWB's pathetic excuse for a debate last week. You want another example for comparison? Tune in on Friday! :w00t:

  22. Shouldnt you be reading "The Onion" for your intelligent quotes of the day :w00t: .Your trail lawyer boy had it handed to him last night.



    I don't know boomer. Seems most of the polls are saying Edwards was the winner. But hey...you guys need the respite. Assuming Cheney didn't drool all over himself and poop his pants he would be seen as a relief after Bushies nightmare debate. And the Onion is a little better than your buddy Rush! Funnier and less pompous! :o;)

  23. Thats is addition to being stupid. Tell mom to keep her legs closed and finish grammar school.Or she could go to Vegas and get a job as a high paying hoe and make some real money :w00t:  :o Same old libber BS pay for the losers. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



    "high paying hoe?" You talking about Cheney and Halliburton?

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