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Posts posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Cheney STILL bitchslapped the little boy, despite the gaffe.




    no no no. Actually it was a lie, not a gaffe. Bitchslapping is a harsh word. I think if Cheney were to have told the truth (as if THAT were ever going to happen) the debate would have gone to Edwards. Edwards DID tell the truth, did set out his platform and established the stage for Friday. Bitchslapping? Bush is trying to loosen up his butt with KY jelly for the reprise with Kerry. I hear he got the endorsement of the Tourette's syndrome society for his grimacing and jerking at the last debate.

  2. Cheney pointed out that he never met Edwards before last night. Well, that was one of a great number of lies from Mr. WMD, Saddam-AlQaeda link, the economy is rosey.


    oh...I forgot.


    The fact that they didn't meet on the Senate floor is no big deal. Unlike his predecessors, Cheney only meets with Republican senators when he comes to the Senate. Cheney is looking for nose reduction cream this morning for his Pinnochionitus! :w00t::o

  3. JP will start when he's healthy....doesn't look like playoffs are in our future, so I'm sure he'll see action--McGahee too--in the near future.



    Agreed. Unless DB does a very quick about face the rest of this season should be to showcase tradebait, improve compensation for free agents, and workout future starters. Losman should start playing as soon as he is able unless we start winning games in a hurry.

  4. Wow, just imagine if GWB, or Cheney such a thing. In an ABC interview he said "Of you vote for GWB, you've lost your mind"


    I could see the headlines now, the froth would be dripping out for blathers mouth, and the elite left media would have the red meat that they look for on a 24/7 basis.


    Instead this is already being spun as a edwards is finally starting to get tough strategy.


    Any thoughts???



    I've always wondered about the wisdom of anyone who would vote for Bush myself.

  5. I suspect that the parties would have rules to cover that eventuality. I don't think it would automatically go to the vice-presidential candidate (ironically the vice president would automatically become president but would not automatically become the Republican nominee?). Interesting question...hope someone reviews the rules and gets back to us!

  6. He wasn't wired but he had someone signalling him in the audience.  You could clearly see him looking at that person inquisitively more than once, and trying to understand what was being signalled.


    Maybe it was Stevie Wonder waving at him.



    Given Bushies answer, it wouldn't have taken very complex handsignals.

  7. Funny, my father is a vetran, as is my brother.  Neither is a huge Kerry fan.  However, both find it extremely offensive that other vetrans would dare to question the validity of someones metals.  My dad sees it as not just disrespect for Kerry, but for all men in the service.  I for one am sick of hearing about swiftboat vets, who didn't serve with Kerry, say he is a liar.  Do you think it could be that your friend, and many of the others, are motivated by the fact that Kerry very vocally questioned what was going on it Viet Nam?  Why is it that the only vetrans opinions that seem to matter, are those that oppose Kerry?  You can criticize the man for a lot of things, but I too think this kind of crap is very tasteless.... :angry:



    Your father is more like most vietnam vets. Many of my closest friends are combat nam vets, and I do volunteer work at the VA across the street, as well as being a nam vet myself. For the most part we have no use for the weasel "swiftboat vets" for the same reason as your father.

  8. We can't change the line at this stage. The obvious change is QB. Anyone is more mobile than Drew and Matthews is the only game in town. That would be a possibility. We run block pretty well and we can get more touches for BOTH Henry and see if Willis has any potential. Use two tight ends more often. Put a blocking fullback in there on passing downs.

    If we are going to keep Drew in, we have to protect him. Blocking backs and two tight ends are probably the way to go, which means putting some good receivers on the bench.

    I suspect we'll lose a few more games and go with Losman.

  9. hey tenny, I know that you are a snot snorting liberal and basically you live to hate GWB, but can you please try to be oblective and anser this question?

    You stated that "Bushies handlers made a 32 page list of demands". What is your source for this accusation? I did not see any such report, other then on air america where the screehers caimed that it was so. I say produce something or shut your pie hole. Its about time you started to spew at least 20% truth, and not 1005 hate filled speak.



    Richio...let's assume he had a black pen. What part of the "contract" would be in violation? The "black Pen clause?" Oh..you mean a tangible item, in that neither candidate was to bring a "tangible item" to the debate? I believe eyeglasses, or even GWB's tie pin would qualify as a "tangible item." Try harder richio. Your boy got a whuppin...got his hienie kicked. stevestojan the bed...And I'm trying sooooo hard to be "oblective" about it! :(

  10. When the debate first started, Kerry had the first question. His hands were shaking alot. But after a while he gained some confidence.  I also liked when he was asked one question, where he was asked What exactly will you do in Iraq?

    And he said I'll tell you exactly what I'll do, then never answered the question.


    Kerry needed this more than Bush. I'll call it a tie.



    Call it a tie? I'll call the new england bills game a tie as well! My God Kerry took GWB's lunch, beat up his little brother, killed his dog and kissed his sister! TIE? Wow...I'd call the Little Big Horn more of a tie! :(:P

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