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Posts posted by USABuffaloFan

  1. Is it fair to assume all QBs/people from California have this attitude/mentality? In that context that statement is more naive.


    Is it fair that Buffalo gets stigimatized for snow. Like it doesn't snow anywhere else in the country. Last I checked 49 states last year got snow. People around the country laugh at us for being from Buffalo, what are we a bunch of uneducated rednecks. Some of us like snow. Movies like Point Break definetly made their point what California coastal men are like. Not everyone is like that but there are enough people that are that a joke can be made about it.


    Everyone is missing the point anyway. People are trying to say Kelly is talking about warm weather when he is talking about attitude, that's it. fault him for that if you wish, I sort of believe what he is saying. These 3 QB's fit that profile.

  2. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/6/9/1...sible#storyjump


    I don't know why writers keep missing the point. Brian tries to compare Lynch's predicament with Gaither's situation. Both players are missing time at voluntary workouts. Where he is very wrong with this comparision is Gaither will start at RT this year for Baltimore, Lynch is the 3rd running back. Also Gaither wasn't suspended for illegal actions with the law. Lynch has two accounts against him. There is no comparision of these two players, dumb article.


    Bottom line is Buffalo Bills need Gaither more than Baltimore does, make the trade if possible. :wacko:

  3. http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post/_/id/...theory-debunked


    Boy did they totally misunderstand what Jim Kelly is talking about. Jim Kelly played for Miami Hurricanes so was he really talking about warm weather QB's when he mentioned California QB's. Obviously that was not the point Jim Kelly was making. He simply stated that the Bills failed with the last 3 QB's out of California and they should stay away from selecting another one. What he is infering is strickly attitude, the surfer mentality. Laidback dude, whats up!!!, hang five type dude. I think he was totally right, none of those 3 QB's are great leaders. You can quietly lead but you had better be a great statisical QB. Otherwise we need a vocal leader who is tough, can play in cold weather and makes safe decsions with the ball. I will take what Kelly says over any bozo writing an article, the man was a great leader, Hall of fame QB. :wacko:

  4. Ok, if it's such a basic concept, just explain it to the best of your ability. Why is consensual incest morally wrong?


    By the way, your above post is classic ad hominem. You can't think of something relevant to say, so you just try to degrade the person you're debating.


    I personally would never have sex with my sister because of my cultural conditioning...I find the idea gross. But why would it be morally wrong?


    The Bible's old testament is slewn with incest and is the bases of Adam and Eve's love. The biggest reason incest is band in modern days is because of DNA issues and birth defects. If you ever been to middle Iowa and States like that you can see for yourself what can happen. The Amish people have many malformations, kissing cousins probably don't matter. Some people don't have alot of choices around them, in small populations under 100. They may never have left their towns. They are truely uneducated!!


    When I was in college in the middle 80's porn movies like Taboo were watched by many people in the college dorms. I would bet many of you have seen scenes and didn't turn it off. Does that mean people wish to have sex with their family members, No. We all know right from wrong and can make conscience choices not to do those type of things. Often jokes have been told about siblings "playing doctor" with one another. I can tell you one thing, I didn't learn about sex in school or by my parents. It was from magazines and porn movies as a young adult 13-16. No one explain to me during puberity what I was dealing with as a 13-16 year old. I went to detention as a 14 year old student in middle school because I couldn't go to the front of the classroom to do a speech due to a untimely erection. The teacher thought I was defying her, I wanted her to touch me and I didn't even understand why! Timing is everything people.


    Our society does a terrible job dealing with sexuality with individuals coming of age. We rarely talk or let them know what is right or wrong. As a kid, you know something is wrong or up with what is happening but you don't really know why. Proper education takes away mistakes being made by younger individuals. How do you really properly teach sexuality. Telling kids by anatomy drawings that babies are birthed in this manner just raise the intrigue of the subject to teens. They will experiment if they don't truely understand. We all have some skeletons in our closets from these years. You will never admit it and really should never talk about, they are very private. If you got to be an adult with no other real issue, Thank God for that. Many people have some really bad things in their closet. Feel sorry and move on. Never accept adults doing the wrong things, they should know better but be careful blaming teens for their issues.


    There is no excuse for parents having sex with their kids or family members. I do feel for young family members like Tony Washington and his sister. They may not really know what they were doing, they knew it was wrong but how wrong could really be debated. If they were uneducated then put in very wrong circumstances, something could happen that shouldn't. This is not rape but very wrong morally today. They probably really didn't understand this concept.This can't be condoned but as adults we understand how complicated sex really is. Many adults get it all wrong, look at Ben R. To stigmitized a 15 and 16 year old soley because of the act is really wrong. We can't possibly understand what happened.


    As long as those two got counseling, did their punishment and truely understand why that can't happen so when they have kids it doesn't repeat, we need to forgive. This isn't criminal, it is on the line of fornication and homosexuality with teens. If they understand why it was wrong and never behave that way again, I say it is a private matter and we don't need to react as fans. I wouldn't want my teen years to be looked at and decided who I am as a adult. This man and family needs to move on and we are very wrong by not letting him do this. Maybe if he made a decent paycheck he could take up the cause to educate younger kids the mistakes not to make. Be careful how you judge this man and his family.

  5. John Destin, CB, Tulsa

    Naaman Roosevelt, WR, Buffalo

    Donald Jones, WR, Youngstown St.

    Joique Bell, RB, Wayne State

    Stephan Virgil, CB, Virginia Tech

    Brett Johnson, S, Cal

    Antonio Coleman, DE/OLB, Auburn

    David Nelson, WR, Florida

    Dominique Harris, S, Temple

    Sean Allen, C/G, ECU

    Jorge Guerra, OL, TAMUK

    Cordaro Howard, OL, Georgia Tech



    All were added to Bills training camp squad!!













  6. I'll take Wood and Levitre over Faneca. They're on their way up, Faneca is clearly on the decline.


    Do you have a answer for tackle. If we get Faneca, Levitre could temporarily move to RT. Bell and Wang will complete for left unless we get someone in a trade or let go. Noone is saying Woods and Levitre aren't our future as inside guys. IF Woods comes back, some day he will be our future Center.

  7. ...and the fact that he was the weak link on their line last year. And the fact that Ducasse is a monster.


    Jets were in the playoffs and got as far as AFC Conference Championship. I will take the worst lineman on a team like that because they would be one of the top 2 on our line. they were the number one running team last year. We have 3 starting running backs. Our center was a backup for Carolina, not even a starter but we got him. We didn't draft a 1st or 2nd round O-linemen talent this year. This could fix that. Since when are the Buffalo Bills good enough to turn down a 9 time Pro-Bowl talent anywhere on this football team. Alan Faneca probably wouldn't want to play here. Lets hope that isn't the case.

  8. What about the umpteen other HC jobs in the NFL since 2001 Cottrell wasn't hired to fill?


    I don't know if the Bills are looking at Ted for DC or not -- but not being hired as HC in 2001 won't be the reason he doesn't take the job if it is offered.


    Totally missing my point that Cottrell didn't like not getting the HC position for the Bills in 2000 an was pissed at Ralph thinking it was because he was black. He got passed over by a white DC in Williams and he blamed Ralph for that more than Donahue, since he was new. I remember Cottrell was pretty upset as was Butler, Smith, Philips or any anyone else asked to leave from that time period. Do you think Ralph didn't have something to do with all these firings before he hired Donahue.

  9. Just a guess, but i think this is the guy. Nix wants coaches with experience (Gailey, Dehaven......Cottrell?). For this reason I DO NOT believe we are waiting on a d-line/linebacker coach of a superbowl team. I also think that the hiring of Dehaven speaks vollumes to the fact they are not afraid to get coaches Nix and Wilson are familiar with from previous experiences in Buffalo......Back when we were good.


    Not going to happen.


    Ralph won't trust the man after interviewing for head coach position when Wade was fired. Ted thinks Ralph won't hire a black head coach! I believe there is some bad blood there. Bills hired Greg Williams which didn't sit well with Ted.

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