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Posts posted by Surfmeister

  1. I think you should write him an email and say you are honored he is using the photo you took of him on his web site. Then extend the offer to provide additional photos for his use. Perhaps you could make some suggestions. You could tell him you are a big fan since way back when he was with Cinci. Sure.


    Bottom Line: Be nice about it. He might take you up on your offer and that could be your foot in the same door you just might get shut in your face if you took a negative attitude about the use of your photo.


    It is cool though ~ someone quasi-famous ripped you off !

  2. Before the interview they saw your resume. At the interview they saw how you represent the resume. You letter to the interviewers should be to the point. That point is thanks for the interview. The letter is not your second chance to hit the home run you fear you didn’t hit in the interview. I suggest you work some behind the scenes magic with the mutual folks you know and stay subtle on the surface. Then if they don’t take you, you still have your self-respect.

  3. I see their use if reconstruction is required after breast cancer surgery. That is it.


    As an elective process I am 100% against them. I hate the way they look and I think the lady does herself a great disservice having them installed. Plus the marks the surgery leaves like in the case of Tara Reid is very sad.


    If a gal is something like an A cup and wants a little more she can get great results from ...




    Those drops they sell are not cheap ... but they really do work. And the result is totally natural. Try them today you'll like them.


    Sweater Puffs Rock !

  4. Last year I flew those 50 seat Air Canada jets from Dallas to Tallahassee every other week for four months. I thought I would hate it but it was OK. Because they are jets they stayed above a lot of the rough stuff. Now I tell people they are a nice flight but there isn't much room to move around so I feel like I'm in a tube of toothpaste.


    Good luck ...

  5. Here in the South I'm called "Hun" and "Sweetie" all the time. Every once in a while someone calls me Gregie-poo but that is very seldom. You know what they all have in common? They are terms of endearment. I think it's nice and I hope it never stops. At least no one is calling me Gramps or Pee Paw !


    Dadgummit, hang in there Bubba ~

  6. When a gal is uncovered there it is because her chest is warm and she's trying to cool it off. They don't want men looking there at all, desiring them, thinking they are attractive and beautiful. Chicks hate that. The best you can do is to ignore them all together and hang out with the ones wearing turtleneck sweaters.


    What I would like to know is ... when you are takling to a gal, conversation is going well and then she reaches into her blouse and adjusts her bra strap. Does that mean talking to you makes her bra uncomfortable ... or ... does it mean she feels comfortable enough with you to do so?


    Oh sweet mysteries of life ...

  7. I know you usually give advice. Here's a tip to put in your advice jar.


    Don't get lap dances from strippers wearing glitter gel. That crap stciks to all the wrong things and it is hell to get off of clothes or furniture.


    If she wears glitter

    You should not get her



  8. Bless her heart, she should have invested in a good sports bra a long time ago. Those puppies have been tossed into flapjacks. Also, are are her you-know-whats pointing in different directions?


    Just goes to show you that you don't have to live in the ghetto to be ghetto fabulous.


    Bottom Line: That is just so wrong for so many reasons.

  9. It will be a home jersey of either Moulds, McGahee, or Spikes. If Losman was healthy and played a little so far and played well, I would probably go that direction to be a little different. Since he is too unknown as to how good he will be at this point, I'll probably go with the first three. I know McGahee is still just getting started, but he has shown enough flashes especially in his all around game to merit top 3 choice by me. Help me out a little everyone if it's not too much trouble.


    Show some sack and get #32, the best Bill ever.

  10. It is said that men with small "little buddy" find independent women intimidating. This post explains everything.




    That might be correct IF we were talking about an Independent Woman. However, in this case were talking about a political loose cannon in the form of a foriegn hag with a "My other car is a broom!" bumper sticker on her SUV.


    That's apples and rotten oranges Mr Coach.

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