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Posts posted by USABuffaloFan

  1. A big F YOU to RW and the Bills franchise. You have ruined what football means to the hard working blue collar WNYers. I am disgusted. Just one fans opinion.


    I know the feeling! I can't give up on them anymore than you can, even if I am angry. That's why blogs exist so we can vent to each other. I won't be purchasing tickets till they prove to us fans they can win also.


    But, I am not going to dish Gailey just because of some peoples perceptions. He was 11-5 for two seasons with Dallas and a very good OC in Pittsburg and Miami. He also was a successful head coach in college. I won't get giddy over this but I do not believe this is the same as the Jauron hiring or anyone else the past 10 years. This man reminds me more of , hmmmm, Wade Philips. We did go to two playoff games in three years with Wade then fired him.


    Let us all take a deep breath and see how this plays out. This is our Bills unfortunately till a new owner is in place. Then everything will be up in the air so I will at least enjoy the unknown in this coach selection just like I did when the Bills hired Levy from the CFL. I remember very clearly that I was excited about the Bills but very disappointed in that hiring, who knew!


    I am not a fan of RW's decsion making recently but understand that a 91 year old man won't do the same things someone that has ten years to wait will do. He wants one last chance to see the Bills to the playoffs quickly. A total overhaul would take 4-5 years to build top to bottom.


    Look for a veteran QB to be signed as a freeagent, say someone like Carr. One more QB drafted 3-4 round. We will then let them battle it out in camp. We draft a LT and OLB, 1 and 2 in either order. Get a veteran backup running back and WR and see where it takes us. We could compete on the lines of a Miami or Jets the past 2 years with some luck. Heck we were just short of being 8-8 with some luck this year, it didn't even look good enough to be 6-10 yet we were.


    Hold some hope, it may not be as bad as it looks. Also learn to yell GO SABRES!!!!!! :thumbsup:

  2. This is not such a bad thing. He has been a very good offensive coordinator with Pittsburg and Miami going to the playoffs and Superbowl. He went to the playoffs as head coach of Dallas. We has a winning NFL record. We can't find a coach with experience who has won. I am OK with it. Rather have Billick but lets move forward. :wallbash:

  3. 10 - I know what a football looks like


    9- I can recognize Ralph Wilson


    8- I can google buffalo, ny


    7- I have HDTV


    6- I know Canada is not the answer


    5- I know what the LOS is


    4- I am an alumni of women understanding football ( men have not met this criteria)


    3- I do not have an ego


    2- I believe in the team concept


    1- wide right is not synonymous with conservatism


    11. I communicate well using Blogs, Facebook and Twitter.

  4. Almost every assistant coach of the Bills this past year has found a job pretty quickly around the league. Nix was put in charge to find the next man, releasing every coach but keeping Modrak and Guy. How can things be worse than they were after Levy took over, Mularkey actually walked away from the job. We interviewed Fassel and Sherman back then but went with Jauron. The problem with the Bills search this time is they went right for the top candidates and were turned down. They made a circus of the search (telling everyone they would spend 10mil/year) in the media to the point now anyone who takes the job will be looked at as a downgrade for the position. Who would want to be in that position?


    What the Bills should have done was follow there own advise and past history. Interview the Billicks, Shermans, Fassels first, then add a few coordinators but this time hire "the right football guy". To often this team gets players and coaches with not enough experience or mediocre stats. Jauron had a losing record, Maybin played 1 true year not even being the starter at the beginning of the year. Why does this seem to keep happening? The reason is the right questions were never asked in the interview, they got the wrong guys. Here is were Nix can actually do the right thing.


    Nix can still turn this around. If Frazier is the guy then make a statement NOW the Bills have found their man and are waiting for the playoffs to end, interviewing is done. If they still have reservations then interview Martz who stated he is interested, the press would be good and peak interest in the team. Then see if Fassel, Sherman, Billick would like an interview. At this point, ESPN and local press will then be saying different things about the Buffalo Bills. A new personna of the franchise will emerge for the better.


    Buffalo made the first poor impression by going for guys that never would be coming here not knowing fully what type of team we are. If they wanted to talk to those guys they should have hired one of them as temporary consultants watching Fewel and the last few weeks of the year. Then they could give a reccomendation where they thought Bills should go. Maybe they even would throw their own name in since seeing how the operation was running instead of listening to rumors might actually have excited them to coaching again. That would have been great media press and we wouldn't be whinning and crying right now. As a matter of fact I would hire Dungy, Walsh use to do this, having him reccomend where Buffalo should head interviewing now. Having an outside opinion right now asking what is wrong with this franchises image, might actually start repairing it. This would give us some instant credibility! :wallbash:

  5. The facts are that the Bills have had one winning season, 9-7 in the past 10 years. They have not been to the playoffs in that time. I don't need Quadry to tell me this franchise has failed putting a winning formula together. We are forever Bills fans tied to a few good runs 64-65, the early 80's, 88-94, 98-99. Ralph is a good man but time has passed him by and unfortunately at 91 his best days are long gone. At least we are not the Detroit Lions or Raiders of the past 6-7 years. If we get lucky with a QB we may pull out of this, until then the Bills are stuck in NFL pergatory. :rolleyes:

  6. I wasn't all that impressed with Rolando McCain last night. He might be a product of a great system loaded with talent. I dont think there is QB that is a slam dunk. If we are moving to a 3-4 look for them to draft to fill holes... probably need a big run stuffer.


    Nix has already stated his philosophy is to draft the best available player no matter the position. You can't have enough great players, they can be developed and traded if needed.

  7. See, that's the thing about RBs. They're a dime a dozen and their careers are short. IMO you should never invest that much in a RB. Find yourself a Fred Jackson (or a Chester Taylor, or a Pierre Thomas, etc) and give him the absolute best offensive line in the league. You'll be amazed at the results. IMO teams are investing way too much in the concept of a 'stud' running back, when Denver's old approach really showed the best way to do it. Whether it was Terrell Davis, Clinton Portis, Mike Anderson, Olandis Gary, or Rueben Droughns, their running game was successful behind those great offensive lines.


    How do you explain Chris Johnson's production, 1st picks can and do pan out, just not for us. You rarely find that kind of speed undrafted. Terrell Davis was a brute but he wasn't very fast. Peterson has a great 40yds dash and a 1st pick. It depends on your team and offensive philosophy. If you use pulling guards and fullbacks your following blockers so speed is secondary to power. Any position follows the same thing. Brady was a 6th round pick. Peters was a undrafted TE. Good scouting finds the best players regardless of the position drafted. The best at this is Bill Polian. Finding the right GM is the most important thing you can do for your football team. Was Dungy a genious or did he just have good players. Look at Indy's success this year.


    I am starting to lean on us hiring Frazier. It really matters how good Nix is. If Frazier knows his X + O's we will be fine (everybody that has interviewed him thinks he does), look at Wade, good x+ O's man that just win's and we threw him away along with Polian. No wonder we can't get to the playoffs in 10 years.


    Go Bills, stop wasting time. Best man to get has already interviewed for the job, plus he WANTS the job. Added bonus is he wasn't on the staff last year. No offense to Fewell but he has to have had enough of the media here and his surroundings at 1 Bills Drive. Fresh is good!!!!!!!

  8. Speaking as someone who has been a Bills fan all my life, but only lived close enough to RWS to go to games the last 2 years, I will NEVER give up on my Bills.


    Having played football for 4 years in HS and 4 years in College I think I know a little more than a random person on the street.


    Have a nice day.


    Where did you play in Highschool and College and what year did you graduate from highschool?

  9. 1. Learn the difference between "there," "their" and "they're". Totally different meanings. It's grade school English. People might take you seriously.


    2. Perry Fewell talked to Buffalo. He was their first candidate interviewed. Grimm is going to interview. Garrett is coaching the Cowboys and we have no idea if anyone has reached out to him from the Bills' end. It might be impossible if JJ has total control over Garrett contractually. Schottenheimer is the only one to "apparently" not want to talk to video, according to Schefter and his "sources," who've been wrong a few times here. Even this might just be because he likes his job in New York Jersey.


    Relax. If you're that embarrassed, you can find a new team. May I suggest some apparel?


    Why don't you stop following the Buffalo Bills since you live in Brooklyn, NY and obviously don't support the team directly.


    How do YOU like someone telling you how to be a fan of a team.


    Anyone who suggests a fan of a team should not be one due to their criticism really ought to be looking at themselves as a human being on this planet. Why don't you leave Earth, mankind would be better off without your character here. Take your own medicine and eat it!!!!!!!

  10. Forget these "so-called" character issues. The lawsuit has already been dropped.


    Lynch can break more tackles than any RB in the NFL. I still remember him dragging around the Patriots last year.


    He is a good receiver out of the backfield, and is a playmaker.


    Players rally around him as well.


    Jackson is a beast as well, but Lynch and Jackson is unstoppable.


    When was the last time Lynch ran for a 100 yards in a game?


    It was December 2008 against the Jets. Give me a break, this guy was terrible in 2009. We would be lucky to get a 5th round pick for him. Most players were pissed that Jackson didn't start the 4th game this year when Lynch returned. Jackson was 1st in all purpose yrds and 4th in rushing at the time. Players respect production, even with a criminal record. In 13 games last year Marshawn barely broke 1000 yards as the full time starter. Jackson start 5-6 games and broke the 1000 mark. Jackson ran for 4.4 yds a carry, Lynch 3.75 this year. there is no comparision. Goodbye Lynch!!!!!!

  11. This guy is a good guy. He loves the Buffalo Bills as much as anybody on this board. He just needs a group hug and an extended crying session (Hell, we probably all do). The only difference between this Bills fan and the rest of us is this:


    We truly believe that Nix, Wilson, et al are burning the midnight oil to make this a better team. Maybe they suck at it but we honestly in our hearts believe they are trying.


    This guy and others of his ilk believe that the Brass is not doing everything in their power to improve the on field fortunes of the team.


    Both sides have a "fair" position....



    Bottom line though, we have zero power and zero say so about what goes on. None, zip, zilch, nada...


    Your a analatical thinker, I like that. There are always at least two sides of a subject to look at. I am being pesimistic because I see the Bills leaving town as they are run today. I DO NOT wish this to happen. but blindly following a franchise good or bad could leave us in the dark. If you speak out, they may listen, maybe not also but I will feel better for doing it. If they stay and still lose, why watch. Is it because we owe it to Ralph or the Bills for the good times. I owe my family and friends, no one else that kind of dedication. I wish you well in your quest to enjoy the Bills, i will not do it blindly. All you guys are stuck with me, USA, freedom of speech. Go Bills!!!!!!!!

  12. Seriously dude, you are building a terrible rep here, Just relax a bit and let stuff play out. If you keep this up you'll be catagorized with some of the others around here...and thats not a good thing


    Categorize me. I work on Cath Labs, Cancer rooms through out Western and Central NY and see the good side and bad side of the medical industry every week. People die, people live, the world moves on. I am doing my best to make sure we live, what are you doing, relaxing. I am not worried what people think of me because I voice my opinion. I am worried Buffalo is very close to losing a franchise that has become in the eyes of the NFL, irrelevant. The NFL could care less how much Ralph has made or hasn't in Buffalo. They care if their franchises have become jokes since they market them world wide. I don't think the NFL gives 1st over all picks to the losers to see them stay there for 10 years. Might as well give those picks to the better teams, then you will see great playoff games. Buffalo, Detroit, Raiders can be feeder clubs for the better teams' records and keep them healthy till the playoffs.


    Your responses telling me to relax only feeds me on. Show me I am wrong. Give me facts why I should blindly follow this team till it moves with a complete smile on my face. Are you sitting back while Congress bankrupts us also. I don't know why I am responding back to you because you really have nothing to say to me that will change why I write these posts, oh yeah except to "RELAX A BIT". Thanks for the advice friend.

  13. Agree with alot of what you said but the point is it's his team to do with whatever he wants. If it wasn't for that old crumuggin we would not have a team. And for all those people who say let 'em go we'd be better off...shame on you. We have a precious commodity here in our team, the only one we'll ever have. If they leave that's it..no more football.....ever. So even though they suck right now I hope to God they stay until I'm gone along with Ralph. Until then I'll keep typing and spouting off like only NFL fans can do, pretending like what I have to say is important to anybody but myself.


    Your opinion is important. Remember this, Ralph's money was made because of Buffalo Bills fans and NY State. How this gets turned around that we should be thankful for Ralph no matter what is wrong. I live in Central NY and could easily follow the NY Giants or Jets now. Ralph has been lucky for the past 10 years he has made any money off me, not the other way around. He wants to move the franchise so be it but where ever he goes he still has to fill the stadium, pay for players, pay for personnel. If he went to LA and didn't go to the playoffs for 10 years he would be chased out of town, ask the LA Rams fans. Ask the owner of the St Louis Rams. We are the customers, we are the ones that are important, not Ralph Wilson unless we chose to honor him. We don't owe it. Buffalo has been brainwashed into thinking it is second rate. It is too bad, I love the city and was born and raised there. My dad was a Buffalo fireman for 40 years (they are more important then Ralph), he thinks Ralph has messed this franchise up the past 5 years. How can anyone think this franchise has been going in the right direction. Buffalo will survive if the Bills leave, it just won't be as fun as the 90's with them or the early 80's. It truely has not been much fun the past 5 to 10 years.

  14. 1. Never critize or say anything bad about the Buffalo Bills, Bills may leave.

    2. Don't whine about personnel decsions, your not qualified, Bills may leave.

    3. Pay more taxes and like it, Bills may leave.

    4. Pay more for tickets, Bills may leave.

    5. Don't worry what outsiders say about the Bills Franchise, they have left or never been here anyway.

    6. When season ends forget about all the bad games or plays, there is always next year, unless Bills really do leave.

    7. It's a good thing that our number 1 draft picks fail, they cost to much so Bills cut them to keep in budget so Bills don't have to leave.

    8. Don't like the Bills, you leave.

    9. We are changing the Jersey's next year so buy the new ones so Bills won't leave.

    10. Never read Jerry Sullivan's articles, Bills wish Jerry would leave.

    11. Ralph Wilson isn't old or senile, Burns lived to 100. Ralph will never leave, he will be mummified soon forever keeping the Buffalo Bills in town unless all of you have already left.

  15. DURRRHHHHH to you sir. He is saying if you are not a fan of this team dont be but dont come on this board and say your not, just leave quietly.



    And to your business comment you should not speak. You bashing the Heads of this organization, si like telling your boss he is old and does not know what he is thinking. So you tell me how far that is going to take you.


    You my friend have just been served.


    Just brilliant, did it take you all day to write such an informitive piece of writing. Still, very interesting writing when you start a sentence with "and". Jerry Sullivan should try that in his next article for effect. You ought to "think" before you post to this board. Great advice!!!

  16. Actually, no, he doesn't owe him an apology. The fact that a guy who has made millions and won super bowls (Cowher, Shanahan) doesn't want to come coach in Buffalo isn't all that much of a shocker. They've both accomplished the biggest goal in coaching and are financially set for life, so why rush into something? Shanahan's got what he perceives as a better situation - an owner willing to spend cash anywhere (didn't you read the article on how Shanahan's staff gets ridiculously bloated? perfect for a Synder-owned team), and Cowher has the luxury of waiting on the perfect situation for him.


    But let's get back to it. Haven't you ever turned down a job offer before? People turn down job offers every day at all levels of a company, from janitor to CEO. I love how people try to come on here and make what sounds like a sophisticated business analogy but is just crap. I'm not sure how much of your $12,000 in taxes goes to the BB (although I would estimate very little since they're still playing in that old stadium out in OP), but the best way to show your displeasure to simply not buy tickets or merchandise. As one person it won't make much of a difference, but the more that follow the more of an impact it will make. I should say that since I believe NYS' income tax is 6.85% (I don't live in NYS), if you're paying $12,000 in state taxes every year you're making over $175,000/year and I'm pretty certain there are few people here - a Western New York message board - who want to hear you bitching about money. Check with Tipster19 if you don't believe me.


    The reason the OP was bashed is because he wrote an anti-Bills dissertation that ended with wishing they would leave the area on a Bills message board. You think that's going to attract positive responses? Maybe you are the ignorant one, sir.


    His whole point was the Bills are a bad product being sold in Buffalo NY for the past 10 years. Money is tight for alot of people, not me though your right about that. When your looking to spend a Sunday afternoon at the game with a family it will cost you $300-400 for 4 people. By the end of this year you watched the Buffalo offense put up 1 touchdown by the QB at home. This is what you paid for. It is far from being "OK" to accept this as a fan because some of you want to call your selfs "diehards" and are upset with our opinions. I had season tickets for 12 years before I moved, I still go to at least one game till this year. I have been going to games since I was 17 in 83'. I won't be spending anymore money on the Bills till they show me a better product on the field! I am a fan of the Buffalo Bills but chose not to follow them till they make a better product. I will read the paper, catch a ocassional game but I won't sit on the couch wasting my Sundays anymore.


    Turning down a job offer where there is 1000 of the same jobs out there nationwide and turning down 1 of 32 job possibilities with only 1-2 open is a big difference. When Grimm or Rivera won't grant you an interview, that is different then Cowher turning it down. That says a position coach on this franchise is a better job then a head coach job on another franchise. That is when you know your company doesn't appeal to the masses. Do you think anyone would turn down an interview for NCP, JJ, CB, CB, etc... they would turn down the BB, OR and DL. By the way, if I am unemployed and want a job with a Top 100 company in my field, I would NEVER turn down an interview with them! Might not take the job but I have to hear what they say. Shanahan had a 7hr interview, he didn't want the job, his choice.


    This message board says, Stadium Wall not Bills Backers. All opinions should be welcome if they are at least cordial!

  17. I don't know if I'm a "hater" but I'll answer ...

    Part of being a Bills fan is about regionalism for me. It's like rooting for the US Hockey team in a few weeks. Would I wear a Team USA jersey ... in a heartbeat. What if they stocked the team with rejects from a Tim Bits hockey team? Absolutely! If they hired the Butcher to coach 'em? I'd be frustrated, but they are still my team because I am an American ... maybe a little hokey, but that is the truth. I'm from Buffalo. I root for the Bills & Sabres, good, bad or terrible. They make bad decisions ... I hate it, but they are still my team.


    BTW ... Amherst is not the only nice place in metro Buffalo ... plenty of good in the Southtowns, too.


    So if Pepsi tastes terrible changing the recipe after liking it for 20 years you will still drink Pepsi. If your next Ford Mustang that you have been buying and driving for 20 years breaks down every week, you will by the same model hands down without venting to Ford or looking a other vehicles. Give me a break. Money is money. If you own season tickets, go to games or pay taxes in NY State you have a right to voice your opinion and have every fan of that product hear it. That my friend is the "American Way".

  18. Dude how old are you? Ok bro I'm like 6'4 and 280 and I work out all the time so I can kick your ass!!!! Grow up man. By the way the post is about showing a commitment to the fans. Hiring a coordinator hardly does that...would you disagree?


    I am trying to back you up. Ignore post with threats and no "logic". Let them stoop to those tactics and show their true wisdom. Always be a gentleman.

  19. You, sir, are ignorant.


    And I should add that you spent way too much time on this to look ignorant...


    You ought to look up the word ignorant. This man just gave his opinion and you bash him for it rather than offer a rebutal. If you react back like that in business, you will go real far in life.


    I also believe in what he is saying about the Bills. It is not good to have 1 of 32 jobs offered out there and have those head coaches telling you they don't want "that" job. If this was any other top 500 company and that happened they would be closing their doors or out of the top 500 soon enough. My tax dollars pay for this team, I pay roughly 12k a year in NY State income taxes. It is the fans responsibility to let a business know when they no longer show value to them. You sir owe that gentleman an apology!

  20. What part of being turned down by Shanahan, Cowher and Gruden don't you get? The Bills made an honest attempt at all of these guys. This team simply does not have a QB situation that would make them feel comfortable that they'd eventually have success here. It's clearly just not an attractive enough job even for a boat load of money.


    So you have to just accept that the Bills will have to find coaching success from the NFL assistants. Look at it this way, usually the Bills would never have a shot at the "top" assistants, this year they have the pick of the litter.


    Brian Billick fits your response perfect and he would come. He has won a superbowl with Trent Dilfer. I am sure the Bills can come up with a serviceable QB, Fitz already fits the bill. NO assistants, I would have bet Lewis, Crennel, Weis would have been successful but so far the have been mostly flops. Lewis came close this year but failed way to many times and was embarrased twice in a row by the Jets. the Jets lost to the Bills coached by Jauron. Hire proven experience. Billick, Fassel, Martz, Sherman would all come to Buffalo if offered a interview.

  21. Who cares if a Super Bowl winning coach has never won a Super Bowl with 2 seperate teams. The fact is, they have and they know what it takes. And they would apply the same methodology with the Bills as their Super Bowl team.



    You don't make the playoffs 10 out of 15 years and NOT learn anything about winning, building the right team, etc.


    Ralph has had a great chance to really redeem himself and this organization, however, I feel once again he's dropping the ball.





    This team needs a leader that has been there. Cohwer, Martz, Fassel, Billick fit the ticket. My pick is Billick, won a Superbowl with an average QB. Since we don't have a great QB yet, Billick is the best choice, he can lead with a great defense and running the football. That will lead the Bills to the promise land. we already have a line that can run block and a great RB in Jackson who can also catch. Sounds like a perfect marriage.

  22. We won't get Bill Cowher because Ralph won't let the chef make his stew without generic ingredients? Reports say that the sticking point with negotiations are that Cowher wants a commitment(financially) to the roster he wants to erect and Ralph won't commit to the terms. WTF? I'm ready to talk draft now. I hope it goes this way for the first couple of rounds: immediate impact player(don't care what position) at #9, OL/DL, OL/DL. The number 9 pick in the draft should be someone that can help you right away and not a project, then you have to have big boys with the other 2 picks. Build the foundation first then get your QB of the future if he's not on the roster already.


    CAN'T TALK WHAT PLAYER FITS THE BILLS TILL WE KNOW WHO THE COACH IS!!!!!! Player and schemes matter with most selections.

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