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  1. Yes. He was that bad. There's a reason he's out of the league. We need an answer but Vince Young most certainly was not it.
  2. You nailed it. Clearly the four greatest players in Bills history.
  3. Yeah...'cause the Ralph is just like Lambeau and Soldier Field. Soldier Field by the way is basically a whole new stadium?
  4. The idea that the Ralph has a long term future as an NFL venue is wishful thinking. Talk all you want about sight lines, it's an old, outdated, tired stadium and one of the worst in the league. At some point in the not too distant future a new stadium will be required to keep the team here. The current lease negotiations may buy some time but there's no way the Ralph has another 25 years, even with a facelift.
  5. Its clear to me that the new parking rules have made things worse. Traffic builds much earlier than it used to going to the game. I get there early - about 9AM or so and it used to be a clear easy ride in. This season we've been stuck in traffic on Southwestern every game. The problem is that with the lots not opening until 9AM, cars line up at the entrances causing a backup on the main roads. There is now also a backup at some of the satellite lots, something which was unheard of previously. The satellite lots are filling up much earlier now that people have figured out the restrictions in the main lots. Bottom line is that for getting to the game the new rules have made things much more painful. As far a going home, the fact that everyone has basically left at the same time for all three games makes it a little difficult to judge. It has taken me much more time to get home. How much of that is due to new rules and the closing of Abbott is difficult to judge given the fact that few have left early so far.
  6. Great HS player, top rated OL coming out, but never lived up to the recruiting hype. Saw every one of his college games at ND. He was a good, but far from great player. If I were to choose one word to describe him it would be SOFT.
  7. DH Gate is the way to go. I ordered 10 Bills jerseys, various players, various sizes, some blue, some white. Total cost per jersey: $22. Great quality and they look 1000% better than the replicas the Bills Store sells. It takes about two weeks to get them but shipping was free.
  8. I ordered ten jerseys for various members of our tailagte group from DH Gate and they arrived late last week. They are unbelieveably sweet. 1/4 of the cost of the replicas at the Bills store and 4 times nicer. Swen on numbers, naems and logos. It took about 10 days to get them. The vendor I used was "Honest First". $22 each.
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