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South Jersey Bills Fan

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Posts posted by South Jersey Bills Fan

  1. Bush was drafted 2nd over all...Spiller 9th. The other back on NO is Pierre Thomas who was undrafted. If CJ turns out to be anything close to Reggie, then there is no need to spend a high draft pick for the "workhorse" back on this team. For all those who say he can't handle a full load, I say this position should be relatively easy to fill out. If we are replacing Fred Jackson in a couple of years, so what. Do we really need to have 2 1st round draft picks at running back? And would they both be happy after a while? IMHO.


    Of course, it doesn't excuse passed draft blunders, but looking ahead, I don't see a problem filling that role.

  2. A lot of folks on this board have rightly bemoaned OBD's lame drafting in the past decade. Well, it's cold comfort to know the Bills are the only team to be short-sighted and/or inept enough to produce a mediocre team for an entire decade.


    This column by the Washington Post's Sally Jenkinssays the Washington franchise with the racist nickname is suffering from "roster rot" thta has developed over the past decade -- much like the condition that has infected the Bills, especially as it affects the Offensive and Defensive lines. In short, neither team currently has a strong foundation on which to build.


    "They are paying for ... the organization's refusal to build good young quality depth on the interior lines, and that problem has defeated every single coach who has come through ******** Park," she writes. In fact if you were to substitute "Bills" for every reference to the DC team, you'd think she was writing about the Bills.


    She also tells her readers that it's going to take two more drafts to rebuild the team, not one.


    "It's going to take a two-class infusion of young talent to compensate for the poor management of the past few years. And that's assuming that Shanahan and General Manager Bruce Allen bring in prize classes, which is by no means assured. Regardless, the Redskins are probably going to be a three-year project before they reap the full results of Shanahan's plan.


    The challenges facing the new DC coach (lusted after by many on this board as well) are very similar to those facing Chan Gailey; let's hope the new Bills' brain trust has good sense and vision and can reward the long-suffering faithful with a good, competitive team in the next year or two.


    I can't take too much comfort from this, but thanks.

  3. Where do you live in South Jersey. I live right out side of Sea Isle City.



    Marlton, just outside of Philly. I occaisionally go to Champps on 73 to watch the games...


    Stop wasting time and go build your time machine.



    I don't get the belligerence...my thoughts are more a waste of time than yours? This is all a pasttime, isn't it?

  4. I know Cognito was one (no, this is not a "why did we release him?" thread), but given the team's lack of ability to protect the QB and/or our QB's inability to make the line look good, shouldn't we cut these guys loose and let them bash the hell out of the D line? Or is there no nasty streak in these guys? I always had heard Wood could be a nasty SOB, not sure I've heard that about any of the others. Maybe this "back to the basics" campaign will bring some of that out. I sure hope so.

  5. While I am excited about our secondary, and it was highly ranked last year, opponents had little need to pass against us. Week two in Green Bay is looming, and I fear we may see some things we don't like. Especially if Troup and company are able to slow down Ryan Grant. I hope I'm wrong, and I still think it's a strong suit, I just felt the need to temper.

  6. Thanks for the info. I've been thinking that something is up lately because of how quiet Kelly has been and even Ralph. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the beginning of the transfer/sale of the Buffalo Bills to Jim Kelly's group (I'm going to guess that Tom Golisano and/or Bob Rich and/or Jeremy Jacobs and/or Donald Trump are involved). I wonder if this deal that they are working on is for minority ownership so they can start out with a little piece of the Bills, while Ralph still controls the team...making it much easier for them to buy the rest when Ralph passes....



    I wouldn't trust this guy...I think he has more bankrupcies than Greece.

  7. I am really surprised that they feel like the other teams in the AFC EAST are going totally in a positive direction. I feel like the Pats are, at best standing still...I also feel that the Parcells affect in Miami is overrated. The Jets have a lot of talent and attitude, but their QB still hasn't proven anything...and they got rid of their top runner last year.


    I guess it's easier to poke holes in the Bills.

  8. I think the diving coach opinion is as good as one of ours..not looking too much into it.



    Hey South Jersey, Im from Jersey and actually writing this from Point Pleasant, New Jersey right now. Loooooovvveee Jersey.


    I live in Marlton, near Philly...Point Pleasant is nice!!

  9. I spoke with the former diving coach at GT yesterday. He felt Chan was a good coach at GT, but he tried to force his players into a system instead of vice versa. In college, it is easier to formulate a system for your players instead of the other way around. He felt his style should be better suited for the pros. FWIW.

  10. Offhand outside of Western NY's heyday of years passed (Eastman Kodak etc) Rochester has had Actor: Phillip Seymour Hoffman and John Lithgow (from an earlier post Viggo Mortenson) Model: Tyson Bedford. Western NY is also a hotbed for MMA athletes as Jon Jones, Matt Hamill, Frank Trigg-I think Josh Koschek. Carmen Basilio the "Onion Farmer" also was from Western NY. Lest we forget the awesome Bills supporter in Tim Russert---GO BILLS!!!!



    Never forget Timmy!


    What about Grave digger? That guy has to have some bucks at this point!!

  11. are bills fans aware the bills have a very talented left tackle named Jamon Meredith. he is a prototypical left tackle whos only knock coming out of south carolina two years ago was maybe a lack of strength, which most prognosticators said could be remedied by a yr on the practice squad. thats what green bay did and after the unfortunate end to brad butlers career in week five Bills snatched him from the pack. he played sparingly throughout the yr and was a starter for the last four games in fewells tenure, looking like a legit nfl-er



    I thought 1 of the bigger knocks on him was a lack of desire.

  12. So all Bills the Bills Forums love Scuba Steve. And you know, I'm cool with that I really am. But at the same time, for some reason A lot of Bills fans are down on Hardy. That I don't get.


    Hardy's Career Numbers: He's appeared in 16 career games and started 3. He has 10 career receptions for 96 yards and 2 Touchdowns.


    Link: http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/H/HardJa00.htm


    Steve Johnson's Career Numbers: He's appeared in 16 games and started 1. he has 12 career receptions for 112 yards and 1 Touchdown.




    So basically identical career numbers, yet the guy who hurt his knee and didn't really play last year is written off. While the 7th rounder with 1 less TD and 16 more receiving yards is a fan favorite. I don't understand the thought process's off my fellow fan's. Anyone else wanna explain it to me?



    I didn't read all the posts, but I am sure i is about expectations. High for Hardy, low for Johnson. All things being equal stat-wise Johnson has overachieved and Hardy underachieved.

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