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Posts posted by birdog1960

  1. Yet if he paid a fraction of the money he would spend on a first round, top 5 pick at QB on a quality head coach (see Cowher, Shannahan) who could be had for 4-5 million a year he could improve the franchise. A head coach can improve and develop not just one position, but all positions on the team.


    Pay the price for a quality head coach, stop shopping the retread/ unproven aisle when looking for a coach

    Shanahan repotedly made 6M his last year in Denver. Would probably want at least that much now. Not sure about Cowher but I agree with your point. Doubt RW will ever pay enough to get either. Proven coach would be much less of a gamble than a rookie QB.
  2. I heard Paul Hamilton say it on WGR a few days ago...but I suppose he could be incorrect. I just thought that the $1.5M number was his previous contract, although for some reason I can't get to the link you posted so I can't really tell...

    sorry. Don't know why link won't work (maybe because it appears it's a members only site-not sure why it let me in directly) but will go through if you use the address directly. List includes holmgren with seattle at 8M, Belichik at 5 and gruden at 4. Page is dated today but this list is obviously at least a year old. Lists DJ as 29 or 30 of 32 in terms of salary (childress and Kiffen at 1.25)

  3. Where's the guarantee that Wilson will fire Jauron even if we end the season at 1-15?

    He's like the owner of a classic, valuable old car who's lost interest in the hobby. He knows its worth a lot but improvements are too expensive and add little to the long term value. So he polishes the chrome but leaves the drivetrain untouched. And he'll still get top dollar when he goes to sell.

  4. As a Bills fan for more decades than I care to remember, I long ago concluded that I'm hooked. Despite all the suffering, I'll keep going to games and keep buying Sunday Ticket (I don't live in WNY). I've accepted the notion that being a Bills fan is like being in love with the wrong woman. You know it's going to end in more anger, suffering and crushing disappointment, but when she gives that look that says, "com'n honey, it'll be different this time" you just cannot control yourself.
    well done. I think i'd rather be a bills fan than be with the wrong woman though!
  5. The bigger question that I had heard mentioned in a recent chat with well I'd rather support a bad team than have no team at all? Really? Fair to a point, but at what stage do you just say "F U" knowing that management doesnt want to win, they just want to make $$ and will continue to do that as the fans blindly follow this team. It has been 10 years since this team saw a postseason game and I can guarantee you, the annals of message board archives would showcase the SAME type of posts (I.E. Poor coaching, poor gameday decisions, below average QB play, suspect defense, late game meltdowns, ownership hiring Tier 3-4 talent, hiring unqualified coaches, etc, overall cheap reputation, etc) over and over again and all at our expense both in wallets and in frame of mind.


    So what and/or when is enough? I moved from WNY 10+ years ago and now live in San Diego. Sure I'm a bit insulated from the doom and gloom in Buffalo (but its been documented well), but would I cry wolf if the Bills moved to say Toronto or LA or pick a city? Probably not. I think you would all go on with your lives and maybe follow another team.

    My solution is to hedge and follow an exciting, local college team while accepting that I will root for the bills despite their greedy, self obsessed, evil little owner and his blatant disregard for the long suffering fans. That gives me at least one good game a week to watch. Go Hokies! (No guilt there; Bruce's alma mater, stand up, classy school if you discount the Vicks,great coach, great game days) If they move to Toronto, I will probably still follow as geographically (if you were to cross Lake Ontario from Youngstown) its probably as close to my hometown as Orchard Park and I always liked the city and the people...but it won't be the same. They will almost assuredly improve with a new owner there. If they go to Cali....I'm done.
  6. I agree that the OL had a rough day. Also many penalties on 3rd down conversions. What's up with thos bad shotgun snaps?


    But, on the 2 wide open bombs to TO, Trent had plenty of time to throw. He just made bad throws pure and simple. Good throws there like last week and who knows?


    I feel sorry for our defense. They played well and hard but had no help. Only help they got was from Brian Moorman and Ryan Denney and Bobby April!

    Maybe they can plug those big practice squad acquisitions into the OL and fix everything.
  7. I think what he's saying is that I can learn Logic better from Google than I did from the Jesuits - or, simply that Google is the omniscient source of knowledge which he relies upon for his specious arguments. :)


    But I was thinking about switching to bing myself - if an Ivy League education and 30 years of business experience won't allow me to understand his point, then I'm sure Google won't be of much use either. :unsure:

    Wow. I haven't felt the need to post my CV. Maybe Monster.com would be a better choice for ya.
  8. Look at Pittsburgh.


    They do not throw money at free-agents. They don't over pay for their own free-agents. In fact, how many of their pro-bowl players have they released because they got too expensive?

    How many expensive, well known named, coaches have they hired? (none)

    How many championships have their coaches coached, before before being their head coach? (none)

    How often have they gone to the playoffs lately? (almost every year)


    What is the difference between Pittsburgh and Buffalo? (other than results, continuity is the biggest thing)


    Perhaps if could maintain continuity, we could have positive results as well.


    Oh, by the way, Patriots seemed to do just fine with a head coach that everyone else thought sucked, because he had poor results the first time around, in Cleveland.

    Rooneys vs wilson

  9. I honestly don't know how to respond, since you now seem to be meandering a bit...



    "A necessary not not sufficient condition for continued prosperity"???? Huh???? :unsure:



    Nor apparently does Bob Kraft, who, despite having one of the lowest payrolls in the NFL, attained 4 conference titles and 3 Superbowl wins in this decade.

    necessary but not sufficient; necessay and sufficient; neither necessary nor sufficient....pretty simple concepts..try google.....look under logic...I think that might be the problem here

  10. I'm not judging Pioli on 2 games - that's why I said, "So let's wait and see how Pioli does in KC (right now he's 0-2, one loss being to Oakland), compare it to how Brandon's Bills do, and I guess we'll know if you're right."


    You must have just skipped ove the "let's wait and see" part - or want only to wait and see how Pioli does, not Brandon.


    As you said, three to four years would be a good 'wait and see' period - one that apparently you're perfectly willing to give Pioli, but not Brandon. :unsure:



    Really? I couldn't care less how Pioli does in KC - all I care about is the Bills.


    But just to hammer the final nails in your argument, as SJBF pointed out, we paid a ton of $$$$ for Donahoe, whose reputation was impeccable - the Steelers won Superbowl titles in '78 & '79 while TD was their director of football ops, ferchrissakes. How'd spending all that money on that 'big-name' 'proven-commodity' turn out for us?


    And, as nucci pointed out, Pioli's Cassell trade and huge$$$ contract reeks of belicheat* unloading an inferior QB with an exorbitant price tag on a naive GM - kind of like what he did to us (Donahoe) with Bledsoe.


    And finally, as far as 'rarely getting more than you pay for', it actually happens quite often in the NFL - just ask Jason Peters. (Conversely, just look at how much money was WASTED on 'established verterans' like Derrick Dockery, Langston Walker, etc.) Take a look at the Bills payroll and you'll see that we're going to have a good many underpaid players on this year's roster - probably because Brandon & Co. are doing such a fine job in the short time he's been in charge...



    GO BILLSSS!!!!

    REVERSE THE CURSE!!!!! :beer:



    Top international corporations often attract top managemant talent by offering big money (some say too big) to lure them from their most recent conquest. Most times it works out, sometimes it doesn't. But they're on top of the world and keep using this model to stay there. Why shouldn't the Bills?

    Success speaks for itself and is usually defined in the context of "what have you done for me lately".. When Donahoe was shown the door after 2 consecutive losing seasons with the steelers their ownership chose the latest "it" guy, colbert, as his successor. Some of the luster was off the penny on Doahoe but we took him,instead. I don't really know, but I can't imagine he was as widely sought after at this time as were say Belichek or even pioli during their time as the "it" guy.. The point is, successful organization usually realize that top pay for a proven leader is a necessary but not sufficient condition for continued prosperity. Ralph doesn't seem to agree (as far as success at the football level).

  11. So let's wait and see how Pioli does in KC (right now he's 0-2, one loss being to Oakland), compare it to how Brandon's Bills do, and I guess we'll know if you're right - that is, if spending more money on a known guy like Pioli is smarter than going with Russ Brandon. :unsure:

    Judged on 2 games?. I hope they are both successful-KC's not in our division ... but I will be interested to compare at 3-4 years of equal time at the helm. I've found that you rarely get more than you pay for and sometimes get less. Perhaps, your experience is different.

  12. Please name one big name GM that was available over Russ? The handful of great ones are all under contract with their teams...the ones available were ones that were fired...so I fail to see where you wanted us to spend big on a GM. Pioli is the only one, and he was always going to the chiefs or staying in NE...

    Because Kansas City is so much nicer than Buffalo? I suspect money talks.

  13. The failure of the Rad Sox for so many years had nothing to do with bad management or lack of talent - unlike the Bills 10-year drought you point to, the Sox were almost always 'in the hunt', only to end up on the losing side in the playoffs due to a twist of fate, the 'Curse of the Bambino', a fluke play like Billy Buckner's, or stroke of luck by some jerk like like Bucky Dent or Aaron Boone.


    And both Polian and Pioli relied on the draft more than veteran acquisitions to build their dynasties - in 2007, 19 of Indy's 22 starters came from draft choices, while 15 of New England's were draft picks. Dynasties are built thru the draft, not by overpaying for aging veterans whose talents are on the decline.


    No doubt the Bills have had bad management over the 10-year playoff drought. I'm just taking issue with your statement that they have a bad front office today - that is entirely unknown, as Brandon is only in his 2nd year as GM. Under Russ Brandon's leadership, we may very well be witnessing the beginnings of the next Bills dynasty - we'll have to wait and see.


    It's way too early to say Brandon's not a good GM - in fact, so far I'd say all evidence points to the contrary.

    Sorry, can't let you get away with that one. If management had nothing to do with the Sox not winning the World Series (and it was due to bad luck) how can you credit Epstein for their long awaited success and then use him as an example of Brandon's potential. Can't have it both ways. I agree it's too early to judge brandon. But even if he turns out to be the next Polian, why risk the chance of another losing era on an unknown in the first place? Wouldn't it be wiser to spend on a known winner? My comment about paying for proven experienced people rather than gambling on unknowns referred to front office positions including this choice. Finally the use of aging veterans (TO?) is not rare as a temporizing measure even on successful teams. I think the Patriots did that a few times in the last decade(Seau, Moss, Taylor, Harrison, Dillon)

  14. I still disagree, John. While you can certainly question the decisions of the previous front offices between Polian and Brandon, last year was Brandon's 1st as GM so it's WAY premature to say we still don't have a quality front office. As I posted earlier, I really don't see a vast difference in Brandon's background from that of Bill Polian's, before Ralph promoted Polian to GM. (Or, for that matter, between Brandon's and Theo Epstein's in 2004, when he led the Red Sox to their first World Series title since 1918).


    For all we know, Brandon may well turn out to be one of the best GMs ever - let's wait and see.

    Your examples go to the heart of the argument. Why gamble on an unknown, unproven talent when established, albeit more expensive talent is available. The failure of the red sox for so many years speaks to the possibility of poor management over the decades more than a fortuitous good find of a capable but unproven GM. Same conclusion could be drawn of Polian. Even a blind squirrel will eventually find a nut. Why not just pay top dollar for a proven top prospect like the most consistently successful sports franchises do?

  15. Jesus....I've been lurking on this board for a good 4-5yrs. now and I can't billieve I'm wasting my first post on this thread....


    Google is your friend OP


    1. Google how much my Ralph spends on players compared to the rest of league. Not just this year either....go back a few


    "The problem with the organization is that they have not been able to assemble a quality front office. The Packers GM is Ted Thompson. The Colts GM is Bill Polian. The Patriots GM is mostly BB. The Ravens GM is Ossie Newsome. These are all quality personnel people who know how to build a successful franchise. The Chiefs recently hired the primary personnel man of the Pats, Scot Pioli, to take over the struggling Chiefs' operation.


    The head of the Bills football operation is a marketing specialist. Two of the most influential members in the organization are Littman and Oberdofer (sic) finance people. There should be no surprise why the Bills rank 29 out of 32 in wins over the past decade."


    2. Google how long Russ has been our GM. Are you seriously going to blame him for the past 10 years JOHN? I actually think he's done a pretty ok job so far (psst... google him!!!)


    3. Google is your friend. It will save you lot of trouble and at the same time & embarrassment.


    4. Here's an idea...lets sign Bruce to help the pass rush & LT for LB depth...


    5. ...Nevermind...my keyboard is running out of ink..

    Google me this. It's not wilson, it's not the front office and most of the player positions have turned over several times in 10 years. Who do you blame for the consistent failure over that time period? Maybe it's the fault of the fans who complain about it.

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