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Posts posted by Boolay

  1. Thank God that the Sabres hit the ice in 9 days.



    Has anyone actually looked up his stats? They suggest a middle of the road QB, what is the upside? We have ruined another QB with a pre-mature benching. I hope that I will be eating crow by December.


    Middle of the road is 50% better than what we had.



    To be honest, I'm not a fan of the old quarterback rating system. John Elway's career quarterback rating was 79.9. Kelly Holcomb's was 79.2. Holcomb emphasized short, high percentage passes; thereby boosting his completion percentage. Elway didn't. Quarterback rating is going to make Holcomb look better than he should vis-a-vis Elway; because it takes completion percentage into account.


    Jim Kelly had a career quarterback rating of 84.4. Rob Johnson's career quarterback rating was 83.6. A QB who throws the ball away to avoid a sack hurts his rating; whereas the guy who takes the sack protects his QB rating.


    A third problem with quarterback rating is that a 5 yard pass + 45 yards of YAC is treated exactly the same as a 50 yard pass.


    YAC (yards after the catch) is an interesting dilemma for any quarterback rating system. Joe Montana would hit his receivers in perfect stride. A five yard pass could turn into a nine or ten yard gain. I could easily see giving Montana credit for a significant portion of that YAC. But if a QB throws a screen pass to a stationary WR, and if that WR then rips off 45 yards of YAC, it's not clear why that YAC should be treated as though it was air yards. (Which is how quarterback rating treats it.) Unlike quarterback rating, QBR attempts to differentiate between YAC for which the QB was at least partially responsible, and YAC that was purely the result of the efforts of the receiver and his blockers.


    Unlike quarterback rating, QBR takes down and distance into account. Suppose a quarterback completes a 5 yard pass on 3rd and ten. That completion will be pretty good for his quarterback rating. But it will hurt his QBR.


    You are way too smart and logical for this thread. We only care about cherry picking statistics and timeframes that make EJ look good. I actually saw some nitwit post the following on the chat. "Haters can no longer complain about EJ, he has a 90 passer rating in TODAYS game" . Do I need to dissect how patently absurd that statement is? It is akin to saying that we can't complain about a lifetime .200 hitter in baseball cause he is 2-4 today which makes him a .500 hitter on the day.

  3. Bills got the ball with about 1:45 down 2 scores. Improbable to pull out a victory from there? YES. Impossible? NO. They dinked and dunked it down the field padding EJ's completiton and yardage stats and finally took a shot at the end zone with under 10 seconds. What does this tell you about the coaches confidence in EJ pushing the ball down field and what message does it send to future oppenents as they game plan? No confidence whatsoever is the message.



    So Jim Kelly decided to be critical of EJ in the booth....well hell lets just bench EJ based on that I mean Kelly is actually in a position to have ANY say on this team at all at this point.


    Good as in managing the game and doing what was asked of him in game 1 and 2......he was smart with the ball...didnt turn it over....made decent throws. He didnt WIN the games for them


    Guess what....he didnt LOSE the game for them today either....it was a group efffort


    They lost by 2 scores witout his brain fart safety and he was wildly inaccurate. He did lose that game.



    As was our defense........or perhaps we should not talk about how pretty much EVERY ASPECT of the team was bad except for special teams?




    This has been discussed already even before this game......EJ Manuel was going to have bad play to go along with his GOOD play (and he was good the first two games)


    I dont think you will find anyone who will say anything positve about EJ's play today......but it was ONE game



    As was our defense........or perhaps we should not talk about how pretty much EVERY ASPECT of the team was bad except for special teams?




    This has been discussed already even before this game......EJ Manuel was going to have bad play to go along with his GOOD play (and he was good the first two games)


    I dont think you will find anyone who will say anything positve about EJ's play today......but it was ONE game


    202 and 173 yards passing are not even remotely close to being "good" games. They only are " good" if your definition of " good" is not blowing the game for the team. As I have said before the Bills won 2 games in spite of not because of. I suspect you will be earning your money as head of EJ Manual Social Media team this week. Jim Kelly was given an opportunity to give EJ Manual a vote of confidence today on the telecast and he did not do it. enough said shill

  6. I think there are 3 groups of people on this board:

    1.)Those who don't like EJ for one reason or another (whether rational or not). The pick apart every thing EJ does not do perfectly and are more than happy to place all blame for plays with a bad result on EJ. The lump blame from all previous, inferior QBs we've had and pine for a QB like Peyton Mannning who throw for 500yds a game (but they would secretly hate him to because he doesn't also run the ball like Franco Harris). These people will never like EJ, no matter what and they are not worth debating with. I won't name names but we all know who they are.

    2.) Some that love EJ, see him as perfect and fight light heck against any insinuation that he has flaws. There aren't as many of these as there were for Trent and JP (THANK GOD WE HAVE NO QB CONTROVERSY RIGHT NOW. I pray that EJ stays healthy because the moment Orton completes one pass, all hell will break loose on TBD).

    3.) Those with common sense who can look at EJ as a work in progress and who genuinely support him and want him to succeed but who also acknowledge his faults (as all QBs have). I for one have been impressed with EJ so far in his 12 starts and have hope that he can be a solid NFL QB. I have no clue if he will eventually flame out, become a HOFer or all somewhere in the middle (I suspect it is the latter). But I do believe he's as good as any QB we've had since #12 and I think he gives us a chance to win games. He's shown that he can manage games and protect the ball when needed to protect a lead. He has also shown on 5 occasions that he can take over the offense and lead the team to game winning drives when necessary. I'm pretty excited to see what the future holds for the Bills and EJ. If all you want to do is focus on the negatives and claim that you know he will never by this or that, I feel sorry for you because you are refusing to allow yourself to experience and enjoy a period of Bills football that seems promising.



    Your last sentence is by far the most salient point made in this entire thread.

  7. Pretty funny Mr Adams. My statement was EJ is not well thought of by the majority of football fans outside of Buffalo. I then pointed at that he is undrafted in a majority of fantasy leagues. I guess I need to actually spell it out for you. If people think he could put up the stats to help them they would take him. If your take is that is how I judge him than that is a reading comprehension issue on your part and that is sad. I would love to see EJ become the number one QB in the history of the Bills but based upon what I see (Not Fantasy Stat) I do not see it. When I try and articulate it with other Bills fans there are some that don't want to hear it and respond with bullying tactics and the tired "You are a troll" when your opinion differs from theirs.

  8. I still want to see in Manwel can rally the team to come back from a 3 score deficit in the second half, but in the mean time I'm not going to knock the guy for staying out in front. It all comes out in the wash and by season's end I'm sure we'll have a good idea what kind of QB he is.

    Exactly! Let's enjoy the ride while it lasts and Ignore the Internet bullies that personally bash those with a different opinion.



    That is not to protect his QB rating. Listen to Marrone every Sunday after the game and every Monday presser, first thing he talks about is turnover differential. EJ is hearing all week, every week - "the way you hurt this team is by turning the ball over". Taking those dump offs when the pressure comes on 3rd and 9 rather than taking the risky throw down the field is what he is being coached to do. It isn't to protect his QB rating it is the protect the team's W-L record, and so far in the 11 games that EJ has started and finished the Bills are 6-5 and 2-0 so far this season. Not bad going.


    Oh and we are tied for 1st through 2 weeks in offensive plays of 20 yards plus.... (I know the run game has contributed to that) so it sounds like being safe on 3rd down isn't costing us too much to me.



    I see your point and will accept it given the fact that we were ahead. Will you feel the same way if we were playing from behind? Many of us were extremely frustrated by this same thing last year when we were not nursing a lead.



    Were 2-0. Keep trolling. Not sure why the anti EJ crowd keeps bashing jfh based on his positive outlook. Andrew luck threw it 9 yards instead of 2 on 3rd and 9. Guess what happened? Interception followed by a loss.


    You aren't jaws or mayock bro. Thanks for the EJ scouting report. Let's work on that skittishness in the pocket.


    Positive is not bashing CJ, Watkins etc while blaming them for every EJ mistake. And I am very glad we're 2-0.



    See there is the problem...they are not discussing him. They are ranting over and over again about how bad he is with total refusal to even acknowledge his solid play. They rant as if every game has been terrible when he's only had 2 really bad games and far more sid to good games. It isn't about discussing him, it's about proving a kid with 12 full games at single most difficult position to play in all of team sports is a bust or never going to be good enough. Wake me up when those people actaully have a real conversation that isn't based on a biased agenda to make this kid a failure when he's actually had a promising start.


    I think a lot of of fans are caught up in arguing against the inane postings of John from Hement and are being mislabeled as EJ haters. Those of us that point out that EJ floats the ball, Locks into one receiver, is skittish in the pocket, rather protect his QB rating with a 2 yd pass on 3rd and 9 intead of taking a chance are instantly tagged as trolls. I would like make that love nothing better than EJ becoming a franchise QB. To read his postings EJ never throws a bad pass, WR run bad routes and should catch everything regardless of how off target it is. It is always someone elses fault. He is constantly bashing other players yet those that find fault with EJ are trolls? He is obviously a member of EJ's social media team and the fact that the mods let that go on here is disappointing.



    Really??? WTH does fantasy football have to do with an actual NFL assessment of a QB. This is just plain silly.


    Really?? It is what the market of millions of fans rate our QB. No different than the stock market. If you cant see how obvious that is then I feel sorry for you. EJ is no better than 25th best starting NFL QB. bills are a deep playoff team with any other QB. He floats his balls, locks into first receiver. 202 yds passing, He never has a 300 yd game, NEVER,.


    Why would Brandon hire both. Manos and Marrone given their obvious dislike for one another? I am optimistc that we wont have to endure much more of this. Any new owner would be foolish not to blow up this entire Front office and coaching staff and begin a TRUE rebuilding of this organization. President Bill Polian has a nice ring to it.



    If one of those "epic" QBs falls to the Bills in the draft, the consensus is that QB isn't so "epic" after all.


    GO BILLS!!!


    Is there some kind of rule on the books that the Bills can't trade up?





    You win. Are you describing aikman or EJ though ?


    Let's get that "epic" qb. Maybe he will turn out to be as epic as stafford/Bradford/Jamarcus and the others


    Thanks. Right now EJ is more JP than JK. Just sayin. Happy holidays

  15. But they do get more than one. And taking one year of rookies over the past 38 (as you stated) to show the new standard is like saying any QB who doesn't throw at least 51 TDs in a season isn't worth being a franchise QB just because that took place this year. It was not a normal rookie class last year. It doesn't mean every rookie class after 2012 is going to be like that or a bust. Also, Kaepernick was not a rookie last year. Yes, it was his first year starting, but he had 2 training camps and a whole season on practice and observation in the system before he did so. Add to that EJ was not the #1 or #2 overall draft pick, which as we all know with QBs is a far cry from being the #16 overall pick when it comes to a QB. Wilson is a great story. Doesn't mean his story dictates the future for everyone who follows. That is what makes it so great.


    The Bills are in a bind this year because of the epic QB class available. They reached last year on a QB in the first round. If they stick with him they may miss the best QB class in 25 years. I hear a whole lot of excuses about EJ and have seen few results.


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