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South Jersey Bills Fan

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Posts posted by South Jersey Bills Fan

  1. http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/05/27/1064...work-under.html


    Are you !@#$ing kidding me? No cleans, No squats? No wonder our guys legs were getting blown out and our linemen sucked....no !@#$ing leg strength!


    In all seriousness, if this team wasn't doing squats as the baseline for their leg strength....Holy **** that explains a LOT! Man most high school football teams use the Squat, hang clean and bench as the baselines to their programs.


    BTW I love the fact the coaches monitor ever rep in the squat to ensure both safety and effectiveness. I like the part if they can't do it they lighten it some. That is SMART strength training.


    Im sorry but an NFL team not squatting just blows me away.


    Could this be a part of the reason why Peters left? Hell if I'm a 300+ lb lineman and my team doesn't believe in strengthening my legs I'd be worried.

  2. Skipping OTA's after a sorry season isn't exactly the way to draw the interest of potential trade partners. It is however an excellent way to find yourself playing out a rookie contract as a third stringer to find your stock has dropped to junk bond status when it comes time to test the free agent market.



    I agree, I think it is really short sited of players and theit agents to take this route...IF teams have the gumption to make them sit thru the initial contract. Of couse, someone will sign you after your rookie contract is over, but for a pitance and you have to go out and prove yourself all over again.

  3. My take is this just showed what a b-llshit award it really is, to have someone that tested positive for performance enhancing drugs during the season and still gets voted for.


    Don't want to hear about ; well it wasn't steroids... it's what they take to mask their steroid use .


    Whomever voted for Cushing the second time should sit down and rethink their views and values on more than sports awards!!!!!!!



    Cushing has a side business...he is a spirm bank himself...He charges a fee, and he will impregnate anyone who needs a donor. It's really up and up. I see nothing wrong with this. :rolleyes:<_<

  4. Do performance enhancing drugs and make something of your life. :rolleyes: That pretty much is the message they're sending, IMO. This is one of the greatest injustices sports has seen in recent years.


    It is really amazing when you compare baseball to football...in baseball, you get suspended for 50 games and you have a scarlet letter...in football, all they do is talk about how this will affect the team. What are they going to do without his production?? Football appears to not give a flying pigskin if it's players are juicing.

  5. You said "the grandson", which many of us interpreted as "her grandson", which, as your mother in law, would make the child yours.


    Ah, I hate to get involved with these pety things, but in KD in CT's post, it looks like you used "the" grandson. Either way, it doesn't bother me, and people can use this board to vent however they would like. This being said, I think KD is the one who should take a chill, let the man say what he wants...

  6. I can sort of relate...my girlfriend just took her first trip away, without me, in 3 1/2 years...she left last Friday, coming home today, any minute. I love her, but damn, that was the shortest 5 days ever...




  7. Dude, seriously? Your kid spent the first two months of his life in the hospital (presumably with very serious issues) and just came home and you're bitching about your MIL?? :rolleyes:



    now if she were a MILF, I don't think you'd mind her visits as much!!

  8. Bill played for the 1949 Buffalo Bills of the All-America Football Conference. He had been sick for a while and was one of the toughest interviews I have ever done, due to his health. His daughter was one of the nicest people I have ever met and was very willing to help me get information on her father.


    Bill Stanton Stats


    There are only a few of the original Buffalo Bills left.



    RIP thanks for posting. This is a great reason to visit this site...keeping up with history.

  9. Lets be honest, as much as it pains me to admit this, the Patriots have been the class of our division for the better part of the last decade. I can live with the fact that one team is dominant over the other three, and doing it for almost ten years is incredible. I know, we along with Jet fans and Dolphin fans dispise New England, but our take on the whole thing is a little more rabbid, and for good reason.


    We were once upon a time a team who, ourselves, dominated the AFC East for the better part of the 90's when teams like the Patriots looked like, well, US now. But even when we were going to all those Superbowls, the Pats always seemed to sneak up and bite us every now and again. Just like now, the Pats are always the class of the division, but the Jets and fins have every once in a while snuck up and bit the Pats for a win, sporadically throughout the Pats takeover of the AFC east.


    The Buffalo Bills have not beaten the New England Patriots since opening day of the 2003 season. Seven years. Zero wins. The last coach to notch a win against the Patriots was Gregg Williams. We have had three head coaches since then, Mike Mularkey, Dick Jauron and Perry Fewell. None have been able to even muster up one single win against that team. And, you would have thought 2008 would have been the prime year to get one, with Brady on the shelf and Matt Cassel starting, yet Buffalo struck out twice anyway, and even got shut out in that windstorm at home the last game of the year.


    You can never change what already is, but you have to wonder what it would do to this group of players if they could've just came up with one win over those years. What would that have sparked? I don't know about the rest of you or how the team feels, but when New England week come, whether its a meaningful game or meaningless game, its like my teams biggest game of the year because we haven't beat them in 7 years. Hopefully Chan Gailey can, if nothing else, get this gorilla off of our backs this year...FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!




  10. Good info and it debunks everyone's theories about needing all OL drafted in the 1st round. When you have a stud QB that is the number one thing you need and it makes the team infinitely better at every position including defense. There is very little difference between the top 20 LTs in the NFL, but there is a huge crater of difference between QB number one and QB number 20.

    Unfortunately we have neither a great QB or a great LT. But Cleveland has a bunch of Pro Bowl OL and 1st round OL yet they were horrible b/c they did not have a great QB.

    Gives people perspective though.

    And people who think Scott Pioli is so wonderful should realize he picked a safety with what the 5th pick? What about the Bills picking Whitner number 8? So teams do it......and so called "Great" GMs do it too.


    I don't want to de-value this statement, but a good OC has to be considered very important here too. Granted, Manning is basically his own OC, but that is a very rare commodity. A good OC makes an ok offense look good too. Buffalo has not had a good OC since Tedd Marchabroda...some will say the players made the coach in that case, but my point is Buffalo has been RUDDERLESS in it's offensive plan of attack for 15 years. Let's hope CG has conviction and purpose in his play calling and doesn't get wishy washy. That will help cover some moles at the QB position and the OL.

  11. For the new season, the more I look at the draft, the better it looks for us. We got...


    1. An instant starter/points producer in Spiller. this is the anti marshawn and what we hoped for from T.O. last year.

    2. A much bigger front 7 , wont it be nice to see guys run into are line and....stop!.

    3. A new receiver who will a. fight for balls, b. track and move to the ball, c. catch the ball...all the things T.O. couldnt do.

    4. A quick realization that edwards is truely a coward and POS with a lame delivery and an attitude on top of it. Hi, anyone can throw a dump off. Sad to say but even RJ had more courage. what a douche.


    with all the new toys and a real OC, even Fitz could win us 9 games. I want to go 4-12 though so we get a QB next year.


    Are you going to any games?

  12. As the Schobel saga continues to drag on here is a quick idea. What we have about Schobel is that he is sick of losing and wants to be closer to home . How about trading him to the saints with a Mid rouNDn pick for J brown. Perhaps playing for a super bowl contender and closer to home will get him fired up to play for a few more season. The saints would like to add a pass rusher and clearly are gearing up for life after Brown . Ok now fire away



    I still think Houston would be a great landing spot for him. They are up-and-coming and it seems like they would be willing to pay a little more since they are not coming off of a SB victory. Maybe package him and ML for (dare I say it) a first??

  13. You were half right here. Again, you acknowledged your error... something you should NEVER do!


    Although a bit better with the name calling :thumbsup:



    I'm an up-and-comer...I plan on coming in here, working hard, doing what the coaches ask, givining my all. I want to compete and win.

  14. B-)


    That's not how we operate around here...first you should call him a name or two, then insult his mother, but never, ever, acknowledge that anyone is more informed than you are. :thumbsup: Oh...and never thank anyone for correcting you.



    I sit corrected....mother @#$%er!!!!

  15. Everybody knows the Bills need a LT, OLB and a QB among other things. I think drafting for need and not the best player available has been one of their biggest problems for the last 10 years. For instance, if CJ Spiller is available at #9 and the 3rd of 4th best OT is available and the FO feels he's the best player available, I don't see why they wouldn't take him.



    Prophetic! Time to load up on linemen!

  16. Yes, lets stockpile third-round picks so that we can get more solid foundational players like Trent Edwards, Ashton Youboty, and Chris Ellis


    No strategy is better than any other. You just have to execute it.



    I have no problem stockpiling picks...let's just hope the people selecting make MUCH better decisions than Levy, Donahoe, et al.

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