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Posts posted by Surfmeister

  1. The Bills are a business. The main goal of a business is to make money. To make more than you spend and therefore show a profit. As long as the Bills sell enough tickets and Bills stuff to show a profit they will have a good year. The Bills office staff keeps their jobs and everyone gets a frozen turkey as a Holiday bonus.


    That is the main goal.


    Secondary to that is to win games. The fans want wins. The team ownership (regardless of what they say in the press) want to show a profit.


    As long as the Bills show a profit and can give the fans HOPE the team might have a winning record things are going to stay the same.


    Here's the way it works.


    Start of the Season: We lose games. If you complain the other fans ridicule you so much you stop. They say it is too early in the season to tell. Big help we have a no-name new head coach. That should have told us something.


    Middle of the season: See Start of the Season above.


    End of the Season: The team loses games and the other fans tell you it is too late to change anything now. We need to wait until the off season for changes. Repeat as required.


    I was born and raised in Buffalo. I listened to the Bills winthe AFL Chanpionships on the radio before we ahd it on TV and I have followed them ever since. Like some of you I am a Bills fan for life. We have no choice. We are what we are.


    The Bills make me wanna SHOUT !

  2. nice toe!

    This is my problem with Miss America.....someone can post a link to some cheezy bikini contest and the girls are all ten times as hot as the Miss A contestants.



    Cheezy ?!?!? Those are high resolution pics taken at a nice hotel. I wouldn't acll it cheezy. The worst part of it is having to look at the judges faces as they fall in lust with the contestants.


    Plus, this site is safe for work unless you share a cube with your boss.

  3. When I was 15 my older sister and her boyfriend took a vacation to Florida in her Challenger. So he left his brand new slime lime color Datsun 240Z parked in our garage. My older sister told me if I even TOUCHED IT she would kill me. Since they had to leave the keys in case the house caught on fire I took it out and taught myself how to drive a stick shift on the thing. I taught myself on a new raod with no houses on it behind my house in Williamsville. That was over 30 years ago and she has never found out.


    Other than that I have owned a Porsche but I'm not that big of a sport now so I have a V6 Maxima.

  4. Go ahead and say whatever the heck you want to say.


    If you praise the team ... Whoa .. you are too optimistic!


    If you rip the team ... Whoa ... you are a human bummer.


    So much of this board is not atlking about football. It is telling other people they are wrong.

  5. Yes this is the pattern all over again.


    We lose early in the season: people say ... well it is too early to really tell only after one game. And then discredit what you say by name calling.


    We lose in the middle of the season: People say ... just get over it and look forward to the next game.


    We lose late in the season: People say ... well it is too late to do anything about it this season. Adjustments will have to be made during the off-season.


    Then the season is done and my favorite part happens: People say ... they are hopefull NEXT YEAR will be better. Always look to next year.


    In the meantime IF anyone points out anything that could stand improvement on the team PLEASE be sure to BASH that person as a non-fan and tell them to cheer for Miami if that's the way they feel about the Bills.


    I have seen this movie before <_<

  6. You've got me here. We do nothing, but we spend money to sponsor athletes? :w00t:




    Here's the straight answer of what we do >> http://www.bearingpoint.com/industries/index.html


    I'm a PMI PMP working as the manager of a Program Management Office on a huge Public Services project we have going on in Florida. We had two corporate audits this past quarter and I passed both with the highest Green ratings allowed. That and I'm keeping our client happy!

  7. I just got an email from the company CEO Rand Blazer informing me that I won a Platnium Beacon Award. The highest award the company gives out. This quarter only 23 of us got it out of the 16,000+ BearingPoint emlpoyees.


    I had to share the good news. I think I'll buy a Lotto ticket on my way home.



  8. On paper with the stats in front of you it looks like a solid move. However, this is Buffalo you're talking about. On this board RJ was mocked for having a headband and his hat to the back. I can't imagine the outcry from the fans if we signed Stewart.


    The Bills need to sell tickets. Bledsoe can do that based on his past acomplishments. This move would not sell more tickets.


    However, don't get me wrong I agree with you that on the field he could help us.

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