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Posts posted by Boolay

  1. There have been 3 GMs from the "Polian Tree" in the NFL. Chris Polian, who took over the Colts in 2008, had 4 terrible drafts, was ultra dependent on the QB due to lack of talent, went 2-14 when he got hurt, and got fired. Hasn't has a sniff at another GM job since.


    Dave Caldwell - took over Jacksonville in 2013 after a year or 2 as director of player personnel in Atlanta. Has made slight improvements from a very poor roster, appears to be on the rise, but still no playoffs in his 3rd year in a poor division.


    Tom Telesco - took over the Chargers in 2013. Hired one of the absolute worst head coaches In the league, backed into the playoffs his first year after starting 3-8 with a borderline HOF QB and HOF TE. Sharp decline in next 2 years including 2-9 vs afc west in last 2 years and 0-5 this year with the QB not missing a game. Used 3 picks on RB in the 1st rd of the 2015 draft who severely underperformed backs picked much later. Terrible FA signings, traded up for Manti Teo, the list goes on.


    These are the guys who practice the "Polian Way."


    Leave the scouting department alone and only advise on football ops/structure - ok.


    So your point is that since these guys who worked for the Hall Of Fame GM who successfully built playoff teams at every stop are not successful when they leave the nest so to speak then everything that Hall Of Fame GM did at every stop is null and void? Your rationale is like saying Apple isn't a good company cause some of their management left and started unsuccessful startups.

  2. Well maybe there is hope after all. Pegula is not stupid and probably is seeing the organization is a mess so the right way t build it is hire the guy who than hires the coach and rest of football staff like scouts etc. plus his son tweet about the defense yesterday shows that things are not going well for the RX Ryan show

    Well Brandon is still with the team and he was the guy who said about Rex "Don't let him leave the building". So I won't say they are stupid but extremely gulliable allowing one used car salesmen to sell them on another.

    If they hire Tales from the Crypt Polian it will get even worse. Whaley has done a good job with personnel. If he was the initiator of Rex then it is on him. If he agreed to the Pegulas wishes IMO he shouldn't be punished for that,

    Whaley has problems with Impulse control. When he likes someone he dramatically OVER VALUES them and will dramatically overspend for them.

  3. The crux of the problem is that they carry a KO specialist in addition to Carpenter. In order to justify that Carpenter needs to be lights out. There's nothing they can do now to improve the position but I seriously doubt Carpenter is on the roster next season.



    I agree and to go one further all of our kickoffs should be touchbacks.

  4. Easy to say cut a player but who exactly is better for the Bills right now?

    If you're gonna say they should cut someone you should at least offer an option of who they should sign

    I missed the memo on fans having to solve a problem they are pointing out. Maybe he has a job and life to live and hasn't compiled a list of available free agent kickers. Isn't that Doug's job?

  5. Love TT thus far. His threat to run freezes the defense which is why he is so good throwing on the move. Having said that I still need to see him perform at this level AFTER we pay him the big bucks. We do not have a great record with guys we extend in season.

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