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Posts posted by birdog1960

  1. by bringing back jauron and this front office for another year, by not firing them after yesterday's embarrassment and by not coming out to face the boos to get his goddam HoF jewelery.


    How can a 90-year-old billionaire be so misery and ungrateful to the people who filled his moneybags?

    With few exceptions, that's how you make a billion $. More to come, read Limbaugh's self aggrandizing interview on msnbc . We live, once again, in the age of robber barons.

  2. Yes, I heard it was cancelled too. Here is what Pat Moran had to say about it:

    "Patrick Moran: From what I hear it was ugly, and I don't have confirmation, but I'm told there was no Ralph Wilson ceremony at halftime, I'm trying to find out more "


    Maybe he was telling Dick Jauron that he has 1 more half to prove that he is capable of being the Bills head coach.

    He may be a lot of things but rw is no fool.
  3. Fixed.


    It's also adorable, little one, that every argument you have boils down to taking somebody else's post and over-writing it with "blah blah blah"...that's really compelling stuff. Are you two years old, or do you simply realize that your arguments--which consist mostly of name-calling and being a smart-ass--are completely ineffective and elementary? Just curious.


    Now go play in your sandbox while the big kids have a real discussion.

    It's all that logic he absorbed at Jesuit and Ivy league schools.

  4. Spin it anyway you like....but to me, its pretty obvious that "the train left the station" a long time ago. The old coot finally lost it. They (public relations) had to shut him down before he fired away any more quotable quips that would have made media relations' jobs more difficult today.

    maybe....50% of over 85yo population estimated to have some degree of alzheimers

  5. Thomas is right of course, but there isn't much point in piling on an old man. He's 91 and likely beyond the capacity to do anything but let this rudderless ship continue to drift.


    As scary as it is to think that the Bills might leave once he dies, it's even scarier to think what happens if he lives another ten years.

    At 91, he's likely beyond the capacity to take a good dump.

    The smith corona story is hilarious-hope you saved one of those pens.

  6. I thikn what we all want, but are too nice to ask for because it means death, is a new owner. 50 years of failure is more than we can take. And save you're "what about the early 90s" argument. We had a great talent evaluator and the owner wouldn'y let him run the show despite his success. And statistically speaking, a few good years does nor outweigh the 40+ years of mediocrity.


    And I'll be the first season ticket holder to say it: sell the team Ralph, even if it means it gets moved. Lets move on as a community. No more false hope the tram will be good and no more dreaming you'll do what it takes to ensure its place in WNY. Sell it and let the drama unfold. Let's get it over with. As an Erie County taxpayer, I'd rather see my tax dollars spent on something positive, instead of lining your daughter's pocket.

    Ralph's legacy: One of the worst franchises in the business, an angry mob of fans and customers, an earned reputation as a cheapskate, a down and out community further trampled by his ineptitude and the contempt of an entire region of the country. On the positive side he's a billionaire, in the HOF and has a stadium named after him. On balance, I'd call it an unfulfilled life but rw probably feels its been wildly successful.

  7. I don't know how many times it's been said here and it's absolutely true, until the fans of WNY stop supporting this mess, there is no reason for Raph to change a thing. Why build a winner? Spend $6MM on a big name receiver and near record ticket sales - the only guy earning his keep on One Bills Drive is Russ Brandon.


    The organization is a laughing stock - our coaching staff is near worse in the league, our front personnel decisions are laughable. It might be early, but Maybin has the stench of Flowers on him. Lynch - please, he's a traffic violation away from an 8 game suspension. Who are the cornerstones of this team? Stroud, (we didn't draft him)...Schobel, (drafted by Donohoe)...Modrak is paid to do what? Open Mel's draft guide and play fantasy football?


    Stop supporting this SH-T!!! Everyone writing how Trent sucks, Jouron must go, Where's Maybin - you know you'll be attending or tuning in to the next game. Either embrace your team with the mantra "At least we have a team" or make a statement and stop supporting this mess.


    The only thing that is going to turn this thing around unfortunately is the passing of Ralph....There I said it. Bless him, but he is just as much a laughing stock as that fool in Oakland..."Just win baby!" - Joke. Face it - anyone pointing a finger at Oakland thinking we are any better - how? With who? Captain checkdown vs Captain incompletion? Please, they almost f-cked Randy Moss's career...and we are f-cking Owens down the drain. The game has passed Al and Ralph - great men in their day, but laughing stocks by today's standards.... Enough is enough.

    Yup. And since money seems to be his primary motivation the only way he sells is if his ROI on the value of the team is as safe or safer somewhere else. Lots of unsold seats is the only other possible means to that end.
  8. I'm sure I would, and the entire fan base would be energized. But I have to ask myself why no other teams are bringing in these guys? Everyone is hiring the next hot coordinator hoping to get lucky. Is it strictly a money thing? You would think winning more would make up for the extra salary.
    It's strictly a money thing. Especially for rw. You can't sell more seats than a sellout (except, perhaps, in Dallas)
  9. Losman is no longer here. And he did suck his last two years here, but when I hear that he can't play in this leaque.I think he can, I saw a young QB who made mistakes and also made some great plays. People say that they took Evans away from him and he can't hit anybody else, Know we have Owens and Evans and Edwards can't hit either one them. I see Losman making mistakes when there is presure on him. But I also See that with Brady and other QB including Mr.Edwards. Look at Brady who has been around 9 years, we put pressure on him and he made mistakes,same with Brees. I'm not saying Losman either one of these guys and I know he may not start in this leaque again, But I would liked to see how he would've done with both Evans and Owens.They could take evans away ,he would have Owens to throw to, I rather see someone trying to make plays down field than settling for a 4 yrd pass on 4th down with time running out. That pass that Farve made could've went either way ,but he took a chance. Edwards would've look for the TE or runningback.

    I hope he does well and makes it back. Not like it never happens .....remember Doug Flutie? I don't think he'll ever provide his supporters a big "I told you so" but why not wish him the best? It's not like he didn't give it his best.

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