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Posts posted by TH3

  1. Why does anyone think posting a clip of some shill yapping on Twitter does anything? The only takeaway I get is you have no ideas yourself and you spend your whole day injecting yourself with crap. Do you even know who these posters are and why anyone should care what they say? Hell…half of them have memes as posting names….

  2. 7 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:

    This is the only way to stem the swirling of the drain. It's not as if dems will stop prosecuting their political opponents after this successful lawfare. GOP must start finding crimes and indicting prominent democrats. 



    There are two prominent Dems going to trial right now. Predicting a crook would finally go to trial? Bold prediction 

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. On 1/10/2024 at 5:36 PM, B-Man said:



    I agree. How illustrative of a programmed mind.


    It was a protest that (in some parts) turned into a riot. There is plenty of guilt to go around on all sides.


    His hatred for Trump, or at least his twisted false version of Trump, is the only explanation for saying such a foolish remark.




    Wrong to hate a traitor who rapes women…cheats on his wives…sucks up to dictators……huh….These traits don’t substantiate hatred?

    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    Inflation due to a number of factors. 

    Deficit spending.   

    Demand side economic policies that flooded the fortune 500, and hope it tricked down.

     Horrific foreign policies.  That result in good shipping routes being Removed and energy being driven up. 



    I saw 1-6 on your link - None of what you said above has anything to do with these. Plus I think you don't know what demand side + fortune 500 is.


    This is why we are in such a weird place. You post this and people like bman put a angry face on it. I am sure I am about to be called a commie.


    Car insurance is up because post Covid the accident rate is way up and cars are loaded with expensive electronics and aluminum now.

    Transportation - Energy really hasn't changed that much - Supply capacity and capabilities down post Covid.

    Hospital Services: All those new drugs at $1500 a month and lack of labor. My DIL is a nurse and gets $6000 a week as a traveling nurse becuase there aren't enough nurses.

    Homeowner and Rent: Housing Supply stock post 2008 has a 6,000,000 unit deficit and we still don't build enough per year to meet demand.. Higher interest rates don't help either supply or cost, and the supply capacity in the building industry is down 30 percent post Covid. 


    And yet - with all this DT wants to deport 11 million people.  This would be an economic disaster.


    Without an electorate that has clear undestanding of issues, what causes them and how to solve them - People who have no clue but are good at the tiktok and twitter get elected. The topics and laws debated in statehouses and congress are largely irrelevant - but appear to make good social media and are largely chosen to "feed the base".

  5. On 4/17/2024 at 9:04 AM, Sweats said:





    Recently, jurors have come out on record saying that the not guilty verdict in the OJ trial was a retaliation for the Rodney King incident.


    So what i'm saying, is that no matter whether the prosecution has satisfied it's "burden of proof", a jury (in any trial) will side with whatever agenda it perceives and anyone who doesn't see that or still believes in honest and fair trials are severely disillusioned.

    Honestly at the end of the day, jurors don't care about right or wrong, guilty or innocent......they know it's not them on trial and most just want to get the hell out of there as quick as possible knowing they are only earning $25 a day to do their civic duty.


    So, imagine putting your life in the hands of 12 people who don't know you, don't care about you, are only making $25 a day, have to sit in one spot for sometimes 8 hours a day and really don't care about whatever happens to you because they need to get that trial over quick to get back to their jobs to pay for their homes, their bills and they have to plan what they're going to make for dinner that evening for little Sally, etc.


    Being judged by a jury of our peers?.....a fair and honest legal system?.......no such thing.

    Meh….Have you been on a jury? You are taking a very specific case and broadly generalizing….



    Got a better idea?

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 8 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    A thread to document the appalling ignorance of a lot of Americans.


    a new survey of registered voters was released last week from Navigator Research showing that a sizable number of Americans, incredibly enough, held Biden responsible for “the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the elimination of the federal right to an abortion.” That opinion was held by 34 percent of self-identified independents, 32 percent of Black voters, and 42 percent of Hispanic voters.





    I was listening to the POTUS channel on Sirius last weekend and a GOP and Dem pair were taking calls from identified R or D callers….moderated by someone. The complete ignorance and or brainwashed takes expressed by the callers left the two analysts speechless many times. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 21 hours ago, JaCrispy said:

    Nope, he is just saying what we’ve always known- that Democrats no longer represent the working class, but rather the elite establishment…


    Thats why they allow the country to be over run with illegals, at the expense of their own constituency…That’s why they are more eager to fund foreign wars, at the expense of the American people, when most are against it…


    Like the British speaker said, the Dems, now, have the complete opposite agenda of when Obama was president…And they are using Woke ideology to force people into submission…👍

    Woke… tell me how this latest fad is gonna change anything. AFA as representing the interest of the rank snd file .._literally all the GOP has done is stack the courts and cut taxes for the wealthy. 

    • Eyeroll 1
  8. On 5/9/2024 at 12:19 AM, Mikie2times said:

    Dorsey was the QB coach, McD was the defensive coordinator, Beane was Assistant GM. They went to the Super Bowl that year losing to the Broncos.  Looking at the roster two thing concerned me. They seem to be constructed in similar fashion as we have been. Specifically the WR neglect seems pretty apparent in the make up of both teams.  They seem to be MUCH more talented than any version of the Bills we have seen thus far. It's nearly at every position. Beane has had a good amount of time working on our roster. This was a very good Carolina team but I don't like that it appears we have a deficit against them in nearly every position.


    QB - This was Cams MVP season, but still would rather have Josh


    Cam Newton



    RB - Both went to the Pro Bowl that year, Stewart was actually a really good back at that time. This is close but nod to Carolina. 


    Jonathan Stewart 

    Mike Tolbert  


    WR - It's possible our current WR room is better than the one they fielded in 2015 🤢. Ginn was very explosive but nobody had over 750 yards. Our WR units have been better the last few years which is really concerning as far as how Beane views the position. 


    Ted Ginn Jr

    Jerricho Cotchery

    Devin Funchess

    Corey Brown


    TE - Olson was an absolute monster. Very high hopes for Kincaid but hard to put him in Olson's class at this stage


    Greg Olson


    OL- Two all pros and Michael Oher. Nod to Carolina


    T Michael Oher

    LG Andrew Norwell

    C Ryan Kalil

    RG Trai Turner

    RT Mike Remmers


    DL - Short was a pro bowler. This was the young version of Star. I would say DL is pretty close.


    DE  Charles Johnson

    DT Star Lotulelei

    DT Kawann Short

    DE Jared Allen


    LB - One of the best LB cores of the decade. Not close. 


    Shaq Thompson

    Luke Kuechly

    Thomas Davis


    DB - When we had pre injury Tre and younger Poyer and Hyde we probably get that nod. That unit hasn't been intact for a bit though. 


    CB Charles Tillman

    CB Josh Norman

    SS Roman Harper

    FS Kurt Coleman

    So you don’t like our roster…is that your point?

    • Agree 1
  9. 22 hours ago, oldmanfan said:

    We’ve witnessed the usual stuff post-draft.  The second guessing of everything Beane did vs. those praising him to the heavens.  Constant arguments about 40 times and gauntlet drills and on and on and on ad nauseum.  How we needed to draft a speed guy even though there are several on the roster.  On and on and on.


    But the most important thing that will determine the success of guys like Coleman, what will determine the team’s success, is Joe Brady.  He is charged with putting the guys he has in a position to get open, whether that be short throws or long. People are talking about how teams will clog the middle because we don’t have sideline receivers or guys that can go deep.  While I would argue that, it’s on Brady to make sure we do by the packages and route trees he designs. He is also charged with getting Josh on board with finding open guys and getting them the ball.


    To me we have plenty of offensive talent, led by the most dynamic QB and dynamic player in the league.  I am encouraged by what I saw from Brady last year, but he must continue to improve.  He must continue to alter things week by week so opposing defenses can’t predict what’s going on, which is what ultimately cost Dorsey his job.  He must maximize Josh. I think he can, but time will tell.  Let’s hope he’s up to the task.

    Bills will score plenty of points. In the last bit it’s been a not ready and young team, bad defense, a cursed season that ran out of gas, and a decimated D and a bad kicker…..

    Bills will contend….The Chiefs can overcome curve balls…..The other contenders have to stay away from bad luck and maybe get some good luck. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Shaw66 said:

    Sorry, I am not Billy Shaw.  I picked the name to honor Robert Shaw and the movie he made in 1966, A Man for All Seasons.  

    Haha  ….You should have said “Yes …..I remember!”


    Not sure Billy Shaw still alive….but he did rent our house for that season….I think they were awful that year…

  11. 21 hours ago, Shaw66 said:

    I often find that it’s useful to forget the money and the hype and the stars and instead to think about the game of football at its most basic.  I think about what it’s like to have a career as a high school football coach trying to win a championship.  


    In high school, the raw material for building a roster is left mostly to chance (putting aside the little bit of recruiting that goes on in some places).  The head coach has very little control over the quality of players who show up on the first day of tryouts; the physical capabilities of most of those players was largely determined in random bedrooms 16 or 18 years earlier, and now here they are.  The coach’s job is to choose a roster from among the guys trying out, and then to train and mold them into a team that wins football games.


    The programs with the best coaches have up years and down years like everyone else, but they tend to have more up years.  Why?  Because their brand of leadership, their teaching ability, and their strategic and tactical approach to the game is better than most other coaches.   So, even in years when the gene pool has left the coach a little short-handed compared to some other schools, their seasons often are quite successful. 


    (I have had the opportunity to observe this phenomenon up close twice in my life.  I played high school basketball for Bob Hettler, one of the greatest high school coaches in New York State history, and I was on the faculty with Morgan Wootten, one of the greatest high school coaches in U.S. history.  The players changed year after year, but the winning more or less never stopped.  (Wootten did have the advantage of being able to recruit, at least a bit.)  Only occasionally did the talent fall together in just the right way to have a true championship caliber team, but even in down years, their teams stood out.)


    Coaches know when the talent they have is outstanding and when it’s just okay.  Good coaches adapt to the challenge each season and look for the ways that this group of players can succeed, whether this group offers raw physical talent that is better or worse than last year’s group.  That’s the coach’s job, and good coaches find ways to win. 


    Coaching is coaching, at any level.  Pro football coaches face the same annual roster turnover that high school coaches deal with.  There are differences, of course: The high school coaches have bigger problem, because their roster will be a collection 16-18 year-old kids with their own issues.  The pro coach, on the other hand, can expect at least semi-adult behavior from most of their players. 


    The big difference, however, is the pro coach gets raw material selected from the very best players in the country.  The pro coach, year after year, is going to start the season with a training camp roster of 90 of the biggest, fastest, smartest, and toughest football players in the world.  And that means that the differences in team success based on physical talent become smaller:  the guy being tackled and the guy tackling both excel at their jobs.  For sure, if your team has more of the best guys, your team has an advantage, but in the NFL it’s very difficult to collect and hold onto talent that is physically dominant at several important positions.  In the current era, it isn’t possible to collect and keep stars like the Kelly-era Bills did.  


    I’m not saying that getting the best talent doesn’t matter.   Of course, it matters.  What I’m saying is that not having the best talent doesn’t mean that you can’t compete.  With coaching, talent that is excellent but not the best can play a team-game that neutralizes the talent advantage any particular team might have.  Of course, if I have the best talent AND the best coaching, then the talent will be the difference.


    People can argue endlessly about the talent on this roster and that roster, but at the end of the day success in the NFL is going to come down to how well coached your team is.  Does your coach get your team into the strategically and tactically correct offenses and defenses year-in, year out and game-in, game-out.  Does your coach get your team physically and mentally prepared to execute those offenses and defenses? 


    In that context, consider for a moment what has happened to the Bills roster in the past three months that has the fan-base and the media all in a tizzy:  The Bills lost six big names from their roster:  White, Morse, Davis, Diggs, Hyde, and Poyer.  When each of those six came into the league, the draft market place valued them, by draft round, this way:  1, 2, 4, 5, 5, 7.  Add ‘em up:  24. 


    And now consider the Bills’ top-six acquisitions over the past three months.  Samuel, Coleman, Bishop, Carter, Davis, Van Pran-Granger.  2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5.  Total:  18. 


    I’m not arguing for a second that there’s anything but the least-sophisticated logic to that analysis.  You can’t really just add up draft value and determine which college is better.  But those numbers aren't meaningless.


    Those numbers are some evidence of the fact that the talent every team starts with, at least in terms of what the league thought of them when they came in.  Going into most drafts, most GMs would take 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 over 1, 2, 4, 5, 5, 7. 


    In terms of the quality of talent that will take the field in September compared to what the Bills had three months ago, I think I’ll take exactly where the Bills are today.  Think about the departures:  White, may still be a player, but at the very best he’s about to wind down, Morse, never the greatest physically, and his days were ending, Davis, the guy everyone loves to hate, Hyde slowing down and needs to go for his own health, Poyer, some years left, perhaps, but not his best. Diggs, may still be good, but not so good that he's worth the headache.  


    Start looking at them player by player, or at least paired:  Would you rather have Diggs and Davis or Coleman and Samuel?  Would you rather have Morse or Van Pran-Granger?  Bishop or (pick one) Hyde or Poyer?  White or Carter?  Collectively, I'd rather have the youngsters than kept or extended all of those guys.


    Now, for sure, not all of the rookies necessarily will pan out, and it may take them a year to begin to play at the level that’s needed for them to succeed in the league, but looking at the Bills three months ago and now, I will definitely take the uncertainty of these young talented players over the uncertainty of old, injured, troublesome talented players. 


    Would the Bills be in an even better position if Beane had managed the draft in another way?   I don’t think so.  The extra talent one of the top three receivers in the draft would have brought to the team couldn’t offset the loss of the rest of the players the Bills drafted.  Said another way:  six guys are gone, and I like my chances better if I get six new guys instead of two (the new receiver and Curtis Samuel). 


    In terms of how Beane and McDermott have done in their jobs, well, it depends if I’m a glass-half-empty or glass-half-full guy.  I like that they’ve improved the team, but I also have to ask why a group of unproven guys actually is better than the gang that just left?  How did the Bills get in the position they were in, with a group of guys who no longer were quite good enough to win, and with no backups in sight?


    However they got to that position, I think if you asked McDermott if he likes the talent he has today, he’d say, “Absolutely!”  Can you win a Super Bowl with this talent?  “Absolutely!”  And that’s not just power-of-positive-thinking Sean speaking.  I mean, he and we thought he could win it with the talent he had last year, and if this is actually a better group, then why shouldn’t he think he should win this year? 


    Translate this back to high school football.  It’s as though McDermott is coaching high school and has a five-star recruit at QB, several locks at D-1 scholarships (Milano, Oliver, Cook, Coleman, Torrence) and several guys who very well also might go D-1.   Considering D-2 and D-3, he has maybe 20 kids who are going to play in college.  Maybe one other high school in the state has a 5-star QB.  Some other schools might have two five-star players, but unless they have a five-star at QB, they can’t be as good together as the five-star QB he has.  Some other schools may end up with a few more D-1 guys than he has, but the reality is that doesn’t make all that much difference. 


    Ask McDermott the high school coach if he likes were he is right now, and I’m sure he’ll say, “Absolutely.”  Ask him, the pro coach, and he'll say, "Absolutely."


    I like what Beane has done since the end of the last season, and I’m looking forward to the 2024.  The Bills will be in the middle of the contest for the Lombardi. 


    GO BILLS!!!


    The Rockpile Review is written to share the passion we have for the Buffalo Bills. That passion was born in the Rockpile; its parents were everyday people of western New York who translated their dedication to a full day’s hard work and simple pleasures into love for a pro football team.



    Hey Billy Shaw - Do you remember renting our families house in Clarence for the 1968 season? My father took a sabbatical that fall - I was 4 - but I remember you as the largest man I ever saw;)!! 

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 54 minutes ago, May Day 10 said:

    It is not.  


    The expectation is to take a step back.  Hopefully contend for the division or the wild card.


    Everything is setting up for another 4-5 year window starting in 2025.  


    They needed to purge salary and age a bit.  This past build failed to get a superbowl.  I blame a few bad contracts, mainly Von Miller, as well as the inability to get a WR 1B or WR 2 for the past 2 seasons.  Diggs' act also hurt.

    Defensive injuries

  13. 22 minutes ago, Buffalo4Life01 said:

    Troll much?

    If trolling is pointing out reality…then yes

    3 minutes ago, KentuckyBillsFan said:

    I don't trust Pegula to do what needs to be done. This season will end the same way they all have under McDermott. He isn't an upper echelon head coach and I'm not convinced Brandon Beane is a truly elite GM either. Barring an unforseen run this season I think this franchise needs a front office and coach that is hellbent on aggressively building around Josh Allen for once. 

    Dreams are free



  14. 12 minutes ago, H2o said:

    We have all seen how things unfolded the last few years. A dismantling in the AFC Championship game by KC, 13 Seconds, the flop against Cincy, and then the recreation of Wide Right. McDermott has had friction with multiple coaches because he can't stop meddling. We've had 3 OC's the last 3 years. Frazier was sent packing, McDermott officially took over the defense, and now Babich is going to be "running" things. We've had some questionable draft choices when there seemed to be better options at the time, usually involving selecting defensive players. Now, because of the way they tried to build this squad, and the unnecessary drama, we are in what Beane calls a "transition" phase. 


    People love to talk about 2017, how we handed KC Mahomes. Beane wasn't here for that though. It was strictly a McDermott draft based off of the work Whaley and his scouts had done. That draft brought us White, Dawkins, and Milano. If not for the injuries that have derailed White's career, we could talk about the entire situation in a different manner. You can't deny that, right now, Mahomes is on his way to staking a claim at GOAT status. It is what it is. Now fast forward to 2024. Knowing what Allen needed, what this team needed, they traded with KC. With the situation that has unfolded with Rashee Rice, you have to believe KC was looking at WR. They take the WR with the fastest recorded 40 of all time. Me, personally, Worthy doesn't scare me. Yes, he's fast. But he has had some drops and the guy is lighter than my 16 year old at 165lbs. Let him get out there to get squared up by some of these LB's and S's who outweigh him by 30lbs-70lbs. I just don't think he's built to last in this league. I don't see him as Tyreek Hill 2.0 at all. Tyreek is 25lbs heavier than him and is a 4.2 guy in pads, as well as on the track. Still, if I am wrong, the Bills FO just handed KC a guy who will give us fits for years to come. It will be another black eye on this organization from something McDermott, and this time Beane, had hands in. 


    The "run it back" mentality has bit them this time. Because we were so close in the 13 seconds game, they developed this "run it back" type of mentality. Sure, we changed a player here or there, but many of the pieces have been the same squad since then. The weight is always, squarely, on Josh's shoulders. People try to use KC as a comparison and say look at what they were able to achieve without big name WR's, or whatever else. Well, KC has Mahomes, Andy Reid scheming the offense for Mahomes (probably THE largest difference), one of the greatest TE's ever to play the game, has typically had a top tier OL, a REALLY good defense littered with talent across the board, and a DC in Spagnuolo who has been a part of 4 SB winning defenses. Gabe never developed, Edmunds never developed, Von's knee, Poyer got old, Hyde's neck injury, White constantly on IR, constantly cycling out JAG's to fill holes, constantly rolling with meh WR's (outside of Diggs, who became more trouble than he was worth), keeping together a middling OL because Josh makes them look better than they actually are, defensive instability, and have changed the guy calling the offense out 3 times in 3 years. Now, on top of that, we find ourselves in Cap purgatory and still no closer to the goal we wish to achieve. 


    Going into the 2024 draft, a blind man could see Josh needed weapons on the outside. We had big shoes to fill in Diggs and we needed an upgrade on what Gabe Davis was in this offense. Shakir has shown promise, but he's primarily been used in the Slot. We signed Curtis Samuel, who has primarily been a Slot guy as well. After that we were left with a bunch of JAG's we already had. In the best WR class in at least 10 years, we come away with one WR. I'm not counting the camp fodder UDFA's. We drafted ONE guy. Opinions vary on that one guy. He is truly a boundary WR though. Still, you would have thought this team would have doubled up on boundary guys for the sake of giving their generational talent QB more to work with. Instead they throw all their eggs in one basket by going Safety, DT, and RB with their next 3 selections. Kirby mentioned it in another thread, and I have to concur, that this team looks to have a bottom 5 WR group right now. Until proven otherwise on the field, it is what it is. I think it is a failure, as well as a disservice to JA17, to only have come away with one WR out of this class. This doesn't mean I hate our draft, or grade it an F. I just think it's par for the course we've already seen from this regime, a course that has always seen us come up short.


    In the end, I think this year will be the make or break for both Beane and McDermott. To continue to do things the same way and expect different results is madness. If the players they drafted become a foundational youth movement, if you can see the results on the field as to what they were drafted for, if Samuel, Shakir, and Coleman make for a dangerous group, if we can transition on the fly like KC did a couple years ago, and if we didn't just make the KC offense unstoppable again, then they'll be around for a while. But there are A LOT of "if's" in that statement. At some point you have to pull the plug if it's not getting you any closer to what should be the goal of every franchise in professional sports, a championship. We shall see. 

    Nah…They are in contention for a SB every year as long as 17 BB and Mcd are around. A lot of words though

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  15. 6 minutes ago, Pine Barrens Mafia said:

    You have a QB that's a Maserati. He's built for bombs away. But instead of building your offense for that, you build it for plodding, 10 yards at a time max, 10 minute drive offense. So I ask, what is the point?


    What's the point of having a guy who's designed by nature to bomb the football deep and whose weakness is dink and dunk stuck in an offensive scheme that is built to do just that?


    Why not offload him for someone who's better suited for that kind of thing if you refuse to play to his strengths? That's what I can't wrap my head around. It makes no sense.

    Go back to sleep

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