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Posts posted by birdog1960

  1. In all reality, you are right.


    I will only take exception to your argument that "Bill-ieving" during those Super Bowl years is an embarrassment. Sure, in a winner-takes-all culture, not winning a trophy would classify one as a "loser". But for a fan of the team, to have a shot each year to take home the trophy, and their yearly dominance of the AFC, was worth it.


    After that, I could not agree more with you. May I introduce into evidence that perhaps this is why Wilson felt so comfortable handing the reins (atleast in part) to 'Barnum & Bailey' Brandon. No matter how pathetic the product, somehow the sizzle sold by the marketing department fills the seats.


    I think at some level it may be criminal; as clearly the customers are being taken advantage of with the desire for football being quenched with the equivalent of liquid charcoal.


    They sell alot of sizzle, but instead of steak all we have been getting for the past decade is a withered lettuce leaf.

    Ralph's cynical abuse of the good people of buffalo is contemptable. The defense of him by any Bills fan, much less the polite applause of his HOF ring ceremony in front of the abused, is symptomatic of the mindset that allows him to repeatedly pull off his scam. He deserves much worse from the fans.
  2. The house is on fire and crashing quick . we all have a finger to point at the problems , But really the problem might just be Ralph Wilson not hiring a proven winner and 6 years of the offense in the bottom of the league in about every stat and then they decided to fire Fairchild which hasn't work out very well for other teams including Buffalo doing the same before the season starts, We as FANS DESERVE THE BEST for are Beloved Bills but we can only take so much and i think most of us are running out of blood ! We All can only hope for a house cleanning from top to bottom ! The sad part is this might not change till Ralph dies which is sad , cause i really think We as Fans deserves a Superbowl win in this Lifetime!


    P.S. Hire Bill ex steeler's head coach to run the whole show


    Yours truely Out of Blood Billy

    The only housecleaning that matters is the removal of the slumlord owner.

  3. Are you kidding me? Is that the best you can do? How long did you sit at your computer thinking that one up?


    But seriously, We took Mr. Larry to the Honky Tonks last night and had a great time. Spent a long time at Tootsies, the bands upstairs and downstairs were fantastic. Mr. Larry slipped off and said he had to pick up a souvenir for his girlfriend. Hmmmmm...... I am going to see if I can convince Mr. Larry to actually post something himself this weekend while he's at my house, he has an account on TBD, but doesn't use it. He really doesn't even like computers. He's old school, probably like Mr. Wilson.


    The weather in Nashville this weekend is perfect, should be in the low 70's and sunny for the game tomorrow. For those of you that have never been, I encourage you to plan a trip to visit, you will not regret it.

  4. That is sad, Buftex. I watched the game at the local sports bar, and was the only one rooting for the Bills. The few Texan fans were condescendingly kind. Then I got a call from my son in Jax, FL. He, too, was the only guy at a sports bar wearing Bills garb. Kinda eerie, that Bills fans across the miles had to call long distance just to talk <quietly> about the team..


    Bad times indeed!

    first time all season I went to a bar to watch was sunday. The place had 2 projectors down and didn't have enough tv's for all the 1:00 games. Guess which one they didn't show? After watching bits of it at home on an internet stream, i decided they had made a wise choice.

  5. Shows what you know. He's highly decorated in the profession and respected from coast to coast by his peers. You say he has no class, humor or intellect. Funny, because I find him clever, he makes me laugh and he's more sophisticated than most anybody else I read. I'm not going to fault you for your taste. If you don't like him, fine. But don't be absurd. A good columnist can keep his emotions in check? That's your criteria? I think you need to get out more.


    As for being "stuck," I can live wherever I want, and I choose Buffalo.


    But if you're referring to the paper as being substandard in some way, then let me point out the Buffalo News is one of the highest-paying union papers in the country, probably is the nation's most secure paper in terms of layoffs, is one of the most profitable papers in the country (the year I started there it was making about $1 million a week -- profit) and is owned by Warren Buffett. Factor in the cost of living, and working for the Buffalo News is more attractive than the Boston Globe or New York Times.


    What a place to be stuck -- in a city that many people feel is an ideal place to raise a family and working for perhaps the most secure paper in the nation.

    Wow. I'm on your side (and if I wasn't I'd probably change based on that post). But, if you run into Mr. Buffett how bout asking if he has any interest in a pro football team to go with his newspaper

  6. He has been writing the same article for the past decade. It is like shooting fish in a barrell in the Buffalo sports market. There is a reason why many all of Sully's counterparts have gone on to bigger and better gigs, while Sully still writes his column for the Snooze...

    If his opinions are so obvious, why the heated debates about them on this site including questions about his conduct playing softball cited as evidence of his mean spirit? I think an earlier poster was right, he's guilty of saying what people don't won't to hear publicly. It's OK if they allow themselves to think it or even say it but it's not ok for him to in the news. BTW, my understanding is that the newspaper business isn't doing a lot of hiring these days so staying where he's at doesn't necessarily reflect a lack of talent.

  7. Why? The government, instead of building and maintaining a stadium to support a $25,000-turned-$800M-investment football team and ensuring $25M per year in profit (above of couse the massive equity he's earned on the aforementioned investment) could have better used that money to create more jobs (more the the Bills employee and have the multiplier effect on the economy), invest in our quality of life and saved us 50 years of rooting for a team that has SUCKED, let me say it again, SUCKED exponentially more than its even been mediocre. A few good years in the early 90s doesn't overcome the fact that the owner and this team are perpetual loser, the Kansas City Royals of the NFL.


    As a season ticket holder, I say move now Ralph. Ensure your greedy family gets their profits stolen from our tax dollars supporting your investment and team. Move it, so we can move on and focus on making this region better without this team. It'll take the focus away from mediocrity and maybe the passion people have for this team will allow them to realize that it's not as important as the other 8 months a year we live without football.


    So here's to what I hope is the eventual removal of the Buffalo Bills from this region. Bye and good riddance. It's not worth it anymore.


    Say what you want, it's like a bad drug addiction. Everyone loves it in short burst of passion and optimism, only to ALWAYS crash and leave you feeling depressed and downtrodden. We're better off without it.

    But then rw would have to pay his fair share of taxes and that's only for plebs like those who helped make him and his family filthy rich. I sure hope you didn't boo his ring kissing ceremony today. That would have been in bad taste.
  8. Looks like old Ralph had JUST enough of a window open to sneak that !@#$ing ring on his fat finger today, huh? This team is terrible and it's his fault, and the announcers just casually say "He deserves it" when talking about his HOF nod.... Such sheep.
    did he get booed during the ceremony?
  9. Erie County owns the stadium. Ralph Wilson has SOLE control of the lease. All the advertisements within the stadium go to RW. The owner has the ability to sell the naming rights to the stadium and receive income. For whatever reason he doesn't want to do it. When the Penguins and Sabres played at the outdoor game at the stadium he received the rent for the game. Again, my point is that he controls the lease and because of that control over the facility he is the person who won't allow the naming rights for the stadium.

    Doesn't anyone else find it ironic that tax money from ordinary people paid for this stadium and , consequently, rw's profiteering, Yet Buffalo may lose the team because this same cheap billionaire jerk wants to avoid paying his fair share of taxes on his enormous wealth? No one should feel guilty about donning a Mr. Banks mask or booing or doing whatever to show their displeasure.

  10. What I just don't get is how does selling the team guarantee that the Bills stay in Buffalo? There's absolutely no guarantee whatsoever that a new owner will keep the team here. Regardless of what they say, they'll be buying something that leaves them 100's of millions of dollars in debt. They'll do whatever they can to make money.


    Ralph has owned the team since its inception and has said that as long as he's alive, the Bills will be in Buffalo. That is the only sure way to guarantee the team stay. Period. We have an owner that has promised to keep the team in Buffalo as long as he's alive. So, what do people want? They want him to die so some unkown person can buy the team and do with it as they wish. How does that make any sense? It doesn't.



    So, everyone's upset about the quality of product on the field. And rightfully so. But booing Ralph during a HOF ceremony does not send a message that you're unhappy about the Bills' play. It sends the message that you're unhappy about Ralph making the HOF. There's a time and place for everything. And a ceremony honoring a person's lifetime achievement is not the time nor the place to boo the present. It's a time to honor him for giving us a reason to cheer, and cry, for 50 years.


    There's plenty of oppurtunity to boo Ralph for the Bills' current state of affairs. Heck, there's a smart guy that's taking donations to put that message on billboards. There are plenty of other avenues to state your dislike of the current state of the franchise. It would be far more effective to pursue one of them.


    I've said it before, and I'll say it one last time, I read threads like this and it's like listening to some spoiled little brat kid pissing and moaning about their parents. How much they hate them. How unfair life is. Because they wanted a new Porsche for their birthday and all they got was Mustang. Whaaa... whaaaa Mommy and Daddy have so much money, they should give it all to me, me, me.



    nothing any of us can do , even collectively, will make a positive difference in his decision on the fate of the team. In the end, a symbolic act would only make disgruntled fans feel a little less powerless and I think that's a good thing. Expecting a porsche versus expecting a playoff game every 10 years or so is not equivalent.

  11. All of you who want to boo Ralph...that's an indication as to why you'll never accomplish something worthy of a ceremony. As birdog said, Ralph has kept the team here. He deserves some recognition.

    I think you misunderstood me. and being supplicant is not a prerequisite for honor

  12. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!


    Any win, regardless of circumstances, is exciting as hell. Can we just enjoy the win for a day before we start complaining?

    Nice to see a win but exciting? Not so much. Watching on an internet stream the comments from the panthers fans were some of the most entertaining things in the game- "just hand it to Deangelo g..dammit! stated over and over. Don't know why Fox didn't listen but glad he didn't. Byrd IS exciting however. maybe he can play offense too. Seems to catch a lot better than TO.
  13. Slightly off topic, but what makes Ralph tick? I don't quite understand how he values different things and makes his decisions. His franchise is worth hundreds of millions and he has more money than he and his entire family could spend in many generations. More power to him, but why is the highest bidder and estate taxes among his key considerations? Why does saving a couple million on an inferior head coach make sense to him? I'm just wondering where the total lack of Jerry Jones / George Steinbrenner / Mark Cuban / Art Moreno comes from. I guess he has made himself a small market advocate and that probably is a source of joy for him more than winning or competing each year would be...

    My guess would be narcissistic personality disorder though most if not all of the names mentioned are likely afflicted (but not as much as those who are unfortunate enough to have contact with them). RW craves admiration, power and money and a small market is a small pond in which to be a fish. He is inherently frugal (probably from living through the depression) and net worth is a much higher priority than football success. If you're not into psychobabble, he may just be a miserly, old, self obsessed cuss. The C.M. Burns character from the Simpsons is truly an apt caricature: "one dollar for eternal happiness. I'd rather have the dollar".

  14. It's not so much thinking like him, but being able to afford it. Ralph's right..they're not raising ticket prices because of the WNY economy. Sure, there's a lot of people who CAN afford to pay a lot more...but there's a lot of diehard fans who can't afford to pay much more. Ralph knows it and values all the fans, not just the wealthier ones

    Please, oh please, step away from the sheep costume. Ralph is not a friend to the oppressed (eg Bills fans). Saint Ralph will charge what the market can bear. If he could charge Dallas prices and price out the riff raff, he would and no one could blame him. What I think most blame him for is his failure to lead a winning enterprise in a football sense.

  15. This season is giving me deja vu. In 1998, the Bills started 1-3 with Rob Johnson, and he was being sacked left and right. He gets injured, then Flutie came in and started winning games, gets into the playoffs. NOT because Flutie was really much better than Johnson, but because he wasn't getting sacked 8 times a game like Johnson. I see a lot of Rob Johnson in Edwards and a lot of Flutie in Fitzpatrick. I really think Fitzy will get us into the playoffs.

    If we were to miraculously make the playoffs with Fitzpatrick, Ralph would step in and insist that Edwards start the first playoff game and we'd lose.

  16. You almost have to wonder why they are offering such a great alternative? I mean it kind of devalues the actual product. Why should I spend money on tickets and schlepping out to a freezing stadium when i can sit in front of my 50" HDTV and watch the exciting moments of EVERY game with no commercials? It's almost like it's too good to be true. It's equally great if you are a gambler and/or fantasy football junkie. You don't miss a thing.
    It's to placate fans like us who root for perennial losers. It may be effective but it sure feels manipulative. What you miss in many cities is a chance cheer for a team that has even the slimmest chance of winning a championship. The owners know it and try to fill the void.
  17. Way too many teams out of the running early every season. Makes for a lot less marquee matchups. I can't get over the feeling that I'm just watching one billionaire's ego fight against another billionaire's. I haven't bought Sunday Ticket in 3 years now and generally just watch parts of games (although I did watch every second of the Bills-NE game). Fantasy football keeps some interest in the losing teams but I don't think enough to make a difference. Unbridled greed, as evidenced by the seat licenses, is ruining the experience for many fans including me. I think people are finding other activities can be more satisfying than the NFL on weekends. I always argued that the NFL distilled the best talent and was superior to watching college ball but now I prefer the college game. Still considering going to the Bills-Titans or Carolina games this year but at this point I'm much more likely to go to a Virginia Tech game or 2 or even a UT game. In the last 5 years, I've enjoyed the college games I've been to much more than the pros. I'll bet, given the choice, many other long time pro fans (and maybe even bills fans) make this choice.

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