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1st Ammendment NoMas

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Everything posted by 1st Ammendment NoMas

  1. I heard he did and maybe that's the problem. McD is supposedly calling the D.
  2. Right when you start doing your Bills happy dance, something like this happens. I really hope it's nothing but a stinger and he's back playing this game.
  3. Josh's deep ball wasn't really gone. Foster just couldn't track it. Reminded me of the Desean Hamilton in the Denver game tonight. Wide open, all alone and he can't get to it. Announcer says it was an overthrown then the commentator says its on Hamiltion for not tracking it and getting his arms out. All I could think of was Foster doing that same thing and everyone saying Josh wasn't accurate.
  4. I can understand why everyone would go MIA here. We finally believe we had a legit team and the implosion on the field led to explosions throughout the world for Bills fans. I hadn't gotten this emotional over a game in a long time. My normal assortment of cursing at the tv was intact, but this led to body shakes. If they lost after all this, my head would go through the roof. No amount of alcohol could cure that wound. After the game, it was a relief but the bitter juice of the collapse kept coursing through my veins. I didn't even come back to look here until today.
  5. Maybe put Dodson in, move Edmunds outside and send Klein to the bench.
  6. That's my feeling right now. My nerves are frazzled but I'm happy.
  7. I would mind separating the refs heads from their bodies with a TD
  8. What are we going to do on D? We have to make a stop this half.
  9. WTF is wrong with you. Not good.. Kicking their ass is good. This is BS
  10. I'm boiling over after all this bullsh*t with refs trying to let LA back in. Seriously terrible officiating. We need to wakeup and shove it down there f'kin throats now.
  11. Blatant sh^t calls to let them in. That was 3 crap officiating calls in a row swinging 14 pts. WTF
  12. Exactly WTF these ####### refs are f'king. things up. Total BS
  13. Those kind of calls need to go to the league office. That's total f'kin bull####.
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