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South Jersey Bills Fan

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Posts posted by South Jersey Bills Fan

  1. Been parking there for a few years now when I can go to the games. A big group of my friends drive the WINNEBILLSGO and they leave early and are usually there before 7am. That early there is no attendent but when they get there around 8 they walk around and collect money from the earlybirds. It has always been a lot of fun with drinking and cooking out and we usually get a good game of football going with anyone in the lot that wants to participate.


    Can you park RV's there?

  2. Used to go to Hooters in Maple Shade/Cherry Hill. But they are closed now. I'd be interested as well.


    Again, not a Bills bar, but Champps on route 73 shows all the games. It gets very crowded with Iggle fans. However, since the Bills are on almost exclusively at 1PM and the Iggles are mostly at 4 or prime time, there shouldn't be much conflict. I do know that a lot of Stiller fans show up there too.

  3. There was a play earlier in the first half where Spiller was stood up by about 5 Broncos and pushed back about 10 yards before he had his helmet ripped off by.......... Rahim Moore.


    It was clearly intentional, and I think that play should have been a flag also.


    "This town needs a better class of criminal...and Rahim is going to give it to 'em"...sounds like we have a winner for vilan of the year so far

  4. Do you think this is hockey where they are going to try and fight him. There is no "having your back" in football nor does he have to "watch out" come the regular season.


    I'd assume there are other ways to get back at a guy other than fighting. Blocking, tackling on a turnover, etc. I seem to recall some really nasty retaliation hits between Pittsburgh and Baltimore for this kind of thing. But, like I said, I haven't been following much, so I am sure you have much more insite than I do.

  5. Yes it sucked that Jones got nailed... Realistically how could Rahim or anyone have pulled up on this? If it's the Patrick Moran Prize I get for this then so be it! Too many negative nannies who have lost what this game is all about anyway! Let's get the pink panties out now boys cuz we can't do what we are paid to do!



    CLean or not, the point of this post was to point out that Stevie and Fred are great teamates. The kind of guys you want in the foxhole with you.

  6. I haven't been following much yet so far, but I saw the highlight (or lowlight) of the hit on D Jones, and what I took away from it is that I would love to have Fred and Stevie on my team. Those 2 definitely have your back. Rahem better watch himself in the regular season game.

  7. After reading that it is hard to blame Modrak for draft failures since he never had final say. Who knows maybe he wanted the guys that us fans wanted but was short circuited by GMs, Brandon (What was Ralph thinking) and Dickie J who supposedly wanted Maybin. Nix has made great picks in the past so he must feel Modrak is scouting well. Hopefully Nix realizes that you take the best available person at the position you need and will leave the WRs alone, which we have more than enough of. That first pick had better be front 7, OT or QB ,any other pick will show that he is out of touch in todays NFL were you don't have 5+ years to get the job done. Spiller picks are for superbowl contenders not teams that were/are desperate for Tackle help.


    I think my dislike of him goes beyond the draft results. As I recall, he did not move to western NY even when promoted. And honestly, how do you stand by and not voice your opinion louder when the likes of Aaron Maybin and JP Losman are being selected (and traded for) ahead of obviously more solid choices. He has stood by and witnessed the disintigration of this franchise, giving up little resistance. It appears as though he has taken the approach of, "oh well, at least it's a pay check". I can understand that attitude in certain jobs, but this is one that will affect you for a long time as well.

  8. I don't know if Nix will go for him, but after watching all the FSU games the last few years, I think he will do well in the NFL. He reminds me a bit of Jim Kelly in that he never takes a play off. As soon as he throws or hands off, he looks for someone to hit. Unlike Kelly, he can win with his feet. He runs awfully well for a guy his size and has a good sense of when it's time to slide. The reason we don't know more about him is that he had the worst defense in college football this year. He constantly had to outscore opponents.


    If he does come to Buffalo, he may well have the worst defense in the NFL if we don't get this draft right.

  9. Thanks for pointing that out, Ramius - I wish more posters would look into the backgrounds of the...ahem... ' columnists ' whose opinions some post on TSW as gospel.


    For the record...


    Walter Cherepinsky was a senior at Central High School in Philadelphia when he created WalterFootball.com, which is now recognized as one of the top pro football sites in the country. Now 28 years old, his site garners over 50 million hits a year and he writes columns on fantasy football for USA Today Weekend during the NFL season. He currently makes over $100,000 a year from advertising revenue from his site. Links - Online Journalism Review, Huffington Post



    I would guess that he's never met Ryan Mallett, nor any college players he purports to...ahem...' analyze ' :rolleyes:



    For someone offering such a scathing assessment of Mallett's intellect, Cherensky is no MENSA candidate himself...


    Interests (from Facebook)



    Eating Food

    Being Fat

    Drinking Until I Pass Out

    Making Fun of People Less Fortunate Than Myself



    An even better insight into the mind of this moron from MySpace...




    Name: Walt

    Birthplace: NE Philly

    Current Location: NE Philly

    Eye Color: Green

    Hair Color: Brown

    Height: 5-8

    Your Heritage: Russian

    The Shoes You Wore Today: Sandals. I guess those aren't shoes.

    Your Weakness: Taking pictures when I'm drunk, and starting fights at McDonalds.

    Your Fears: Failure

    Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get 10 million hits/month on my Web sites, publish book, sell movie scripts.

    Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: mmmmmblehblehblehblehbleh.

    Thoughts First Waking Up: Is it after noon?

    Your Best Physical Feature: My huge ass.

    Your Bedtime: Around 4 p.m.

    Your Most Missed Memory: Recess in grade school

    Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi -- gotta support Penn State

    MacDonalds or Burger King: What the hell is MACdonalds, it's McDonalds, !@#$s.

    Do you Swear: **** this

    Do you Shower Daily: I try to

    Do you want to go to College: I don't want to leave

    Do you believe in yourself: No, I'm not real.

    In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: I hope so

    In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: I don't eat boxes

    Ever been Drunk: Yeah

    What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Sports Writer/on ATH/Author/Movie Writer

    What country would you most like to Visit: USA



    There ya go - you're probably looking at the future president of ESPN.


    Folks, please take EVERYTHING you read by these so-called ' analysts ' and ' scouting experts ' with a grain (or box) of salt.




    Thanks for this...I don't have a lot of time to research stuff like this, but I will certainly take his info (and all others) with a grain of salt.

  10. Minnesota Vikings: Ryan Mallett, QB, Arkansas

    Poor Joe Webb isn't going to get a chance. In Monday's press conference, Leslie Frazier indicated that he wants to find the next Matt Ryan or Joe Flacco.


    How about the next Byron Leftwich? Ryan Mallett is having a great season. He has maintained great accuracy (66.5%) - which is damn impressive considering his 9.9 YPA against SEC opponents. However, his release takes years and he can't move around whatsoever. Mallett could also potentially score in the single digits on the Wonderlic. Hopefully they'll give him five points for spelling his name correctly.




    Gulp...The comment on his intelligence is disturbing. On top of his shaky performance at the Sugar Bowl, I wonder if this guy will fall out of the first 2 rounds.

  11. Yes. Ralph has Brandon reading TSW threads and taking "thread metrics". That is exactly how is gauges customer satisfaction.


    Should have been more clear...didn't mean to imply that was the case...was just using the board as a reflection. BLZFAN4LIFE had the response I was thinking of:


    "I have never been as detached from this team as I am now. Their own mismanagement has caused this and I'm sure that I'm not alone."


    This type of thought has to be disturbing for the owner of an NFL franchise

  12. I didn't have the energy to see what other posts are out there, but where the hell is this guy? I don't think we're getting nearly enough out of him. It may not be his fault, whether it's coahcing, playing time, play calling, whatever, but I really expected him to have a positive impact at this point in his first season.

  13. The problem with this organization - not just this regime, but it's been consistent for the last several (must come from Ralph, then) - is that they lack conviction and decisiveness.


    Back when the whole McGahee fiasco was going on, I wanted him off the team as much as anyone else. When they traded him, they even got a pretty good deal - can't remember all of the particulars, but it was better than this Lynch deal.


    So, now they created a hole on the team, something we all know they seem fond of doing. But Levy was telling us about this kid Fred Jackson who was a good one and just hadn't got the chance yet. Okay, great. So, be decisive and have conviction in your opinion. Don't draft a RB in the first round that year...you said Jackson was good, so believe your own opinion and give him the shot.


    If I am not mistaken, this all happened around the time they were going to lose Nate Clements, and knew they would need a corner at some point. Another decision I was fine with, given the money involved there. So, if they had stayed away from Lynch, the top rated corner that year as Revis - we probably would've picked him given that was our other area of need.


    If they have just had the conviction to be decisive.


    I know, I know - would've, could've, should've - but imagine the scenario. You keep Revis away from the Jets, get him yourself, don't have to deal with the Lynch fiasco that simply replaced the McGahee fiasco, and Fred Jackson wouldn't have had to wait until last year to get a true full-time shot....which he made the most of, just as Levy said he would!!


    I run my own business, and if you cannot be decisive and have conviction that what you think will happen is right, you will go under faster than you can turn around. This is what is happening to the Bills right now. It can be illustrated with many other similar examples.


    Sorry, what does this have to do with your post? I agree, you can find kids like Fred Jackson at the RB position, but you have to be the type of organization that New Orleans is...you have to have the courage of conviction to know a guy like Pierre Thomas is a good player, and plug him in.


    I think your overall assesment of the situation is very accurate. Coupled with some poor talent evaluation it is a recipe for disaster. SOmeone in another post pointed out all the high picks the Bills have spent on running backs over the last 7-8 years..don't we envy Jacksonville who took FRED TAYLOR (with OUR pick no less) over 10 years ago, and replaced him with MJD 2 years ago...efficient and confident. No flip-flopping.

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