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Posts posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I suspect you are right. TD will be gone if the season plays out as you have described. Mularkey may be gone as well. I suspect it would be just as good to let McGahee and Losman play and perhaps sit Moulds to see what we have with the younger receivers. I can't imagine we will keep many of the players who can get out, and would hope we could get some good draft choices to start rebuilding and pick up some better players in free agency.

    ALTERNATIVELY, we could RUN the ball, cut down on the dumb penalties, play to Bledsoe's few remaining strengths, and compensate for a line that simply cannot pass block, and finish the season 8-8. We lose a number of players to free agency, cut Bledsoe, trade Moulds and Henry for what we can get for them and rebuild.

  2. Our OL held up quite well... But this is not the 1950's and you cannot run 90% of a game. I believe (somebody find the stats to prove it) that we run more often than we pass anyway - and that's what you are advocating, right? If my instinct is correct, then we are already playing to Travis' skill.


    Henry IS a bad blocker. He is an AVERAGE pass catcher. He is a good runner. Drew can't get a pass off on many occasions because Travis is frequently allowing gentlement past him like he's a revolving door not 200+lbs of muscle and football equipment.



    We actually passed more than we ran (about 30 to 24). The OL did not hold up well against the pass. Drew doesn't have what it takes. Go ahead and put McGahee in. He isn't Nick Buoniconti, he's a runner coming off a bad injury. That should solve all our problems and get us into the super bowl.

  3. A black pen? No wonder Richio has his little girl panties all bunched up!!! My goodness that explains why GWB was thrown for a loss by even the simplest question...why he grimaced like a constipated chimpanzee...why he stuttered and stammered for ninety long minutes. Who wouldn't have reacted that way to a black pen!!! :lol:

  4. His running is NOT the problem and I don't contend that he is a poor player based on is rushing skills. But more critically, he has blown important blocks that have landed Drew in dire trouble.


    It's his attitude to blocking that stinks - he'll do it when he can be arsed, not when it is needed. He wanted to be #1 - so play like a #1. Like my example with Westbrook - he was give the chance to shine in the absence of the other RBs in Philly, and he brings his A-game with the rushing, and the catching and the blocking. Can you honestly say Travis is doing the same?


    Henry is not a bad blocker, is a great runner, and is not bad at pass catching. We could have had a much better day if we had given him the ball more. We have a line that cannot pass block. We have a qb who cannot scramble and get a pass off. We have receivers who cannot hold onto the ball. We can run block. What should we do? How about RUN the BALL? If you can't do anything else...do what you CAN do. Actually benching him and saving him for next year might not be a bad idea.

  5. Of course tenny I understand that you were fixated on the leader of the free world. But could you please comment on what you think about your saviors need to cheat? I mean why is it that you elites find it so difficult to simply follow the rules.


    Or is it that johnny was afraid he would lose track of which lie he was working? I have no doubt that the cheat sheet that lurch too out of his pocket was a guide to his multiplex position on iraq and foreign policy. Kind of like a maze with the beginning and end well defined, but the middle filled with twists, turns, and deadends.



    Richio...after that pathetic performance by GWB I think you are the only person in the free world who thinks Kerry "needed" to cheat to win that debate. Bushies handlers made a 32 page list of demands that nobody followed (the hilarious reaction shots for instance.). Hell...GWB got into the white house by cheating, why on earth should I be made if Kerry glanced at notes (presuming for the sake of argument that he did?)

  6. So it appears that kerry clearly pulled something out of his pocket and unfolded it at the podium on Thursday night. Considering that niether of the candiates were allowed such props (even the pens, pencils or blank paper had to be given to the event staff to be placed at the podium) do you consider this to be cheating?


    I know it seems like a small thingy, but after all this is the very same guy who accuses GWB of doing dishonest things on a daily basis. So much for morals huh. Or is this really just another case of a liberal elite thinking that the stupid little rules are really not important to him because after all he means well.


    Oh well, lets see what the libs have to say about this.......wonder how they can defend such a classless move?



    I'm surprised anyone caught that richio...I was too busy watching GWB grimace and fidget and wet his pants!~

  7. We need two things. A new GM...TD has two bad coaching choices since his arrival. Does he really need a third strike? And we have consistently passed up the best coaches available to appoint mediocrities who will go with the flow. We go nowhere until we get a new GM and a good coach who knows how to win.

  8. Well, I'm not sure if it was Bush looking like a horse's ass in the debate or the fact that most of this country sees his approach to foreign policy as short sighted, non-productive and nonsensical, but it appears the lead has narrowed. The world prefers Kerry on foreign policy...the nation prefers Kerry on foreign policy. Let's see what happens on the domestic agenda.


    bye bye lead.

  9. It seems to me that if someone included me in a three country "axis of evil" and then invaded one of the three, I'd move real quick to get any kind of arms I could to protect myself when they decide to invade my country. Nuclear, chemical, biological...whatever can be had to defend against invasion. But hey, according to you right wing whackos, Muslims don't think like normal human beings. ;)

  10. Guess he's been watching a lot of film, eh?


    And I've never kissed your sister either....



    I've kissed his sister. No big deal. ;) Best 0-2 in football? That gives us something to aspire for maybe we can be the best 0-16 team in NFL history. Perfect record. Like Don Shula's Dolphin team. No thanks..I think we have to whoop New England, Miami and then the Jets and then forget about the first two weeks. Step one on Sunday!!!

  11. My parents wanted prayer in school, so they sent me to a Catholic school. If I'd gone to a public school and they started saying Jewish or (God forbid) Protestant prayers, I'd have been pissed off. If they said Catholic prayers the Jews would be pissed off. The Protestants would probably start another pogrom. Anyway, prayer should not be in public schools.

  12. In reading and occationally posting on the PPP, I notice a lot of people support the current administrations handling of the Iraq conflict. I also notice a lot of people oppose it. Some are even saying invading Iran would be justified because they could pose a threat as well.


    I have on thing to say to both sides of the debate. There is only one question needed to justify any war. One thing that makes war ok. Imagine the person you love most in this world. Your spose, your child, your best friend. Now ask yourself, would I send this person to die for this cause? Who you send your wife to die because Iraq is a threat?


    Or your twin daughters? Nah..I wouldn't even send my fish to fight in this war...and I don't even LIKE my fish!

  13. This Ainge is something special. I watched him in the Florida game and again against Louisiana Tech. He is a true freshman but may make Tennessee forget about Peyton Manning. Tennessee has a great running game with Cedric Houston who is up there with Travis Henry and Jamal, and its strongest part of the game is its receivers. Colquitt, the kicker, is something special as well. Defense is the question mark, and having the veteran middle linebacker out will certainly hurt. Ainge was sharing time with another freshman who was playing very well and had a Michael Vick type running style, but I think Ainge has emerged as the starter. We'll see what they have against Auburn this Saturday. Auburn is ranked 9 to Tennessee at 11.

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