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  1. Here is one reason why we should panic: 1. Both the Buffalo Bills and Washington Redskins knew they were playing the 1st pre-season game of the year, and clearly were treating it as nothing more than "practice". When a team gets blown off the field by another team under such circumstances, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that team doesn't even belong on the same field with the other. So, unless the Redskins are going 16-0 I would say there is serious cause for concern...
  2. And management has announced that all home games of the Pittsuffalo Billeers will be played in Toronto so better to regionalize the team.
  3. +1. I too feel that Dish Network is horrible. Cheap? Yes. Any good? No.
  4. +1 in regards to the Pepsi jersey. I heard they explored that but there were "legal issues"... or else it was in serious consideration.
  5. Believe it or not, this was brought up by the Sabres. But I believe it's dead, because of "copyright" issues with Pepsi. I'm not sure why it's an issue now, and not in the 60's, but that's what I recall hearing. It's a good idea though...
  6. Awesome Comments, especially about the Bills current uniforms. The Slug is GONE, thank God. There will be a completely new 3rd jersey... to be announced. Although I'm not sure the current Bills uniforms aren't as bad as the slug. Can't Brandon do ANYTHING right? Not only does he not know football and instigate the Toronto-fiasco but something like uniforms, which should be right up the alley for a so-called "marketing guy", are a joke. I would bet if a vote were taken league-wide, the Bills uniform would finish in the bottom 5 in the NFL if not AT the bottom.
  7. I knew about this guy before the article written today. When Buffalo signed him a few weeks ago I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. I probably watch SEC football as much or more than the NFL, and trust me, this kid is GOOD. I guarantee that the only reason he got passed is "size". He's kind of a tweener... too small for DL and not quite a LB body either, based on "classic NFL stats". But I think teams are SO STUPID for looking at these things and having them outweigh what you see on the field. Maybe he's not a top-3 pick because of size, but not even drafted? That's crazy. This is the SEC he was playing in. I think Buffalo did a GREAT job in this draft - but in this case they just got lucky. A guy that should have been a 4th or 5th rounder at worst signed with them because he probably thinks he has a chance to prove himself on Buffalo's roster.
  8. I am going to bring out Archie Bunker to Mike Stivic quotes if I hear you defend Brandon any more. Sorry, but my opinion of his marketing skill is low, say nothing of his football knowledge.
  9. I think we would have 8 home games in Toronto if Brandon were still in charge...
  10. +1. If the Bills give up a 2nd rounder here, maybe they can get 2 1st rounders for Lynch? Seems to be fair.
  11. The only things I'm upset about are: 1. The Toronto-Disaster. But I'm upset about that every year. 2. Our uniforms. They are AWFUL. Kinda surprised there isn't the same outcry there was with the Sabres. Other than that, I thought the draft was one of the most positive things in years (it's obvious they finally drafted for talent, not merely to plug holes) and I'm willing to give new management a chance (except Brandon... he is Public Enemy Number 1 in my book, for Toronto alone). Also, I can see a "Ravens Style" developing in Buffalo. Tough, hard-nosed D with a conservative but efficient offense. Honestly, that suits the QB's and OL on the roster anyway... so there is a lot to be hopeful about.
  12. Hush your mouth. If Russ Brandon hears you we will be playing a "home game" in Beijing. I mean, who needs a home field? Buffalo folks can just sit at home and pull for their Wang while playing all 16 games on the road so Russ can "develop markets for the long-term good of the franchise".
  13. I was thinking much the same thing after the draft last Sunday. I LOVE what they did on Defense in the draft, although I admit you can't count on a defense of rookies. To me the Bills biggest challenge on D is that they will be in the 1st year of the 3-4 and probably still learning the defense as oppose to reacting. But beyond that, talent-wise, I see the Bills building a Ravens-type team. "Put a Hurt on you D" (especially if they become turnover focused) and a conservative, "take-advantage of what's given to you" O. Edwards can lead that type of offense, no matter the constant QB-bashing that goes on around here. Edwards failures are as much or more to do with the situations he was put in by the prior coaching staff as his ability. You add Spiller, and it supplements this type of O even more. If the OL can perform OK, and the D learns the 3-4 quickly enough, I think a lot of fans are going to be surprised. But, realistically, we could be 1-2 years away from realizing what I'm describing.
  14. I think all your points are very valid. On the other hand, the 2009 team somehow finished 6-10 and the 2010 schedule looks a lot easier to me than 2009... so it's possible that the Bills could struggle with what you suggest above and still be able to improve record-wise.
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