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Posts posted by Boolay



    Another rookie QB dry likely gets you what you've seen this year. Patience, nobody walls into a major corporation out of college ready to be CEO - and most rookie QBs are nor going to play like veterans.

    Comparing experience level of an athlete to what is needed to be a CEO of a major corp is the dumbest thing posted here this year. Congrats!

  2. Ej is sloppy footed and slow eyed. He's basically Marc sanchez out there, except he's better with turnovers (who isn't?) And makes no real threats at passing down field. I don't see him getting better, obv would love to be wrong.


    Unfortunately your post is spot on. The fact that Marrone needs to "scale back" the offense for EJ is coach speak for loss of confidence. Hopefully If this continues Billls front office will cut losses short like the Panthers after drafting Clausen rather than kicking the can down the road.

  3. Am I the only one who still believes in him? I believe that next year he will take a huge step forward and we will be in playoff contention. He has the body, leadership, mind, legs and arm to be a great QB. Somewhere along the line at FSU, someone seriously messed up his throwing mechanics. It affects his accuracy, and everyone can see it. But WHEN, not IF, he figures it out, this Bills team is going to be good. Its hard to see now but bright things are ahead, put trust into Marrone, Manuel and Whaley.

    So how does a team draft someone that has messed up throwing mechanics in the first round. Accountability is needed here.




    Pitchforks ! Clear em all out !


    Kelly to reed how does EJ Suck ? Game was 24-24 and we were driving when he went out.


    Misery! Doom ! Aaaaaaaaaa.



    Just remember we do have Gilmore and mck in the pipeline.


    Repeat after me "We played a good game even though we lost. Next year will be better". That is exactly what this moribund organization wants from you. If you accept this trash they will give it to you forever.

  5. I see a defense that gets some higlhlight reel sacks but continues to give up huge plays; continues to get goughed on 3rd and long; continues to get 3rd down penalties that lead to points.; hasn't been able to cover a tight end this century. I see an offense that goes into prevent mode when they get a lead; an offense that will continue to pound it up the middle on first and ten leading to second and 9; an offense unable to defend a blitz. Sorry but 3-13 is not out of the picture look at the schedule 12/08 is our next easy game because this team will not win on the road.That is what you get when you hire a coach who is at best .500 in a weak college conference. He doesn't know what it feels like to be a winner at the college game, how in gods name do you think he will be a winner at the NFL level.

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