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South Jersey Bills Fan

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Posts posted by South Jersey Bills Fan

  1. this is a huge mistake.. we need all of our picks. trading back into the 1st for a guy like tebow will set this organization back even more ie losman, and mccargo trades. we must keep all our picks or trade down for more. BPA is the way this team needs to draft... Every player we take in the first 3 rds could potenially strongly boost this team if done correctly



    I agree...don't do it!

  2. I'm not sure of his name, but in the first movie, there were two guys that were kissing up to Mauser. Not Proctor, but two of the recruits. They would always report the other recruits to Mauser. They had buzz cuts or close and I think they ended up at the Blue Oyster. The Claussen look alike was the smaller of the two.


    Bradford looks like just about every East German chick I have ever seen.



    Nice hair cuts men!!!!

  3. How about we trade our trash fans for real ones and then everybody can cheer for the Buffalo Bills. (all players included)


    Trent Edwards is one of the lowest paid players on the team, yet we ask the most out of him. He has never had a good supporting cast yet TE never complains or makes excuses. The team always comes first to Trent Edwards even if it means swallowing his pride and sitting on the bench.


    If you were to ask TE what his primary goal is for this Bills football team the answer will always be the same,


    "Our goal is to bring home a Championship for the City Buffalo"


    Is this Joe Edwards?

  4. Spiller at 9 would be a very bizarre pick. We have Jackson and Lynch and no offensive tackles, a need for an OLB and DT and DE, and a qb. It would be a change from the past regime...instead of wasting a pick on an excessive number of defensive backs we can begin wasting them on an excessive number of offensive backs.


    I'm assuming Lynch will be gone. Also thinking that Minnesota went this route with AP and found a vet qb a few years later. Of course their defense was light years ahead of ours at that time, but I guess it all depends on where you want to begin.

  5. I think the rest of the picks should be used on the lines. QB would have to wait until next year and the other skill positions would have to be filled via free agency. If we use the "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" philosophy, we ought to hit on at least 2 or 3 of picks 2-7.

  6. Kinda tires of draft, tebow and head office bashing threads so I thought id tell you guys a funny story. I was driving on the 101 the other night and a highway patrolman pulled mover right next to Universal studios. As usual I grab my license and registration while he makes his way over. I roll down my window and he says "do you know why I pulled you over?" Naturally I didn't. He replies with " I saw your license plate frame and I pulled you over because your a Buffalo Bills fan" at first I thought it was funny but then he came back and said my license was suspended and took my car. Right as he was on his way he asked me if I had any questions and I said "you must be a dolphins fan". BTW I am bored at the DMV typing this on my phone.



    I'm thinking it was the suspended license...just spit-balling here...

  7. living in the philly area the past year and half has exposed me to eagles coverage, goes year round. the people here do not think highly of andrews, glad to see him go. that being said, not sure of his viabilty for the bills. the fans in philly are generally miserable and judging a player on how they feel about him may not be accurate.



    Given Andy Reid's ability to not follow the wims of fans, and the fact that he is a pretty good judge of talent, I would say Andrews is not worth it. I also live in Philly, and when the Eagles signed his brother last offseason, everyone was excited because they thought the brother would straighten him out...he got worse. Not to mention the fact that his brother is a tremendous slouch as well. As desparate as we are, I would say pass.

  8. Why not a first for McNabb? Look at what we have picked up in the first round last year....freakin Maybin! I am thinking McNabb is more of a benefit than people like Maybin, Whitner, Lynch!


    Am I wrong? Also, some of you guys are talking like he sucks. The guy is one of the elite QB's in the league.


    New regime...Can't really use that argument in my opinion. If DJ and co were still making picks, I MIGHT agree with you.

  9. I'm sure I don't have enough knowledge to speak on this, but what the hell...


    I have the same "small market" complex that most have around here, but I was thinking about this the other day. It seems to me that hockey was better without a salary cap. The trade deadlines were exciting and could turn anyone into an instant contender that year. Maybe if football adopted some of the trading policies of the NHL it might turn the no cap situation into a positive.

  10. All i know is what will happen when the Bills make their first selection:


    • Someone will write an I quit Post
      Someone will write an awesom pick Post
      Someone will write an idiotic pick post
      There will be more posts about our number one pick then replies in the last reply wins thread



    and one of those will have to turn politcal...

  11. You've been pretty clear: NBC put hockey on a SD channel because they're clueless liberals.


    You starting to discover yet how utterly bug!@#$ stupid that sounds?



    Actually, and maybe this can help wrap up this thread...I don't think they had the HD broadcasting equipment at the rink and therefore couldn't broadcast on an HD channel. Could this be right? I heard this explanation from a guy at work. No links, sorry. If this is the case, then I would say it was a pretty big mistake by the execs at NBC. Especially if the viewing numbers are true.

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