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Everything posted by DaBills51

  1. Brown needs to watch it with the jawing after the play. Coach needs to get in his face when he gets back to the sideline.
  2. So sick of run run pass when you're down to your 3rd rb in a one score game.
  3. Time to open it with Taylor. Let's see if he can put a team away.
  4. If shady is hurt the bills need to open it up on O. I would rather give Taylor and Sammy a shot then Boobie or the new guy.
  5. Woods needs to be aware of where he is in relation to the sideline.
  6. Felton blocked no one there. I hate him more and more each week. Especially since he continues to complain about his role in offense.
  7. Are people really blaming STs for a good punt by Lechler. What could they have done here? Please enlighten me.
  8. How many times does Gilmore injure himself coming up on tackles like that? Seems like it happens every couple weeks.
  9. I guess you missed the article where Sammy said they can't let things like clouds affect their game. People made a big deal out of it.
  10. Looks cloudy there. Hopefully that doesn't have a negative impact on Sammy and the rest of the team.
  11. Bills need to run that draw more on 3rd down. Panthers do it all the time with Cam and it always seems to work.
  12. This game feels an awful lot like last week. Offense putting up points against one of the best defenses in the league, and the defense is getting shredded by a mediocre offense. 200 yards given up by the D already.
  13. If he ever says anything positive about Tyrod I'd be shocked. Doesn't comment on good TT plays like the TD. He just feels the need to comment on every incompletion. I honestly think he gets pissed when Taylor makes plays cause it goes against his anti-TT agenda.
  14. I think Robey had no idea what to do there. It's more clear each week that these guys are too confused out there.
  15. Tyrod throws for 290 TDs with 3 TDs (none in garbage time) and runs for another 45 on 5 carries against a top ten defense (statistically - not just some BS opinion) on the road, and everyone is acting like QB is the number one problem. I can't believe the Bills finally have a QB worth developing, and everyone wants to run him out of town after 11 games. And I can't wait to hear everyone tell me about Taylor not passing the "eye test" because he basically doesn't remind them of Tom Brady.
  16. Yep - that's all it takes. You draft one and they're automatically a star. Problems solved. Find me a rookie QB better then Tyrod - who is 5-3 as a starter with 2 losses against an undefeated team btw.
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